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我国非公有制林业经济发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析我国非公有制林业研究的现状,包括公有制林业和非公有制林业的界定、发展非公有制林业的必要性、非公有制林业产权问题、非公有制林业产业化研究、非公有制林业的实践研究,讨论目前非公有制林业经济研究中存在的一些问题,即当前研究多为定性分析,定量分析不足、非公有制林业与非公有制农业的关系研究较少、对考察区内的实践研究不够深入等。  相似文献   

《林业经济》创刊于1979年。其创刊时代背景决定了刊物为林业改革鼓与呼的使命。30年来《林业经济》始终坚持探讨林业发展规律,跟踪林业改革热点,反映高层决策动向,交流国内外相关理论与成果的办刊宗旨;体现了理论超前性,舆论导向性与实践指导性的特点。《林业经济》在新时期的使命是找准林业与社会的对接点,更好地服务于现代林业与生态文明建设。  相似文献   

RFF Press, Washington D. C. ISBN 1-891853-12-0As research in environmental policy has accumulated, and the number of applications of policy instruments for environmental and natural resource management has grown, so has the arsenal of different instruments available for the policy maker. This development has continued up to a point where it now becomes difficult for the individual researcher or policy maker to survey this vast field. With this in mind, there are many that have reason to be grateful for Thomas Sterner's effort in his new book, Policy Instruments for Environmental and Natural Resource Management. This book not only details the economic principles behind environmental policy, but also presents a wide range of examples of practical policy design in areas such as road transportation, industrial pollution and the management of natural resources and ecosystems.In the preface Thomas Sterner states that the book is intended for academicians, like university professors, graduate and undergraduate students, as well as analysts who advice policy makers. In particular, the book turns towards people of these categories in countries who have not to date made extensive use of market-based policy instruments. Presumably, this includes countries in the developing world and former planned economies. The book is non-technical in the sense that only a small amount of mathematical formulas are presented to not deter reader with a less solid background in maths.The book is divided into seven sections. The first part (entitled: The Need for Environmental and Natural Resource Policy) details the causes behind environmental degradation and introduces important concepts in environmental economics, such as externalities and public goods. The section also gives an outline of bioeconomics and the evolution of rights. The material is similar to other textbooks, and should be well known to the environmental economist. Part 2 (Review of Policy Instruments) presents the most important policy tools in the economists tool box, including direct regulation, taxes, tradeable permits, subsidies and property rights related instruments. This material is presented in an accessible, non-technical manner. Part 3 (Selection of Policy Instruments) concentrates on how to choose between different policy instruments, taking into account aspects such as efficiency, uncertainty, equilibrium effects, cost distribution, etc. This section should be particularly useful for analysts who advice policy makers. The information in this section is also neatly summarized in a “Policy Selection Matrix” in Chapter 18.In Parts 4, 5 and 6 the book becomes really unique and interesting for an academic audience. In these sections the author analyses a wealth of examples of policy design in areas such as road transportation, industrial pollution and the management of natural resources and ecosystems. Part 4 (Policy Instruments for Road Transportation) describes the policy experience in areas such as road pricing, fuel taxation and vehicle standards. In Part 5 (Policy Instruments for Industrial Pollution) the attention is turned to a “classic” area for environmental policy. The examples from both developed and developing countries are numerous. Policies for natural resource management is the focus of Part 6 (Policy Instruments for the Management of Natural Resources and Ecosystems), which deals with water, waste, fisheries, agriculture, forestry and ecosystems. Readers of JFE are perhaps most interested in the chapter on forestry (Chapter 30), and I would have to argue that this chapter is rather short, although that cannot be regarded as a major shortcoming of the book as a whole. However, a reader with a deeper interest in forest policy might want to complement with the book by Boyd & Hyde (1989).What then can be said about the usefulness of the book for its intended audiences? Well, for at least one of the intended audiences, analysts who advice policy makers, this book is simply indispensable. It is also very useful as a reference text for researchers who specialize in environmental policy. I would perhaps not suggest this book as a textbook for undergraduate students, partly because of its sheer size and partly because the wealth of examples diverts attention from the need for undergraduates to focus on basic economic principles. It's better suited for graduate students, but then I would supplement it with a more technical volume, such as the book by Baumol & Oates. Overall, my impression is that the main field of application of the book is as a reference text on environmental policy instruments, and it should be of particular interest for people in developing countries and former planned economies. For the forest economist interested in forest policy the forest chapter feels somewhat like an appetizer, but the book gives a good opportunity to learn about policy instruments applied to other areas that could be applicable to forest related problems. Put simply, a good source of inspiration.Göran BostedtDeptartment of Forest EconomicsSwedish University of Agricultural SciencesUmeå  相似文献   

