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In this paper we propose a nonparametric kernel-based model specification test that can be used when the regression model contains both discrete and continuous regressors. We employ discrete variable kernel functions and we smooth both the discrete and continuous regressors using least squares cross-validation (CV) methods. The test statistic is shown to have an asymptotic normal null distribution. We also prove the validity of using the wild bootstrap method to approximate the null distribution of the test statistic, the bootstrap being our preferred method for obtaining the null distribution in practice. Simulations show that the proposed test has significant power advantages over conventional kernel tests which rely upon frequency-based nonparametric estimators that require sample splitting to handle the presence of discrete regressors.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a framework for modelling cointegration in fractionally integrated processes, and considers methods for testing the existence of cointegrating relationships using the parametric bootstrap. In these procedures, ARFIMA models are fitted to the data, and the estimates used to simulate the null hypothesis of non-cointegration in a vector autoregressive modelling framework. The simulations are used to estimate p-values for alternative regression-based test statistics, including the F goodness-of-fit statistic, the Durbin–Watson statistic and estimates of the residual d. The bootstrap distributions are economical to compute, being conditioned on the actual sample values of all but the dependent variable in the regression. The procedures are easily adapted to test stronger null hypotheses, such as statistical independence. The tests are not in general asymptotically pivotal, but implemented by the bootstrap, are shown to be consistent against alternatives with both stationary and nonstationary cointegrating residuals. As an example, the tests are applied to the series for UK consumption and disposable income. The power properties of the tests are studied by simulations of artificial cointegrating relationships based on the sample data. The F test performs better in these experiments than the residual-based tests, although the Durbin–Watson in turn dominates the test based on the residual d.  相似文献   

The loss given default (LGD) distribution is known to have a complex structure. Consequently, the parametric approach for its prediction by fitting a density function may suffer a loss of predictive power. To overcome this potential drawback, we use the cumulative probability model (CPM) to predict the LGD distribution. The CPM applies a transformed variable to model the LGD distribution. This transformed variable has a semiparametric structure. It models the predictor effects parametrically. The functional form of the transformation is unspecified. Thus, CPM provides more flexibility and simplicity in modeling the LGD distribution. To implement CPM, we collect a sample of defaulted debts from Moody’s Default and Recovery Database. Given this sample, we use an expanding rolling window approach to investigate the out-of-time performance of CPM and its alternatives. Our results confirm that CPM is better than its alternatives, in the sense of yielding more accurate LGD distribution predictions.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the regional technical efficiency of Chinese iron and steel industry from 1996 to 2010 by a network DEA procedure, and provides the smoothed bootstrap network DEA strategy for the sensitivity analysis of the efficiency measure to sampling variation of the estimated frontier. Furthermore, the evolution and convergence characteristics of regional technical efficiency are examined by a dynamic regression model based on different regional divisions of China. The empirical results show that there exist significant geographical differences in the technical efficiency of Chinese iron and steel industry. On the one hand, the technical efficiency of the eastern area, the central area and the western area is unbalanced, with a lower efficiency in the west and a higher one in the east. On the other hand, technical efficiency of Central Bohai, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta economic zones is higher than that of the other economic zones. In addition, the technical efficiency has a significant improvement during the period of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan. Following the convergence notation in economic growth theory, this paper also gives some convergence evidence of the technical efficiency towards the efficient frontier due to the catching-up effect. Finally, this paper explores the determinants of the technical efficiency, and discusses policy implications for Chinese iron and steel industry.  相似文献   

According to the usual law of small numbers a multivariate Poisson distribution is derived by defining an appropriate model for multivariate Binomial distributions and examining their behaviour for large numbers of trials and small probabilities of marginal and simultaneous successes. The weak limit law is a generalization of Poisson's distribution to larger finite dimensions with arbitrary dependence structure. Compounding this multivariate Poisson distribution by a Gamma distribution results in a multivariate Pascal distribution which is again asymptotically multivariate Poisson. These Pascal distributions contain a class of multivariate geometric distributions. Finally the bivariate Binomial distribution is shown to be the limit law of appropriate bivariate hypergeometric distributions. Proving the limit theorems mentioned here as well as understanding the corresponding limit distributions becomes feasible by using probability generating functions.  相似文献   

