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旅游地品牌资产作为旅游地竞争的重要手段,是对旅游地营销效果的反映,同时也是旅游地未来能否获取收益的重要因素。为了探究短视频营销下游客心理契约的履行与旅游地品牌资产之间的关系,文章以洛阳栾川老君山景区游客为调查对象,通过线上线下相结合的方式进行问卷调查,引入感知价值、游客价值共创行为作为中介变量,自我目的地联结作为调节变量,构建了一个有调节的中介效应模型。运用结构方程模型进行实证检验后发现:关系型心理契约和交易型心理契约均直接正向影响旅游地品牌资产;感知价值和游客价值共创行为在关系型心理契约和旅游地品牌资产中起着中介作用,感知价值在交易型心理契约和旅游地品牌资产中具有中介作用;自我目的地联结正向调节感知价值和旅游地品牌资产之间的关系,同时也调节了感知价值在心理契约(关系型心理契约和交易型心理契约)与旅游地品牌资产之间的中介作用。  相似文献   

旅游地安全氛围营造和游客安全行为引导,已引起了学界的广泛关注,但旅游地安全氛围对游客安全行为的影响仍值得探讨.文章建构旅游地安全氛围对游客安全行为的影响机制模型,选择并获取滨海旅游地的研究数据,实证检验了理论模型,研究结果表明:(1)旅游地安全氛围对游客安全态度具有显著的正向影响;在游客安全态度对游客安全行为的作用中,部分具有显著的正向影响;旅游地安全氛围对游客安全行为具有显著的正向影响.(2)游客安全认知、安全情感、安全意向在旅游地安全氛围对游客安全遵守、安全参与行为影响关系中起中介作用.(3)游客安全认知相对于游客安全情感、游客安全意向在旅游地安全氛围与游客安全遵守行为的中介作用都较大;而游客安全情感相对于游客安全认知、游客安全意向在旅游地安全氛围与游客安全参与行为的中介作用都较大;总体上看,游客安全态度在旅游地安全氛围与游客安全遵守之间的中介作用大于游客安全态度在旅游地安全氛围与游客安全参与行为之间的中介作用.  相似文献   

文彤  苏晓波 《旅游学刊》2017,(10):39-46
借助新经济社会学的嵌入理论,文章以桂林龙脊梯田景区平安壮寨旅游小企业为案例对象,围绕"经济活动嵌入于社会关系"的逻辑思路,揭示了作为非经济因素的"关系-制度"对旅游小企业经营的影响约束.研究发现,地方嵌入中的旅游小企业一方面通过深层次的关系性嵌入将其强关系资本转化为经济优势;另一方面借助结构性嵌入实现对外经济合作,互惠互利的弱关系促成了更稳定、更具规模的经营业绩.同时,旅游小企业也受到地方社会网络中关系因素的限制,企业主会借助经济利益的分享割让来兼顾其他成员的利益,并通过积累信任将彼此关系固化为经济制度,这种牺牲经济效率而维护关系平等的行为不但表现出地方嵌入中旅游小企业的社会理性,而且反映出经济制度中关系因素所起到的保障作用,"制度是关系凝固化的结果,关系则是制度追求的目标"成为地方嵌入中旅游小企业"关系-制度"框架的内在逻辑与机制.  相似文献   

社区旅游参与视角下民族村寨旅游地居民地方感生成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居民地方感领域的研究在深化“人-地”关系认识、旅游目的地地方性塑造、旅游资源开发与保护以及旅游规划等方面具有特殊意义。已有研究主要探讨人口统计学特征、物理环境和社会环境等影响因素,缺乏对旅游世界中人与场的积极互动而产生的地方感等问题的讨论。本研究从社区旅游参与视角,通过田野调查的方法收集郎德上寨村民主诉的旅游参与实践,对民族旅游村寨居民地方感的生成问题进行分析。研究发现:郎德上寨村民的社区旅游参与主要表现为“合作激励型”“自我激励型”“机械被动型”和“利益激励型”4种类型;在社区旅游参与过程中,村民获得了强烈的地方感,并由自然地理和人文物理环境、社会文化特性、经济制度、乡土认同、血缘认同、文化认同、房屋归属感和生活便利性等内容体现。本研究还发现,居民地方感在不同的社区旅游参与形态中表现出差异性;社区旅游参与和地方感之间是双向、交互式的影响关系,其中,旅游效益感知因素在二者的关系中起着重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

乡村旅游地品牌个性与游客忠诚:以场所依赖为中介变量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张春晖  白凯 《旅游学刊》2011,26(2):49-57
文章以西安市长安区"农家乐"为例,实证分析乡村旅游地品牌个性与游客忠诚的关系,并探讨场所依赖的中介作用。结果显示:(1)乡村旅游地品牌个性中的实惠、喜悦、闲适、健康和逃逸5个维度对场所依赖(包括场所依靠和场所认同)具有显著的正向预测作用,而对游客忠诚具有显著正向预测作用的仅有实惠和闲适两个维度;(2)场所依靠和场所认同在实惠维度与游客忠诚关系间起到了部分中介作用,而在闲适维度与游客忠诚关系间起到了完全中介作用;(3)场所认同在实惠与游客忠诚关系间的中介作用以及它在闲适与游客忠诚关系间的中介作用都是相对较大的,而场所依靠在实惠与游客忠诚及闲适与游客忠诚关系间的中介作用相对较小。  相似文献   

