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在信息化、数字化和智能化快速发展的今天,自雇就业形式正在发生变化,本文基于国内外关于自雇的研究调查以及新时代数字化背景下的中国就业现状进行分析研究,探究自雇的发展历程、变迁及其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文利用改革以来的中国省级农村居民收入数据,首先通过基尼系数和泰尔指数两个指标的测度,分析了中国农村区域收入不均等的变化趋势。结果发现,总体上持续扩大的农村区域收入不均等由工资性收入差异所主导,主要体现在东、中、西三大区域间。而基于收入决定因素的夏普利分解结果则进一步表明,改革后农村制度变迁的区域不一致所造就的农村经济的非农化进程、物质和人力资本积累水平等增长因素的分化是农村区域收入不均等变动的最主要根源。  相似文献   

离土与离乡:西部山区农户的非农兼业研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在可持续生计分析框架下(SLF),本文发展了一个农户模型,阐释了在多重不完全市场条件下,农户的资本禀赋包括人力资本的分布特征和金融可及性等,如何决定农户参与两类不同的非农兼业活动。基于陕西周至山区的农户调查数据,文章的实证结果表明:高人力资本水平是外地打工兼业的关键因素,而本地非农经营兼业还要求农户具备较高的物质资本和社会关系资本等。  相似文献   

本文运用2000年、2004年及2006年的中国营养与健康调查数据,采用随机效应工具变量估计法,实证分析收入及收入差距对农民健康的影响,并测算了两者对农民健康地区差异的贡献份额.研究发现:第一,收入与健康存在内生性,随机效应工具变量估计的系数值是随机效应OLS估计的9.5倍,OLS估计低估了收入的影响;第二,东部及中西部地区收入对农民健康有显著的正向影响,收入差距对农民健康的影响呈U型,而考虑到基尼系数临界值大小,其对农民健康影响也呈正相关;第三,随着收入水平的提高,收入及收入差距对农民健康的边际影响递减,中西部地区大大高于东部地区,两者对缩小农民健康地区差异的贡献分别为25.7%和20.2%,而考虑到与收入相关的其它因素,农村收入因素的贡献达45.8%.因此,对于中西部欠发达农村地区来说,提高收入水平仍是提高农民健康的重要手段.  相似文献   

李欣   《华东经济管理》2009,23(8):61-65
人力资本和收入差距关系一直是经济研究中的热点问题,作为人力资本的重要因素,教育和健康对我国农村居民收入差距的扩大起到了关键性的作用,而初始收入差距的存在必然会影响到居民对教育和健康的投资,从而产生人力资本差距,进而对收入差距产生重大影响。文章对相关的文献进行梳理和评述,并对其相互影响的机制进行了探讨和总结。  相似文献   

针对重庆农村改革发展面临的突出矛盾和问题,文章认为要按照统筹城乡发展的要求,深化改革农村土地基本经营制度。从重庆现实看,统筹城乡发展存在着推进土地规模经营与稳定家庭承包制的矛盾,采取有效时策正确处理好这一矛盾是从战略上保证重庆统筹城乡发展试验顺利推进的关键所在。  相似文献   

中国农村居民收入增长及空间差异演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考虑到惯用的可分解组合的锡尔系数的缺点,故用独立锡尔系数对中国改革开放以来不同地理空间单元的农民收入差异情况进行测度。研究认为:农民收入差异在拉大,大部分省域农民收入水平都低于全国平均值,农民收入水平从东向西呈阶梯状分布;1995年以来.不同地理空间范围内的农民收入差异具有分层现象,差异程度由高到低依次是东西部、南部、全国、北部、东中部、东部、中西部、西部、中部;中部、西部、中西部的省际差异不大,其余层次的省际差异突出。全国、南部、北部、东部、东中部、东西部省际差异的演变轨迹高度相关,它们与中部、西部、中西部省际差异的演化轨迹负相关。  相似文献   

