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Evidence on the strategies and capabilities of Japanese multinational companies (MNCs) and their subsidiaries points to aspects of established management practices (typically home-grown) that complicate or inhibit adaptation to the demands of global competition since the 1990s. Japanese MNCs have had to respond, amongst other trends, to the switch from production to buyer-driven global value chains, cross-border vertical specialization, global factory strategies and strategic alliances and cooperative relationships. Amongst the factors that might affect the ability of Japanese MNCs to make competitive and organizational transitions are: parental MNC intent and capability in the cross-border transfer of management practices; the impact of host country risk on investment, ownership and entry strategies; measures of institutional difference and the gap in economic development between home and host nations; parent firm–subsidiary and subsidiary–subsidiary power relations and knowledge boundaries; and the evolution of insider networks that might overcome institutional and cultural distances within an MNC.  相似文献   

Japanese MNCs have established strong investment positions in the US, Europe and Asia. China has been a major recipient of Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI), while investment in India has grown much more slowly. We argue that the differences extend much beyond the levels of investment—Japanese involvement in India and China is qualitatively different. Japanese FDI in China was motivated by access to location-specific productive resources, and it involved a high degree of technology, management skills and organizational knowledge transfer. The Japanese subsidiaries in China were integrated with the network of international subsidiaries as a part of the MNC's global strategy. Japanese FDI in India, however, was motivated by the desire to access local markets. It involved less transfer of technology and management skills, and Japanese subsidiaries in India operated independently as part of a multi-domestic strategy. We conclude that foreign entrants to the region should be aware and able to respond to the unique advantages of each host country and to the different strategies and capabilities of the subsidiaries of Japanese MNCs.  相似文献   

This contribution illustrates how latecomer multinational companies (MNCs) have organized international production activities and maintained their competitive advantage under growing global competition. In doing so, an interdisciplinary approach, including an evolutionary theory of MNCs, global strategic management, and organizational and technological learning, is adopted through the case study of Samsung Electronics as a sample latecomer MNC. Samsung reveals that competition in the electronics industry in China is based on the diferential capabilities of players in the market, and their ability to transfer and improve these capabilities faster than competitors. Latecomer MNCs' foreign subsidiaries are under strong pressure to be actively involved in design and product development activities near to production facilities. In order to gain a sustainable competitive advantage, foreign subsidiaries of latecomer MNCs need to rapidly improve their product innovation capability by combining knowledge transferred from the MNC headquarters and global subsidiaries' networks with information about consumer requirements in the foreign location.  相似文献   

跨国公司在华直接投资独资化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从我国利用外商直接投资的实践来看,跨国公司正在不断加强对我国市场的投资,值得注意的是,其进入我国市场的方式正在发生变化,更多的公司采取独资或追加已有投资的方式提高其股权比例。现在独资公司已经成为跨国公司在华直接投资的一种主导形式。跨国公司独资化对我国的影响如何,应采取那些应对措施,对这个问题进行研究有利于我国更好地利用外资。  相似文献   

本文认为,人民币升值对跨国公司行为的影响主要表现在两个方面:一是对跨国公司生产、销售等经营行为的影响;二是对跨国公司对外直接投资的影响。对已经制定好全球经营战略的跨国公司来讲,人民币汇率变动不会对其战略部署带来太大影响,且人民币升值最初必然对国内企业走出国门进行跨国投资收购、生产经营产生积极影响,但一定要吸取日元升值后日本经济"迷失十年"的教训。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of Japanese consumer electronics companies within Malaysia. Research between January and April 1994 revealed the interdependence of a production network not only in Malaysia but within the Asia-Pacific region as a whole, and serves to illustrate the integration of trade and investment in Malaysia's industrial development. While, undoubtedly, the surge of Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) into Malaysia's electronics industry between 1986 and 1990 has had enormous positive effects upon infrastructure development and employment creation, the results of this study question whether Japanese FDI is now contributing to the much needed structural up-grading of this industry. Central to this discussion are the underlying strategies of Japanese multinational corporations (MNCs) which have relocated in Malaysia.  相似文献   

In this introduction, we discuss the recent changes in multinational corporations' (MNCs) research and development (R&D) strategies and China's rising role in this new development. Significant changes include: 1) More and more corporations have started overseas R & D operations; 2) the missions of many overseas R&D facilities have shifted from the traditional supplementing and supporting roles to become critical and strategic components of MNCs' global R&D networks; and 3) MNC overseas R&D operations have expanded their geographic reach to carefully selected developing countries. China has benefited from such changes and has become one major attraction for such R&D facilities due to its rich endowment of low-cost and well- trained scientists and engineers as well as its fast growing domestic market and burgeoning foreign investment in manufacturing. The explosion of foreign R&D investment has also been accompanied by the rapid growth of China's domestic investment in R&D. The growth in both domestic and foreign investment in R&D implies that China will improve its position in global economic and technological competition. However, it is unclear to the rest of the world about the implications of China's rising R&D and whether or not China can capture the value from the presence of foreign R&D centres. We conclude that issues related to China's science and technology development in general and foreign R&D in China in particular warrant more research in the future.  相似文献   

