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耿纳 《黑河学刊》2007,(4):95-97
域名与商标权的冲突日益成为司法实践的焦点,引起人们的广泛关注,也由此给法律领域带来了新的课题。域名与商标权冲突的表现形式多样,对商标权人和域名所有权人造成不利影响,冲突原因主要是商业价值越来越大、利益的驱动、法律制度不够健全等。结合各国的立法和司法实践,解决二者冲突要遵循以下原则,即:特别保护驰名商标和驰名域名;完善域名与商标权的法律保护;区分域名注册人有无恶意等。  相似文献   

李庭春 《特区经济》2008,(5):219-220
域名就是企业网站的名字,域名同企业的商标一样,是企业无形资产的重要组成部分。在确定企业电子商务网站的域名时,最好能选用企业已有商标或企业名称,或选择简单和易记易用的名字。域名选择好后,还要注意对域名的保护。域名注册近乎一本万利的回报率使"域名抢注"一跃成为流行于IT人中炙手可热的一种新兴的投资方式。对于域名注册市场,我们国家的相关政策是鼓励的。域名投资机遇与风险同在,域名投资很多集中于热门词汇,也可以注册被删除的过期域名。  相似文献   

周欢怀 《浙江经济》2005,(20):62-62
越来越多的企业和商家借助于互联网拓展商机。而域名的管理是非常重要的,良好的域名品牌管理将使企业的市场竞争力得到更好的提升。  相似文献   

网络纠纷愈演愈烈,法律应保障商标权人与域名持有人双方的正当权益。为正确处理域名纠纷案件,首先应对域名与商标纠纷的一些基本问题如域名与商标的区别、域名纠纷的类型、性质有个准确的理解,并把握域名注册行为构成侵权或不正当竞争的认定要件。企业在面对这场冲突中,其经营策略须对纠纷进行法律上的预防并救济。  相似文献   

手机域名,又称.mobi,是ICANN(国际顶级域名权威机构)于2005年批准开放的“面向手机及移动设备寻址的域名”,与.com、.net域名等同属于全球顶级域名。作为目前移动互联网领域第一个被ICANN认证的全新域名,手机域名相当于给企业营销提供了一张“移动名片”。  相似文献   

近段时间,域名品牌保护问题已经引发了多方关注,国内关于.CN域名争议此起彼伏。同时,网络品牌保护也在两会期间提上了重要议程。而这就对企业在网络经济时代的品牌保护提出了新的思考。域名作为互联网上的定位资源,在互联网上以网站的网址体现出来,是人们区别、判断不同网站的重要途径,因此域名从这个意义上说起到了类似商标的标识作用。因此,在网络经济中,域名是企业宝贵的无形资产。域名恶意抢注就是注册别人的注册商标号或者盗用知名人物的名字作为域名。因此,保护域名在一定程度上就是保护商标注册。但是事实上,今年以来,仅上海地区就…  相似文献   

三年前,我们考虑自己的企业战略时,准备做英文的出口网站。做新的网站就要有新的域名,就上网检索,看到的是,日本制造、美国制造,所有重要国家的相关域名全被人拿走了,而“中国制造”这个域名,MadeInChina.com,当时在网上被人开价25万美元,还没有买主。再一了解,据说它已经这样被叫卖多年了,给人的感觉是,它的价已经开得很高,但没人愿意买。  相似文献   

数字域名   数字域名是我国自主研制开发的、独立的、可与因特网平行或兼容的、在未来数字化地球战略中占据重要位置的高科技项目及网络产品。数字域名通过“数字域名服务器”将数字域名解析为 IP地址,用 128位字节, 100年内不会重复。   数字域名没有语言、文字的障碍,便于记忆和普及,也没有如“中文域名”应先注册英文域名那样的先决条件,用户可以有享受独立网站同等的权利,并有专利和版权的保护。 燃料电池   (Fuel Cell)是一种直接将储存在燃料和氧化剂中的化学能高效地转化为电能的发电装置。根据所使用的电解质种类的不…  相似文献   

2006年春节晚会上,赠台大熊猫名字“团团”、“圆圆”一经公布,便在网络域名抢注领域引起轩然大波。有关“团团”、“圆圆”的中文和英文重要域名短时间内被人全部抢注。更有人抛出了16个相关域名总共333万元出售的天价。如在上海某IT公司工作的彭先生,在易域网上一口气注册了16个有关“团团”、“圆圆”中文和英文域名,一共花了2000多元钱,而现在这16个域名最低报价10万元,最贵的高达88万元。  相似文献   

一、今年将启用七个新域名 二、企业自我诊断 10问 三、冬季饮食应温热养阴 四、流感重在预防 五、无糖食品也含糖 六、食品保质期有新规定七、波科学家说 2002年将有彗星飞掠地球 八、法科学家发现婴儿味觉深受母亲影响 今年将启用七个新域名 (哲文 )  今年 7个新顶级域名将开始启用: 1、 .aoro,航空运输业专用; 2、 .biz,可以替代 .com的通用域名; 3、 .coop,商业合作社专用; 4、 .info,可以替代 .com的通用域名; 5、 .museum,博物馆专用,由博物馆域名管理协会( MDMA)监督; 6、 .name,是个人网站的专用域名; 7、 .pro…  相似文献   

