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企业效率与组织形式的演变是相互匹配的过程。文章从不同国家经济发展过程中归纳出两种企业效率及组织形式的演进范式。分析了两种演化路径选择背后的制度约束,指出由社会关系网络(社会资本)所嵌入的非正式制度可以影响企业效率及组织形式,并以此对浙江地区"企业集群"进行剖析和反思。  相似文献   

中小企业型产业的培育与升级需要发展中小企业网络组织,中小企业网络组织成长碰到路径依赖、脆弱性、声誉与信任机制缺失、阶段性等困境。  相似文献   

范荣华 《价值工程》2010,29(25):50-51
从网络与信任两个维度,对马山口镇铁锅制造业企业的社会资本与集群发展的关系进行了具有针对性的个案实证研究,证明了集群内企业的社会资本与企业绩效有着显著的正相关关系,进而从企业层面分析的结论指出,马山口镇铁锅制造业集群发展过程中,网络与信任的社会资本对集群有着显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

从协同创新、创新网络和自组织演化三个角度,分别从微观、中观和宏观三个方面探讨科技小微企业的研究是一个新的尝试,可以个体企业的成长,到企业集群、创新网络的形成,再到区域系统自演化组织形成的过程、机理、作用机制及路径选择等进行多角度分析;同进也可以针对科技小微企业成长路径的三个层次,即企业层面、产业(区域)层面、国家(政策)层面提出相对应的建议和措施。从企业层面来讲,科技小微企业宜采用内生创新驱动发展模式;从产业(区域)层面来讲,为促进科技小微企业产业集群、创新网络的形成,可通过产业(区域)的空间规划,为科技小微企业的地理集聚提供保障;从国家(政策)层面来讲,为实现科技小微企业创新网络的自组织演化,国家出台积极扶持科技小微企业发展的相关政策等,促进企业的发展。  相似文献   

一、社会资本及其特征社二、社会资本与和谐社区会资本(social capital)原是一个经济学概念,但在近些年被赋予了更多的社会学和政治学内涵。随着社会的发展,人们越来越认识到社会组织中人们之间的彼此信任和相互合作所蕴涵的价值比物质资本和人力资本更为重要,因此,社会资本的概念被越来越多地应用于公共管理研究领域,成为学术界一个具有较强解释力的跨学科分析框架。根据世界银行的解释,社会资本是指社会制度、人际关系和社会风尚,并籍此关系和体制而形成社会互动能力。社会资本的命题是:互助、信任、社会准则、共享、参与以及关系网络。在…  相似文献   

本文基于中国区域视角,采用相关社会调查数据,研究了社会资本水平对中国区域经济增长的影响.研究发现:基本可以肯定社会资本对中国区域经济增长的作用.但是这种作用在社会资本的各个层面表现的并不一致.在仅给定初始物质资本存量和人力资本存量的前提下,个人层面信任和企业层面信任对地区经济增长有着显著的正向影响,没有发现个人层面社会网络和社区层面社会网络对经济增长的显著正向影响;引入控制变量后,社会资本在信任维度仍旧对经济增长产生正向的显著影响,社会网络维度对经济增长的影响为正,但仍旧不显著.  相似文献   

企业效率来源形式与企业组织形式的演变是相互匹配的演进过程。文章从企业发展历史进程中归纳出企业效率形成及企业组织形式的演进范式,并指出决定和影响其演进逻辑的四维因素,即市场结构、竞争程度、消费者偏好与需求结构“、软“”硬”要素与资本的禀赋与相对价格及技术创新的动态演化。  相似文献   

企业效率来源形式与企业组织形式的演变是相互匹配的演进过程。文章从企业发展历史进程中归纳出企业效率形成及企业组织形式的演进范式,并指出决定和影响其演进逻辑的四维因素,即市场结构与竞争程度、消费者偏好与需求结构、“软”“硬”要素与资本的禀赋与相对价格及技术创新的动态演化。  相似文献   