Emerging multinationals are a relatively new phenomena in the global trade scene. Brazilian companies involved in international business, numbering over 900, are present in a number of industries in several markets around the world. The development of Mercosur has created an environment conducive to the increasing involvement of Brazilian companies in overseas markets. This article discusses the relationship among economic integration, flows of foreign direct investment, and firm strategies in the Mercosur region, with respect to the Brazilian experience. ©1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article applies Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) theories to the strategic management analysis of the global integration-local responsiveness of multinational corporations (MNCs) in China, from the perspective of company characteristics (ownership advantages and internalization advantages) and environmental dynamics (locational factors) in order to analyze the success factors influencing the sales activities of Japanese MNCs in China. Based on the analysis of a survey conducted on 230 Japanese parent companies with investments in China, the empirical research findings include: Japanese MNCs in China favor global integration strategies; the more significant the ownership advantages and internalization advantages are, the greater the global integration is; the success factors of their operations in China due to global integration are present in manufacturing know-how, procurement of parts and supplies, financial power, previous investment experience in China as well as sales networks and technologies; locational advantages mainly lie in labor cost among other things; internalization factors do not have any significant correlation with the success and performance of the subsidiary company. Translated from Zhongguo Ruankexue 中国软科学 (China Soft Science), 2005, (3): 89–98  相似文献   

本文通过对100家大型跨国公司的问卷调查,在分析中国外商投资的趋势、影响和回报的基础上,梳理了在华跨国公司及母公司的基本状况和相互关系,以及在竞争环境、经营自由度、决策权、竞争力、长期经营战略、投资满意度等方面的具体情况,总结出近年来跨国公司在华战略调整的重点,并针对中国企业提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Multinational companies (MNCs) can play an important role in poverty alleviation. The international business literature, however, lacks theoretical insight and systematic empirical evidence of MNCs entering low-income markets. Therefore, this study sheds light on the questions: How MNCs enter low-income markets? How MNCs operate? And how they gain knowledge in these markets? Using a multiple case study approach, we analyze MNCs with business activities in low-income markets by taking recourse to the internationalization process model of Johanson and Vahlne. The results reveal that companies develop knowledge by enlarging their mode of market commitment to a new level that exceeds local manufacturing and production facilities.  相似文献   

Business format franchising is becoming an increasingly international activity. From 1971 to 1985, U.S. franchisors added foreign outlets at a rate of 17% per year, almost twice as fast as they added domestic outlets (Aydin and Kacker 1990). As a result, by 1990 more than 350 U.S. companies had more than 32,000 franchised outlets overseas. By 2000, 60% of all franchisors in the United States are expected to have outlets overseas (Hoffman and Preble 1993).This study examines the 815 largest U.S. franchisors to understand what capabilities encourage them to expand overseas. It finds that the key capability that predicts the intent to expand overseas is superior capability to reduce franchisee opportunism. Franchisors who seek foreign franchisees have developed a greater capability to bond against and monitor potential franchisee opportunism. The data show that these differences are consistent across all industries in which franchising takes place.The results of this study indicate that foreign entrepreneurs can identify the American franchisors most likely to expand overseas by looking at their pricing structure and their monitoring capabilities. The easy identification of characteristics from which to find American franchisors will help to reduce the search costs of potential foreign franchisees. This reduction in search costs will make the establishment of international franchise relationships less expensive.This study also provides guidance to franchisors interested in expanding overseas. The results show how franchisors can structure their franchise relationships to reduce potential franchisee opportunism. This ability to reduce franchisee opportunism will make it easier for franchisors to enter high-growth foreign markets using the franchising business mode.This study also has implications for researchers. It suggests that international business research examine further the mechanisms by which firms make contractual modes of international business work. Whereas many firms may internalize international market transactions under conditions likely to lead to market failure, the large number of franchisors who use franchising as an international expansion mode despite conditions of market failure suggests that more attention be paid to mechanisms that companies can use to reduce the probability of failure of international contractual transactions. By helping to explain how franchisors monitor foreign franchisees or bond them against opportunistic behavior, this study suggests that the international business literature develop a more complex understanding of the workings of international business transactions than the simple choice of internalization or contractual entry modes.  相似文献   

根据邓宁的国际直接投资阶段理论,预测"十二五"期间我国对外直接投资发展趋势,得出的结论是:我国已经进入专业化国际投资阶段,且具有较大空间。我国政府应出台完整的对外投资法律文件,建立海外投资风险预警机制,促进企业对外投资健康发展。我国企业应加快实施"走出去"战略,提高安全有效地两个市场、两种资源的利用能力。要加大研发投入,大力推进科技创新和技术创新,不断提升我国对外直接投资的主体核心竞争力;合理选择融资方式,为不断拓展海外市场提供资金支持;应根据自身需要,实行人才引进计划和加大内部培训,积极培育涉外人才,为企业开展对外投资储备人才。  相似文献   