Household Income Determination and Regional Income Differential in Rural China   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Income inequality in China at the household level is assessed by taking into account differences in needs between households and by using individuals as the unit of analysis. Inequality in China as a whole is not particularly low, largely for locational reasons. The urban — rural gap in average income is very important and very little of it can be attributed to household characteristics. Inequality is also due to differences in mean income between coastal China, central China and western China. A considerable number of characteristics measured at the household level are found to affect income. There are, however, some segments of Chinese society in which income is quite equally distributed.  相似文献   

1. Introduction The village election was first envisioned by the late chairman of the National People’sCongress (NPC), Mr Peng Zhen, in the mid-1980s to enhance village governance after the commune system was dissolved in China in the early 1980s. In 1987, the NPC passed a tentative version of The Organic Law of the Village Committee (OLVC), and started a 10 year experiment of village elections. In 1998, the NPC formally passed the law and elections quickly spread to the whole count…  相似文献   

江金启 《南方经济》2010,28(2):3-14
本文基于中国健康和营养调查(CHNS)的农户收入数据对中国农村家庭从1989年到2006年间的收入流动性进行了测算和分解。测算结果表明,收入流动对收入分配的短期不均等有缓解作用,但这种作用在短期中因流动性的下降而正在弱化。分解结果则说明,相对收入位序的改变虽然仍是农村内部收入流动的主导因素,但收入增长的作用正在增加。这是因为农村内部的收入分层化现象的长期化趋势正导致位移效应的作用下降,且在低收入家庭中已开始出现“阶层锁定”现象。  相似文献   

Using the 2006 wave of the Chinese General Social Survey, the present paper examines the effect of risk attitudes on the likelihood of entrepreneurship in China. Our results show that risk attitudes have a nonlinear effect on the likelihood of being entrepreneurs. Risk neutral people are most likely to be entrepreneurs, while both risk averse and risk seeking people prefer to work for wages. When we further divide entrepreneurs into necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs, we find only a marginal difference in risk attitudes between wage workers and necessity entrepreneurs, while less risk averse individuals tend to be opportunity entrepreneurs. Our results have important poliey implications for the government "s efforts to promote entrepreneurial activities.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of financial intermediary (or banking) development on village-level per capita income using a Chinese dataset for selected years between 1993 and 2006. The empirical results from a random effect regression model indicate that mean per capita income in rural villages follows an inverted U-shaped path as financial intermediation develops. However, using a pooled quantile regression approach, we find that median per capita income in rural villages follows a positive linear path, rather than an inverted U-shaped path, as financial intermediation develops. The positive linear effect of financial intermediary development is observed at the lower and higher ends of the conditional per capita income distribution. This suggests that development of financial intermediation in China might not have statistically significant differential effects in low-income or high-income rural villages.  相似文献   

家庭收入风险对中国农村居民营养摄入水平的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李云森 《南方经济》2012,(10):200-213,227
本文使用中国营养与健康调查(CHNS)数据分析了收入风险对农村居民食物消费和营养摄入的影响。两阶段GMM估计结果表明收入风险较大对居民日均热量摄入有显著负的影响。进一步的研究发现这主要是由于收入风险提高导致居民减少在蛋白质和脂肪方面的摄入。本文的研究表明在缺乏社会保障以及收入水平较低的情况下,农村居民无法有效避免收入风险对基本生活消费的影响,突出了加强农村社会保障体系建设和稳定农村居民收入水平的必要性。  相似文献   

Decomposing Income Inequality and Policy Implications in Rural China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using village data from samples covering 6 provinces,36 counties and 216 townships,the income inequalities within and between townships in rural China are assessed. The Theil index and the mean logarithmic deviation methods enable us to test income inequality at the township level,and to decompose it into intra-regional and inter-regional at county and provincial levels. In the present paper,we also decompose income inequalities between and within the nationally designated poor counties (NDPC). The results show that approximately two-thirds of the income inequality in rural China would be eliminated if measures and policies were targeted at the county level. This study also confirms the rationale that China's poverty alleviation strategy of focusing on poor counties based on the inequalities between NDPC and non-NDPC accounts for the most inter-province inequality.  相似文献   

