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“汽车零部件争端”的成因与解决路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发生在中国与欧盟等国家和地区的汽车零部件争端,其实质是如何解决美、日、欧这些汽车生产大国对中国的关税规避,这种规避的成因主要源于中国入世工作组报告中的相关承诺。本文在分析这一争端的起源之后,着重探讨中方在此次磋商中的几点抗辩理由,并在此基础上提出今后解决类似争端的几种路径。  相似文献   

如何认识我国人世以来参与WTO争端解决活动的政策与实践,并对我国在WTO争端解决活动中的表现及其成效进行客观合理的评价,是当前值得关注的重要问题。本文首先分析13年来的WTO争端解决活动,而后以此为基础上,评论我国在WTO争端解决活动中的表现及其成效,最后提出几点建议,以便于我国进一步参与WTO争端解决活动。  相似文献   

2008年7月18日,世界贸易组织(WTO)争端解决机构专家组公布了中国影响汽车零部件进口措施案的裁决报告,我国在此次争端中败诉。我们认为,不应以贸易争端胜诉或败诉作为判断中国应对WTO是否成功的关键,从贸易争端中获得经济利益是最重要的,我国应该继续利用WTO争端解决机制为我国汽车整车产业和零部件产业提供支持。同时我们也应注意采取更有策略性的贸易措施来保护国内产业。  相似文献   

区域贸易争端解决机制是区域贸易协定中的重要内容,也是各国应对贸易争端,解决问题问题的有效机制。当前,区域贸易争端解决机制的完善已经成为很多国家进行贸易保护,提升贸易安全性所采取的必要措施之一。本文分析了区域贸易争端解决机制构建的必要性,分析了当今主要区域贸易安排下争端解决机制,并以我国东盟自由贸易区争端解决机制为案例,探究我国在区域贸易争端解决机制改革中需要完善的方面,为促进我国贸易争端解决,促进贸易经济健康稳定发展提供参考。  相似文献   

中国汽车零部件争端案败诉加入WTO以来首次被专家组裁定败诉7月18日,WTO发布欧盟、美国、加拿大诉我国汽车零部件争端案的专家组报告,裁定我对构成整车特征的进口汽车零部件按整车征收关税的措施违反了WTO有关协议的规定。这是我加入WTO以来首次被专家组裁定败诉。按照世贸组织争端解决程序,中国有权就专家组的裁决结果提出上诉。上诉将由世贸组织的上诉机构来处理。  相似文献   

非违反之诉作为世贸组织争端解决机制中的一种特殊制度,它是由其前身关贸总协定经过几十年的争端解决实践逐步发展而来。非违反之诉是世贸组织争端解决机制中不可或缺的一项制度,对其适用要件的问题仍有待进一步的探讨以避免被滥用。  相似文献   

WTO上诉机构作为WTO争端解决机构中的常设机构,在世界经济环境瞬息万变的今天,对国际贸易争端的有效缓解和解决起到了至关重要的作用,然而,其所面临的挑战也在不断显现.其中,争端解决程序的效率拖延问题已经成为各成员方讨论的焦点,程序的拖延使WTO成员方开始寻求其他程序解决争端,很大程度上影响了WTO争端解决机制的可靠性和有效性.本文结合WTO上诉争端解决效率拖延的典型案例,剖析了其中的原因,指出了需要重视的几个问题.  相似文献   

第三方介入制度是WTO争端解决程序中的一项具有特色且非常重要的制度。本文介绍了第三方介入制度的形成与发展,并在分析第三方在争端解决中的权限以及第三方介入制度运行的基础上,提出我国作为第三方介入WTO争端解决的对策。  相似文献   

认真对待WTO争端解决机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
编者按:如何认识我国入世以来参与WTO争端解决活动的政策与实践,并对我国在WTO争端解决活动中的表现及其成效进行客观合理的评价,是当前值得关注的一个重要问题.  相似文献   

随着WTO争端解决机构受理的贸易争端案件数量的上升,为了确保正当程序的要求,专家组和上诉机构在实践中发展完善了关于商业秘密的保密规则。熟悉并掌握商业秘密的保密规则,有利于维护我国在争端解决机制中的国家利益,保护涉案企业的商业利益。  相似文献   

European Union (EU) state aid policy has an oft-overlooked but politically-charged external dimension that is most clearly witnessed in the linkage with external trade relations. The article seeks to illuminate the issues and potential problems raised by this state aid-trade linkage. When this linkage is made, the EU engages in an array of complex international interactions through which it may pursue two politically-contentious procedures: countervailing duties or dispute settlement. The article argues that an understanding of the EU’s role in these complex interactions must take into account the Union’s institutional landscape and the competing preferences of different private interests. When deciding to impose countervailing duties against foreign state aids (subsidies), private interests play a significant role in initiating investigations and can use their access to EU institutions to encourage the imposition of such measures. While a variety of factors help to explain why the EU prefers pursuing countervailing duties, the Union also actively uses the World Trade Organization’s formal dispute settlement mechanism. Under this alternative, private interests again play an important role, pursuing varying strategies depending on their preferences. The most important determinant of a firm’s preference to pursue countervailing duties or the dispute settlement mechanism appears to be the extent to which the firm is concerned with restoring competition in their home market or with restoring competition in multiple/global markets.  相似文献   

