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吴小艳 《当代经济》2011,(16):50-51
绿色再制造是以产品全寿命周期理论为指导,以废旧产品性能提升为目标,以优质、高效、节能、节材、环保为准则,以先进技术和产业化生产为手段,来修复、改造废旧产品的一系列技术措施或工程活动的总称。本文对绿色再制造企业实施清洁生产的运作管理问题展开了较为系统、全面的研究,并以施乐公司在复印机再制造过程中如何实施清洁生产管理为例进...  相似文献   

废旧汽车的回收再利用是一个涉及政府、企业和消费者的社会性问题,而政府在废旧汽车闭环供应链的构建与运行中扮演着重要的角色。文章重点研究"以旧换再"政策对废旧汽车再制造闭环供应链的影响。在介绍政府"以旧换再"政策基础上,考虑汽车两阶段生命周期的情形,分别构建了政府不采取和采取"以旧换再"政策的分散式决策的废旧汽车再制造闭环供应链模型,进一步探讨了政府采取"以旧换再"政策对闭环供应链中的新汽车和再制造汽车的批发价格和销售价格、新汽车和再制造汽车需求量以及原始汽车制造商和汽车销售商的利润影响。结果表明,通过合理设置销售补贴金额,实施"以旧换再"政策在某种程度上可以有效地促进废旧汽车再制造产业的发展。  相似文献   

再制造产业:概念、问题与发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
再制造(remaunfacture)是前沿学科,目前学术界尚无统一的定义。1983年罗伯特(Robert)等人从技术规范上对再制造过程定义:在工厂里,通过一系列工业过程,将已报废的产品拆卸,不能使用的零部件通过再制造技术修复,使得修复处理后的零部件的性能与寿命期望值达到或高于原零部件的性能与寿命。[1]徐滨士院士的定义是:以产品全寿命周期理论为指导,以优质、高效、节能、节材、环保为准则,以先进技术和产业化生产为手段,进行修复、改造废旧设备产品的一系列技术措施或工程活动的总称。[2]笔者拟从循环经济的基本理念出发,对再制造做出自己的定义。  相似文献   

随着环保意识和可持续发展意识的增强,将废旧品再制造成新品的循环经济与环保价值已得到广泛重视,越来越多的人投入到对逆向物流回收模式的研究中去。文章以办公设备再制造为研究对象,提出了三种逆向物流的回收模式,即制造商直接从消费者手中收集;制造商激励零售商收集;制造商以合同形式委托第三方收集。并对这三种不同的回收模式进行了比较分析,讨论不同方案下废旧产品回收、修复再制造的综合效益,得出了一些具有初步参考价值的结论。  相似文献   

绿色再制造——建设节约型社会的源头性举措   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
再制造是上世纪从美国发展起来的一个新兴产业.是对废旧产品进行修复和改造的一系列技术措施和工程活动的总称.是一个资源潜力巨大、经济效益显著、环保作用明显、可实现大量就业且符合可持续发展的绿色工程。推进再制造工程的发展、加强再制造工程的管理是实现循环经济和节约型社会的重要途径之一。本文从社会存在问题出发,介绍了美国再制造的发展及苒制造的内涵与特征.提出了我国发展再制造的建议。-  相似文献   

廉阳 《经贸实践》2010,(9):37-37
我国再制造产业发展起步较晚,但势头良好,实现了三步重要跨越。 跨越一:从理论探索到产业政策制定 我国提出再制造的理念是10年前。工程院院士徐滨士在1999年6月西安召开的“先进制造技术国际会议”上作了《表面工程与再制造技术》的特邀报告,在我国率先提出“再制造”的概念。  相似文献   

再制造:低碳经济践行者   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓再制造,主要是以机电产品及其配件等废旧工业制成品为原料,在基本不改变产品形状和材质的情况下,进行专业化、批量化修复和改造,使得该产品在技术性能和安全质量等方面能够达到满足再次使用的标准要求。  相似文献   

再制造是指将废旧汽车零部件、工程机械、机床等进行专业化修复的批量化生产过程,再制造产品能达到与原有新品相同的质量和性能。再制造是循环经济的高端方式。我国再制造产业发展已近20年,但目前行业总体规模较小、产业链不完整,多数企业发展存在一定困难。为了加快推进我国再制造产业的发展,国务院提出"支持建设再制造产业示范基地,促进产业集聚发展"。  相似文献   