Bernhard Klar 《Metrika》1999,49(1):53-69
This paper presents a new widely applicable omnibus test for discrete distributions which is based on the difference between the integrated distribution function Ψ(t)=∫t (1−F(x))dx and its empirical counterpart. A bootstrap version of the test for common lattice models has accurate error rates even for small samples and exhibits high power with respect to competitive procedures over a large range of alternatives. Received: July 1998  相似文献   

Small sample properties of asymptotic and bootstrap prediction regions for VAR models are evaluated and compared. Monte Carlo simulations reveal that the bootstrap prediction region based on the percentile-t method outperforms its asymptotic and other bootstrap alternatives in small samples. It provides the most accurate assessment of future uncertainty under both normal and non-normal innovations. The use of an asymptotic prediction region may result in a serious under-estimation of future uncertainty when the sample size is small. When the model is near non-stationary, the use of the bootstrap region based on the percentile-t method is recommended, although extreme care should be taken when it is used for medium to long-term forecasting.  相似文献   

For a vast class of discrete model families where the natural parameter is constrained to an interval, we give conditions for which the Bayes estimator with respect to a boundary supported prior is minimax under squared error loss type functions. Building on a general development of éric Marchand and Ahmad Parsian, applicable to squared error loss, we obtain extensions to various parametric functions and squared error loss type functions. We provide illustrations for various distributions and parametric functions, and these include examples for many common discrete distributions, as well as when the parametric function is a zero-count probability, an odds-ratio, a Binomial variance, and a Negative Binomial variance, among others. The Research of M. Jafari Jozani is supported by a grant of the Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran. The Research of é. Marchand is supported by NSERC of Canada.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the higher-order properties of the estimators based on the nested pseudo-likelihood (NPL) algorithm and the practical implementation of such estimators for parametric discrete Markov decision models. We derive the rate at which the NPL algorithm converges to the MLE and provide a theoretical explanation for the simulation results in Aguirregabiria and Mira [Aguirregabiria, V., Mira, P., 2002. Swapping the nested fixed point algorithm: A class of estimators for discrete Markov decision models. Econometrica 70, 1519–1543], in which iterating the NPL algorithm improves the accuracy of the estimator. We then propose a new NPL algorithm that can achieve quadratic convergence without fully solving the fixed point problem in every iteration and apply our estimation procedure to a finite mixture model. We also develop one-step NPL bootstrap procedures for discrete Markov decision models. The Monte Carlo simulation evidence based on a machine replacement model of Rust [Rust, J., 1987. Optimal replacement of GMC bus engines: An empirical model of Harold Zurcher. Econometrica 55, 999–1033] shows that the proposed one-step bootstrap test statistics and confidence intervals improve upon the first order asymptotics even with a relatively small number of iterations.  相似文献   

Recent work on social status led to derivation of a new continuous distribution based on the exponential. The new variate, termed the ring(2)-exponential, in turn leads to derivation of two closely related new families of continuous distributions, the mirror-exponential and the ring-exponential. Both the standard exponential and the ring(2)-exponential are special cases of both the new families. In this paper, we first focus on the ring(2)-exponential, describing its derivation and examining its properties, and next introduce the two new families, describing their derivation and initiating exploration of their properties. The mirror-exponential arises naturally in the study of status; the ring-exponential arises from the mathematical structure of the ring(2)-exponential. Both have the potential for broad application in diverse contexts across science and engineering. Within sociobehavioral contexts, the new mirror-exponential may have application to the problem of approximating the form and inequality of the wage distribution.  相似文献   

Zinoviy Landsman  Meir Rom 《Metrika》1995,42(1):421-439
Various distances between distributions and between densities are considered. The corresponding goodness-of-fit tests derived from them are examined for their abilities to detect multimodal alternatives. It is found that many well known techniques fail to detect such alternatives, while others do better in terms of their power results. These are mainly the tests derived from the variational metric which are based on spacings and gaps.  相似文献   

We provide a family of tests for the IID hypothesis based on generalized runs, powerful against unspecified alternatives, providing a useful complement to tests designed for specific alternatives, such as serial correlation, GARCH, or structural breaks. Our tests have appealing computational simplicity in that they do not require kernel density estimation, with the associated challenge of bandwidth selection. Simulations show levels close to nominal asymptotic levels. Our tests have power against both dependent and heterogeneous alternatives, as both theory and simulations demonstrate.  相似文献   

