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本研究以460名企业员工为样本,探讨了心理安全感和集体主义倾向在组织伦理氛围与员工建言行为关系中分别起到的中介和调节作用.研究表明:关怀型、规则型伦理氛围对员工建言行为有显著的正向影响,并且心理安全感在其间起到了部分中介作用;工具型伦理氛围对心理安全感和建言行为没有显著影响;集体主义倾向在心理安全感与建言行为间的关系中存在显著的调节效应.  相似文献   

文章采用实证的研究方法,探讨了下属的个人特质、逢迎与上司的破坏性领导行为之间的关系,结果表明:(1)下属的宜人性和责任心特质对破坏性领导行为具有显著的负向影响,下属的宜人性和责任心越高,越不会引发破坏性领导行为;(2)逢迎本身对破坏性领导行为没有显著的直接影响,但宜人性在逢迎与破坏性领导行为之间起调节作用,下属逢迎仅在具有宜人性特质的时候才会发挥效应.  相似文献   

In this paper, the validity of vignette analyses of various forms of deviant behavior in the presence of opportunities is analyzed on the basis of ideas derived from cognitive psychology. Abelson’s Script Theory together with insights into human memory of visual and verbal information, allow the assumption that vignette analyses using visual stimuli are valid measures of deviant behavior in particular. The study includes an empirical examination of these ideas (n = 450). Nonparticipant observations and vignette analyses with visual and verbal material were carried out with regard to three forms of deviant behavior occurring in the presence of opportunities presenting themselves in everyday life. Observed and self-reported frequencies of deviant behavior or deviant intentions were counted and cross-tabulated. Log-linear analyses with dummy coding using observation data as reference category were run. Data analyses yielded the result that frequencies of deviant behavior were related to the techniques of data collection under consideration. Especially vignette analyses of the return of ‘lost letters’ that use both visual and verbal stimuli overestimate ‘actual’ (i.e. observed) return rates. This result is discussed with regard to the underlying methodological assumptions as well as its implications.  相似文献   

职场中越轨行为很普遍且隐蔽性较高,给企业造成巨大的经济损失。为了组织的良性发展,企业需主动干预职场越轨行为。同样地,非正式群体也广泛存在与各类正式组织中。非正式群体具备正向功能与负向功能。本文着重探讨企业非正式群体的正向功能,即分析它通过情感认同、‘规范’属性、对核心人物的信任三类媒介,促进员工良性互动,满足员工情感需求以及促进个体对组织的价值认同,从而对职场的越轨行为产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

企业要在激烈的竞争环境中获得更多的竞争优势,必须重视企业的绩效创造。影响绩效的因素有很多,基于知识分享视角的研究较少。该文从知识分享视角就影响员工绩效的因素进行了分析和研究并得出:知识分享对员工的绩效有比较大的正向影响;这种影响没有受到年龄、学历、司龄的影响。本文的研究结果为企业提供了不同的管理视角和决策支持。  相似文献   

This article offers a theoretical framework and empirical analysis for explaining regional differences in the United States between culture, trust, and ethical behaviors in workplaces. Drawing on a branch of behavioral economics that uses “cultural cognition” to describe social factors influencing values and ethical decision making, we argue that an orientation toward a hierarchical or individualistic view of society erodes levels of generalized trust. A lack of generalized trust among citizens and workers is associated with employers’ illegal activity to impede union organizing activity, which we define as a violation of ethical standards. We tested our model at the US state level of analysis and found that trust mediates the relationship between social values of hierarchy and unfair labor practices. To conclude, we suggest connections between the theory and its implications for the impact of culture on a firm’s responses to workers’ exercise of their rights of collective action.  相似文献   

We build on Boltanski and Thévenot's theory of justification to account for the ways in which different stakeholder groups actively engage with discourses and objects to maintain the legitimacy of institutions that are relevant to their activity. We use this framework to analyse a controversy emerging from a nuclear accident which involved a large European energy company and sparked public debate on the legitimacy of nuclear power. Based on the findings, we elaborate a process model of institutional repair that explains the role of agents and the structural constraints they face in attempting to maintain legitimacy. The model enhances institutional understandings of legitimacy maintenance in three main respects: it proposes a view of legitimacy maintenance as a controversy‐based process progressing through stakeholders' justifications vis‐à‐vis a public audience; it demonstrates the role of meta‐level ‘orders of worth’ as multiple modalities for agreement which shape stakeholders' public justifications during controversies; and it highlights the capacities that stakeholders deploy in developing robust justifications out of a plurality of forms of agreement.  相似文献   

不道德经营的本质在于经营者与部分利害相关者的零和思维,这一思维模式使自我实现和高峰体验失去了出现的可能,使身心健康遭到损害,并可能因为激发受害者的敌意而遭受不良作用。  相似文献   

顾客购买产品,是用来消费的。产品通过交换,转移到顾客手中,顾客就开始了质量的消费过程。所谓“消费”,就是使用并消耗产品,其本质就是使用产品并消耗产品的质量。当然,这儿说的“消费”,不仅仅是消费品的消费,也包括生产资料类产品的使用和消耗。一方面,随着消费过程的进展,产品质量逐步降低,  相似文献   

