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人力资本理论发源于经济学,随着这一理论对法学特别是公司资本法律制度影响的日益深入,从经济学向法学引入人力资本理论就显得迫在眉睫,而其中的首要任务就是对人力资本的法律概念和法律属性进行分析和界定,以完成人力资本理论从经济理念向法律理念的转变。本文即是从经济学角度出发,对人力资本的法律概念进行了初步的探讨,分析了人力资本与劳动力的区别及其人力资本的法律属性,试图为人力资本理论在法学中的应用和完善铺平道路。  相似文献   

China is actively seeking an economic transition to achieve high-quality development, which means economic growth and environment improvement. This paper evaluates the economic and environmental effects of a pilot zone for transformation of growth engine (TGE) policy in Shandong province, China. We collected the monthly data of 73 prefecture-level cities in five provinces of central and eastern China from 2015 to 2020, then used the boundary discontinuity difference-in-differences (BD-DID) for identification. The results show that this pilot policy has effectively improved environmental quality while achieving economic growth, but the core zones did not perform well in environmental improvement. Analysis of the mechanism shows that innovation, infrastructure and pollution control are important channels of the TGE policy in improving the economy and environment.  相似文献   

黄益平 《上海经济》2010,(10):12-12
我国GDP增长速度已经从第一季度的11.9%下降到第二季度的10.3%。现有的一些领先指标,如制造业采购经理指数表明,增长还在持续减速,第三季度的GDP增长率可能跌到10%以下。  相似文献   

朱云平 《特区经济》2006,213(10):343-344
转型经济期,我国政府经济职能必须转换,由于中国已经融入经济全球化的进程,我国对外贸易的迅速发展和我国已经成为贸易大国的事实,我国对外经济职能也必须转换。  相似文献   

State capacity has become one of the most discussed concepts in development economics and political economy. In this survey we argue that the study of economic history provides vital insights into the process through which modern states have acquired ‘state capacity’. By evaluating the process of state building across a range of different countries in Europe and Asia, we are able to ‘decompress’ the relationship between state capacity and economic growth. Our analysis emphasizes the variegated nature of the state building process. We focus on recent research that helps to elucidate the mechanisms that relate state capacity to economic growth.  相似文献   

吴义太  臧荣华 《特区经济》2007,(12):169-170
建设社会主义新农村是我国"十一五"期间明确提出的重大历史任务。依法保障农民工的各项权益是建设社会主义新农村的重要内容。现阶段我国农民工权益保障严重不足,探讨农民工权益的法律保障十分迫切。农民工权益法律保障的途径可以从农民工的自由迁徙权、劳动权、社会保障权、结社权、救济权等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Recent research establishes a significant positive correlation between law and finance (and hence economic growth), restarting a debate on the “law matters” thesis. However, which way the causality goes is still not clear. The purpose of this paper is to use the ongoing reform experience of China, especially its capital market experience, to examine the direction of causality. First, we show that China's recent experience is largely consistent with Coffee's [Yale Law Journal 111 (2001, October)] “crash-then-law” interpretation of this correlation. Indeed, it is the large and clearly defined constituency of investors that has been a key driving force behind much of the recent legal progress. The rights and economic interests of this constituency have fundamentally challenged the traditional emphasis of the Chinese legal culture on administrative and criminal sanctions, but not on civil litigation law. Second, we compare the different contributions to legal change made by the stock market and the consumer product markets. We argue that capital markets are perhaps the most conducive to the formation of a politically powerful constituency and hence more aggressive legal change, because of (1) the higher degree of commonality among interested parties and (2) immediately measurable and tangible damages. These two characteristics not only allow investors to identify with each other more easily, but also create an ideal basis for more debate in the media, which in turn promotes the development of a legal culture.  相似文献   

唐士梅 《特区经济》2008,(5):231-232
本文将由于生态恶化所导致的流离失所者和生活水平低于一定社会适度的人群定义为生态难民。通过对我国生态难民保护在法律观念、立法以及法律保护机制上的不足的分析,提出转变观念、构建相关法律体系、设置公众参与环境影响评价机制、生态补偿机制、社会保障机制和环境公益诉讼机制等,完善生态难民的法律保护。  相似文献   

余清华 《特区经济》2008,(6):154-155
改革开放以后,我国民营经济经历了从无到有、从小到大的发展过程。民营经济作为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分是我国现代化建设的重要力量,但民营经济的发展仍受到多方面的制约,针对民营经济在我国经济建设中的地位和当前的发展现状,完善民营经济发展的法治环境势在必行。  相似文献   

张效梅 《特区经济》2009,240(1):89-90
随着中国经济实力的增强,特别是加入WTO以后,跨国公司对华投资步入一个新的阶段,大多数跨国公司对华投资战略进行了调整,出现了如投资项目系统化、投资地点向中西部地区转移等新的特点。针对跨国公司对华投资新动向,我们应该系统改善投资环境,加强对跨国公司投资的技术、资源导向等,从而使跨国公司的对华投资能够最大程度上有利于我国经济结构的调整及国民经济的发展。  相似文献   

