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开拓社会保障基金筹资渠道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十五届四中全会《决定》指出:“要采取多种措施,包括变现部分国有资产,合理调整财政支出结构等。开拓社会保障新的筹资渠道,充实社会保障基金。”建立健全社会保障体系需要有充足、稳定、可靠的资金保证,而目前单纯依靠企业和个人缴费形成的社会保障基金积累是难以承受老龄化到来社会保障基金支付压力的,开拓新的筹资渠道势在必行。  相似文献   

<正>社会保障基金是社会保障制度的经济基础。社会保障基金监管作为社会保障体系建设的一项重要内容,对保证社会保障制度稳定运行、维护广大社会成员的权益有着十分重要的意义。我国已经建立起了比较完善的社会保障制度,但是社  相似文献   

我国《国民经济和社会发展第十五个五年计划纲要》中提出了“适时开征社会保障税”问题。开征社会保障税是我国社会保障基金筹集制度的重大改革,它涉及一系列理论和实际问题,值得认真研究。一、开征社会保障税是解决我国社会保障基金筹集问题的现实选择我国社会保障基金筹集中存在着社会保障覆盖面窄,筹集标准不统一;管理体制不顺,政出多门;缺乏法律依据,手段软,刚性不足,管理和监督不力;存在挪用、挤占甚至浪费现象等问题。这使得来源缺乏保障,且给基金管理和收支平衡带来困难。因此,需要开征社会保障税,通过强制课征,解决上述问题,保证社…  相似文献   

24个 社保基金新开账户加大入市力度;16只 获批基金引而不发;50只 百亿基金受困流动性。  相似文献   

社保基金作为老百姓的“养命钱”、“救命钱”,其监管工作非常重要,我国已经初步建立起了社保基金的监管体系,监管工作取得了一定的成效,但由于各种原因监管中仍然存在一些问题。文章针对我国社保基金监管体系运行中存在的问题提出了重构我国社保基金监管体系的一些思路。  相似文献   

叶波 《工业会计》2007,(4):28-30
对新基民来说,最重要的不是三思至万无一失再下注,而是借助某些简单易懂的基金评级选择若干只,先入市再边干边学。而晨星基金评级,正是全球投资者认同、也相对易懂的权威评级之一。用晨星评级买基金对于新基民,正如傻瓜相机之于初学摄影者,而老基民也可用来印证自己的基金决策[编者按]  相似文献   

本文从筹资、管理、使用三方面讨论全国社会保障基金问题,主张从增发专项国债、国有企业减持变现两渠道筹措,力主这笔基金集中统一管理,以适应建立全国统一的社会保障制度的需要,特别是主张这笔基金应该用来投资国有企业,确立基金所有制,并对基金所有制作了较深的阐述,提出基金所有制将创立一种新机制-“投资者主权”。  相似文献   

我国社会保障存在不少问题:社会保障的法制建设滞后、农村社会保障整体上十分落后、养老保险制度很不完善、社会保障基金管理和监督有待加强,因此,在社会保障改革中应借鉴发达国家的成功经验,进一步完善社会保障法制、扩大社会保障的覆盖面、健全社会保障体系、提高社会保障统筹层次、开征社会保险税、加强社会保障基金管理和监督.  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下 ,随着改革逐步深入 ,社会保障制度的建立和完善日益重要。当前 ,我国的社会保障制度情况如何 ,作为财政部门应采取什么样的政策。  相似文献   

十五规划指出 ,要加快形成独立于企事业单位之外 ,资金来源多元化、保障制度规范化、管理服务社会化的社会保障体系。明确了“十五”期间我国社会保障体系改革与完善的目标和任务。建立完善的社会保障体系是社会主义市场经济体制的重要支柱 ,关系改革、发展和稳定的全局。目前 ,我国社会保障体系不健全 ,制度不完善 ,不但对社会稳定构成威胁 ,而且阻碍了经济体制改革和经济结构的加快调整 ,也难以应对全球经济一体化和我国即将加入WTO带来的挑战。一、社会保障体系建设存在的主要问题1、社会保障制度体系建设相对滞后 ,不适应社会主义市…  相似文献   

