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杨晓明 《广告大观》2008,(11):50-52
从地域文化的角度来看,以成都为代表的四川地域文化具有十分鲜明的休闲文化特色。这一特色不仅影响与制约着四川的消费市场特色,而且,在很大程童上也影响与制约着四川的经济发展和广告业发展状况。  相似文献   

Lack of knowledge, beliefs about food, customs, and poverty are the main factors preventing millions of people from eating enough micronutrient-rich foods. Globally, more than 2 billion people are at risk of iron, vitamin A, and iodine deficiencies. Opportunities for Micronutrient Intervention (OMNI), a 5-year project funded by the Office of Health and Nutrition, US Agency for International Development, is dedicated to preventing and controlling micronutrient deficiencies in developing countries. OMNI's general approaches to reducing micronutrient deficiencies include fortification, supplementation, and dietary diversification. For all of those approaches, the project has stressed a social marketing methodology to define and motivate feasible behavior changes which will benefit maternal and child health and nutrition. The Manoff Group, the OMNI partner most responsible for behavior change, has had many positive experiences using social marketing to address micronutrient malnutrition, breast-feeding, and child feeding in many countries. Focusing mainly upon supplementation and dietary diversification, OMNI's experience to date in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Ecuador, and Bolivia is summarized.  相似文献   

This article offers a historical analysis of the conceptualization of advertising both as a propaganda tool and as a means of encouraging consumption in socialist Bulgaria. By exploring the public discourse on the function and importance of advertising in the popular media over the last 50 years, it seeks to explore the approach used to define the need for advertising, offering an insight into the complex ways in which socialist ideologies recognized the “inevitable” logic of the market – on one hand, acknowledging the need for consumption and on the other, recognizing the utility of advertising, which promotes and supports this very consumption as it sustains the operation of a commercially viable social system.  相似文献   

Considerable research evidence has indicated that humour has a positive impact on attention but no consensus is reached with regard to the persuasive effect of humour in advertising. Two hundred and fifty-four university students were recruited to watch five television commercials and respond to a structured questionnaire in this study. Results show that humour secures attention getting while disrupts message processing. Humour enhances message persuasiveness when the moderating variable need for cognition (NFC) is controlled. Participants with low NFC are easier to be persuaded by humorous commercials than participants with high NFC do. It is also found that repeated exposure to the same humorous commercial does not harm its persuasive effect. Male audiences regard humorous commercials as more persuasive while female audiences are the opposite. The study provides guidelines for advertisers/advertising practitioners who would like to employ humour in their communication at the same time it draws ethical concerns towards the increased application of entertainment-coated persuasion.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,众多跨国企业都将目光投向全球市场。为了提高企业自身品牌的知名度,决策者们都极为重视广告这种载体的宣传作用。然而一些照搬本国宣传理念的国际跨文化广告不仅未能达到预期的效果,反而使本土消费者对其产品产生了抵制情绪,因为除了语言之外,还存在着历史政治、知识结构、宗教文化等各种宏观或微观的影响因素.制约广告在民族国家间的传播。因此如何避免这种跨文化广告带来的非语言障碍,成为跨国企业在进入特定市场前必须仔细探讨的课题。在本文的第一部分中,作者给出“跨文化广告”的详细定义并介招其发展状况和特点。在第二部分中.作者从不同角度定义“非语言传播因素”并分析跨文化广告传播障碍产生的原因。在第三部分中,作者列举不同类别的跨文化广告实例,通过生动的文化对比对其进行详细的分析,并阐释其中所蕴含的非语言传播意义,并在此基础上提出了在跨文化广告中能有效避免非语言障碍的几点建议。  相似文献   

This paper undertakes an exploratory study into the characteristics of entrepreneurial culture of the multinational subsidiary; and, into the associated influences and manifestations linked to multinational corporation (MNC) and environmental contexts. The theme of multinational subsidiary entrepreneurial culture is an unexplored theme in the literature, and has considerable research and managerial significance. This qualitative research is based on eight multinational subsidiaries in the advertising sector in the UK. The evidence suggests that the constituents of multinational subsidiary entrepreneurial culture include global vision, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial MNC network management. The related influences and manifestations refer to subsidiary autonomy, target market servicing and responsiveness to local environmental conditions. In addition, the findings show that while entrepreneurial behaviour was evident in all investigated subsidiaries, its locus varied significantly. Specifically, entrepreneurship in multinational subsidiaries can be subsidiary-, headquarters-, or jointly-driven.  相似文献   

