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商业模式创新作为当代一种新型创新形态,对于发展绿色经济具有不可或缺的重要性,能充分适应绿色市场的需求及其变化,有效应对绿色市场竞争的挑战,并促进绿色技术创新走向市场。绿色商业模式创新应以经济发展与环保、节约资源的双赢为价值取向,实现生态化与市场化的统一,主要包括:将节省生产成本与节能减排要求相结合,将绿色技术创新与蓝海战略相结合,联系国情实际进行创新,将绿色文化建设与市场营销相结合,实施绿色品牌战略等。  相似文献   

Bioeconomic analyses of predator–prey systems examine how to adjust species management in response to predation spillovers to avoid inefficiencies. Predation spillovers refer to the net economic value of predation, taking into account the impacts on prey. Inefficiencies arise when the species interactions that generate this value are not managed to maximize the net economic surplus generated by the system. Consumptive values for predator and/or prey harvests factor into the value of predation spillovers in prior work. In contrast, we examine the optimal management of a predator–prey system where the only values are non-market values associated with the species' abundances. We find that adverse predation spillovers may alone create social incentives for harvests or other interventions. Moreover, optimally reducing adverse predation spillovers may increase both species' abundances — an ecological “win–win” outcome that increases economic surplus, although the result depends on the controls used. We examine predator removal and predator exclosures that shelter prey from predation. Using a numerical example of the Great Lakes Piping Plover, an endangered prey bird, and Merlins, a falcon predator, we find predator exclosures can reduce inefficiencies and produce a win–win outcome.  相似文献   

The central problem in capitalism today is not one of scarce resources clashing against innate, insatiable wants. Rather, the modern problem of monopoly capitalism is one of abundance of production clashing against scarcity of consumers. Indeed, sustaining growth while fighting against excess capacity proves to be the biggest battle in business today, fought by the capitalist power structure with the tools of neoliberalism and globalization. The economic surplus, roughly sketched, represents that gap between productive resources and consumption, and thus represents the abundance that is possible given current technology. The argument set forth is that the economic surplus remains a powerful tool in describing economic relationships and social justice issues within the context of the Great Capitalist Restoration, but more importantly, that the economic surplus represents a tool for social change. The potential for socially just amelioration and change within post-neoliberal governance is explored with explicit reference to the qualitative and instrumental framework proposed by Ron Stanfield in his somewhat overlooked but incredibly important piece, “The Fund for Social Change” (1992).  相似文献   

人民币实际汇率错位对出口贸易影响的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕剑 《当代财经》2006,(9):89-94
本文在既有文献的基础上,通过结合我国经济转型的特点,研究了人民币实际汇率错位对出口贸易的影响。文中提出了更加合理的模型,引入关税(出口退税额)、政府支出、贸易条件等变量,通过Johansen协整检验、误差修正模型、格兰杰因果检验、脉冲响应函数和预测方差分解等计量方法进行了实证检验,结果表明,1978 ̄2005年,人民币实际汇率错位对出口贸易产生负面影响。其后,运用二元离散选择模型(Logit模型)进一步对二者关系进行了考察,得出了人民币实际汇率错位幅度与净出口呈负相关的结论,即汇率错位幅度越小,越有利于出口,从而出现贸易顺差。  相似文献   

论绿色营销与绿色食品   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文认为绿色营销是生态经济营销,实施绿色营销有利于促进经济、生态和社会的可持续发展。绿色食品体现了绿色营销的理念,绿色食品是绿色营销的载体,绿色营销是发展绿色食品的动力。提出了发展绿色食品,实施绿色营销的主要措施,这些措施的实施必将有效地推进我国绿色食品的发展。  相似文献   

基于广义随机Petri网的第四方物流业务流程建模与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供应链业务流程再造是提高供应链整体竞争力的重要措施,而对业务流程的性能进行建模分析是业务流程再造的基础和前提,也是近年来流程再造的研究热点。Petri网以其兼备图形化的描述方法和严格的数学定义的特点而成为目前流行的业务流程再造建模工具。首先给出广义随机Petri网的定义及性能评价的方法,然后通过一个实例分析证明该方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