Social impact bonds (SIBs) are strategic alliances aiming to generate financial profit through social innovation in the delivery of public social services. SIBs are also a product on the social impact investment market. There is little evidence for SIBs' effectiveness, and their ongoing international popularity partly rests on a theoretical premise that market mechanisms can effectively generate and diffuse social innovation. However, the literature contains no empirical consideration of whether and how this premise applies to public good social innovations. Our empirical study fills this gap by finding that public good social innovations are stimulated by market mechanisms, and markets are in turn shaped by these innovations. Despite this, public good social innovations eventually break away from markets in a micro-process we term ‘schisming’. Through describing how and why schisming occurs, we make a unique contribution to existing knowledge of the micro-processes of concerned market shaping, and the extent to which economic markets and a concerned society are embedded within each other. Implications for practitioners seeking to bridge social innovation and economic markets include the need to be cognisant of how contextual, socially constructed concerns affect the potential and process of diffusing social innovations.  相似文献   

V. Seshamani 《Food Policy》1998,23(6):539-551
The main elements in agricultural market liberalisation have been the dismantling of the state institutions for marketing and distribution of agricultural produce, the abolition of subsidies, the liberalisation of import and export trade, and the market determination of input and output prices. Economic policy reforms on the monetary, fiscal and other fronts also impinged on the variables influencing production, trade and consumption. This paper highlights some of the undesirable offshoots of the previous policy regime and enumerates the specific policies that have been introduced since 1992. It describes the positive and negative outcomes witnessed so far. Finally, it suggests what needs to be done to eliminate the prevailing major constraints to growth in food production and consumption.  相似文献   

Using an exhaustive database of bookings in one large chain of hotels active in Oslo (2013-2016), we estimate a nested-logit demand model that allows us to evaluate substitution patterns between online distribution channels. Making use of the chain’s decision to delist from Expedia’s platform, we compare the simulated and actual effects of such an event on prices and market shares and identify ways to improve on simulated counterfactual outcomes.  相似文献   

The study examines the relationships between knowledge acquisition from social media, two forms of market orientation (proactive and reactive), social media strategic capability, and brand innovation strategy in the context of China's online technology industry. Analysis of 357 online technology ventures, created during the past 6 years, suggests that brand innovation is affected by both knowledge acquisition from social media and market orientation. Social media strategic capability positively affects brand innovation and acts as a moderator between knowledge acquisition, market orientation, and brand innovation. It further enhances both types of market orientations in achieving brand innovation, suggesting that on social media, customer's needs, both expressed and latent (or unexpressed), can be identified more comprehensively than that of the traditional setting. Hence, the context of social media provides a different set of rules for competition and strategic behavior, in which online technology ventures should note. Implications are useful to improve the current understanding of social media brand innovation strategy, here in China's dynamic social media scene.  相似文献   

Lean working has had a significant impact on the work skills of civil servants. This study examines the impact of lean specifically focusing on ‘decision‐makers’, those civil servants engaged in deciding tax and social security claims. Using qualitative data from trade union members and stewards in two major government departments, this study found significant evidence of deskilling often in the face of dealing with potentially complex legal and factual issues. Using Mashaw's framework of administrative justice, the article argues that management's use of lean was evidence of an accelerated shift to a managerial model of administering tax and benefits where the administrative processes of decision‐making become paramount at the expense of the quality of the decisions made.  相似文献   

资本市场与养老基金之间的良性循环是实现积累制养老保障模式的前提条件和根本保证.养老保险模式个人账户后实现部分积累功能,必须充分发挥资本市场的作用.目前我国资本市场严重滞后于养老保障制度的改革,已成为我国积累制养老保障模式发展的障碍,因此,必须加快资本市场改革,为养老基金进入资本市场提供有利条件,使养老基金成为资本市场的重要力量,在两者相互促进中,实现共同发展.  相似文献   