潘阳 《广告大观》2008,(12):61-62
18年来,哈尔滨海润广告传播集团和每一个优秀的本土广告公司一样在实践中成长。一路走过之后,回首望去感触颇多,作为东北地区的广告公司对东北区域的消费市场和消费者状态相对关注得更多,这些年积累的感悟和经验借此与朋友们一同分享。  相似文献   

This study draws on minority consumers’ interpretations of purposefully polysemic commercials to explore political issues in the consumption of advertising, and highlights the sociopolitical role of niche-targeted advertising as a powerful cultural institution in informing and defining identities. The study focusses on how lesbian, gay male, and bisexual consumers make sense of gay-oriented, yet strategically polysemic, gay window commercials. Findings suggest that participants understood these messages through the lens of their unique subcultural sensitivity and in relation to their closeted experience and consciousness of marginalization. The political meanings of niche-targeted advertising are accentuated as these minority consumers negotiate the cultural tensions of their subcultural identity and their struggle between seeking subcultural validation and seeking mainstream assimilation.  相似文献   

Selling as a profession and sales management as an organizational function have undergone major changes that were driven by the evolutionary journey of the marketing discipline. The extant value cocreation paradigm is recrafting the purpose of selling. This paper explores the conceptual development of a selling paradigm that is more responsible to its customers. Specifically, in Business-to-Business (B2B) context, the cost of any selling behavior that compromises customer interest could be of disastrous proportions. Building on the theoretical foundations of self-regulation and job demands-resources theory, this paper develops a conceptual model of responsible selling by integrating self-leadership literature with the emerging paradigm of value-based selling. The conceptual model outlines several research propositions for empirical validation and discusses its potential implications for sales managers and sales organizations.  相似文献   

陈国权 《广告大观》2008,(12):44-47
2008年,广告业面临巨大考验,5月的汶川地震、从去年一直持续到今年十月的紧缩型货币政策、房地产汽车等行业大宗消费的量减,甚至被广告业看作是极大利好的奥运会,都或多或少地对广告产生减滞作用。10月12日召开了中共第十七届中央委员会第三次全体会议指出,“着力扩大国内需求特别是消费需求”将是下一阶段经济工作的重点,这意味着宏观调控的转轨和经济发展模式的转型,将成为今后相当一段时期推动广告业的重要变量。  相似文献   

文旅产业是当下发展的热门行业,也是中央电视台广告经营的重要行业之一。而央视广告投放情况常常向我们释放出重要的行业发展信息。我们来看从央视广告折射出的文旅行业的特点与发展状况。当前,文化和旅游产业蓬勃发展,统计数据显示,我国2018年旅游业对GDP的综合贡献为9.94万亿元,占GDP总量的11.04%。2018年是文旅融合元年,中国国内旅游总收人5.97万亿元,同比增长10.5%。  相似文献   

Through evaluation of current literature and survey data, this exploratory study aimed to determine factors that influence enrolment in master's level education and attendant delay of life decisions. A total of 134 master's students at a German university were surveyed. The mean age was 25 years and respondents were nearly equal parts German and non‐German nationalities. Results show how cultural factors motivate enrolment in master's programmes and how enrolment influences the timing of other important life decisions. Respondents expected significant benefits to social status, job placement and income. While this small‐scale study does not include all decision factors and its findings are not fully generalizable, we hope it motivates further research in this area.  相似文献   

伍星 《广告大观》2009,(1):82-83
2008年经济危机没有减缓重庆卫视不断扩张实力的步伐,相反,经过多年的积极探索,这一年成为其突飞猛进的一年。重庆卫视给自己的目标是做西部媒体翘楚。要达到这一目标,重庆卫视要做得还很多,而接下来的经济低谷期对它来说或者更是应当好好把握的机会……  相似文献   

