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市场营销领域的时尚研究缘起、内容及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,赋予产品时尚特性已经成为营销实务界人士的主要工作,但营销领域对时尚的研究却并没有得到广泛的关注。文章通过对时尚研究文献进行梳理发现,对时尚的研究经历了一个从静态到动态、从单一学科分析到多学科结合研究、从简单定性研究到定性与定量分析相结合的过程,这显示了时尚研究的不断丰富,也为时尚理论研究及企业营销实践提供了重要的依据和方向。但纵观国内外营销领域有关时尚的研究,仍然存在很多有待进一步研究和探讨的地方。未来对时尚的研究应主要包括以下几个方面:一是时尚的维度问题,二是有关时尚价值的进一步研究,三是对时尚研究对象的扩展。这些问题的解决具有重要实践意义。  相似文献   

论文梳理了政务微博应用于应急信息管理的学术研究基本情况,包括政务微博的传播特性,政务微博的作用、存在的问题及成因,以及加强政务微博在应急信息管理中应用的对策等。国外学者比较重视案例研究方法,国内早期多侧重于理论性研究,近年来也开始注重实证分析。提出加强政务微博在应急信息管理中应用研究,必须进一步整合研究方法和研究思路,进一步拓展研究视角,进一步深化研究内容。  相似文献   


Much advertising research is likely to seem trivial to advertising practitioners and academicians. This is because of two central dilemmas in advertising research. First is the dilemma of purpose: advertising research is too often undertaken for its own sake and thus seems to have a trivial purpose. Second is the dilemma of method: advertising research is often perceived as trivial because it is based on faulty or ill-conceived research procedures. There is much opportunity, particularly for academicians, to pursue non-trivial advertising research. This opportunity originates in the practice of advertising but is not trivial because of it. Specific examples of non-trivial research opportunities in copy research and media research are described and discussed.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,我国外资并购呈现出快速发展的态势。学术界对于外资并购在企业发展、产业安全和经济安全中的作用一直存在很大的争议。目前的大部分研究着眼于宏观层面的分析,而对于产业层面与企业层面的经济安全研究的较少。本文在系统回顾与评述了国内外代表性文献与观点的基础上指出,未来的研究需要从静态研究扩展到动态研究、从定性分析扩展到定量分析、从宏观分析扩展到微观分析。涵盖微观、中观、宏观的多层次研究是今后进一步研究的重点与难点之所在。  相似文献   

通过对14年来我国学者在外语学习策略方面的研究论文的统计分析显示·我国外语学习策略研究之14年来,存在着研究定位雷同、研究样本不全面、研究方法单一、对核心概念界定模糊等问题,影响了策略研究的信度和效度。因此,在未来的研究中,应明确策略研究涉及的核心概念,多从微观层面入手调整研究定位。同时,还要扩大研究样本。高度重视高职高专群体。除此之外,还要熟悉科学研究方法,在综述和调查研究之外多综合运用其他研究方法,以使我国外语学习策略研究更具有可验证性和推广性。  相似文献   

Forgiveness and reconciliation have been shown to be beneficial alternatives to revenge as responses to an interpersonal offense in the workplace. Prior research on these topics, however, is often narrow in scope, focusing on only the victim. Moreover, existing research is often unclear about the relationship between forgiveness and reconciliation. In response, this article proposes a conceptual framework of forgiveness, reconciliation, and their respective antecedents which is both multi-level and interdisciplinary. This framework is used to review the nascent management-related research on forgiveness and reconciliation, and to augment this research from other fields, especially social psychology. Future research directions and managerial implications are proposed based on the multi-level model and research from other fields.  相似文献   

This article provides a comprehensive and systematic review of the product placement literature in order to map the thematic development of product placement research, help researchers understand the current research status, and suggest directions for future research. A pool of 874 publications related to product placement in mass media was retrieved from the Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCOhost, and Google Scholar databases. Bibliometric and network analyses were used to identify the leading journals, scholars, and publications to capture information about emerging issues and to map the development of product placement research. Three major clusters of product placement research were identified: (1) basic concepts, fundamental research frameworks, and empirical studies on product placement in movies and television programs; (2) empirical studies on product placement in games, especially focusing on children and food product placements; and (3) empirical studies on the effects and underlying mechanisms of product placement disclosures. This article concludes by suggesting a future research agenda for product placement research.  相似文献   

两宋时期佛教史学人才辈出,著述颇丰。这些文献著录了许多唐五代史事,是研究唐史的又一个史料宝库。它大大补充了唐五代佛教史研究的史料来源,是研究唐五代佛教发展的重要依据之一。另一方面,宋代佛教史籍也是研究唐代世俗史的重要史料之一。诸如社会变迁、唐代士大夫政治斗争、宦官与佛教之间关系、民间社会生活状况等问题在宋代佛教史籍中都有不同程度的反映。  相似文献   

This article aims to analyze systematically academic papers concerning organizational learning and learning organizations in the China Academic Journals Full-text Database (CAJ) published after 2000. A detailed review was conducted of their main findings, publication time, research methods, subjects (themes), and source of funding to depict the current state of research on organizational learning and learning organizations in China on three different levels, namely organizational, team and individual levels of learning. Based on the comprehensive review of literature, this article proposes future directions for organizational learning research and practice in China. Suggestions are offered to advance further research and practice in China.  相似文献   

