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Shelby Hunt provides an insightful, precise essay on the nature and contribution of the field of marketing across five distinct periods and concludes with a discussion of the potential for the field of marketing, both within marketing and across allied fields of management. This ‘promise’ of marketing’s academic future is followed by a discussion of the key factors likely to play a significant role in lessening the contribution of the field. The purpose of this commentary is to focus on Hunt’s key question regarding Era V: Is the future of the marketing discipline promising or problematic? As such, this commentary addresses four issues: (1) the ‘promising’ assets that the discipline has in play; (2) the slide towards academic irrelevance and, thus, the ‘problem’; (3) Hunt’s observations on how the slide might be reversed; and (4) my viewpoint on what can be done to reverse the slide.  相似文献   


Drawing on the competitive capability theory, this paper examines how market orientation, marketing resources, and marketing capabilities contribute to firm performance. The empirical results show that being market oriented influences the level of marketing resources firms possess and the capability to deploy such resources. The findings show marketing resources and marketing capabilities are significant drivers of firm performance, and their impact is greater when they are complementary to each other.  相似文献   


This paper reviews 30 years of interdisciplinary scholarship that deals with marketing history or the history of marketing thought. We have ranged across the humanities and social sciences to review the very best scholarship that these domains have produced which speaks to issues likely to concern the readers of the Journal of Marketing Management (JMM). These domains include: the history of marketing management, history of market research, history of market segmentation, product management history, retailing and channels history, promotion history, advertising history, the history of marketing thought, and marketing and the management of subjectivity, among others. Given obvious page limitations we have nevertheless tried to appeal to the paradigmatic span of the readers of the JMM. With this in mind, we have critically reviewed material that will be of interest to managerially oriented academics, as well as those who subscribe to consumer culture theoretics and critical marketing studies.  相似文献   

This paper examines agent–principal agreements that prevail in marketing structures. Structural equation modeling reveals a new positioning of the relative importance of antecedents in agreement formation for two agency contexts (recruitment consultants and real estate agents). The insignificance of negotiation in agreement formation deviates from services marketing relationship models in which negotiation pre-empts commitment. A close coupling of agent attributes and information disclosure similarly positions business and consumer exchanges, contrary to sales literature. As agreement formation is not directly determined by any single event, management should not focus on outcome-based metrics for process refinement.  相似文献   

Optimising relationship marketing programmes in terms of the mix of marketing activities represents a daunting task; however, it is crucial for the formation of successful marketing strategy. An analysis of research into optimisation of marketing programmes reveals models largely focus on the optimisation task, but fail to present a holistic view. Whilst adopting a systematic approach, this paper develops a model for judging the appropriateness of a relationship marketing programme from the optimisation standpoint. As such, relationship marketing programme optimisation is treated as a complex problem consisting of three partial problems related on a parametric basis. These are forming an optimal relationship marketing programme, measuring return on relationship marketing activities and calculating costs of such activities. The methods applied integer programming, multiple regression analysis, factor analysis and heuristic algorithms. The model was tested by using large-scale data on 40,000 SMEs provided by a bank. The results showed a dramatic increase in efficiency when optimising marketing decisions by applying the suggested model. This paper is among the first to present such a holistic approach and to offer an original framework.  相似文献   

Purpose: The extant literature on business-to-business relationship has shown that trust, relationship duration, and social bond are the key drivers of relationship satisfaction. Notwithstanding, studies on the examination of when and why these variables translate into successful relationship are still scarce and need further exploration. This research investigates the conditions under which trust and social bonds influence satisfaction in a business-to-business relationship.

Design/methodology/approach: The data were collected from 159 footwear producers using a structured questionnaire. Four hypotheses were developed and tested using hierarchical multiple regression.

Findings: The authors found support for all hypotheses. Social bonds and longevity are crucial in enhancing supplier relationship satisfaction. Likewise, the role of social bonds in inducing supplier satisfaction heightens over time. However, the positive association between exchange partner trustworthiness and supplier satisfaction works well only in high degree of dependence situation.

Research limitations/implications: The study was based on the report on monadic data and cross-sectional design. Future research should adopt longitudinal design to overcome the shortcomings.

Theoretical implications: This study advances the social exchange theory (SET) by elucidating the condition in which social bonds and trust fail to produce relationship satisfaction. Social bonds fail to enhance relationship satisfaction at the beginning of the relationship. Moreover, trust alone cannot be good enough to boost relationship satisfaction in a lose dependence context.