我国家用电器进入报废高峰期,而家电回收、处理市场较为混乱,没有形成科学、成熟的体系,导致大量废旧家电得不到合理处理,造成环境污染和资源浪费等问题。在对我国废旧家电回收处理现状进行深入分析的基础上,整合回收渠道,拆分处理环节,构建了以回收、物理拆卸、化学处理、产品再制造等四个环节为主的家电逆向物流系统。有效克服负旧家电有毒物质对环境的破坏,使可利用零部件和稀贵金属得到充分再利用,实现生态效益、经济效益双重最大化的目标。同时利用数学方法和模糊层次分析法对该系统经济效益和综合效益进行评估,验证了该系统构建的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   

研究了闭环供应链中制造商和分销商的再制造价格决策问题。采用动态博弈模型,分析了由一个制造商和一个分销商组成的供应链,分销商回收废旧产品,制造商或分销商完成再制造过程中的价格决策策略,以及制造商和分销商参与再制造的边界条件。在此基础上,分析了制造商和分销商分别参与再制造对整个供应链收益的影响。  相似文献   

This article formulates a gaming model of the closed-loop supply chain with manufacturers (as the leader), sellers and consumers where consumers may or may not be willing to pay remunerative price for remanufactured products vis-à-vis new products. In the model, manufacturers produce new as well as remanufactured products, whereas sellers distribute them. In stable circumstances, this article presents the functional formula of the optimal manufacturing pricing decisions. The results show that when the cost of new products is significantly lower than that of remanufactured ones, manufacturers choose to produce new products only. When the difference between cost of new and remanufactured products is moderate, manufacturers tend to produce both new and remanufactured products, and in some regions, production of new and remanufactured products is proportional to each other. When the difference between cost of new and remanufactured products is enormous, their production and sale tend to stop. Also, this article analyses the effects of varying cost of new and remanufactured products and the recycling rate on pricing decisions of supply chain members. This article contributes to the management of manufacturers’ and sellers’ remanufacturing decisions and also provides advice on how governments can guide consumer preferences.  相似文献   

Traditional 3R-rulea have been regarded as behaviour rules.for developing recycling economy. However. with the development of modern advanced manufacturing techniquea, the important vatue of remanufacturing in promoting recycling economy has been given more and more attention to in revere years. Remanufaeturtng engineering technology, which utilizes advanced sub;face engineering and forming technology, produces directly with useable components of scraped machines. It can conserve the most of materials (about 83%-95%) and energy (about 80-85%) of ortginal prodacts with less pollution. By remamifacturing, we can reduce resources consumption under the condition of meeting the needs of social and economic development. Remanufacturing is an advanced method for recycling economy in industry Therefore, we think that the rules of .ecycting economy in industry could be extended from 3 R-rules to 4R-rules. The 4R-rules optimal sequence would be reduce,reuse. remanufacture, and recycle.  相似文献   

为了确定最优的再制造与制造策略,对有限计划期间的周期盘点库存系统进行研究。在该系统中,计划期间之初有相当多的旧产品,若对这些旧产品全部再制造,得到的再制造品将满足整个计划期间的顾客需求。但是,若旧产品的持有成本超过起动新产品制造的准备成本时,则起动新产品制造更加经济。此时,为满足顾客的需求,将有再制造与制造两种方式并存。针对现有研究假定再制造准备次数和制造准备次数已知的情况下得到的再制造与制造策略不一定是最优的局限,假定再制造准备次数与制造准备次数未知,构建了最小化有限计划期间总成本的库存决策模型。通过构建关于转换期的集合,推导出了不同转换期对应的最小总成本函数及其最优转换期的存在范围。最小总成本是关于转换期及相应最优的再制造准备次数和制造准备次数的函数,提出了一个确定计划期间最优策略的简单算法,并用算例对模型及算法进行验证,得到相应的最优策略及最优总成本。  相似文献   

对存在旧产品处置和采用延迟交货策略的混合系统库存决策问题进行研究。在混合系统中,有制造与再制造两种产品供应模式。产品使用后从顾客处返回,但因再制造能力的不足,返回的旧产品仅有部分用于再制造,其余的被处置。旧产品通过再制造得到再制造品,原材料和零部件通过制造得到制造新品,再制造品具有与制造新品完全相同的质量。可翻新品库存由用于再制造的旧产品组成,服务性产品库存由制造新品与再制造品组成。顾客的需求恒定且由服务性产品来满足,允许缺货但需完全拖后补足。利用(P,1)策略构建库存决策模型,给出了确定最优制造与再制造策略的求解方法,得到了制造和再制造准备次数、制造和再制造批量、模型周期长度、制造与再制造期的最大缺货量等决策变量的求解公式。算例表明,可以找到最优的制造与再制造策略。  相似文献   

