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兰州城市聚落的形成与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
兰州是最接近我国版图几何中心的一大城市,是黄河上游的重要渡口,历史上又是中原汉族和西北各族接触、融合的地方;其所在的兰州河谷盆地土质肥沃,灌溉便利,具备了发展经济的优越条件。但直到解放前夕,兰州仍是一个落后的消费性城市,其优越的地理位置与自然条件远未得到充分利用。只是在解放后,兰州才成为一个重要的社会主义工业城市。  相似文献   

兰州是我国西北的交通枢纽、新兴的工业城市和重要的商业中心。重工业产值居西北各城市之首,社会商品零售额仅次于西安,居第二位。兰州在我国战略西移中,是经济技术从东向西推移的“支撑点”和“中继站”。如何发挥兰州中心城市的作用,需要立足于促进商品生产,发展商品流通,搞活内外交通,以商业为“桥梁”和纽带,促进西北经济发展。一兰州位于我国版图的几何中心,是西北地区百万人口大城市之一。从兰州向东沿黄河而下,可直达宁夏平原、河套平原和内蒙古高原;沿渭河东行,可达关中平原和华北平原,以及长江中下游平原;向南溯洮河,再沿白龙江而下,可抵四川盆地和云贵高原;西溯  相似文献   

世界各国区域经济发展趋势表明,中心城市日益成为区域经济社会发展的核心和引擎;甘肃区域发展战略得以实施的关键在于如何做大做强兰州这个中心城市;基于“大视野”,构筑“大产业”,形成“大市场”,建设“大都市”,完善“大交通”,打造“大中心”是将“大兰州”建设成区域性现代化中心城市的基本路径。  相似文献   

宁波遭遇绿色壁垒成因及其对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、绿色壁垒对宁波出口贸易的冲击 宁波位于中国大陆海岸线中段、经济发达的长江三角洲南翼,毗邻上海、杭州。宁波是中国对外开放城市、享有省一级经济管理权限的计划单列城市、具有制定地方性法规权力的“全国较大的市”,是中国华东地区重要工业城市和对外贸易口岸,是长江三角洲区域中心城市和重化工业基地,是浙江省经济中心。宁波港目前是中国最重要的港口之一。2002年港口货物吞  相似文献   

乌海市是内蒙古自治区西部的新兴工业城市,地处黄河上游,东临鄂尔多斯高原,南与宁夏石嘴山市隔河相望,西接阿拉善草原,北靠肥沃的河套平原,是华北与西北的结合部,同时也是“宁蒙陕甘”经济区的结合部和沿黄经济带的中心区域。  相似文献   

"风雅之地"青城古镇,是兰州市唯一的省级历史文化名镇和全国民间艺术之乡,自古以来,经济发达,借助黄河水运,成为兰州通往北方的交通要道和商品集散地。因古老悠长的历史而沉淀的丰富的传统文化,使青城镇成为黄河上游独具特色的一块风水宝地。青城位于甘肃榆中县北部,黄河南岸,距兰州90公里、白银23公里,是宋朝大将狄青任秦州刺史巡边时所筑,她是黄河上游的千年古镇、古丝绸之路上的旱码头和商贸中心,被誉为"黄河千年古镇"。2007年,被国家建设部、国家文物局命名为"中国历史文化名镇"。  相似文献   

一、新亚欧大陆桥是宝鸡经济起飞的“跑道” 宝鸡市位于陕、甘、川、宁四省区结合部,处于四个对称省会城市西安、兰州、成都、银川的中心位置,是国家“一五”、“三线”时期在关中西部布局的老工业基地,是国家规划的关中天水经济区副中心城市和特大城市,是新亚欧大陆桥在我国境内除郑州、徐州外的第三个交通大十字。  相似文献   

洛阳位于河南省西部,横跨黄河中游两岸,是一座即古老又现代,既有实力又具潜力的城市。洛阳是华夏文明的重要发祥地,是横贯东西的丝绸之路的东方起点和纵贯南北的大运河的中心枢纽,自古就是一座开放、包容的城市,在东西方文化交流、贸易往来中发挥着重要作用。洛阳是我国中部地区重要的新兴工业基地和苦名的旅游城市,具有良好的产业基础、较强的综合实力和巨大的发展潜力。经过几十年的发展建设,洛阳经济实力显著增强,城市形象明显提升,已成为中西部地区重要的区域性城市。  相似文献   

