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在网络环境下,企业的危机公关呈现出新的特点,因此,以新闻传播学的角度从企业本身和网络媒体两个方面探讨企业公关危机管理的新模式,在新形势下有效指导危机管理.  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,新媒体逐渐进入人们的生活,并越来越不可或缺与无法替代。在此情况下,一方面能极大程度地方便人们的生活,给企业带来发展机遇;另一方面也会影响人们的生活,给企业造成诸多危机事件,阻碍企业的进步,威胁企业的发展。然而现今企业对新媒体环境下企业危机公关的认识程度不深,且缺乏解决这些问题的有效策略,所以一旦发生危机,轻则延缓企业发展进程,重则会迫使企业破产倒闭。因此为了帮助企业解决新媒体环境下的危机公关问题,本文就相关理论进行分析,并研究了企业遇到的问题,还重点探究了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

刍议网络环境下的危机公关   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李杰  熊英子 《商业时代》2004,(35):63-64,60
信息时代的来临和互联网技术的普及正在深刻地变革着人类社会。网络环境下的信息传播量、传播速度、传播模式与以往相比有很大的不同,因而,信息时代危机公关的表现形态及企业组织对危机公关的管理工作亦与传统经济环境下有异。本文通过对网络下信息传播特点及其对企业危机管理工作影响的分析,探求企业如何调整危机管理工作以适应这种变化。  相似文献   

从传统传媒时代发展到网络传媒的今天,企业由于经营管理不善、同行业竞争等原因面临的危机所产生的影响,愈来愈影响到企业的发展,有时甚至是关系到生死存亡的地步。因此,企业必须重视如何在新时期网络传媒环境下做好危机公关。  相似文献   

李莲华 《江苏商论》2006,(10):40-42
随着网络对人们生活方式、价值观念的影响越来越大,品牌的危机管理自然渗透到了网络领域。然而独特的网络舆论环境决定了网络环境下危机公关应具备特殊的方法和技巧。本文在分析网络舆论氛围特点的基础上,先总结了网络环境下危机公关中的一些基本技巧;然后顺着危机事中事后管理的一般思路——拦截、清理、稀释和转化,具体讨论每一步骤在网络环境下的实际应用。  相似文献   

以网络媒体、数字移动媒体为代表的新媒体使得受众和媒体之间的关系发生了根本性的改变,而企业在新媒体环境下所采取的危机公关方式以及所产生的效果也与以往有着巨大的差别,如何借助新媒体,提早预防、妥善处理企业所面对的各类危机事件,是摆在企业面前的一道难题。本文主要从新媒体的传播方式、速度等方面对企业有效的应对危机,成功的进行危机管理进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

团结就是力量,这一句从歌词中流传下来的话语是企业成长过程中当之无愧的第三大决定基因从达尔文生物学观点来看,基因决定了物种的生长、生存和繁衍。人类、动物、植物之所以同为地球上的物种,却具有完全不一样的生物学表现,就在于基因不同。同样,在大浪滔天的商海之战中,企业的成长基因决定了企业未来的发展潜力。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断发展和繁荣,为我国各个企业的经营提供了经济上的保障,但与此同时,另一个程度上也让企业进入了高度的公关危机。公关危机的出现,不仅影响了企业的形象,还会让企业的有形资产贬值。基于此,本文将深入分析企业的公关危机的现状,问题,总结出解决的措施,为企业能够有效处理好公关危机提供一些理论上的依据。  相似文献   

唐瑛 《商场现代化》2008,(7):104-105
危机公关在企业生存和发展中的作用日趋明显,而在网络环境下的危机公关离不开长尾效应。如何处理好网络环境下的企业危机是危机公关探询的新课题。  相似文献   

网络平台是高校进行宣传和校园文化建设的重要窗口,但也为负面新闻的快速传播提供了便利。在对网络环境下的高校危机事件界定的基础上,分析高校负面新闻引发危机事件的特征,并提出相应的危机公关应对策略:高校应正面面对危机事件的影响,加强高校领导的危机公关意识,建立有效的危机预防机制,并借助网络的力量来实施高校危机公关的应对策略。  相似文献   

鉴于科学地认识企业危机事件的信息在网络上海量传播的现象,本文基于网络媒体的条件,运用以实证研究为基础的内容分析法,通过对企业危机网络传播样本个案的量化分析,研究描述了2003-2010年我国企业危机网络传播的演变趋势、企业危机事件网络传播的时间长度等问题,旨在为采取积极正确有效的企业危机管理对策,提供有关危机信息网络媒体传播的实证依据。  相似文献   