Although cash management has been extensively studied, the cash policies of multinational corporations (MNCs) outside of the U.S. market have been underexplored. We fill this gap in the literature by comparing the cash policies of MNCs to those of non-MNCs in a Latin American setting (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru). Using different proxies for multinationality, we find evidence that the cash holdings of multilatinas are significantly higher than those of their domestic counterparts. Overall, given that foreign markets may offer the best investment opportunities for many MNCs, our results are consistent with the argument that multilatinas maintain higher cash levels to take advantage of the greater growth opportunities abroad. We contribute to the literature on cash management and international business by expanding knowledge regarding the efforts of MNCs in emerging markets. Our results hold following a series of robustness checks and endogeneity concerns.  相似文献   

Developing‐country multinationals (DMNCs) make overseas acquisitions to leverage extant capabilities of acquired companies in order to enter foreign markets and acquire their know‐how to enhance their own competitiveness against global competition at home and abroad. We go “inside the black box” to examine how DMNCs manage those acquisitions and the attendant implications for postacquisition performance. When DMNCs keep the acquired firm “structurally separate” from their own organization and retain its senior executives, they exhibit better acquisition performance. Also, “linking mechanisms” to coordinate interdependencies between the two firms improves performance, especially when the acquired firm is kept structurally separate. Analyses of large‐sample data of Indian DMNCs’ overseas acquisitions show that DMNCs’ light‐handed approach to managing acquisitions, despite acquiring majority ownership in them, seems suited to their acquisition objectives. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Emerged market multinational corporations (EDMNCs) ? those based in emerged markets that have transitioned out of emerging economic status ? have received little research interest from the international business scholarship, despite their growing presence in the global market. EDMNCs face significant competitive pressure to leverage cross-border knowledge to innovate and leapfrog their middle-zone status between emerging and developed market multinational corporations. Analyzing 174 publicly listed South Korean MNCs and their outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), we find that an EDMNC’s OFDI into developed and emerging markets contributes unequally to its home-country innovation. We also elaborate on the moderating effect of industry peers’ OFDI into developed countries through crowding out and spillover effects. These findings have implications for the OFDI and innovation literature in general, and particularly for international business scholarship focusing on an under-investigated category of MNCs that are increasingly becoming successful in international competition.  相似文献   

This study investigates the controversial question about how cross-national distance influences MNCs' equity ownership in their overseas subsidiaries. Prior studies adopted aggregated constructs and time-invariant measures of cross-national distance, failing to capture the complexity of the phenomenon. Moreover, although ‘insidership’ within business networks may moderate the foreignness that MNCs confront in overseas markets, prior studies have not incorporated it into analysis. The present study confirms the explanatory power of multiple dimensions of cross-national distance and MNCs' insidership within networks. It also shows that cross-national distance and insidership within relevant works strengthen or weaken each other's influences on Japanese ownership strategies.  相似文献   

Recently, the global economy assumed a new setting in which emerging economies began to make substantial investments in the international market. This study aimed to investigate the determinants of outward foreign direct investment from Brazil from 2002–2011. The proposed models developed included attractiveness of the host country, characteristics of home country, and firms’ strategies. The results corroborate the existing argumentations concerning adaptation of mainstream theory with respect to the realities of emerging economies. Brazilian multinationals do not internationalize their activities in pursuit of cost reduction, efficiency, or to explore new markets or natural resources of the host countries. Results show that Brazilian investments were attracted by the availability of skilled labor, openness of the host market, geographic proximity, improved financial conditions of Brazilian companies, and national companies’ strategy of reaffirmation and consolidation as global players.  相似文献   

Two contrasting metaphors of market‐entry strategy for emerging markets are developed in this article: the Global Chess Game and the Game of Go. Understanding these paradigms is critical for business success and for building robust theories of international competitor analysis in emerging markets, particularly in Asia. The Game of Go represents a long‐term strategy of Japanese companies, dominant foreign direct investment players in the region, and it represents the global strategy of many Asian emerging market companies as they grow within the region and beyond. A Competitor Analysis Framework for Emerging Markets is proposed that incorporates culture and other antecedents as precursors of competitor analysis and strategy formulation. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Japanese retailers have a long and mixed history in Southeast Asia with a period of expansion in the 1980s and 1990s being followed by a long period of decline and stagnation. Recently, some Japanese retailers have renewed their interest in Southeast Asia. Based on an overview of the major retail trends in Southeast Asia and identification of those Japanese retailers that are currently expanding in the region, this article develops propositions about the underlying factors and processes. It argues that the interest in Southeast Asia, while being mostly justified by retailers through reference to the growing middle-class populations in host countries, is as much based on developments in Japan itself, such as the saturation and stagnation of markets and the emergence of exportable, flexible, and comprehensive business models. Japanese retailers are intensifying activities at a time when strong domestic companies with retail interests have established themselves in host countries and therefore partnerships with them seem to fulfill more than the need to comply with investment regulations or deal with complex environments. Shopping malls play a role as locations for specialty stores but are also transplanted from Japan. Companies are making efforts toward more comprehensive internationalization and this involves human resources in headquarters in Japan as well as working together with other Japanese companies, thus satisfying the need for local embeddedness but at the same time maintaining corporate identity and advantages.  相似文献   

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