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最近的十几年里,联盟是航空运输业发展的重要原动力之一,资料显示加入联盟使航空公司平均增加了15~20%的收入。但是最近几年随着整个世界民航运输量增长速度的减缓,加上一些联盟中核心航空  相似文献   

邹颖萍 《空运商务》2014,(11):10-10
天合联盟大中华地区4家成员公司:台湾“中华”航空、中国东方航空、中国南方航空和厦门航空组成的“大中华携手飞”品牌,2014年运力较2013年增长了8.8%,代码共享航班增加79.5%,在两岸民航运输服务中占据第一优势,为旅客提供更便捷的服务。  相似文献   

三大国有航空公司纷纷加入国际航空联盟,客观的说对其发展有利有弊,但是总体来说只要把握住机遇,是能够给三大航带来竞争力的。面对越来越复杂的国内外环境和入盟条件的严格限制,对于民营航空公司来说加入航空联盟并非是有益的。民营航空应该根据自身的战略目标,寻求具有稀缺资源或者互补型资源的企业,达成战略联盟。  相似文献   

构建高职教育战略联盟,实现规模化、集团化、连锁化应作为高职教育组织关系中的制度创新和发展现代高职教育的重要手段。战略联盟实施的关键在于观念的转变、政府重视和风险控制。  相似文献   

从上世纪末直到今天,全球航空公司掀起一股联盟浪潮,并有愈演愈烈之势。航空联盟既是航空公司满足旅客对“无缝隙服务”需求以获取竞争优势的需要,也是天空开放受到严格限制下航空公司跨国合作的现实选择。事实证明,航空联盟不仅能提高客座率、发挥网络经济、降低运营成本以提高航空公司竞争力,还能够增加航线资源的互补性和网络的通达性,并且可以简化旅客购买机票的手续、为旅客提供高质量的无缝隙服务。  相似文献   

在网络竞争环境下,企业之间需要有既竞争又合作的"双赢"战略思维。为了分散风险,凝聚优势,创造利益,不同企业的合作,可以通过知识、信息和资源的相互交换、共享和获取,获得持续竞争优势。因此,在研究企业战略时必须嵌入企业的关系网络视角。企业战略网络作为一种战略资源、制度安排和新的战略管理模式正在受到广泛关注。本文在战略网络提出、动因分析的基础上,对战略联盟的关系类型、战略网络节点企业间的关系、关系效应及其与竞争优势的作用作了探讨。  相似文献   

原媛  林文乾 《空运商务》2012,(11):18-19
本刊讯2012年6月7日,中国东方航空与上海机场、天合联盟正式签署三方合作备忘录,承诺将通过开展“天合港”、“天合优享”、“天合中转”三大服务协作项目,共同致力于优化航空运输服务流程、为广大旅客提供更高效、优质的出行体验,为把上海打造成为世界一流的航空枢纽港奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

为促进航空市场的发展,12月19日,中国北方区域机场航空市场战略联盟第十一届航班洽谈会在石家庄举行,吸引了来自华北、东北等区域的40余家机场以及全国30余家航空公司的代表。作为此次活动的承办方,河北机场管理集团有限公司总经理张彦杰表示,中国北方区域机场航空市场战略联盟的成立在全国率先实现了不同航空公司间的干支线航班无缝对接,使分散的旅客和航线等航空资源得以共享,优势实现互补,实现了优化中转服务以及航空收入共赢的目标。通过联盟化进程,加强航线网络对接、中转衔接服务、航空中转销售产品、航空市场的共同开发及与航空市场相关企业间的互动等方面的合作。对于繁荣联盟内的航空市场搭建了良好的平台。  相似文献   

最近,厦门航空公司加入天合联盟,成为其第19个成员,而深圳航空公司也继国航之后,成为被星空联盟吸收为成员的第二家国内航空公司。目前,国内航空公司陆续入盟,不仅再次成为议论的话题,也让人们看到走出去已经成为国内航空公司不可逆转的趋势。入盟的好处自不必多说,但是,如果我们仅此就认为是成功地走出去了,那么,笔者认为,这将在一定程度上,很难改变国内航企目前在国际上品牌认知度较低,在国际市场上只能处在跟随者的地位上,在那些拥有大品牌航空公司后面亦步亦趋。  相似文献   

一、基本内涵和特点 战略联盟,权威人士认为是由两个或两个以上企业组成,有着与生俱来的复合动力(竞争与合作),且对每个成员都具有战略重要性的,为达到发起公司整体目的和独立目标而进行相对持久的公司间合作经营管理的,试图通过跨行业、跨地区、跨所有制,利用与整合各成员可供资源和实力(技术决窍、产品、生产设备、管理经验、营销的分销渠道及融资等)的,以便对出现的技术变更与市场机会作出快速反应的经营形式。其目的是进一步增强企业的抗击风浪能力,规避和降低企业失败的风险,走出一条合作经营,  相似文献   