Managerial implications: This study acclaimed a relationship-driven approach as the best choice for those firms who aspire to build a good relationship with their exchange partner. Managers should understand how and when to develop a strong social relationship with their trading partners, and recognize the situations in which to deal with honest and fair business partners in an exchange relationship.

Originality/Contribution: This is one of the very few studies, which have been conducted to investigate the conditions under which the relational variable influences satisfaction in a business-to-business relationships context. It expanded the boundary of the current literature as it investigated the moderating role of relationship duration and dependence in the relationship between relational constructs and relationship satisfaction.  相似文献   

The Customer Concept: The Basis for a New Marketing Paradigm   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recent developments in both marketing theory and marketing practice make it necessary to formulate a new marketing paradigm. This paradigm consists of three elements: (1) a concept, which is the core of the paradigm, (2) a set of activities, and (3) a domain. The customer concept is the new marketing concept. It is a management orientation which maintains that firms establish relationships with selected individual target customers with whom superior customer values are designed, offered, redefined and realized in close cooperation with other partners in the marketing system such as suppliers and intermediaries, in order to realize long-term profits through customer satisfaction, partner- and employee satisfaction. The new marketing activities include decisions with regard to the firm's stated vision, objective(s), strategy, organizational structure, culture, information system, marketing instruments, business processes and human resource management. The new marketing domain encompasses the broader interpretation of marketing as the central concept in the behavior of the firm. The customer concept implies a reorientation of marketing to one that places the customer in a pivotal role.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to carry out an empirical examination of the antecedents of cooperation between manufacturer and distributor. A further objective is to study the levels of satisfaction with the strategic outcomes of such cooperation. We analyze the extent to which cooperation requires not only complementary resources and capabilities of the partners but also goal congruence, trust and relational norms. Cooperation between manufacturer and distributor also involves reciprocal commitment and joint investment in specific assets. Finally, manufacturers and distributors should not only gain satisfaction from the economic, psychological or social benefits of cooperation, but should also gain competitive advantage, profits and strategic outcomes that help to compete in the market more efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrative review of the literature on cause-related marketing (CRM) persuasion research (i.e. studies of how CRM influences evaluations of the partner brand). The aim of the study was to review CRM persuasion research and to integrate the findings into a theoretical framework that could direct future research efforts in the area. Drawing on Bergkvist and Taylor's model of Leveraged Marketing Communications (LMC), a dual-path model of CRM persuasion effects was developed. According to the model, CRM affects brand evaluations along two paths: the indirect transfer path which is mediated by attribution of motives and the direct transfer path in which attitude towards the cause is transferred to the brand. The model incorporates results from extant research and provides guidance for future studies.  相似文献   

庄贵军 《商业研究》2004,(4):120-122
关系营销是营销理论界的一个热门话题。然而,历经近20年的发展,它的操作性问题却没有解决好。关系营销的可操作性涉及三个问题:关系市场、关系营销组合和关系营销的道德问题。关系营销是一种道德问题颇大的营销方式或营销思想。要解决关系营销的道德问题,需要对关系营销的范围加以限制,需要降低对于关系营销的道德要求,或者需要为关系营销建立一套新的道德标准。  相似文献   

Individual consumers have quickly embraced the practice of using a variety of channels through which to make their purchases, as 65-70% of them are multichannel shoppers. Indeed, multichannel shoppers (defined as those who utilize a variety of different purchasing channels, including bricks-and-mortar stores, the telephone, and the Internet) are now in the majority, and spend significantly more than single-channel shoppers. Given this reality, it is critical that organizations adopt a multichannel mindset and effectively employ a multichannel marketing program, as these can enhance profitability, the customer experience, and customer satisfaction. It is the aim of this article to provide firms with guidance in developing an effective multichannel mindset and in designing a multichannel marketing program for serving end-consumers in business to consumer (B2C) situations.  相似文献   

During the past quarter-century, digital technologies-based innovations for creating, communicating, and delivering products of value to customers have significantly risen in importance to the competitiveness of firms. Digital technologies-based innovations have been transformational in numerous ways, such as their impact on firms’ marketing behaviors, consumers’ search and buying behaviors, and the structural characteristics of markets and industries. Against this backdrop, this article provides a perspective on the evolution of research and practice in digital product innovations and digital marketing innovations. Specifically, the article focuses on (a) innovations for the greater good in the domain of the former and (b) direct and mediated communications through social media platforms and omnichannel marketing in the domain of the latter. In respect of each of the above, the article provides an overview of the evolution and current state of the field, highlights certain current issues and the trajectory of the field, and proposes directions for future research.  相似文献   