This article uses multivariate regression and decomposition analyses to assess household income mobility determinants and their contributions to income mobility in rural China from 1989 to 2006. The findings indicate that households with lower initial income level, higher share of wage income, higher educational level of household members, larger number of non-agricultural employed household members and younger heads are more mobile. Moreover, besides initial income, change in the share of wage income, change in the share of non-agricultural employed household members, and change in average year of education of household members are the most important factors that account for income mobility. These findings necessitate more emphasis on policies that promote non-agricultural employment and education to enhance household income mobility in rural China.  相似文献   

Self-employment in urban China: Networking in a transition economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Linda YUEH   《China Economic Review》2009,20(3):471-484
This paper investigates the relationship between self-employment and social networks in urban China, an economy rife with informational and institutional imperfections, under-developed financial markets, but a growing and important non-state sector. Having a social network can help the self-employed access supply and credit networks, and assist in navigating an uncertain institutional environment where permissions and licenses often require inter-personal relationships to facilitate and reduce the informational costs of enforcement by dealing with known persons. Thus, holding other productive and observable traits constant including attitude toward risk where possible, social networks are expected to be a significant correlate to self-employment which is borne out by the evidence. Examining three tranches of the self-employed (those who are self-employed, those who are self-employed as a second job, and a sub-sample who have experienced unemployment and then became self-employed), the paper finds that social networks significantly predict self-employment except for those who are working for themselves as a second job. Gender differences are also notable.  相似文献   

文章在Lucas(1987)模型中引入习惯形成,并将其拓展成含收入变量的形式,在此基础上采用中国农村五等份收入户的收入数据进行数值模拟。结果显示:收入增长比收入平稳更为重要。当风险偏好不变时,两类福利成本的比值随习惯强度变化的轨迹呈倒U型;习惯形成不变时,两类福利成本的比值随着相对风险规避系数的增大而递减。在不考虑收入波动的福利成本时,促进收入增长能为低收入户带来相对较多的经济福利;不考虑收入增长的福利效应时,收入波动加剧会给低收入户带来相对较多的福利成本。因此,当务之急是增加农民收入,同时也应该兼顾收入波动给低收入群体造成的消极影响。  相似文献   

杨军 《改革与战略》2010,26(6):106-110
文章运用GINI系数、Theil系数、对数离差均值系数对1983~2006年中国农村商业发展的各地带间差异、省际差异进行度量,并在此基础上运用R/S分析方法对区域农村商业发展差异性的未来变动趋势进行了分析。结果表明:中国农村商业发展的区域差异主要表现为组内差异。但Hurst指数表明,不管是组内差异还是组间差异,未来的差异性还要扩大;农村商业发展水平较低的省际差异最明显,其次是中等发展水平的省际差异,最后是高发展水平的省际差异。与此同时,Hurst指数显示:中部地带内农村商业发展的省际差异正在逐步缩小。  相似文献   

Rural Income Poverty in Western China Is Water Poverty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I. IntroductionThe elimination of poverty lies at the heart of development economics, and providesthe main justification for policies of promoting economic growth and development allover the world. Although arduous efforts have been devoted to poverty reductionworldwide, about 1.2 of 6 billion live on less than $1 a day (World Bank, 2002). AlthoughChina has reduced its poor population from 250 million in 1978 to 30 million in 2003, anoverall reduction in world poverty still depends on progre…  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(7):1151-1171
There are controversies regarding the role of individual and household characteristics in childhood nutritional status measured by anthropometric indicators. Using a nutrition index based on weight-for-age of children in rural India, the paper re-examines this issue. Ordered probit estimates of nutritional status suggest female literacy improves the nutritional status of boys at the cost of girls while higher per capita current income improves that of both boys and girls, though the impact is higher for boys; however, effect of income is not robust when we use instruments of longer-run income. But more income and literacy give more ways to discriminate between boys and girls.  相似文献   

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