加入WTO与发展林业经济   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴志文 《林业经济问题》2002,22(6):360-362,366
分析在WTO规则条件下带来的市场变化 ,对林业管理、林业工程、林业企业、林业产业的影响 ,并结合广元市林业实际 ,提出驾驭WTO发展林业经济对策。  相似文献   

林业投入产出分析综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文对林业投入产出分析的研究背景、国内外现有研究进行了综述,在此基础上,对林业投入产出分析存在的问题和研究方向进行了分析。  相似文献   

关于加快吉林省林业经济发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对吉林省实现由林业资源大省向林业经济强省的基本情况、取得成效以及主要做法进行了归纳和提炼,并在此基础上对进一步加快吉林省林业经济发展进行了思考,提出了推进林业综合改革,抓紧建立责权利清晰的林业产权制度和经营制度等思路及建议。  相似文献   

2003年粮食安全研究综述   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
中共十五届五中全会把“确保国家粮食安全”史无前例地写进公报,中央“十五”计划《建议》指出要“建立符合我国国情和社会主义市场经济要求的粮食安全体系,确保粮食供求基本平衡”,这样,“粮食安全”概念第一次出现在五年计划的《建议》、第一次出现在党和国家的正式文件。到2003年,国家粮食安全列入  相似文献   

林业融资问题研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内学者对林业融资中所存在的资金投入不足,融资渠道狭窄,法规不健全,贴息贷款难等问题进行综述。对产生诸多问题的原因归纳为:公益林主要是市场失灵和政府失灵;商品林业是银行贷款风险高,资源配置不完善,信息不对称,融资成本高等。对策,公益林要完善政府投资行为与生态效益补偿制度、生态效益交易服务市场体系等;商品林应加快推进林业信用体系建设及完善担保体系,规范民间融资和发展林业合作组织等。  相似文献   

The economics of renewable biological resources originated in the 1950s in fishery economics. The original models were static and linked simple population growth models to harvesting. In the 1970s the subject became more concerned with dynamic models and the stability of resource systems and this development continued in the 1980s. Now renewable resource economics is seen as a branch of capital theory which is distinct from mainstream capital theory because it must simultaneously represent the productivity of an ecosystem as well as the production functions of the firms which exploit it. Adding to this complex patterns of ownership over the resource itself and the dependence of production on the state of the ecosystem makes for a set of problems which economists have only started to address. Progress in renewable resource economics will come through closer collaboration with ecologists to give more realistic population models; the development of approaches for multi‐species ecosystems; and the use of modelling techniques and policies which can adapt as more information becomes available on the status of a resource. In the future renewable resource economics will continue to contribute to the sustainability debate by providing a clearer analysis of the trade‐off between ecosystem stability and the level of economic exploitation.  相似文献   

林业生态与林业产业协调发展研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
提出了林业生态与林业产业协调发展问题的重要性。研究了国外林业生态与林业产业两大体系协调发展的历程、相互关系和实现途径。结合我国目前的理论研究进展与实践,指出了今后研究方向:应综合应用多学科的理论与研究方法;进一步探索林业生态与产业协调机制;建立两大体系协调发展的评价体系;建立包括政策、法律、技术、管理、金融、监督、服务等几个方面支撑体系。  相似文献   

林业科技期刊对于林业科技发展起着重要的促进作用。文章概述了SCI收录的16种林业经济管理类学术期刊,分析了期刊在出版运作、期刊评价、编辑机构建设、论文投稿等方面的特点,提出可供我国林业科技期刊办刊借鉴的启示性建议,即专业化、集团化、市场化、专门化和网络化办刊。  相似文献   