欧盟在华直接投资对中国与欧盟贸易的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文运用面板数据的方法,研究了欧盟在华直接投资对中国与欧盟贸易的影响,结论表明,欧盟在华直接投资促进了中国对欧盟各成员国的进出口贸易,但影响较小,影响中、欧贸易的主要因素是中国和欧盟各成员国的经济实力(GDP)。这表明欧盟在华投资企业的市场战略主要是针对中国广阔的国内市场的。文章最后部分对如何促进欧盟对华直接投资和扩大中、欧贸易提出了建议。  相似文献   

王锐  熊键 《商业研究》2003,(1):90-92
1998年10月开始生效的欧盟资料保护指令禁止个人资料向不具备欧盟适当隐私保护水平的第三国转移,这一做法无疑增加了中欧贸易的障碍,也不利于我国信用征信业的发展,为了避开禁令限制,根据欧盟指令的让步条款,结合WTO争端解决方式及美欧安全港协议,信用报告使用者、信用征信业和政府各有可行的应对策略。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the provisions of the Telemarketing Sales Rule, which the Federal Trade Commission promulgated in 1995 pursuant to the 1994 Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act. The author proposes a framework through which the Rule may be understood as embodying a regulatory strategy of controlling abusive telemarketing by enhancing the effectiveness of market forces. In particular, the Rule works by improving the quantity and quality of information flowing to consumers, preventing the occurrence of transactions that the consumer does not truly intend, preventing telemarketers from evading the effects of market forces governing availability of payment mechanisms, and enhancing the effectiveness of the contract regime.The article then applies the same framework to the 1997 Distance Selling Directive of the European Union, yielding several recommendations that EU member countries may find useful when transposing the Directive into national law. The author also discusses some of the special considerations that EU member countries should take account of when transposing the Directive's requirements in the context of electronic commerce.  相似文献   

Modeling the Caspian Sea Negotiations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective of this study is to identify techniques for predicting the outcome of a negotiation and then apply them to the current negotiations over the legal status of the Caspian Sea, which has been in dispute since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The five coastal states—Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan—entered negotiations in 1993, but have not yet agreed on who owns the waters or the oil and natural gas beneath them. We identify the five well-defined options for resolving the dispute and then discuss the states’ preferences regarding these options. We apply some well-known social choice rules to find the “socially optimal” resolution. Then we review several versions of Fallback Bargaining, which aims to minimize the maximum dissatisfaction of the bargainers, and apply them to the dispute. Finally, we represent the dispute in financial terms and apply several well-known bankruptcy procedures, which are fair division methods for settling monetary claims. We end with some suggestions on how the value of the Caspian seabed resources could be allocated among the five Caspian states.  相似文献   

欧盟是世界上第二大纺织品服装进口市场,每年进口的纺织品占全球总进口量的31%,就进出口贸易总量来说,欧盟是全球纺织品服装的最大贸易方,在世界纺织品服装贸易中扮演着非常重要的角色。中国是对欧盟纺织品和服装出口最多的国家,是欧盟纺织品最大的供应国。欧盟东扩的实现将对我国纺织产品的出口产生重大影响,因此本通过对欧盟东扩后产生的贸易效应的分析来说明东扩后可能对我国纺织业出口产生的一定影响。  相似文献   

中国与欧盟农产品产业内贸易实证分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基于产业内贸易理论,采用格鲁贝尔—洛伊德指数、布吕哈特边际产业内贸易指数、汤姆&麦克杜威尔水平和垂直产业内贸易指数,本文综合评估了1996年以来中国与欧盟15国农产品产业内贸易水平及结构特征。实证分析结果显示:中国与欧盟整体农产品产业内贸易水平较高,且以技术差异为特征的垂直型产业内贸易为主;双方四大类农产品产业内贸易水平呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

Consumer credit, as an important aspect of the free movement of capital, has for a long time now been subject to European Union regulations. However, one important aspect of consumer credit, over-indebtedness, has not been acknowledged in the Consumer Credit directives of 1978 and 2009, nor is there any other European Union law instrument that addresses over-indebtedness or insolvency of consumers. The only European-level document addressing the problem of over-indebtedness of ordinary people is the Council of Europe Recommendation of 2007. In European Union law, over-indebtedness can and should be approached from several angles. The Insolvency Regulation (2000) does not directly address situations facing the consumer debtor and leaves it up to the discretion of the Member States to include or exclude insolvency proceedings for consumer debtors regarding the scope of the Regulation. There can be little doubt that the European Union has a legal basis for action in this field, and it has also used its competence in a number of related issues, such as general insolvency law and enforcement of judgments. Case C-461/11, in which Advocate General delivered her opinion on Sept 13th, 2012 shows that national insolvency procedures for natural persons may constitute a restriction on the freedom of movement. This article argues that, even in the absence of a European Union law instrument, the Member States should recognize debt adjustment judgments made in another Member State and that there is a need for a regulation in the European Union law in this field.  相似文献   

欧盟对华出口产品反倾销调查的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国出口产品出口速度过快、出口价格相对过低、出口企业市场经济地位的难以获得是我国出口产品频遭欧盟反倾销调查的原因。因此,控制出口速度、调整出口产品的价格、争取市场经济地位待遇是我国出口企业避免反倾销风险的有效策略。  相似文献   

Although the Treaty of Amsterdam has not lived up to the expectations of those who wanted a substantially stronger and more active European Union, it has expanded considerably the competences of the Union. In some policy areas such as social policy, it has added significantly to the obligations of the member states. By implication, the policy discretion of member states has been reduced further. The reasonable question that arises is whether the Union will and whether it should keep encroaching on the policy discretion (some use the word sovereignty) of its member states? The aim of this paper is to provide an answer to that question with respect to the economic functions of member states.  相似文献   

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