自2008年美国金融危机发生以来,经济金融化成为国内外学界关注的焦点。文章从政治经济学的角度指出了金融化的本质在于资本积累演变为资本脱离剩余价值的生产与交换而通过金融系统实现增殖的过程,进而通过构建一个包含异质性主体的非对称演化博弈模型,揭示了非金融主体与金融主体之间从普通经济关系到金融关系的动态演变过程及其作用机制。研究表明:(1)经济主体之间的动态关系演变表现为非金融企业主要通过金融活动获取利润,金融企业则关注中间业务和表外业务并将普通家庭纳入其体系使之成为新的利润源泉,而普通家庭则被迫接受强势经济主体的二次分利,这些关系的变化将导致一国经济的金融化乃至金融危机。(2)经济发展状态取决于金融主体与非金融主体之间的相互关系,其中,非金融主体行为起主导性作用。在既定假设下,当非金融主体仅通过其资源保护行为影响金融主体的分利技术时,既可以促使一国经济走向新的稳定状态也可促使其走向崩溃;当非金融主体通过其资源保护行为和分利技术影响金融主体的分利技术时,经济可以实现演化稳定状态。(3)经济主体的金融化行为有三个层面的影响:一是经济主体的金融化行为促进经济主体自身在短期内实现高额资本积累;二是金融主体的分利行为与非金融主体的生产行为经常呈现对立的经济关系并容易被激化;三是没有政府介入的自由市场必然导致矛盾激化而陷入危机。因此,深入理解经济金融化问题的本质及其对经济的影响机制,对当前中国的经济转型和金融改革都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

实物期权法对网络企业投资评估的适用性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合经济学、金融学、技术经济学原理,通过对网络企业运行规律的分析,在收益法模型框架下提出网络企业的技术经济特点,分析了传统评价方法对网络企业的局限性,探讨了实物期权法对网络企业投资评估的适用性,对网络企业投资的技术经济评价方法进行了有价值的研究。  相似文献   

A general equilibrium model of an economy with cities, farms and free migration of population is constructed. The cities produce internationally traded goods via production functions subject to economies of scale. They also produce housing and a local public good. Two areas are defined to be disjoint if households performing an economic activity in one area are not operating in the other. An area is exclusive if it is disjoint to its complement. The economic surplus of an area is then defined to be the value of the area's net export of goods and resources. Local efficiency of an area is defined to be a state in which its economic surplus attains its maximum value. This state is proved to be a necessary condition for Pareto optimality of the economy. It is then proved that beside Piguvian corrective taxes the only taxes necessary and sufficient to finance local government activities efficiently, are taxes on land rents. Furthermore, if jurisdiction of a local government is over an exclusive area no intervention of central government is necessary, and local authorities can be fully autonomous. If the economy can be divided into pairwise disjointed exclusive areas, those areas are optimal jurisdictions in the sense that efficiency in the economy can be achieved with local authorities only.  相似文献   

We study a mechanism that prevents the long-run distribution of wealth from becoming degenerate in the Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans model when households have different time-preference rates. This mechanism is based on the observation that price-taking behavior is no longer justified when all wealth is owned by a single household. Formalizing this observation, we obtain a model with a unique stationary equilibrium in which, depending on the parameter constellation, any number of households can own positive stocks of capital. We characterize this equilibrium and show for example that an increase in the dispersion of the time-preference rates across households unambiguously increases aggregate output. Whereas the main results are derived for a rather general class of production functions, we devote a separate section to the special case of the Cobb–Douglas technology for which the equilibrium conditions are particularly simple. The research reported in this paper forms part of the project “Economic Growth with Strategic Saving Decisions” supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under project number P17886. Comments from Robert Becker, Edward Green, Takashi Kamihigashi, David Levine, Fabrizio Zilibotti, anonymous referees, and participants at various conferences and seminars are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Consider an estimate of the common value of an auctioned asset that is symmetric in the bidders’ types. Such an estimate can be represented solely in terms of the order statistics of those types. This representation forms the basis for a pricing rule yielding truthful bidding as an equilibrium, whether bidders’ types are affiliated or independent. We highlight the link between the estimator and full surplus extraction, providing a necessary and sufficient condition for ex-post full surplus extraction, including the possibility of independent types. The results offer sharp insights into the strengths and limits of simple auctions by identifying the source of informational rents in such environments. Harstad acknowledges hospitable accommodation by the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, and the Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis, during parts of this research. We are grateful for comments and suggestions from Richard McLean and Jeroen Swinkels.  相似文献   

循环经济发展模式下的企业业务流程再造   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
循环经济是一种有别于传统经济的可持续发展的经济模式,循环经济发展模式下的企业业务流程与传统经济发展模式下的企业业务流程有很大区别。本文在比较循环经济发展模式与传统经济发展模式下企业业务流程异同的基础上,运用企业业务流程再造理论,对传统经济发展模式下的企业业务流程再造提出了设计改进意见,以使其满足循环经济发展模式的要求,从而推动整个社会循环经济体系的构建。  相似文献   

Since the conventional current account uses cash-flow accounting, it is potentially devoid of economic meaning. Assessing foreign assets at market values and including expected transfers from abroad, this paper reports two measures of the external surplus that are grounded in economic theory. The first measure is the aggregate generational current account, annual differences in the sum of net foreign assets across all current and future generations. The second measure is the generational profile of net foreign assets in a benchmark year. These ideas are implemented with data from Korea.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to estimate the welfare impact of different policy interventions in the foodgrain markets in Bangladesh using an economic surplus approach. Over the period of analysis, 1980–2003, the loss in consumer surplus exceeded the gain in producer surplus plus the gain in government revenue. Therefore, the interventions resulted in a deadweight welfare loss for society. In contrast, in the policy of liberalization, the gain in consumer surplus and in government revenue is larger than the loss in producer surplus, producing a net welfare gain to society.  相似文献   