林业供应链管理研究评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对近年来国内外林业供应链管理相关文献的分析,进一步拓展了林业供应链的概念和研究范畴,从木材加工、林—浆—纸一体化、木材生物质能源、非木质林产品、林业物流等方面对近年来林业供应链的研究内容进行了评述,并对未来的研究趋势进行了归纳。  相似文献   


A vast literature on locally-managed irrigation systems provides important lessons regarding the experience of irrigators with community management. This review draws upon research in sociology, anthropology, political science, engineering and economic theory to suggest a framework for understanding institutions for governing irrigation systems. The review assesses measures of irrigation system performance, the importance of co-operation, the impact of heterogeneity among the water users on performance and co-operation, and the breadth of institutional forms observed in the field study literature. The review closes with a call for more structured qualitative measures of group performance and for more large-scale research of many irrigation systems to complement the case study focus of the existing literature.  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制改革的不断深入,我国国有森林资源产权制度改革进入了探索阶段,从理论上探讨其改革的依据对推动国有森林资源产权制度改革具有重要的理论与实践意义。通过对森林资源的稀缺性、外部性、准自由进入性及其产权的可分性的经济学理论分析,揭示了我国国有森林资源产权制度改革的必然性及其趋势。从而为国有森林资源产权制度改革奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

中国粮食产量自1998年达到历史最高水平后连续下降,2003年粮食产量降至1998年后最低点。该文选取1998年和2003年为典型年份,通过建立粮食产量变化模型,从国家、省、县域三种尺度分别计算了播种面积和单产变化导致的粮食产量变化量,分析各自对粮食产量变化的影响和作用,确定不同尺度上粮食产量变化的主导因素,为国家粮食生产和粮食安全问题的解决提供科学依据。  相似文献   

林业经济增长理论与实证研究:综述与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着林区农村贫困问题的日益突出,林业经济增长促进林区贫困人口脱贫致富的作用越来越受到重视。目前研究普遍认为,迫于当前我国的林业资源的有限性以及近年来增长方式的不断调整,林业经济增长方式也必须从之前靠高资源投入的粗放型转为靠提高生产效率的集约化发展模式。本文从影响林业经济增长的因素、林业经济增长方式的转变以及林业产业结构调整三个方面入手,对当前林业经济增幅长方面研究加以梳理综述,并在以上研究综述的基础上,总结当前林业经济增长研究存在的问题并提出参考性建议。  相似文献   

搜集大量相关文献,分析比较了世界各国学者在林业政策方面进行的研究,介绍了世界主要国家林业政策的特点,就林业政策的制定、检验、评估的相关研究以及在森林管理实践中发展起来的社区森林模式、REDD机制和可持续森林管理理念进行了综述,最后阐述了少量学者在林业政策理论方面所做的研究。通过综述发现,对林业政策的评估与检验未形成有代表性的方法,对林业政策在实施环节的问题亦缺乏深入研究。  相似文献   

学位论文中研究方法是非常重要的一部分,本研究采用内容分析法,对中国4所典型的林业类高校中林业经济管理专业博士学位论文中研究方法的自陈情况进行分析,同时对不同高校的博士学位论文中研究方法的自陈情况进行比较分析,发现这些博士学位论文中研究方法方面存在的问题,最后对这些问题给出解释,并给出两点改进的意见。  相似文献   

林业产业管理的新动态:林业绿色供应链   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
将绿色供应链中的绿色制造拓展到林业资源培育等环节,研究林业产业多目标管理的新动态——林业绿色供应链问题。在对一般绿色供应链的基本思想和发展动态进行系统梳理的基础上,研究了林业绿色供应链的内涵、特性、理论基础和研究动态,并探讨了其应用领域的相关问题。通过这些研究,提出了林业绿色供应链管理的思想,指出其核心问题是林业资源链、价值链和生态链的协同共生,即绿色共生问题;勾勒出林业绿色供应链的理论基础——绿色共生理论的基本内涵;并以林-浆-纸产业链为例,对林业绿色供应链共生系统的结构和共生模式研究提出了建议。同时指出了林业产业可持续发展发展的新途径,为林业绿色供应链的研究提供了建设性思路。  相似文献   

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