当今,“变革”成为组织应对金融危机、提高生存能力的重要路径.然而,组织变革不仅需要优化生产方式、组织结构和规章制度,还有赖于领导者思想的转变.在这种背景下,变革型领导正逐渐成为时代所呼唤的领导方式,并被大量研究证实能够提升下属和组织的福祉.为了更好地预测、选拔和提升变革型领导,有必要探索变革型领导的形成机理.文章基于个体与环境两条线索,从心理特质、社会认知、情绪情感、自我决定、资源保存、社会学习、人与组织匹配七个理论视角陈述了变革型领导的前因机制,并在此基础上归纳出一个整合模型.通过这项工作,希望能够为国内学者打开变革型领导的前因黑箱,并为组织如何预测、选拔和培养变革型领导提供理论指导.  相似文献   

基于资源保存理论,本文探讨员工资质过高感对工作退缩行为的影响,并考察心理授权在二者关系间的调节作用.在现有文献和理论推导的基础上提出相关研究假设,运用221份有效样本数据对所提假设进行实证检验.研究结果表明:员工的资质过高感正向预测工作退缩行为;心理授权在员工资质过高感与工作退缩行为的关系间的确发挥了调节作用.  相似文献   

以自我认知为分析视角,检验了资历过高感知影响员工组织公民行为的认知机制及其边界条件.基于235份主管-下属配对样本,实证分析结果表明:资历过高感知负向影响组织指向的组织公民行为,对人际指向的组织公民行为的影响不显著,组织自尊在资历过高感知与组织指向的组织公民行为之间起到了部分中介作用,心理脱离负向调节资历过高感知对组织自尊的负向影响,并调节了组织自尊的中介作用.消极情感特质对资历过高感知与组织自尊的调节作用不显著.  相似文献   

The current literature on the use of disruptive innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) for human resource management (HRM) function, lacks a theoretical basis for understanding. Further, the adoption and implementation of AI-augmented HRM, which holds promise for delivering several operational, relational and transformational benefits, is at best patchy and incomplete. Integrating the technology, organisation and people (TOP) framework with core elements of the theory of innovation assimilation and its impact on a range of AI-Augmented HRM outcomes, or what we refer to as (HRM(AI)), this paper develops a coherent and integrated theoretical framework of HRM(AI) assimilation. Such a framework is timely as several post-adoption challenges, such as the dark side of processual factors in innovation assimilation and system-level factors, which, if unattended, can lead to the opacity of AI applications, thereby affecting the success of any HRM(AI). Our model proposes several testable future research propositions for advancing scholarship in this area. We conclude with implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

Antecedents and outcomes of organizational commitment   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  

员工建言对组织决策乃至长远发展都至关重要.文章首次将心理可得性、差错反感文化纳入工作自主性与建言行为的关系中进行研究,基于社会交换理论、资源保存理论等,探讨了心理可得性作为中介变量,差错反感文化作为调节变量的影响机制.通过对新疆、河南、上海等地246份企业员工的调查问卷实证研究发现:工作自主性显著正向影响员工建言行为,心理可得性在两者间起部分中介作用,差错反感文化在两者间起负向调节作用.这对企业员工工作自主性的形成、心理可得性的培养、良好组织文化的建立有重要启示.  相似文献   

本文对“组织公民行为”的内涵进行了剖析,将“公民行为”概念从个体层面扩展到了组织层面,提出用“组织间公民行为”来表达组织在长期交换中的一些特定行为,并梳理出了它的5个代表性维度.本文同时结合关系契约和心理契约理论,构建出了一个组织间公民行为的发生机制;其中,将心理契约引入该机制中,更是提出了一个新的分析视角,完善了现有的组织间关系研究范式.本文进而以3个具体例子对该机制进行了阐述,为组织进行关系管理提出了建议,为未来的研究指明了方向.  相似文献   

This study tests the Ferris, Buckley, and Allen (Human Resource Planning, 15, 47–68) model of promotion systems in organizations assessing the promotion systems in Fortune 500 companies in six industry groups. Relationships were found between characteristics of organizations (e.g., the extent of their career planning and their affirmative action practices and organizational outcomes including numbers of grievances filed, industry rank on sales, and employee attitudes concerning promotion opportunities. These results suggest that the Ferris, Buckley, and Allen (1992) model provides a useful framework for the study and development of organizations' promotion systems. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

在中国传统道德文化的熏陶下,道德领导将如何影响关系绩效呢?本文通过问卷调查256名员工并进行实证分析,结果表明:心理资本在道德领导对关系绩效的作用中起部分中介作用,且道德领导对关系绩效具有正向影响。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the transferability of TQM practices to offshore manufacturing firms by validating direct and indirect relationships among top management commitment, HR-focused TQM practices, employee satisfaction, and employee loyalty. Our research objective is to isolate critical TQM practices that would enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty among maquiladora workers. On-site surveys were conducted at two leading maquiladora firms that have long implemented TQM. The statistical results indicate that employee empowerment, teamwork, and employee compensation have a significant and positive influence on employee satisfaction. The improved employee satisfaction leads to a higher level of employee loyalty. In addition, the results indicate that the effects of top management commitment on employee empowerment and teamwork are significantly mediated by employee training, implying that the success of employee empowerment and quality teams can be dependent upon the level of employee training.  相似文献   

This article focuses on antecedents of vertical integration. A model of vertical integration derived from transaction cost economics and the resource-based view is tested empirically with data from the mechanical maintenance services market in the hydroelectricity industry. The results show that asset specificity and closeness to present competence are positively related to vertical integration, while tacit knowledge is negatively related to vertical integration. The positive interaction effect between asset specificity and closeness to present competence on vertical integration is also supported, indicating that the decisions on insourcing and outsourcing can benefit from using transaction cost economics and the resource-based view in tandem.  相似文献   

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