入世后我国纺织品出口的制约因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年来 ,社会上的一些单位和个人冒用、盗用高校名义从事商业活动 ,使高校名称权受到侵害。无形资产蒙受损失。而现阶段高校名称权保护的法律规范过于零散、粗疏 ,可操作性不强。为此 ,必须加强对高校名称权的立法保护 ,加大对高校名称权保护的执法力度 ,在高校内部建立健全  相似文献   

Drawing on data from the 2005 China mini-census, this study aims to measure the genderedness of Chinese names and explore the determinants of gendered names and their impacts on labor market performance. The Gendered Name Index we constructed shows that male and female names have been converging over the past century, mainly attributed to the defeminization of female names. A regression analysis reveals that the gender characteristics of Chinese names are highly correlated with parental characteristics, the strength of kinship networks, and local socioeconomic conditions. Additionally, the genderedness of a name has mild but statistically significant effects on labor market performance. Notably, a masculine name will increase men's earnings, while a feminine name will prevent women from entering the labor market and reduce their earnings. These findings support both gender identity and gender discrimination mechanisms.  相似文献   

A number of Chinese universities have changed their names in recent years, providing an opportunity for an empirical analysis of whether a name change could attract students with higher admission scores. Using panel data from 522 universities in China (2005 to 2015), this paper examines the effect of a university's name change on student admission scores. The results indicate that, in general, a name change did not significantly improve the admission score of the university. However, after examining four types of name changes it was found that different name change methods had different effects. Specifically, renaming an institution from a college to a university and incorporating the name of a large regional area lead to a significant improvement in the admission scores; in contrast, choosing a more “fashionable” name and eliminating references to historical industrial affiliations have no significant effect, and may even have a negative impact.  相似文献   

Race-specific given names have been linked to a range of negative outcomes in contemporary studies, but little is known about their long-term consequences. Building on recent research which documents the existence of a national naming pattern for African American males in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (Cook, Logan and Parman, 2014), we analyze long-term consequences of distinctively racialized names. Using over 3 million death certificates from Alabama, Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina from 1802 to 1970, we find a robust within-race mortality difference for African American men who had distinctively black names. Having an African American name added more than 1 year of life relative to other African American males. The result is robust to controlling for the age pattern of mortality over time and environmental factors which could drive the mortality relationship. The result is not consistently present for infant and child mortality, however. As much as 10% of the historical between-race mortality gap would have been closed if every black man was given a black name. Suggestive evidence implies that cultural factors not captured by socioeconomic or human capital measures may be related to the mortality differential.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和市场经济的建立,自然人姓名权开始具有更多、更直接的经济利益,越来越多的被商业利用。法律应赋予自然人平等享有姓名权商业利用的权利,只要在一定地域范围内或一定领域内能够明确无误的指向特定自然人的称谓都是姓名权商业利用中的姓名。在实际生活中,自然人姓名权商业利用的基本法律表现形式主要有将姓名许可他人进行商业利用、将姓名作价用于商业活动及通过提供赞助使用其姓名等。  相似文献   

商号是区别不同商事主体的识别性商业标记,是企业商誉的载体,而我国有关对商号保护的法律位阶低、缺漏多,完善相关立法已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

Using data covering every child born in California from 1961 to 2000, Fryer and Levitt (2004) find that in the 1960s, the differences in name choices by blacks and whites were relatively small, but that a profound shift began among blacks in the mid-1970s toward more distinctively black names, especially among blacks in racially isolated neighborhoods. As an extension of Fryer and Levitt (2004), this study uses data on the names of about 1,300 white children born over the four-year period from 1997 to 2000 and living in a segment of a Metropolitan Statistical Area in the Deep South, and finds that use of combination first names—largely based on combinations of single names included among the names of high-end white children from Fryer and Levitt (2004) and Levitt and Dubner (2005)—is significantly more prevalent among high-end white children than it is among low-end white children. Unlike the data described in Fryer and Levitt (2004), which support an Identity Model wherein distinctively black names result from the Black Power movement that encouraged blacks to “accentuate and affirm black culture and fight the claims of black inferiority,” the present study suggests that high-end parents may use the combination first name convention to increase the likelihood of the child’s future success in various partnership markets, such as dating, marriage and business-partnership markets.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术是一个极具潜力的前沿研究方向,是面向21世纪的重要技术之一。虚拟现实技术应用的领域也越来越广,典型的应用领域有教育应用、工程应用、娱乐应用及商业应用,而商业应用领域中逐渐出现的3D网络虚拟商城则是虚拟现实技术的一个典型应用,虚拟现实技术在虚拟商城中的应用为整个电子商务带来了无限生机。  相似文献   

浅谈欧美影片片名翻译的语境效应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
电影是门艺术,电影译名是影片的眼睛,如同书名翻译一样,是不同文化的交流。观众对象不同,文化和欣赏习惯也有差异。因此,在进行影片片名翻译的时候,就应该引入一个新的元素——语境。好的译名应具有以小见大、贴近文化、意境美的特点,要把语境因素与片名的翻译结合起来,真正达到片名的"入乡随俗"。  相似文献   

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