Using two languages within an advertisement is increasing across many markets, throughout the world. By investigating code-switching effects between the Korean and English languages, this study is the first to directly test the Markedness Model perspective in the Korean marketplace. Furthermore, this study introduces a new type of code-switching (transliterated code-switching) between two alphabetic languages and assesses the impact of code-switching on advertising effectiveness across the different types. The results of Study 1 indicate that Korean–English (KE) code-switching and transliterated Korean–English (TL-KE) code-switching were significantly higher in attitude toward the slogan and product evaluation than English–Korean (EK) code-switching. However, there was no significant difference in the dependent variables between TL-KE and KE slogans. Study 2 tested the role of the perceived difficulty of the English words as a moderating variable. It was found that the KE slogan was more effective than the TL-KE slogan when difficult English words were embedded in the slogans, whereas no difference was found between the two slogans when the English words were perceived as easy. Implications for advertisers are presented and future research areas are discussed.  相似文献   

社会语言学是研究语言和社会关系的一门边缘、交叉学科,包括语言结构和社会环境.通过社会语言文化现象分析言语行为,再通过语言使用现象阐释社会政治、经济结构.商业品牌是地域文化和时代背景的共同产物,不同的政治、经济、环境以及文化背景下产生的商业品牌截然不同,可谓是每一个地区和民族不同历史时期文化内涵的缩影.公司和企业除保证产品质量信誉外还应考虑品牌的社会效应.  相似文献   

In the decades-long debates about whether standardised or adapted strategies are better for global brands, and whether centralised or decentralised international communications planning is more effective, little attention has been given to the perspective of local managers in the subsidiaries of global agencies. This paper reports on the experiences and opinions of account managers and creative directors in Korean subsidiaries, with regard to the international advertising policies of their agencies and clients. The authors find less centralisation than prior research has reported and yet more negative experiences with standardised global advertising. Creativity is a key consideration for the Korean managers, especially for products, be they consumer or industrial, that have universal demand. The perspective of subsidiary managers in multinational corporations should be considered in the advertising planning process in order to avoid conflict which could decrease the effectiveness of global campaigns.  相似文献   

在网络信息时代,广告散布的速度较之从前更快,影响范围更广,广告从各个方面渗透进每个人的生活,并潜移默化地改变着人们的消费观、价值观和生活方式,而社会观念的转变也会影响商业广告的设计内容。奥迪二手车广告事件,很好地体现了价值观念的转变对商业广告的反向作用力——由于中国女性们女性意识的觉醒,倒逼了商业机构和相关企业,使其做出改变。本文从女性意识觉醒的角度,论证商业领域里广告策略的转变,并试图使企业认识到,广告只有做到尊重女性,关心女性成长和促进其自我价值的实现,品牌才能最终赢得客户,赢得市场。  相似文献   

The research presented in this article focuses on the effectiveness of advertising strategies used in services communication. For this purpose, a quantitative study of 50 magazine advertisements for services in tourism and banking/insurance was conducted with a sample of 249 respondents. This research shows that, for both sectors, certain advertising strategies are more effective than others, and that the most effective advertising strategy is one that showcases the service customer. This strategy is more effective than those highlighting competitive advantage, contact staff, a physical representation of the service or the company’s brand image.  相似文献   

While corporate advertising has been widely studied as a promotional tool, few studies have examined how it can be used in a corporate crisis situation. In 2013, Kim proposed a conceptual framework for examining stakeholders’ evaluation of pre-crisis corporate advertising, using the inoculation and reactance theory. The framework, published in Journal of Marketing Communications, suggested that pre-crisis advertising can increase audience resistance towards negative news of an organization and decrease audience resistance towards future corporate advertisements from the organization. The present study expands on Kim’s work to develop the corporate crisis advertising (CCA) framework. In addition to the inoculation and reactance effects discussed in Kim’s model, CCA aims to discuss the effects of corporate advertising on improving organization’s prior reputation based on halo effect, and how post-crisis advertising messages can be evaluated based on crisis theories. Our proposed framework provides a comprehensive view of the use of corporate advertising both before and after a crisis and is useful for organizations to understand the impact of corporate advertising on stakeholders’ evaluation of the organization in a crisis situation. Potential applications of CCA are discussed and directions for future research suggested.  相似文献   

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