国家之间制度差异是跨国技术转移的重要影响因素,现有文献缺乏基于制度距离大小和方向对跨国技术转移的探讨。在将制度落差划分为制度逆差和制度顺差的基础上,依据2009—2019年中国技术引进面板数据,探究制度落差对跨国技术转移的影响,并考察技术来源国创新能力在这一影响过程中的调节作用。研究发现,管制逆差和规范逆差对跨国技术转移具有显著促进作用,技术来源国创新能力有助于增强规范逆差对跨国技术转移的促进作用,而对管制逆差影响跨国技术转移的调节作用不显著;管制顺差和规范顺差对跨国技术转移均有显著阻碍作用,且技术来源国创新能力能够削弱其阻碍作用。研究结论证实制度落差对跨国技术转移具有差异化影响,有助于拓展跨国技术转移研究,并为相关部门从制度落差视角指导中国技术引进实践提供参考。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了两种基于不同理论的绿色国民核算方法--GREENSTAMP(GREEned National Statistical and Modelling Procedures)方法和GARP(Green Accounting Research Project)方法的发展和应用.GREENSTAMP方法是以可持续发展理论为基础的模型计量方法,目的在于发展一种理论上严密、实行上可行的衡量满足可持续环境标准的经济产出总量的方法.GARP方法是搜集能够用于估计绿色NNP或者能够用于解释标准国民账户(SNA)的卫星账户的信息的实证研究方法,目的在于给出一个经济活动净福利的准确计量值.通过比较发现,两种绿色国民核算方法均存在一定的优点和缺点.因此,本文提出了将以可持续发展为基础的方法和以福利为基础的方法相结合的两种潜在方法.  相似文献   

My small-scale macroeconomic model of the Taiwanese economy contains behavioral equations to explain saving, investment, the rate of economic growth, export demand, export supply, and import demand. Exploiting the two definitions of the current account (national saving ? omestic investment and export + net factor income from abroad ? imports), the in-sample dynamic simulation tracks the current account remarkably well. If the Taiwanese government pursued deliberate policies to reduce the current account surplus, this model indicates that the effects on the economy would depend critically on whether the current account surplus was eliminated by reducing national saving or by raising domestic investment. [430]  相似文献   

项松林 《当代财经》2011,(9):94-103
通过在消费习惯的基础上,建立最优消费的跨时贸易理论模型,然后运用GMM、2S-2SLS对中国在1978-2009年间的消费习惯和对外贸易进行实证分析,结论表明:消费者的消费习惯在国际贸易中起重要的作用,习惯降低了持久性收入对跨时贸易的影响,延长了对外贸易顺差持续时间。消费习惯的影响,东部最低、中部次之,西部最大。消费习惯在降低净产出与贸易顺差负相关关系的同时,又扩大了前期贸易余额与贸易顺差的正相关关系。影响贸易顺差的因素很多,在不考虑其它因素影响下,消费习惯也是中国贸易顺差快速增加的重要原因。  相似文献   

Economic forecasts are useful to policymakers both as aids to planning, and as baselines against which counterfactual scenarios can be compared. However, policy makers should be aware that assumptions relating to model structure can influence forecast results. We explore the sensitivity of forecasts to one aspect of model structure important in modelling developing economies: surplus agricultural labour. We outline a framework for modelling surplus agricultural labour that relies on average product remuneration. We embed this within a model of a developing economy (the Philippines) characterized by surplus agricultural labour. We compare the results of two forecasts that differ in their treatment of the agricultural labour market. In the first, the surplus labour theory is activated, establishing average product remuneration in agriculture. In the second, the surplus labour theory is not activated, creating a failure to recognize average product remuneration in agriculture. By comparing the two simulations, we show that failure to model the presence of average product remuneration, when it would be appropriate to do so, has an impact that would be material to economic planners, leading them to: under-estimate agricultural employment; over-estimate GDP growth; and, over-estimate important policy variables (like tax revenue) that are related to GDP growth.  相似文献   

蔡涛 《技术经济》2007,26(5):35-37,66
刘易斯模型面临着挑战并具有扩展、创新的内在要求,把刘易斯模型应用于珠三角地区二元经济演化和工业化路径分析时,该地区表现出刘易斯模型未能覆盖和未曾分析的特殊模式,而其特殊性主要是在一个开放条件下的演化增长,从而拓展了传统刘易斯模型的封闭系统分析框架,构建了由资本、剩余劳动力转移、出口贸易、技术转移等这四个要素组成的开放型二元经济演化路径。  相似文献   

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