While there have been many studies of the impact of railroad deregulation on agricultural transportation markets there have been very few that address the impact of railroad mergers on rail grain prices and the distribution of efficiency gains. The purpose of this paper is to add to the sparse literature regarding the effect of railroad mergers on agricultural transportation markets. Given the ever declining number of Class I railroads, this research is very timely.The specific objectives of the research are as follows: (1) Analyze the impact of the Burlington Northern (BN)–Santa Fe (SF) merger on the ability of the BNSF to increase prices on movements of Kansas wheat to Houston, Texas. (2) Analyze the impact of the Union Pacific (UP)–Southern Pacific (SP) merger on the ability of the UPSP to increase prices on movements of Kansas wheat to Houston, Texas. (3) Analyze changes in Kansas wheat logistics system costs as a result of the BN–SF and UP–SP mergers.Two models are developed to achieve the objectives of the study. A network model of the wheat logistics system is used to identify the least cost transportation routes from the Kansas study area to the market at Houston, Texas. A profit improvement algorithm is developed to measure the amount by which railroads can raise their prices above variable cost.The BNSF and UPSP achieve only minor increases in market power (measured by the ratio of revenue to variable cost) because the merged railroads have only slight advantages in cost relative to other railroads that serve the same areas as the merged railroads. Wheat shippers benefit from merger-induced reductions in transportation and handling costs. Shippers are likely to capture a significant share of these cost reductions since intrarailroad competition is present after the mergers. Transport cost reductions accompany mergers due to more direct routing of wheat shipments and the assumption that the merged railroad operates at the costs of the lower cost partner.  相似文献   

Regional jets, normally defined as jet aircraft introduced since 1993 with less than 100 seats, have been thought to have significant impacts on air services at airports, for example, in improving service frequency, allowing airlines to exploit niche markets and to feed hubs. Previous studies have focused on regional jet deployment strategy and the overall situation and they suggest that deployment was generally to larger cities first and, in addition, to locations east of the Mississippi. It has also been suggested that smaller airports might lose service when regional jets replace turboprops and that carrier competition would increase, to the benefit of the consumer.This paper aims to throw more light on these issues from the individual airports' point of view. Data on changes in schedules from the Official Airline Guide (OAG) at a series of case study airports from 1994 to 2002 is used to examine, the impacts on new route development, market dynamics, carrier competition and concentration and deployment status. In particular, the impact on smaller airports is examined.It is concluded, subject to the usual caveats on sample size, that there is little evidence of a uniform impact on routes or airports. The aggregate picture often described by the industry and government is shown to be a combination of highly dissimilar cases. A spectrum of effects is identified across different types of airports and routes but some of the anticipated trends, such as hub bypassing, are not observed. Some airports reaped significant benefits in terms of improved frequency and services to new destinations, whilst others gained little.  相似文献   

This paper expands upon past works in airfare pricing determinants by looking at a set of airports infrequently studied as a whole group by themselves, the hubs. The nature of hub-to-hub markets makes them unique and while they are unique in some aspects certain trends affecting all commercial air transportation markets are also seen affecting hub-to-hub markets. Pricing in hub-to-hub markets in the United States is examined and then on a carrier-by-carrier basis. Pricing in hub-to-hub markets is affected by a number of statistically significant variables including route type, presence and type of low fare carrier, and competition in hub-to-hub markets.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the factors that explain the variations of daily airfares across fare histories, or dynamic price dispersion. Empirical analyses show that dynamic price dispersion is significantly influenced by demand characteristics variables such as population, income and the share of business passengers, as well as by competitive pressures stemming from the presence of low-cost carriers, but not by the competition intensity. The impact of these variables intensifies as the departure date approaches. These results imply that in the presence of low-cost carriers, full-service carriers tend to adopt a more aggressive high-low pricing strategy.  相似文献   

In this article we examine volatility measures and investigate what factors explain price volatility in different US domestic air routes. We find that volatility remains reasonably stable up to 2 weeks prior to the flight, at which point it increases significantly. The type, LCC or legacy carrier, and identity of the airlines appears to have a major impact on the volatility measures, and that these effects are different for 2 weeks out and 1 day out, even after controlling for market differences.  相似文献   

This paper develops an oligopoly model to investigate the effect of an air cargo alliance on competition in passenger markets. We consider a model in which the partners, while continuing to offer their respective passenger services, jointly offer a new integrated cargo service by utilizing their passenger aircraft and routes. We find that such an alliance will likely increase the partners’ own outputs, while simultaneously decreasing its rivals’ outputs, in not only the cargo market but also the secondary passenger market. Furthermore, the alliance is likely to reduce passenger prices and increase total surplus.  相似文献   

This paper examines the physical and organizational characteristics of maritime consignments sent from France by comparing those sent by deep sea shipping (DSS) with those sent by short sea shipping (SSS). It employs a very detailed survey that identifies individual shipments, and contains information on routing, mode and organization. The results confirm that the majority of deep sea consignments pass through the major ports, but the SSS market is shown to be more diverse. A link between the size of the hinterland and the type of trade is identified. Finally, the paper shows the importance of logistic service providers in SSS chains.  相似文献   

The literature on container port efficiency has typically centered on ports in advanced markets or comparisons within regions. This study compares the efficiency of port operations in emerging markets (BRIC and the Next-11) with the more advanced markets (G7). We use data envelopment analysis to evaluate the container ports based on the import and export cargo volumes in 2005. Our results suggest that none of the ports in the advanced markets are role models for the field. This study provides a first step towards gaining insights into port efficiency in emerging markets.  相似文献   

This paper studies the influencing factors on entry (certification) of new airlines into the US airline industry over 21 years (1979–1999). These rates exhibit considerable fluctuations over the observed period. We analyze the US airline industry for a period of 21 years to determine the relationship of the observed fluctuations in the entry rates with political and extraordinary events, economic conditions and several industry specific variables. We present maximum likelihood estimates of an entry model on the negative Binomial distribution. This methodology reflects the discrete nature of the dependent variable. The results support the notions of positive macro-economic and industry specific developments on the entry opportunities of new airline companies.  相似文献   

This paper describes a dynamic demand model, referred to as dynamic abstract mode model, for estimating both the short- and long-term responses of air passengers to changes in relative air-sea travel cost components in competitive markets. The implementation of the model in the competitive market of Aegean islands in Greece demonstrates the importance of considering the past volumes of air passengers and relative travel cost components to explain current air travel demand.  相似文献   

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