浅析中小企业的危机公关策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱明静 《中国市场》2008,(10):12-13
随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,缺乏危机管理机制的企业是没有竞争力可言的,特别是针对中小企业应该有效地开展危机管理,预防、妥善处理危机,把危机造成的损失降低到最低限度,甚至将危机化为转机,才能不断提升其综合竞争能力。  相似文献   


Crisis management affects all institutions. Organizations now operate in a media-saturated world where individuals can disseminate information instantaneously across the globe via the internet. As a result, ensuring future business leaders have an understanding of how crises develop and what alternatives exist is a valuable educational outcome. Through a role-playing exercise, students undertake crisis management for a fictitious organization. The exercise, according to participants, provides a realistic environment where higher level learning (as compared w th merely listening to lectures) resulted. Role-playing also improved student awareness of the components of good crisis management and prepared them to handle a crisis.  相似文献   

Business organizations are beginning to recognize the substantial potential of social media for enhancing corporate communications with external stakeholders, including investors, customers, and the general public—all of whom can affect firms’ financial future. Social media applications reach a wide spectrum of external stakeholders, help them express themselves and connect with one another, and engage them in ongoing conversations with the firm. Despite growing interest in this area, there has been limited research on this important topic. Accordingly, we focus on wikis, social networking sites, micro-blogging sites, and video-sharing sites, among many social media applications, and identify their respective beneficial attributes within the context of external communication. In so doing, we illuminate the prominent technical features of the four social media applications and review the existing literature in order to identify how business organizations take advantage of the unique features to facilitate their communicative activities in practice. We ground our analyses in validated conceptual frameworks in the fields of information systems and communication, such as the notion of technology affordances and Hutton’s (1999) framework for public relations. As a result, we suggest the “Eight Affordances” of the four social media applications that help corporate communicators. This study expands the social media and technology affordance literature into the important, yet understudied, external communications field.  相似文献   

This article investigates the factors affecting how public relations autonomy, legal dominance, and strategic orientation affect crisis communicative response in corporate contexts. Communication managers, crisis managers, public affairs managers, and/or public relations managers were solicited from Taiwan’s top 500 companies to participate in a survey. The results revealed that, in contrast to public relations autonomy being the strongest and sole predictor of concession strategy, legal dominance could predict defensive and diversionary responses in crisis events. The article concludes with a discussion of practical applications and theoretical implications.  相似文献   

黄颖 《中国商论》2021,(8):174-176
互联网的快速发展改变了人类的生产生活方式,网络时代下的电子媒介改变了人们的思维方式与工作方式。电子媒介对职场产生了巨大的影响,以秘书工作为例,电子媒介改变了信息交流传递的方式,改变了职场关系,也改变了人们传统的形象管理的方式。  相似文献   

Sice China opened its doors to foreign business in 1978, its economy has boomed with an annual growth rate of 13 percent in recent years. As market competition has become increasingly intense, the demand for public relations has rapidly escalated as a growing number of local and foreign businesses battle for a piece of the Chinese market. Because public relations is still in its infancy stage in China, there are vast opportunities there for local and for- eign image-building practitioners. The Chinese public relations industry is thriving and gaining in irnportanceimd those abroad are continuing to take notice.  相似文献   

Public relations literature laments the lack of a theoretical base for the practice and ethics of public relations. Drawing primarily upon Koehn (The Ground of Professional Ethics, 1994) and Hutton (Public Relations Review, 1999), this paper proposes such a theoretical ground.The paper adopts Hutton's assertion that "the central organizing theme of public relations theory and practice" is relationships(Hutton, 1999, p. 209). It also relies upon Koehn (1994) to provide a theoretical discussion of the nature of professions, and the ground upon which professional ethics and public trust in the professions are based. It concludes, from a Koehnian perspective, that for public relations to move from the expertise and contractual models of practice into a covenantal model as a profession worthy of public trust, the field must devote itself to a defined human good (relationships), and must be grounded in a public pledge to serve this good.  相似文献   

中韩建交16年来,两国互为重要的贸易伙伴。"次贷危机"的爆发对中韩两国经济与贸易形成重大冲击。包括贸易逆差在内的中韩双边经贸关系中的固有问题发生了一定变化。面对全球金融风暴,中韩两国应该加强金融合作、改善贸易环境,同舟共济、勇闯难关。  相似文献   

当前,中国公共危机管理面临着理论困境和实践难题,其根本原因在于理论研究和实践均陷入了“国家或政府中心论”的窠臼。走出困境,需要跳出“国家或政府中心论”,借助现代协同学理论与治理理论,革新公共危机治理范式,实现公共危机协同治理。为此,必须大力培育和发展社会资本。  相似文献   

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