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In this paper, we study the influence of skewness on the distributional properties of the estimated weights of optimal portfolios and on the corresponding inference procedures derived for the optimal portfolio weights assuming that the asset returns are normally distributed. It is shown that even a simple form of skewness in the asset returns can dramatically influence the performance of the test on the structure of the global minimum variance portfolio. The results obtained can be applied in the small sample case as well. Moreover, we introduce an estimation procedure for the parameters of the skew-normal distribution that is based on the modified method of moments. A goodness-of-fit test for the matrix variate closed skew-normal distribution has also been derived. In the empirical study, we apply our results to real data of several stocks included in the Dow Jones index.  相似文献   

It is well known that when the moments of the distribution governing returns are estimated from sample data, the out-of-sample performance of the optimal solution of a mean–variance (MV) portfolio problem deteriorates as a consequence of the so-called “estimation risk”. In this document we provide a theoretical analysis of the effects caused by redundant constraints on the out-of-sample performance of optimal MV portfolios. In particular, we show that the out-of-sample performance of the plug-in estimator of the optimal MV portfolio can be improved by adding any set of redundant linear constraints. We also illustrate our findings when risky assets are equally correlated and identically distributed. In this specific case, we report an emerging trade-off between diversification and estimation risk and that the allocation of estimation risk across portfolios forming the optimal solution changes dramatically in terms of number of assets and correlations.  相似文献   

We analyze how an individual should optimally invest in human capital when he also has financial wealth. We treat the individual's possibilities to take more education as expansion options and apply real option analysis. In addition, we characterize the individual's optimal consumption strategy and portfolio weights. The individual has a demand for hedging financial risk, labor income risk, and also wage level risk.  相似文献   

We investigate a robust version of the portfolio selection problem under a risk measure based on the lower-partial moment (LPM), where uncertainty exists in the underlying distribution. We demonstrate that the problem formulations for robust portfolio selection based on the worst-case LPMs of degree 0, 1 and 2 under various structures of uncertainty can be cast as mathematically tractable optimization problems, such as linear programs, second-order cone programs or semidefinite programs. We perform extensive numerical studies using real market data to reveal important properties of several aspects of robust portfolio selection. We can conclude from our results that robustness does not necessarily imply a conservative policy and is indeed indispensable and valuable in portfolio selection.  相似文献   

This paper provides the optimal multivariate intertemporal portfolio for an ambiguity averse investor, who has access to stocks and derivative markets, in closed form. The stock prices follow stochastic covariance processes and the investor can have different levels of uncertainty about the diffusion parts of the stocks and the covariance structure. We find strong evidence that the optimal exposures to stock and covariance risks are significantly affected by ambiguity aversion. Welfare analyses show that investors who ignore model uncertainty incur large losses, larger than those suffered under the embedded one-dimensional cases. We further confirm large welfare losses from not trading in derivatives as well as ignoring intertemporal hedging, we study the impact of ambiguity in that regard and justify the importance of including these factors in the scope of portfolio optimization. Conditions are provided for a well-behaved solution in general, together with verification theorems for the incomplete market case.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of constructing a perturbed portfolio by utilizing a benchmark portfolio. We propose two computationally efficient portfolio optimization models, the mean-absolute deviation risk and the Dantzig-type, which can be solved using linear programing. These portfolio models push the existing benchmark toward the efficient frontier through sparse and stable asset selection. We implement these models on two benchmarks, a market index and the equally-weighted portfolio. We carry out an extensive out-of-sample analysis with 11 empirical datasets and simulated data. The proposed portfolios outperform the benchmark portfolio in various performance measures, including the mean return and Sharpe ratio.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the association between industry information uncertainty and cross-industry return predictability using machine learning in a general predictive regression framework. We show that controlling for post-selection inference and performing multiple tests improves the in-sample predictive performance of cross-industry return predictability in industries characterized by high uncertainty. Ordinary least squares post-least absolute shrinkage and selection operator models incorporating lagged industry information uncertainty for the financial and commodity industries are critical to improving prediction performance. Furthermore, in-sample industry return forecasts establish heterogeneous predictability over US industries, in which excess returns are more predictable in sectors with medium or low uncertainty.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a computationally tractable optimization method for a robust mean-CVaR portfolio selection model under the condition of distribution ambiguity. We develop an extension that allows the model to capture a zero net adjustment via a linear constraint in the mean return, which can be cast as a tractable conic programme. Also, we adopt a nonparametric bootstrap approach to calibrate the levels of ambiguity and show that the portfolio strategies are relatively immune to variations in input values. Finally, we show that the resulting robust portfolio is very well diversified and superior to its non-robust counterpart in terms of portfolio stability, expected returns and turnover. The results of numerical experiments with simulated and real market data shed light on the established behaviour of our distributionally robust optimization model.  相似文献   