经济转型是科学发展观对我国经济活动提出的必然要求,也是一个十分紧迫而重要的课题。设计创意产业对我国经济转型的驱动作用主要表现在三个层面:一是在产业振兴层面,其可作为驱动我国制造业结构升级的强劲引擎;二是在企业运作层面,其具有将企业嵌入全球价值链高端的路径优势;三是就社会机制及价值观层面而言,工业设计所特有的创新本质将起到重构社会经济与文化体系的战略作用。因此,大力扶持发展设计创意产业,发挥其在促进产业升级、提升企业品牌中的核心作用,不但可为突破当前我国经济发展瓶颈找到一条切实可行的路径,还可为国家自主创新体系的建立提供最坚实的智力支撑。  相似文献   

在资源稀缺的现实中,企业竞争的实质是资源竞争。社会资本既是企业参与竞争所需要的重要社会关系资源,也因其生产性提高了企业占有和动员其他资源的能力。社会资本的作用机理在于以信任推进合作、以网络形式实现资源分享、以规范保持资源优势与合作秩序。同时,社会资本也因其封闭性导致了社会资本网络内部各企业间的共享性资源具有同质性。"弱关系强度"理论和"结构洞"社会资本理论的探讨在某种意义上弥补了社会资本理论在企业竞争优势创造中的不足。  相似文献   

包凤耐 《企业经济》2020,(1):129-135
企业的创新绩效受到企业在网络中的关系型社会资本的制约,这一研究正逐渐受到学者的关注,但相关研究中关系型社会资本对企业创新绩效影响的路径探索往往并不深入。基于此,从信任、沟通、冲突管理三个维度测度企业的关系型社会资本,考察了其对企业创新绩效的影响模式,以及知识转移在此作用中的中介效应。结果显示:关系型社会资本的三个维度均对创新绩效有显著的促进作用,其中有效沟通的作用效果更明显,同时知识转移在该关系中发挥了部分中介效应。研究建议指出,企业应注重构建经济型与政企型社会关系网络,加强关系型社会资本的构建与维护,尤其要注重通过促进企业间的沟通有效性来提升企业间的知识转移效果及创新绩效。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of social networks in enterprise development by comparing personal trust (as inherent in social relationships) to collective and institutional trust (derived from the wider cultural, political and legal environment). The findings indicate that there is a shift from personal towards institutional trust as the firm develops and grows, but they also confirm enterprise behaviour being based on a mixture of different trust forms. Moreover, the findings underline the difficulty of studying trust empirically, recommending longitudinal qualitative approaches for further research.  相似文献   

陈丽琳  匡时 《价值工程》2012,31(28):156-158
社会资本在企业文化建设中具有重要作用。然而,民营企业灵活多变的随意性特征导致规范性不足。血缘、地缘观念导致组织内信任的缺失,家长制领导方式不能形成有效的社会资本网络。"差序格局"形成的意识成为阻碍民营企业领导人社会资本存量增加的主要因素。认真审视传统文化的影响,不断增加企业社会资本是现代民营企业发展的需要。  相似文献   

本文聚焦全球生产网络背景下中国本土制造企业的升级问题。通过将内部资源与外部网络关系嵌入相结合,基于对本土制造企业升级的案例研究,运用扎根理论的研究方法总结出企业升级的内在机理,并构建企业升级机制的理论模型。能力提升是企业升级的本质,资源层级模型更清晰地体现资源各要素之间的关系以及资源与能力相互转化的路径和过程,深刻揭示企业升级的本质及内在机理。作为企业升级系统中的两个重要子系统,内部资源与外部网络关系嵌入存在交互耦合关系,其耦合协同程度越高,越能够促进企业升级的实现。  相似文献   

