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We relate the labeling of genetically modified (GM) products to the theory of grading and minimum quality standards. The model represents three stages in the supply chain, assumes a vertical product differentiation framework, allows for the accidental commingling of non-GM products, and treats regulation as a purity threshold for non-GM products. We find that a non-GM purity level that is too strict leads to the disappearance of the non-GM product, and that some quality standard benefits farmers. Indeed, the standard that is optimal from the perspective of producers is stricter than what is optimal for consumers and for societal welfare.  相似文献   

丁美来 《中国土地》2005,(12):28-29
节约集约用地是现阶段国土资源管理工作的重中之重。土地登记作为国土资源管理的一项基础性工作,为国家掌握土地动态变化提供重要的信息,同时,它又是土地用途管制制度的重要组成部分,也是国土部门的一项主要管理职能。当前,研究和探索土地登记制度改革,规范土地登记行为,加强土  相似文献   

张娟  吴丹丹 《现代食品》2021,27(3):139-140,150
食品安全是世界范围内高度关注的问题之一。近年来,我国经济飞速发展,人们物质生活显著改善,食品种类更加丰富,但与此同时食品安全问题也愈加突出,严重威胁人们的健康,也影响了市场经济健康发展。食品安全标准和食品检测标准的出台在很大程度上规范了我国的食品市场,强化了食品安全监管,但是在实际应用过程中也存在一定的问题,如适用范围过窄、修订不及时等。本文简要分析二者在实际应用过程中存在的问题,并提出相应的优化建议。  相似文献   

The United States mandated a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) food safety standard for seafood in 1997. Panel model results for 1990 to 2004 suggest that HACCP introduction had a negative and significant impact on overall imports from the top thirty-three suppliers. While the effect for developed countries was positive, the negative effect for developing countries supports the view of "standards as barriers" versus "standards as catalysts." A different perspective emerges from individual country-level analysis. Regardless of development status, leading seafood exporters generally experienced a positive HACCP effect, while most other smaller trading partners faced a negative effect.  相似文献   

研究我国会计准则的完善与发展,首先应当对现有会计准则进行比较分析和归纳总结,才能弃之糟粕而取其精华,最终制定出适合我国国情的、科学规范的会计准则。本文主要比较我国企业与事业单位会计准则的异同,并对两者某些差异存在的必要性提出质疑。  相似文献   

Differing technical standards can be barriers to international trade. Harmonizing standards is one means of removing barriers to trade. It is argued in this article that international harmonization may not be welfare enhancing if consumers have a strong attachment to their domestic standards. Standards for organic products differ among countries and act as a barrier to trade. International harmonization has been proposed. Consumers were surveyed in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada to determine their likely attachment to existing domestic organic standards. The results suggest that consumers, even those with a preference for organic foods, have little understanding of their domestic standards and only weakly identify with them. As a result, harmonization could be pursued. Agribusiness firms that are interested in harmonization to expand their access to export markets should promote the development of a new international standard rather than harmonization to one of the existing domestic standards.  相似文献   

针对LASB对于金融工具、公允价值计量、财务报表列报等方面的最新举措,指出我国与其趋同中存在的计入其他综合收益的累计公允价值变动在处置时能否转回至损益、预计损失法的应用和公允价值的确定等具体问题,并提出要解决这些问题需要IASB对我国的特殊经济业务的理解与认定,同时要求我国能够做到广泛参与、讨论LASB征求意见稿存在的问题,积极参与准则制定过程,争取发言权,维护我国自身利益并肩负起新兴经济体的主导责任,推动全球统一的高质量会计准则的建立.  相似文献   

This article presents a political economy model of public standards in an open economy. We use the model to derive the political optimum and to analyse different factors that have an influence on this political equilibrium. We analyse the relationship between trade and the political equilibria and compare the political outcome with the social optimum to identify under which cases political considerations lead to standards being set ‘too low’ or ‘too high’, and which standards could be labelled as protectionist measures.  相似文献   

银行信贷是土地收购储备之最重要的资金来源 ,在土地收购储备供应过程中 ,银行贷款作为一种投资行为 ,不可避免地存在着诸如负债风险、经营风险、政策风险、经济风险、不规范操作等风险。为规避这些风险 ,文章提出了掌握国家宏观政策 ,规范放款行为 ,分析可能风险 ,加强防范对策研究等项措施建议  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的发展和经济全球化步伐的加快,对我国会计准则体系提出了较高的要求。特别是党的十六届三中全会作出了《关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》,进一步完善我国会计准则,已成为当前的重要任务。财政部于2003年完成了会计准则委员会的重大改组,并建立了全新的工作机制。这是贯彻温家宝总理在国务院第  相似文献   