王爱群 《特区经济》2014,(3):153-155
近年来,农民专业合作社发展迅速,并且将成为引领我国农业生产经营体制创新的重要主体,已经成为我国主要的市场主体之一。而根据传统的民商法理论已经不能清楚地判断农村专业合作社的法律性质,使得理论界对此产生争议。本文从对农民专业合作社的性质、类型等相关问题进行分析研究,明确其在民商事法律关系中的法律地位,并对城镇化背景下农民专业合作社发展的前景进行探究。  相似文献   

张珩 《特区经济》2006,211(8):18-21
本文从我国转轨体制下的政府作用出发,探讨了在政府“介入”情况下我国的经济与金融关系。文章的基本结论是:由于政府的“介入”,使得我国的金融发展在整体上作为手段服务于政府的不平衡发展战略,推动了经济的高速增长;在区域上却又成为不平衡发展战略的结果,体现为区域金融发展的巨大差异,换句话说就是:各区域经济的发展在某种程度上得益于区域金融的发展,但又在很大程度上决定了区域金融的发展差异。  相似文献   

跨境经济合作区的构建与中国的跨边境合作策略探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
跨境经济合作区是次区域合作发展的新型态,在推动边境次区域合作中起到了重要作用。本文以中越边境经济合作区、中俄珲春边境合作区为例,阐明跨境经济合作区推动区域合作的机制和运作特点,并对当前跨边境合作的主要障碍及未来发展策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

China's impressive economic growth over three decades has seemingly occurred in the absence of a strong legal system. This paper views China's reform process over the past three decades as one that has entailed a gradual introduction of market forces into areas of the economy, which requires both dismantling the structure of the centrally planned economy and developing market-oriented institutions. This paper argues that China's transition is premised on a set of informal, and increasingly formal, institutions that provided incentives during the process of gradual liberalization. Therefore, institutional developments were not absent. The exploration of the interplay between growth and institutions leads to the conclusion that continued economic growth in China will depend on implementing legal reforms better suited to the nature of the decentralized economy, hastened by the introduction of international economic laws and rules with greater global integration.  相似文献   

In this paper, we attempt to assess the effectiveness of China's Poverty Alleviation Programs in contributing to economic growth in poor areas. To meet this overall goal, we briefly describe China's poor area policy and examine how its leaders have implemented one of the developing world's largest poverty alleviation programs. Second, we examine whether or not the poverty programs have been implemented in the parts of China that are truly poor. Finally, we attempt to assess if the poverty programs have affected growth. The major findings are that China's poverty programs do get implemented in areas of the nation that are poor, but there are many poor areas that have been left out of the government's various programs. We also find that poverty programs contribute to economic growth and that economic growth promotes poverty reduction.  相似文献   

蒋辉宇 《特区经济》2007,216(1):127-129
经济法的法律理念与社会主义新农村建设的主旨、志趣及终极目标是不谋而合的。实质公平观与经济民主机制的缺失及部分异化是社会主义新农村建设的主要障碍。经济法将以实质公平为理念,以经济民主为实施形式,在社会主义新农村建设进程中持续发挥法制保障的主导作用。  相似文献   

Self-employment in urban China: Networking in a transition economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Linda YUEH   《China Economic Review》2009,20(3):471-484
This paper investigates the relationship between self-employment and social networks in urban China, an economy rife with informational and institutional imperfections, under-developed financial markets, but a growing and important non-state sector. Having a social network can help the self-employed access supply and credit networks, and assist in navigating an uncertain institutional environment where permissions and licenses often require inter-personal relationships to facilitate and reduce the informational costs of enforcement by dealing with known persons. Thus, holding other productive and observable traits constant including attitude toward risk where possible, social networks are expected to be a significant correlate to self-employment which is borne out by the evidence. Examining three tranches of the self-employed (those who are self-employed, those who are self-employed as a second job, and a sub-sample who have experienced unemployment and then became self-employed), the paper finds that social networks significantly predict self-employment except for those who are working for themselves as a second job. Gender differences are also notable.  相似文献   

张弛  张曙光 《南方经济》2019,38(2):1-13
经济学家应关注数字互联网技术和信息化生产力带来的巨大变化,并借此来发展和创新经济学理论。文章集中讨论了经济学方法论从同质性分析向异质性考察转变,论证了经济分析角度从拥有权中心论变成使用权中心论的趋势,进而考察了新经济的分工方式和协调方式及其赋予制度环境和组织"铁三角"——权利(决策/财产)、合约(完全/不完全)、交易(经济和政治)——的新内容。  相似文献   

关于中国纺织业转型与升级的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
纺织业作为我国的传统产业,对国民经济的发展发挥着非常重要的作用。自20世纪80年代以来,纺织品服装出口一直处于全国首位,其进出口贸易的巨额顺差成为我国外汇收入和资金积累的重要来源。但是人民币持续升值,出口退税率下调,企业成本大幅度上升,美国次贷危机引发经济衰退等,使中国纺织业面临了前所未有的严峻考验与危机。本文从纺织发展的相关理论出发,结合我国纺织业的现状,提出了关于我国纺织业转型的一些建议。  相似文献   

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