This research updates and significantly extends Akaah and Riordon’s (J Market Res 26:112–120, 1989) evaluation of ethical perceptions of marketing research misconduct among marketing research professionals. In addition to examining changes in perceptions toward key marketing research practices over time, we assess professionals’ judgments on the ethicality, importance, and occurrence of a variety of new marketing research ethics situations in both online and offline contexts. In a second study, we assess ethical judgments of the public at large using a representative sample of US consumers—key stakeholders ignored in prior research on unethical marketing research practices. Generally speaking, disapproval of unethical research conduct has grown across the board in the last 20?years for both managers and marketing researchers. The same misconduct elicits a stronger disapproval in the online environment compared to the offline environment. Compared to marketing researchers, managers tend to think that unethical research conduct occurs more frequently. Those who conduct marketing research or use its findings (i.e., marketing researchers and managers) are less tolerant of unethical research conduct than the general public.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to review the research activities in information systems (IS) in the mainland of China. We reviewed and analyzed a total of 859 research papers in information systems published in 18 leading academic journals in business and management in the mainland from 1999 to 2005. Applying the content analysis method, we first categorized the papers by their reference disciplines, research topics, research methods, and the units of analysis. The data were then compared with the results of similar Western studies. Results show that, among the published IS research papers in the mainland of China, IS research itself represents the primary theoretical reference discipline; organizational and system/software issues are the main topics of the focus; non-empirical studies were the dominant research method; and the majority of studies were conducted at the organizational and/or system level. Compared with the West, IS research in China demonstrates its own characteristics in theoretical foundations, research focuses, and research methods, and there are a number of areas that need to be improved. Translated from Guanli Kexue Xuebao 맜理科学学报 (Journal of Management Sciences in China), 2006, 9(2): 76–85 The original published paper was based on the data from 1999 to 2003. The current paper is based on the data from 1999 to 2005  相似文献   

As the latest contributor in this invited article series, I offer my perspective on conducting and publishing advertising research and navigating the review process. I also discuss the importance of the relevance of research to advertising practice, with a particular emphasis on the role that theory plays in making research relevant. In addition, I offer a few general observations about future advertising research.  相似文献   

会计服务业服务创新模式的多案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过创新提升我国会计服务业的行业竞争力是迫切的现实需要,创新模式的研究是创新研究的基础,而现有服务创新模式缺乏应有的理论支撑。本文按照多案例研究方法,采用扎根理论的方法分析案例资料,对会计服务业的服务创新模式进行了探索性研究,得出先导型服务创新模式和反应型服务创新模式两类典型的服务创新模式,并对其内涵和特征进行深入剖析,还揭示了两类模式之间的相互关系和作用。本文为会计服务业的创新活动提供了直接的指导,并扩展了服务创新模式的研究。  相似文献   

在对转型经济的类型学研究中,激进.渐进二分法曾经是主流的研究方法,它对于理解不同体制转型的特点、内在机理,区分各自理论依据乃至哲学基础都起到了重要的推动作用。但随着世界各国体制转轨的不断推进和人们对转型经济研究的不断深入,这一研究方法开始面临越来越严峻的挑战,日益暴露出其局限性。本文旨在对二分法做出客观的评价,以推进转型经济研究的进一步深入。  相似文献   

This study examines the contributions of Chinese entrepreneurship research to academic knowledge and its practical implications. Specifically, we investigate how Chinese entrepreneurship research meets the standards of rigor and relevance based on a review of 64 papers published in five major scholarly journals in the Chinese mainland. Results show that Chinese entrepreneurship research has paid comparatively little attention to the “rigor” dimension, while focusing more heavily on practical relevance than on academic relevance on the “relevance” dimension. Future directions for China’s entrepreneurship research are also discussed.  相似文献   

管理者过度自信研究最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡国柳  孙楠 《财经论丛》2011,(4):111-115
行为经济学家和心理学家将认知心理学的理论及研究范式引入到企业财务经济学研究领域,提出了管理者过度自信的命题,并围绕这一命题从理论与实证角度展开了大量富有成效的研究。本文从管理者过度自信的内涵、影响因素及其度量三个角度对国内外学者的相关成果进行了梳理①,在评析现有研究成果的基础上,对该领域未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The two latest Five-Year Plans of China call for an increasing focus of the whole country on technology-based innovation. Moreover, China’s ambition to become an innovation-oriented nation has attracted widespread international interest and academic studies in technology and innovation management. However by now, there is still not a rigorous amount of the research in this field as regards to China. This paper reports a comprehensive review of the research published between 2002 and 2011 in twelve top technology and innovation management international journals. Overall, a sample of 241 relevant articles in 780 issues is used as the basis for the study. The result is a map of the main research topics, their influence, and the availability of tested empirical data, which traces a state-of-the-art research on technology innovation management in China. Discussion on the map draws avenues for further research and insights for both researchers and policy makers on why, where and how to advance knowledge in the field, with a particular focus on implications for developing cooperation at the enterprise level.  相似文献   

Dietary supplement advertising is an important, yet neglected, advertising research subject. This article overviews the US dietary supplement industry, describes advertising practices for dietary supplement products, and reviews the existing research on the topic. Based on the literature review, we offer a research agenda for advertising researchers around the world to stimulate and guide future investigations of dietary supplement advertising.  相似文献   

In this paper we present some reflections on the development and state of research in marketing in Europe. After briefly putting European research in a historical perspective, we devote a major section to discussing the institutional setting in which research takes place. We believe that the institutional setting is a crucial determinant of research. We then discuss numumber of European research accomplishments. We essentially limit ourselves to marketing models and industrial marketing, our own major areas of interest. In the final section we list some challenges for the future and discuss how they could be turned into opportunities.  相似文献   

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