旅游领域中"主人-游客"和"目的地-游客"关系的研究已非常丰富,而"游客-游客"的互动关系研究很少,游客间互动对主观幸福感的影响也鲜有探讨.文章引入社会互动理论分析了团队旅游的情境下"游客-游客"的互动行为及其结果,构建了游客间互动、社会联结与主观幸福感之间的关系模型.该研究通过"问卷星"网站收集有效问卷435份,使用结构方程模型进行了实证检验.研究发现,团队旅游中积极的游客间互动能够促进游客的社会联结,进而提升游客的主观幸福感;而消极的游客间互动则不利于游客的社会联结、降低游客的主观幸福感.社会联结在游客间互动与主观幸福感的关系中存在部分中介效应.该研究从社会互动和积极心理学视角分析了游客间互动的社会收益,也对团队旅游的管理实践提出了建议.  相似文献   

<正>文章以广东省乡村旅游游客为研究对象,基于“认知—情感—行为”理论和自我调节态度理论,构建目的地依恋与游客满意度的链式多重中介模型,研究乡村景观认知对重游意愿的影响,使用自制量表收集数据,应用SPSS 26和AMOS 24软件对研究模型进行实证分析。结果表明:(1)乡村景观认知对重游意愿存在显著的正向影响;(2)乡村景观认知正向影响目的地依恋,目的地依恋正向影响重游意愿;(3)乡村景观认知正向影响游客满意度,游客满意度正向影响重游意愿;(4)目的地依恋和游客满意度在乡村景观认知与重游意愿之间存在链式多重中介效应。文章深入探究游客旅游行为动机和心理机制,可以为制定乡村旅游营销策略提供理论基础,有利于提高乡村旅游服务质量。  相似文献   

我国乡村旅游创业实践日渐丰富,但多数创业活动呈现出了“模仿性”而非“创新性”。文章以广东新会茶坑村为例进行追踪研究,基于嵌入性理论探讨了乡村旅游地模仿创业与创新创业的形成机制。研究发现,关系嵌入深度与广度共同影响创业模式选择,创业者在低度嵌入的关系网络中倾向于创新创业,而在中度、高度嵌入的关系网络中倾向于模仿创业。此外,在乡村旅游情境下,对于不同创业动机、不同创业资源禀赋的创业者,关系嵌入对其创业模式选择的影响存在异质性,其中,风险规避与试错发挥着重要作用。关系嵌入、创业动机和创业资源禀赋三者之间的交互影响是模仿创业与创新创业形成的深层机制。文章的主要发现丰富了乡村旅游情境下的创业理论体系,对促进我国乡村旅游的高质量发展具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

赵鹤鸣 《西部旅游》2023,(24):24-26
<正>江南古镇是具有代表性的地域文化旅游资源,随着夜游经济的发展,江南古镇旅游展现出巨大的发展潜力。文章围绕游客对江南古镇夜游的感知过程,梳理游客夜游体验过程的感知因素,并探究其关联性,同时通过问卷调查与数据分析,从游客夜游全过程感知、游后满意度、重游度、推荐度等方面入手进行深入分析,有针对性地提出江南古镇夜间旅游的发展对策,以期为江南古镇夜游的可持续发展以及其他类型古镇夜游的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

疲劳在旅游活动中极易发生且普遍存在,是影响旅游体验质量的关键变量。疲劳一直是心理学、行为科学、交通运输、体育科学等领域的重要议题,但旅游疲劳的相关研究尚处于探索阶段。文章在梳理已有文献和旅游实践的基础上,采用扎根理论,对旅游疲劳的发生机制、多维特征与应对策略进行了探索性研究。研究发现:旅游疲劳的框架体系由4个主范畴(诱发因素、疲劳表现、行为效应和应对策略)和13个范畴构成。旅游疲劳在主体因素、中介因素和客体因素共同作用下逐渐形成,并表现出身体疲劳、兴趣疲劳、情感疲劳和认知疲劳的多维特征,其对游客的行为决策、体验质量和重游意愿均存在显著的复杂影响,可以通过主体提升、中介保障和客体控制3方面策略对其进行预防和缓解。旅游疲劳的探索为旅游行为研究提供了新的视角和内容,为游客服务和景区管理提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

Both marketing practitioners and academic researchers have traditionally recognized the major influence that relationship quality (RQ) has on relationship marketing outcomes. Differing from previous studies, this study proposes a more integrated model by including theatrical components and experiential value in the “RQ-relationship marketing outcomes” paradigm. The structural relationships among the variables are examined by adopting a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach in the context of a theme park. The results confirm the existence of the path “theatrical components → experiential value → RQ → relationship marketing outcomes”.  相似文献   


Research has found that the workplace culture a company establishes is significantly related to its overall performance. In turn, the nature of this relationship provides useful guidance to the design of systems and processes to enhance organizational performance.