“风雅之地”青城古镇,是兰州市唯一的省级历史文化名镇和全国民间艺术之乡,自古以来,经济发达,借助黄河水运,成为兰州通往北方的交通要道和商品集散地。因古老悠长的历史而沉淀的丰富的传统文化,使青城镇成为黄河上游独具特色的一块风水宝地。  相似文献   

李宗植 《经济经纬》2005,(6):103-105
城市是我国经济、政治、科学技术、文化教育的中心,是现代工业集中的地方,是现代国家经济社会的主要载体,又是经济社会发展的基础,还是各种利益整合、各种矛盾交错的平台。民主法制、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处,是构建和谐城市的根本指导思想和基本目标。“十一五”时期,我们要努力构建和谐城市,就要认真总结国内外城市化的经验教训,反思城市化的历史经验,重新审视我国的城市发展模式。  相似文献   

Legally binding treaties or memorandums have been used over time to regulate the issue of national borders of many European countries. As a result, relatively large groups of people have become ethnic minorities in other countries. They may conserve their ethnic identities, and therefore their children may accumulate ethnic human capital (e.g., language, culture, and religion) in addition to the general human capital of the country. Therefore, they can get access to an appropriate occupation linked by tradition or other factors to their ethnic group. This paper uses estimates from a selection model with an endogenous switch among three broad types of occupational groups to analyze the composition of the wage gap between Romanians and ethnic Hungarians in Romania before and during the transition from a planned to a market economy. The results suggest that the institutional settings of the controlled economy allowed Romanians to work in occupations that gave them the best returns, while the changes during the transition years allowed ethnic Hungarians to work in occupations that gave them the best returns.  相似文献   

In recent years, a considerable number of papers have been devoted to the problem of characterizing efficient programs in infinite-horizon models. In the present paper on one-sector models, it is shown that (1) the study of production or consumption efficiency can be reduced to the study of a single model, and (2) certain measures of curvature are crucial for the efficiency of programs. Criteria for efficiency of programs using these curvature measures are given and it is indicated how the existing results in the field can be obtained using the present criteria.  相似文献   

This paper uses curb sets to study the evolution of effective pre-play communication in games where a single communication round precedes a simultaneous-move, complete-information game. It is shown that the effectiveness of one-sided pre-play communication is inversely related to risk in the underlying game, and to the size of the message space. If messages have somea prioriinformation content, then multi-sided communication is more effective than one-sided communication; i.e., risk and the size of the message space play no role.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Number: C72.  相似文献   

Caste, Inequality, and Poverty in India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper analyses inequality and poverty in India within the context of caste‐based discrimination. It does so by decomposing the difference between (caste) Hindu and Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) households in: their average household incomes; their probabilities of being in different income percentiles; their probabilities of being at different levels of poverty into: a “discrimination effect”, which stems from the fact that a household's income level, into which its (income‐generating) profile translates, depends on whether it is SC/ST; an “attributes (or residual) effect” which stems from the fact that there are systematic differences between SC/ST and Hindu households in their (income‐generating) profiles. The results, based on unit record data for 28,922 households, showed that at least one‐third of the average income/probability differences between Hindu and SC/ST households was due to the “unequal treatment” of the latter.  相似文献   

Using in a consistent way the household level data of five successive national surveys, this paper analyses at once the microdeterminants (and changes thereof) of consumption, poverty, growth, and inequality in Bangladesh from 1983 to 1996. Education, demographics, land ownership, occupation, and geographic location all affect consumption and poverty. The gains in per capita consumption associated with many of these household characteristics tend to be stable over time. Demographics have had the largest impact on growth. Education (in urban areas) and land (in rural areas) contribute the most to measures of conditional between group inequality, a new concept introduced in the paper to avoid the pitfalls of traditional group decompositions of the Gini index, followed by location in both sectors.  相似文献   

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