R. Magiera 《Metrika》1992,39(1):1-20
The problem of Bayes sequential estimation of the mean value parameter of continuous time processes with stationary independent increments having exponential-type likelihood functions is considered. Using a weighted square error loss and observing cost involving both a time cost and a state cost, the explicit solutions to the problem are derived. A discrete time approach is taken in which decisions are made at the end of time intervals having lengtht. The examples of optimal procedures in the case when the cost of observation includes a squared state cost are also given.  相似文献   

This paper derives the limiting distribution of the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test for threshold nonlinearity in a TAR model with GARCH errors when one of the regimes contains a unit root. It is shown that the asymptotic distribution is nonstandard and depends on nuisance parameters that capture the degree of conditional heteroskedasticity and non-Gaussian nature of the process. We propose a bootstrap procedure for approximating the exact finite-sample distribution of the test for linearity and establish its asymptotic validity.  相似文献   

Summary We obtain bounds for the difference between the median and mean of the beta and negative binomial distributions using elementary methods.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of testing for equality of two density or two conditional density functions defined over mixed discrete and continuous variables. We smooth both the discrete and continuous variables, with the smoothing parameters chosen via least-squares cross-validation. The test statistics are shown to have (asymptotic) normal null distributions. However, we advocate the use of bootstrap methods in order to better approximate their null distribution in finite-sample settings and we provide asymptotic validity of the proposed bootstrap method. Simulations show that the proposed tests have better power than both conventional frequency-based tests and smoothing tests based on ad hoc smoothing parameter selection, while a demonstrative empirical application to the joint distribution of earnings and educational attainment underscores the utility of the proposed approach in mixed data settings.  相似文献   

This paper uses Monte Carlo experimentation to investigate the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood (ML) and corrected ordinary least squares (COLS) estimators of the half-normal stochastic frontier production function. Results indicate substantial bias in both ML and COLS when the percentage contribution of inefficiency in the composed error (denoted by *) is small, and also that ML should be used in preference to COLS because of large mean square error advantages when * is greater than 50%. The performance of a number of tests of the existence of technical inefficiency is also investigated. The Wald and likelihood ratio (LR) tests are shown to have incorrect size. A one-sided LR test and a test of the significance of the third moment of the OLS residuals are suggested as alternatives, and are shown to have correct size, with the one-sided LR test having the better power of the two.The author would like to thank Bill Griffiths, George Battese, Howard Doran, Bill Greene and two anonymous referees for valuable comments. Any errors which remain are those of the author.  相似文献   

Multiplier methods are used to round probabilities on finitely many categories to rational proportions. Focusing on the classical methods of Adams and Jefferson, we investigate goodness-of-fit criteria for this rounding process. Assuming that the given probabilities are uniformly distributed, we derive the limiting laws of the criteria, first when the rounding accuracy increases, and then when the number of categories grows large.  相似文献   

Usual inference methods for stable distributions are typically based on limit distributions. But asymptotic approximations can easily be unreliable in such cases, for standard regularity conditions may not apply or may hold only weakly. This paper proposes finite-sample tests and confidence sets for tail thickness and asymmetry parameters (αα and ββ) of stable distributions. The confidence sets are built by inverting exact goodness-of-fit tests for hypotheses which assign specific values to these parameters. We propose extensions of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Shapiro–Wilk and Filliben criteria, as well as the quantile-based statistics proposed by McCulloch (1986) in order to better capture tail behavior. The suggested criteria compare empirical goodness-of-fit or quantile-based measures with their hypothesized values. Since the distributions involved are quite complex and non-standard, the relevant hypothetical measures are approximated by simulation, and pp-values are obtained using Monte Carlo (MC) test techniques. The properties of the proposed procedures are investigated by simulation. In contrast with conventional wisdom, we find reliable results with sample sizes as small as 25. The proposed methodology is applied to daily electricity price data in the US over the period 2001–2006. The results show clearly that heavy kurtosis and asymmetry are prevalent in these series.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss nonparametric goodness of fit theory for alternatives, which, in practical terms, manifest themselves not as a “smooth” and “small” deviation “everywhere”, but as still not big systematic “stains” or highly oscillating patterns as compared to the regular null hypothesis.  相似文献   

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