保险公司资产组合与最优投资比例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保险公司收益主要来源于承保利润和投资收益,其中承保利润受政策变动、市场条件等外部环境的影响较大,而投资收益则更多地取决于保险公司的投资能力,因此保险公司如何构建资产组合、如何确定最优投资比例就是获取投资收益最大化的重要因素。本文通过理论推导得出了保险公司的资产组合模型并运用非线性规划求解出最优投资比例,进而根据保险公司的投资数据进行了实证研究,为我国保险公司的资产组合及最优投资比例提供了一个可借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a robust approach maximizing worst-case utility when both the distributions underlying the uncertain vector of returns are exactly unknown and the estimates of the structure of returns are unreliable. We introduce concave convex utility function measuring the utility of investors under model uncertainty and uncertainty structure describing the moments of returns and all possible distributions and show that the robust portfolio optimization problem corresponding to the uncertainty structure can be reformulated as a parametric quadratic programming problem, enabling to obtain explicit formula solutions, an efficient frontier and equilibrium price system. We would like to thank Prof. Zengjing Chen from School of Mathematics and System Sciences, Shandong University for helpful suggestions, and to thank the anonymous referee for valuable comments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define the conditional risk measure under regime switching and derive a class of time consistent multi-period risk measures. To do so, we describe the information process with regime switching in a product space associated with the product of two filtrations. Moreover, we show how to establish the corresponding multi-stage portfolio selection models using the time consistent multi-period risk measure for medium-term or long-term investments. Take the conditional value-at-risk measure as an example, we demonstrate the resulting multi-stage portfolio selection problem can be transformed into a second-order cone programming problem. Finally, we carry out a series of empirical tests to illustrate the superior performance of the proposed random framework and the corresponding multi-stage portfolio selection model.  相似文献   

In standard portfolio theories such as Mean–Variance optimization, expected utility theory, rank dependent utility heory, Yaari’s dual theory and cumulative prospect theory, the worst outcomes for optimal strategies occur when the market declines (e.g. during crises), which is at odds with the needs of many investors. Hence, we depart from the traditional settings and study optimal strategies for investors who impose additional constraints on their final wealth in the states corresponding to a stressed financial market. We provide a framework that maintains the stylized features of the SP/A theory while dealing with the goal of security in a more flexible way. Preferences become state-dependent, and we assess the impact of these preferences on trading decisions. We construct optimal strategies explicitly and show how they outperform traditional diversified strategies under worst-case scenarios.  相似文献   

The multi‐objective portfolio optimization problem is too complex to find direct solutions by traditional methods when constraints reflecting investor's preferences and/or market frictions are included in the mathematical model and hence heuristic approaches are sought for their solution. In this paper we propose the solution of a multi‐criterion (bi‐objective) portfolio optimization problem of minimizing risk and maximizing expected return of the portfolio which includes basic, bounding, cardinality, class and short sales constraints using a Pareto‐archived evolutionary wavelet network (PEWN) solution strategy. Initially, the empirical covariance matrix is denoised by employing a wavelet shrinkage denoising technique. Second, the cardinality constraint is eliminated by the application of k‐means cluster analysis. Finally, a PEWN heuristic strategy with weight standardization procedures is employed to obtain Pareto‐optimal solutions satisfying all the constraints. The closeness and diversity of Pareto‐optimal solutions obtained using PEWN is evaluated using different measures and the results are compared with existing only solution strategies (evolution‐based wavelet Hopfield neural network and evolution‐based Hopfield neural network) to prove its dominance. Eventually, data envelopment analysis is also used to test the efficiency of the non‐dominated solutions obtained using PEWN. Experimental results are demonstrated on the Bombay Stock Exchange, India (BSE200 index: period July 2001–July 2006), and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Japan (Nikkei225 index: period March 2002–March 2007), data sets. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The approach to modelling uncertainty of the international index portfolio by the value at risk (VAR) methodology under soft conditions by fuzzy-stochastic methodology is described in the paper. The generalised term uncertainty is understood to have two aspects: risk modelled by probability (stochastic methodology) and vagueness sometimes called impreciseness, ambiguity, softness is modelled by fuzzy methodology. Thus, hybrid model is called fuzzy-stochastic model. Input data for a stochastic model are unique distribution functions and crisp (real) data. Input data for fuzzy model are fuzzy numbers and crisp (real) data. Input data for hybrid model are fuzzy probability distribution functions, unique distribution functions, and crisp (real) data. Softly defined VAR model is constructed as hybrid model because it is supposed that the input data are difficult to determine as crisp numbers or as some unique distribution functions. Risk is modelled by stochastic methodology on the VAR basis and vagueness is modelled through the fuzzy numbers. The analytical delta normal VAR methodology for international index portfolio under soft conditions is described including illustrative example. It is shown, that methodology described could be considered to be generalised sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

This paper finds strong evidence of time-variations in the jointdistribution of returns on a stock market portfolio and portfoliostracking size- and value effects. Mean returns, volatilitiesand correlations between these equity portfolios are found tobe driven by underlying regimes that introduce short-run markettiming opportunities for investors. The magnitude of the premiaon the size and value portfolios and their hedging propertiesare found to vary across regimes. Regimes are shown to havea large impact both on the optimal asset allocation—especiallyunder rebalancing—and on investors' utility. Regimes alsohave a considerable impact on hedging demands, which are positivewhen the investor starts from more favorable regimes and negativewhen starting from bad states. Recursive out-of-sample forecastingexperiments show that portfolio strategies based on models thataccount for regimes dominate single-state benchmarks.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach to the intraday analysis of diversified world stock accumulation indices. The growth optimal portfolio (GOP) is used as reference unit or benchmark in a continuous financial market model. Diversified portfolios, covering the world stock market, are constructed and shown to approximate the GOP, providing the basis for a range of financial applications. The normalized GOP is modeled as a time transformed square root process of dimension four. Its dynamics are empirically verified for several world stock indices. Furthermore, the evolution of the transformed time is modeled as the integral over a rapidly evolving mean-reverting market activity process with deterministic volatility. The empirical findings suggest a rather simple and robust model for a world stock index that reflects the historical evolution, by using only a few readily observable parameters. Mathematics Subject Classification: (1991) primary 90A12, secondary 60G30,62P20 JEL Classification: G10, G13  相似文献   

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