前不久发生的俄乌"斗气"折射出欧洲乃至世界能源市场正在发生的深刻变化和一些新问题.俄罗斯为抵御金融危机的冲击,继续打"能源牌",通过俄乌"斗气",制造国际能源紧张气氛,希望促使天然气价格提高,国际油价止跌回升,这反映了俄罗斯的战略思考.本次俄乌"斗气"凸显了地缘政治对能源市场的重大影响,对欧洲政治经济生态具有深远影响,并加剧了能源消费国对供应安全的担忧.俄乌"斗气"很可能为我国与俄罗斯发展能源合作提供新的契机.我们要以俄乌"斗气"为借鉴,积极探索油气消费国与资源国合作的新途径,放眼未来,从全球角度,树立综合能源安全观.  相似文献   

Coarse rice market integration between Nepal and India is analyzed applying a threshold autoregressive model. The price response behaviour of traders is found to be consistent with an asymmetric price adjustment mechanism, indicating coarse rice prices in Nepal respond to shocks originating in India. The results show that adjustments to negative price deviations from long-run stable equilibrium are faster than adjustments to the positive ones given a null threshold. Given that trade flows mainly from India to Nepal, Nepali traders would adjust their prices upward to align with the long-run equilibrium value relatively more quickly in the case of negative price deviations, than if the price deviations were positive. Such a high speed of adjustment to negative price deviations could be detrimental to net food buyers’ food security status in the absence of a price stabilization mechanism. However, a price stabilization policy in Nepal, a food deficit and import dependent country, would hardly have any effect on prices unless further effort is made to build up the level of national food reserves for short-term food security interventions. In the current context of structurally low levels of national food reserves, an alternative short-term policy such as foreign aid, in the form of food or income transfers, targeting the most vulnerable households to price increases is necessary through social safety net programmes. In the long-run, an improvement of transportation infrastructure between market hubs (other than the Biratnagar trade basin) in the Terai (Nepal) and India would contribute to the reduction of transaction costs and create incentives for more competition in formal cross-border trade with India. In times of negative shocks such as the high food price crisis in 2008, restrictive food trade policies in India will continue to undermine household food security in Nepal.  相似文献   

The paper aims at analysing the impact of the likely change in rainfall on food availability and access to food in Sudan. The empirical investigation is based on an integrated approach consisting of a stochastic method and CGE model. The former, related to the Monte Carlo analysis, provides the likely changes in rainfall patterns and their probability of occurrence based on historical data. These results are at the basis of the scenarios simulated in a standard CGE model augmented with a stochastic component. Achievements underline the negative impact on the two dimensions of food security taken into consideration, mainly due to a reduction in cereal supply, a marked cereal inflation pressure and income contraction; the greater negative effect on the poorest households; and a deterioration of the economic performance of the country. In this context, the paper stresses a strong interconnection among climate change and variability, poverty and food insecurity and thus the need for an integrated policy-making approach.  相似文献   

The literature on retailers' range rationalization is limited and focuses primarily on the consequences thereof from a consumer perspective. Drawing on the extant research on buyer-supplier relationships, brand management, and market orientation (MO) in business-to-business (B2B) markets, our research explores the antecedents of product de-listing in retail channels. It unlocks the link between relationship duration and product de-listing by examining the role of MO and brand diffusion. Using a combination of primary data with both objective and perceptual measures and proprietary objective data from a sample of suppliers to a large British supermarket, we find that the supplier's brand diffusion is an essential means of utilizing relationship duration between suppliers and retailers to reduce product de-listing in retail stores. Additionally, we find that MO plays opposite moderating roles in the links between relationship duration, brand diffusion, and product de-listing. It strengthens the negative influence of relationship duration on product de-listing, while it weakens the positive influence of relationship duration on brand diffusion. Our study contributes to research on marketing channels and B2B marketing by highlighting the limitations of relational view theory and unveiling the role of brand diffusion and MO in explaining the outcomes of buyer-supplier relationships in retail channels.  相似文献   

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