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张锐 《上海企业》2015,(2):71-73
作为新兴的一种项目管理的思想和方法,项目组合管理逐步深入到当前企业的项目管理过程中;相对于传统的项目管理理念,它以企业的战略目标为依据,以项目的选择和优先权的设定为核心进行项目管理活动。相当与传统的基于企业发展战术目标的项目管理方法,PPM是基于企业的发展战略的有效实现的管理理念,其强调的是项目的选择和优先级的编排,即选择怎样的项目和如何安排项目实施的顺序。下文中,笔者就将围绕项目  相似文献   

领导和领导行为在企业项目团队发展中具有重要作用。企业项目团队的领导力主要由两部分构成:一部分是项目经理的领导力,另一部分是项目成员的领导力。高效能的团队,应该是在项目经理的协调下,使每一位项目成员在各自的职能领域发挥领导力。本文主要是从这两个方面论述企业项目团队的领导力,并对提升项目团队的领导力提出建议。  相似文献   

未来企业发展的必然趋势要求我们要对企业项目进行识别,并使用动态项目的组合管理模式来管理企业范围内的项目。文章从项目组合管理的产生和发展出发,分析了其特征与作用,描述了项目组合管理相对于传统项目管理的优势,对项目组合管理在企业下项目中的应用进行了具体的论述。  相似文献   

一、引言 随着我国市场经济的发展,各行业纷纷引进竞争机制,企业为了获得发展和提升其核心能力,就需要进行多种研发项目的投资,这就形成了一个研发项目组合.所做的研发项目越多,管理也就越复杂,因为随着研发项目类型和数量的增加,研发项目所涉及的范围也越来越宽广,内容也越来越复杂.  相似文献   

本文以K公司基于项目组合实施精益战略的实践为例,采用案例研究的方法,探讨企业以项目组合管理为手段实施精益战略的管理环境构建及其组成要素。研究结果表明,对于实施精益战略的企业而言,流程体系的设计、组织结构的变革以及精益文化的塑造共同构成了管理环境构建的核心环节,三者缺一不可,互为依存。此外,在流程体系设计中要突出项目组合管理在精益战略实施中的协同性、过程性及有效性;组织结构变革要协调项目组合管理与传统职能部门管理的关系;精益文化培育则要从职能维度与组织维度向项目维度扩展。  相似文献   

基于项目绩效的领导力模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从项目绩效角度出发,阐述了领导力的定义,并从相关理论中引出了项目中领导力的影响因素。在此基础上,分析了项目中领导力对项目绩效的影响机理,构建了领导力模型。  相似文献   

审计现场是项目审计关键性控制环节,大中型审计项目实施的质量、效率与审计组长的现场管理水平有重要关系。审计现场管理是指审计人员进入被审计单位开始工作至审计组提交审计结果文书期间,为执行审计业务及相关事项而进行的组织、协调、实施和控制等一系列活动。审计现场管理水平与审计组长个人领导力高低息息相关,本文结合审计实践,探讨目前大中型审计项目组长领导力现状及如何提升审计组长的个人领导力,以期对审计组长开展审计有所裨益。  相似文献   

在突发事件频发的今天,应急管理能力已经成为大到国家小到个人所必须具备的最重要能力之一。看一个组织的稳定性不是看其在平常状态下的运营态势而是看其在面对突发事件时能否有条不紊地运营。  相似文献   

Previous research has found supporting evidence of a positive relationship between project risk management and project success, but literature on how risk management is applied to and integrated with project portfolios has been scarce. Based on a literature review, a comprehensive conceptual model is developed, which highlights the three components of portfolio risk management: organization, process, and culture. This study investigates their linkage to portfolio success, mediated through risk management quality, and, therefore, provides principles for more effective portfolio risk management. The developed framework can be used for further empirical research on the influence of portfolio risk management and its success.  相似文献   