However, the past findings from a review of the existing literature are almost exclusively based on companies from Western countries, thus leaving open the question of whether they also would apply to a non-Western context. In addition, prior studies have not specifically examined the existence and nature of the corporate culture-performance relationship in the hospitality sector. The current exploratory study contributes insights into both aspects of the phenomenon by collecting data from hotels in Bahrain. The findings indicate that on the whole, the instrument used by a leading international consulting firm and others to measure corporate culture in Western settings also can distinguish between higher and lower performing Bahrain hotels. However, several relationships that had been found to be significant in Western settings are not significant in this study. Implications of these findings for management are discussed.  相似文献   

The closer economic relationship trade agreement (CER) between Australia and New Zealand has substantial implications for travel and tourism in the two countries. This study provides a discussion of the development of new branding strategies at both the inter and international level. In addition, New Zealand appears set to benefit greatly from its improved access to the much larger Australian market.  相似文献   

张辉  陈晔 《旅游学刊》2017,(4):43-53
随着市场环境和技术的发展,品牌沟通已从"打扰时代"进入"契合时代".顾客不仅可以与旅游品牌进行互动和共创价值,而且在品牌推荐、共享体验等非交易性行为方面发挥了重要作用.在此背景下,品牌契合成为旅游企业提升品牌绩效和获取竞争优势所必需的战略要求.该研究以酒店和旅行社两类旅游品牌为例,探讨旅游品牌契合的结构及其对品牌关系质量和重购意向的影响.实证研究发现,旅游品牌契合是一个包括认同、关注、激情、专注和互动5个维度的二阶构念,品牌契合对品牌关系质量各维度均具有显著的正向影响,并通过影响品牌关系质量正向影响重购意向.最后,对旅游企业如何更好地进行品牌契合管理提出了管理建议,并就未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between four groups of trip activities and the daily expenditures of a sample of visitors at two nature-based attractions in Northern Norway. The paper also examines some other potential factors by adopting a widely utilised twofold segmentation approach: light versus heavy spenders. The results of the logistic regression analysis indicate that there is a significant relationship between the importance attached to travel activities by nature-based tourists and their daily expenditure on a current trip. More specifically, the more individuals consider visiting historic/cultural sites as an important activity on their journey, the more likely they are to be light spenders, whereas the more they consider ‘challenging nature-based activities’ as important, the more likely that they will be classified as heavy spenders. The investigation additionally finds that travel motives, though to a lesser degree, when taken in tandem with variables such as trip length, trip purpose, age and household income, influence nature tourists’ daily expenditure.  相似文献   


Self-efficacy has been confirmed empirically as a determinant of performance and its utility has been demonstrated for such workplace functions as succession planning and team building. The effects of leader-member exchange (LMX) have also been studied in terms of such a construct's effect on subordinate performance. This study considers the potentially moderating effect of LMX on food-service managers' self-efficacy and their workplace performance. While the relationship between self-efficacy and performance has been established in diverse fields, this study indicates the causal linkage is also strong in foodservice management. Moreover, it appears that LMX is a strong moderator, affecting those with higher levels of self-efficacy most significantly.  相似文献   

It is important for service companies to develop and maintain consistent and stable consumer loyalty. Although consumer brand relationship and attributions have been applied to various service industries, they have not been investigated in the airline industry where passenger emotions are considered critical. This study addresses the consequences of brand relationship quality, the mediating influence of emotions, and the moderating role of switching costs through structural equation modeling of data collected from passengers who had experienced flight delay. The results suggest that (1) airline relationship with passengers is an important and valuable asset, especially in the case of stability attributions, (2) negative emotions play a partial or full mediator role in the causal relationship between attributions and behavioral intentions, and (3) minimizing negative emotions is more effective than relying on switching costs for behavioral intentions. It can be concluded that the airline industry should try to manage passenger emotions more appropriately since passengers have an emotional attachment to their brands and passengers' negative emotions can be influential to repurchase intentions when service failures occur.  相似文献   


Parks and related areas are increasingly adopting management-by-objectives/indicator-based frameworks to protect resources and the quality of visitor experiences. Indicator-based frameworks rely on development of indicators and standards of quality, and research has been developed to measure visitor-based standards of quality. In this research approach, visitors to parks and related areas judge the acceptability of a range of recreation-related impacts to natural/cultural resources and the quality of the visitor experience. The purpose of this paper is to explore the strength and variability of the relationship between visitor-based standards of quality and existing conditions in parks and related areas. Data were derived from studies conducted in 11 U.S. national park system units between 1995 and 2002. Results indicated that visitor-based standards of quality are generally unrelated to existing conditions. Implications of these findings are explored for research on visitor-based standards of quality and related issues, and for the management of parks and outdoor recreation.  相似文献   

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