计国君   《技术经济》2010,29(7):10-19
与传统定价理论类似,制定再造产品的销售价格时也需考虑市场细分、顾客群定位等传统问题。本文研究了基于不同细分市场、产品类别、质量水平及竞争环境下的再造产品的销售定价策略,提出再造产品存在着多种质量水平,基于质量差异的动态定价策略可以让再造企业拥有更好的竞争优势;同时考虑OEM与IR之间的竞争情况,用博弈模型研究了二者如何利用价格手段来防御对手竞争。  相似文献   

Recent Rand research indicates that improved estimates of costs and schedules might be obtainable for the development and procurement phases of the system acquisition cycle if techniques were available to assess the technological advance being sought. This report describes the development and testing of such a technique using the technology of aircraft turbine engines as an example. The measure of technological advance developed in this study is intended to capture mainstream trends. It is not able to identify fine differences among turbine engines or to distinguish small differences in contractor proposals. It is intended to provide a broader understanding of the technological advance being sought in an engine development program and to provide information for use in making decisions concerning development policy. Multiple regression analysis is used to estimate a multidimensional tradeoff surface of the parameters characterizing engine technology and to trace out the movement of the tradeoff surface over time. The equation with the best statistical properties contained parameters thought to be important in turbine engine development and had coefficients consistent with a priori notions of technological change.The data base included the first model of a given turbine engine to pass the Model Qualification Test required of all American production engine types of the past 30 years. Examination of the history of turbine engine progress suggests very strongly that single parameter analysis cannot capture the richness of the development process. The data were divided into a number of subsamples covering various time periods to test whether the shape of the tradeoff surface changed over time. When divided into equal halves, the subsamples were indistinguishable. Divided by thirds, the most recent period showed a slight increase in the rate of technological advance, but the increase was barely significant statistically. In nine out of ten cases, the rate of increase of technology of growth versions of engines was less than the average trend of technology for new engines. This result indicates that when design features are frozen in hardware, technology growth cannot take full advantage of newly developed techniques.  相似文献   

It is normal for enterprises to engage in remanufacturing nowadays. Nevertheless, the concern of enterprises and researchers is whether remanufacturers should compete for leadership in supply chains. Considering the WTP for new and remanufactured products differs, this article the evolutionary game theory model in three structures of leadership in supply chains. It investigates the processes of market evolution and choices of strategies when manufacturers and retailers compete or do not compete for leadership in the market. It has been shown in the case of market evolution, according to the 12 conditions formed from different prices that manufacturer and retailer have to pay for competing for leadership, there are five types of ultimate evolutionary stability about the choices of strategies. Further analyses show that these five different evolutionary stability results include nine different evolutionary paths. Analyses of examples further show the evolutionary processes and results in distinct circumstances. This article extends the application of the evolutionary game in remanufacturing supply chains in theory and provides some guidance for enterprises to make decisions when they consider whether they compete for leaders in remanufacturing supply chains in reality.  相似文献   

汽车产品再制造中的知识产权问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车产品再制造是汽车工业发展循环经济的重要途径,是汽车工业可持续发展的必然选择。随着再制造产业的发展,原产品制造商与再制造商的利益冲突和知识产权冲突问题逐渐显现。明确再制造中的知识产权保护原则,平衡各方的利益,才能既鼓励创新,保护知识产权人的利益,又可以高效发展汽车再制造产业。  相似文献   

文章针对不同消费者对新产品、再制造产品存在效用异质性的情况,构建了一个由制造商和消费者市场组成的两层生态供应链超网络模型,优化目标为经济效益最大化、环境影响和风险最小化。考虑环境规制及产品的可再造比例对整个供应链绩效的影响,利用网络均衡理论描述不同主体的独立行为和主体之间、产品之间相互影响的竞争行为。数据分析结果表明,系统整体效益以及企业对产品可再造比例的选择很大程度上取决于产品创新效率和政府补贴方式。  相似文献   

文章基于综合考虑双边与多边贸易阻力的最新引力模型,采用Lall与OECD两种高技术产品分类统计方法,利用我国双边贸易的SITC五位编码进口产品数据,在控制经济环境、人文制度等因素的基础上考察了知识产权保护对我国高技术产品进口的影响。结果表明,知识产权保护作为一种非贸易的制度安排,在一定程度上促进了我国高技术产品的进口,其市场扩张效应大于市场垄断效应,但经济发展水平、市场规模等经济环境因素仍是促进我国高技术产品进口的主要原因。  相似文献   

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