李滨江 《价值工程》2012,(12):97-98
投资行为所具有的风险和收益密切相关的特点,使投资者必须努力寻求低风险和高收益的投资策略。而投资组合则能够为企业进行分散风险和扩张经营提供强有力的保证。本文使用现代投资组合理论,为企业的多项目投资组合建立优化模型,从定量的角度说明在企业多项目投资管理中运用投资组合的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

This article presents empirical results on different managers’ viewpoints regarding the sources and management of project portfolio uncertainty. As a key result, this study demonstrates the versatility of uncertainties experienced by managers, the limited degree of perceived control over them, the use of an almost complete management control package in managing uncertainties, and the necessity of managers’ cooperation in the skilled use of the management control package when managing uncertainties. In addition, a further research agenda is proposed.  相似文献   

孙其珩  杨弋 《价值工程》2015,34(16):227-230
为应对施工企业面对多项目时资源受限、风险管理压力增大的现实情况,本文提出施工企业在企业战略的高度上采取项目组合管理,降低总风险并实现企业收益最大化。为有效推进施工企业项目组合的风险管理,选择ISM解释结构模型技术,建立风险管理指标体系。并且,本文根据各层次的风险要素,提供针对性的风险管理思路和方向,为进一步深入研究施工企业项目组合的风险管理系统性、科学性和有效性打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

Projects and other temporary forms of organizing are different from standard organizational processes. As most leadership theories are based on the assumption of stable organizational environments, the increase in temporary forms of organizing poses specific challenges to leadership theories. We evaluate existing leadership theories in terms of their applicability on temporary environments and identify theories, which are adaptable to temporary settings and therefore may be the basis for empirical investigations in this field. On this basis we derive a research agenda by proposing individual leadership theories and combinations of different leadership approaches to be further assessed in research.  相似文献   

杜涛 《价值工程》2010,29(8):84-87
探讨项目复杂性与项目风险的关系并证明了项目的组织结构复杂性是项目的风险来源。以项目组织结构的复杂性作为项目内部风险的衡量标准,建立了基于组织结构复杂性并考虑规模因素的项目风险评估模型。分析了项目组合中通常存在的项目间的相互关系以及每一种相互关系对项目组合整体风险的影响。利用Logistic映射对协作型项目组合建立了项目组织结构复杂性风险的扩散模型,以定量刻画项目组织结构复杂性风险在项目组合中的扩散机制。最后对模型进行了仿真并根据仿真结果给出了降低项目组合风险的策略。  相似文献   

Innovation portfolio management has been touted as a new dynamic capability following the evolution of team‐ and project‐based organizational forms. In this article, we conceptualize innovative dynamic capabilities as a multidimensional construct that comprises distinct but related aspects in managing innovation. We test our model, which links this capability to innovative performance by using survey data from a sample of 923 firms. We find empirical support for our conceptualization and its impact on firm innovative performance.  相似文献   

This article proposes a probabilistic approach to project operational risk and project portfolio risk diversification. The analysis rests on a fundamental distinction between a fractional and an additive approach for constructing portfolios. Since the additive approach excludes variance as a measure of risk, the project's operational risk is defined by its probability of loss. Paradoxically, the effectiveness of any firm's portfolio risk diversification process will be negatively related to the operational risk of its representative project. We also present the conditions under which risk management and efficiency management can contribute to the firm's strategic imperative of lowering its operational risk.  相似文献   

Projects are expected to bring value to their constituents. Value management in project portfolios has centered on the maximization of commercial value and identification of future business prospects. In this study, the goal is increased understanding of the identification and assessment of strategic, non‐commercial value in project portfolios. We map the relevant dimensions of strategic value and supplement previous frameworks with the non‐commercial aspects. Ecological, societal, and learning values have only been studied conceptually and qualitatively in earlier research. We propose future research on these values in quantitative settings and exploring collective sensemaking as part of project portfolio value management.  相似文献   

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