Manure Applications and Nutrient Standards   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Because of environmental concerns, many states are regulating animal manure applications to crops. A conceptual model is presented to describe manure demand for crop nutrient application under alternative regulatory standards. Demand relationships are incorporated into a spatial equilibrium model to estimate welfare costs of phosphorus and nitrogen regulatory standards for manure applications. Model estimates for Virginia indicate that regulatory standards for manure application achieve large reductions in excess nitrogen and phosphorus and result in 5–15% welfare losses excluding nonmarket environmental valuation.  相似文献   

首先界定了木材可追溯性的概念和内容,然后从政府、环保组织和企业三方面总结了国际社会各界的反应,最后分析了木材可追溯性的发展趋势及其对中国的启示。研究结果表明:发达国家以环境贸易立法的形式提出的木材可追溯性的强制性要求越来越明确和具体,沿着林产品供应链向纵深方向发展,已成为林产品国际市场准入的一个新标准;木材可追溯性得到了国际社会各界的纷纷响应,正从世界主要林产品消费国向木材供应国发展,全球范围的木材可追溯体系即将形成。中国作为一个长期的林产品贸易大国,在世界林产品贸易格局中处在中间加工国的位置,必须客观分析木材可追溯性标准的影响,建立和完善中国的木材可追溯体系。  相似文献   

农业会计准则探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国自1993年开始实施《企业会计准则》后,又陆续制订并颁布了多个具体会计准则,这对于促进我国社会主义市场经济发展、保证会计信息质量、规范会计行为起到了巨大的推动作用.但同西方会计准则的完善程度以及新兴经济业务和特殊行业的核算要求相比,仍有很大差距,表现在准则体系的整体结构和准则间协调性等方面.这也对我们今后的研究和准则制订工作提出了新的要求.本文试就农业会计准则制订的问题,谈谈自己的看法.  相似文献   

2012年我国财政部发布了《企业会计准则第37号---金融工具列报(修订)(征求意见稿)》,2014年1月发布了《金融工具会计准则补充规定(征求意见稿)》,在了解修订背景以及国外对金融工具准则修订的基础上,归纳了本次修订对金融工具列报准则的改进。  相似文献   

Canada's wheat grading system is largely based on visual criteria and it is based on relatively high quality standards. A strict varieties licensing system exists to maintain the integrity of the grade standards. One of the consequences of the licensing system is that higher yielding, lower or different quality wheats have not been grown in Canada until recently. The basic objective of this paper is to examine some of the consequences of the regulatory strategy of limiting wheat production to the traditional high quality wheats. This question is analyzed in the context of important changes in the international grain markets. Using a partial equilibrium trade model this paper estimates that if higher yielding wheats were permitted to be grown, annual producer gains would be 5 to 17 percent of current net farm income.
Le classement des blés au Canada est basé sur des critères visuels qui sont de hautes qualités. Le système actuel d'homologation des variétés est tel que l'intégrité de ce système est maintenue. En conséquent, ce système n'a pas encouragé la cultivation des blés de hauts rendements ou des varietés différentes que tout récemment. L'objectif principal de cette étude est d'examiner quelques unes des conséquences de la stratégic de la réglementation visant à limiter la production du blé aux variétés de hautes qualités. Cette question est adressée dans le contexte des changements importants qui ont eu lieu dans le marché international des grains. A l'aide d'un modèle d'équilibre partiel des échanges, la présente étude démontre gu'en permettant la production des blés de hauts rendements, le gain annuel aux producteurs serait de 5 à 17 pourcent du revenue agricole net.  相似文献   

在企业中,存货往往占流动资产比重较大,它在保持安全及防止损失等方面,其重要程度并不亚于现金。另外,存货计价不仅与企业损益的确认关系密切,而且还与资产负债表的财务状况紧密相关。因此在其确认和计量方面稍做手脚,便可达到操纵利润和改变企业财务状况的目的。财政部发布的《企业会计准则——存货》对企业存货的会计处理,进行了规范,本文就此谈一些看法。  相似文献   

公允价值,指在公平交易中,熟悉情况的交易双方,自愿进行资产交换或债务清偿的金额.资产按公允价值计价,能够真实反映实际价值,并且具有"公允性".但是,公允价值的确定具有一定的主观性,容易被企业滥用,进行会计舞弊.因此,公允价值的运用要求有比较成熟的市场环境和素质较高的专业人员.  相似文献   

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