This paper provides a synthesis and critical assessment of the sustainability marketing literature, from the period 1998–2013, building on a previous assessment from 1971 to 1998. It details research within major marketing journals and critically assesses this research in relation to the on-going conversation which focuses on marketing’s relationship with the natural environment. Differences in the content and depth of sustainability coverage in marketing journals are considered. Potential avenues for future sustainability marketing research are proposed, with a particular call for theoretical and managerial reflections which tackle broader systemic and institutional issues within the discipline.  相似文献   

绿色营销根植于全球生态环境的恶化和人们的绿色需求,是21世纪企业发展的关键因素。根据国外绿色营销发展现状,将其划分为萌芽期,成长期,挫折期和复兴期四个阶段,有助于全面把握绿色营销理论的发展动态,指导中国企业实施绿色营销的实践。  相似文献   

The study examines the role of social media marketing (SMM) activities and the influence of perceived candidate image in building voter–candidate relationship equity within the context of United Kingdom (UK) politics. Drawing from branding literature and social identity theory the article further investigates the role of candidate image as a mediator between SMM and voter–candidate relationship equity, whilst also testing the moderating effect of political ideologies. Survey results from 235 young UK voters indicate that while all SMM activities appears to positively influence the perceived candidate image, not all SMM variables directly relate to relationship equity. The relationship rather appears to be an indirect one, mediated through the political candidate's image. Surprisingly, political ideology also does not appear to moderate the connection between candidate image and voter–candidate relationship equity. The study findings highlight the growing importance of SMM activities and candidate image in political contexts, providing insights for political campaigners.  相似文献   

E-business leverages digital channels to scale its functions and services and operates by connecting and retaining customers using marketing initiatives. To increase the likelihood of a sale, the business must recommend additional items that the customers may be unaware of or may find appealing. Recommender Engine (RE) is considered to be the preferred solution in these cases for reasons that include delivering relevant items, hence improving cart value, and boosting customer engagement. The paper describes a model for delivering real-time, personalised marketing information concerning the recommended items for online and offline customers, using a blend of selling strategies: up-selling, cross-selling, best-in-class-selling, needs-satisfaction-selling and consultative-selling. The model further defines the e-marketplace by clustering items, customers and unique selling proposition (USP), and then gathering, storing, and processing transactional data, and displaying personalised marketing information to support the customer in their decision-making process, even when purchasing from large item spaces. An experimental study using a quantitative research methodology was conducted in a mid-size healthcare retailer, based out of India, to determine the tangible benefits. The model was tested with 100 online customers and, with the adoption of the proposed methodology, the results indicated growth in average monthly revenue (33.49%), Average Order Value (AOV) (32.79%) and Items per Order (IPO) (1.93%).  相似文献   


This study applies the basic concepts of relationship marketing, including involvement, knowledge, moral intensity, satisfaction and trust in the non-profit environment, specifically in a university setting. These relational concepts are employed in the development of a relational model used in an exploratory investigation. Results indicate significant relationships between the constructs, emphasizing the importance of relationship management for non-profit and public sector entities. Results, managerial implications and research implications are included.  相似文献   


This paper is an empirical study aimed at investigating the effect of marketing innovativeness, market sensing capabilities and customer relationship management on marketing performance. The researchers tried to develop and solve the problem of the gap between marketing innovativeness and marketing performance. The respondents of this study were 318. Some of them are leaders or owners of SMEs Muslim fashion in Central Java, Indonesia. Data was analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study show that marketing innovativeness (MI) has no significant effect on marketing performance (MP), while market sensing capabilities (MSC) and Customer Relationship Management Capabilities (CRMC) have a significant effect on marketing performance. Likewise, marketing innovativeness, market sensing capabilities, and CRM capabilities have a significant effect on the religio-centric relational marketing strategy. Furthermore, religio-centric relational marketing strategy (RRMS) is able to mediate the relationship between marketing innovativeness and marketing performance.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyze the adoption of a relationship marketing orientation (RMO) by firms in the information systems (IS) outsourcing service sector. The study frames RMO as a hierarchical, reflective construct which models seven dimensions including bonding, communication, empathy, harmonious conflict resolution, shared value, trust, and reciprocity. A sample of 114 senior executives from firms in the IS outsourcing industry in Hong Kong were obtained from a survey. Empirical analysis via structural equation modeling confirms the hierarchical, seven construct reflective structure of the RMO model, and the high levels of a firms’ RMO lead to a direct positive impact on firm performance outcomes. The findings provide valuable managerial insights for measuring and managing an RMO in the IS outsourcing sector, and professional services generally. Both theoretical and practical implications are discussed along with future research directions of the study.  相似文献   

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