This article studies how perceptions of the risks associated with informal self‐employment depend on the interplay between the institutional, structural (network) and cultural embeddedness of economic action. Informal self‐employment should create at least three types of risk. The first concerns the possible legal and social sanctions that stem from the illegal character of the entrepreneurial action. The second is related to the complete lack of social security protection among those for whom informal self‐employment is their sole employment. The third is connected with the lack of guarantees concerning contract enforcement, which may increase the probability of opportunistic behaviour by business partners and clients. On the basis of a qualitative study of young, highly educated, informally self‐employed workers in Bulgaria's capital Sofia, I argue that these risks are compensated by the specific network and cultural embeddedness of the economic action. This compensation takes the form of various types of insurance against risks. Its core is the replacement of the vacuum of institutional‐system trust with interpersonal trust. Thus, the specific constellation of institutional, network and cultural embeddedness is able to solve the problem of opportunism, as well as to create the perception that the informally self‐employed are faced with not much greater risks than registered self‐employed workers.  相似文献   

谭春华 《价值工程》2006,25(7):57-60
产生于工业经济时代的的传统科层组织结构曾是人类组织结构的伟大创新,曾促进了工业企业的巨大成功。但在以信息、知识、网络为时代背景的新经济条件下,科层组织赖以成功的条件正在或已经发生变化,已不能适应新经济时代的要求。交易成本低、管理效率高且变化灵活的网络型组织结构是一种理想的组织结构模式,这是一种发展趋势。但在中国目前的情况下,由于各方面条件的限制,网络化的科层组织结构可能会是一种更为合适的组织结构形式。本文对科层组织的贡献和局限性进行了分析,阐述了新经济对企业组织结构的影响,进而提出了企业组织结构发展的趋势,对企业组织结构创新进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Based on social embeddedness theory and institutional theory, we construct a research model that depicts how boundary spanners’ personal relationships affect dyadic embeddedness at the organizational level, under the varying influence of guanxi institution across different regions in China. We empirically test our model by analyzing data collected from 225 retail gas stations within the distribution network of a major Chinese petroleum company. Our analysis shows that boundary spanners need to first establish relational ties, which, in turn, influence interfirm dyadic embeddedness. Additionally, the results indicate that the informal institutions, such as guanxi in China, exert an indirect effect on personal trust through personal closeness. The informal institutions also moderate the effects of personal level trust on organizational level trust, which is a key linkage between personal relationship and interfirm embeddedness.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which the technical and social contexts of organizations independently affect levels of workplace trust. We argue that, in an organizational context, trust is not just a relationship between an individual subject (the truster) and an object (the trustee) but is subject to effects from the conditions of the work relationship itself. We describe the organizational context as comprising both a technical system of production (where work gets done through the specification of tasks) and a social system of work (where problems of effort, compliance, conformity and motivation are managed). We analyse the relationship between trust and these two aspects of workplace context (technical and social systems). We also operationalize this in terms of differences between industries, occupational composition and human resource management practices. The model is tested using data drawn from the 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey. The results confirm that differences in industry, occupational composition and HRM practices all impact on levels of workplace trust. We review these results in terms of their implications for future research into the problem of analysing variation in trust at both the workplace and individual levels.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a conceptual model based on technology-organization-environment (T-O-E) and institutional frameworks and examines how the traditional and isomorphic factors explain adoption of enterprise systems (ES) by service small and medium enterprise (SMEs) in Nigeria. The model extends the T-O-E framework by integrating environmental typology with institutional changes in order to recognize homologous behavior in the social systems. Logistic regression and Wald’s statistics were used to analyze the data from field survey questionnaire administered to a purposive and snow-ball sample of 262 executives. The results show that adoption of ES is significantly influenced by organizational, technological and isomorphic factors though normative and mimetic isomorphism had negative coefficients; a unit increase in the complexity of the two attracts less analogous modeling and mimicry or vice versa. The technical, economic and legitimated elements are critical adoption determinants; thus, managers make informed decisions that improve competitive advantage when they understand the institutional homogeneity that drives less efficiency in the social structure.  相似文献   

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