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2009年转眼已成为过去。这一年,报业在积极应对金融危机带来的挑战、保增长谋发展、推进报业体制机制改革方面取得了可喜的成绩,但也暴露出了一些问题。新闻出版管理部门在积极推动报业体制机制改革的同时,也进一步加强了监管,出台了一系列管理办法和规章制度。总起来说,这一年,中国报业有喜有忧,经受了考验也得到了成长,有辛苦也有收获。我们试图通过整理关键词的方式,来留存中国报业对这一年的记忆。  相似文献   

田珂 《中国报业》2012,(15):30-36
在互联网、手机、IPAD等多媒介终端快速普及的今天,电子媒体迅速向传统报纸媒体领域交替蔓延,中国报业市场既面临着新媒体的冲击,也面临着自身不断加深的竞争和淘汰机制的挑战。2012年上半年,根据世纪华文对全国报业发行的长期监测数据分析,在当前的市场形势下,全国报业整体发行市场趋于稳定,华东、华北、华西、华中、华南地区的报业发行基本上保持着与2011年一致的竞争格局,少数城市出现了新动态;从报纸的种类来看,综合类日报在各类报纸中的发行比重最大,成为分析中国报业发行发展趋势的"晴雨表"。  相似文献   

2009年中国报业经历了太多的波动与起伏。新闻纸价格回落、金融危机冲击、新媒体快速发展,以及中国报业体制改革的深入,无不牵动着报业市场的变化。在这个承上肩下的大变革时代,  相似文献   

经新闻出版总署和北京市新闻出版局批准,《中国报业》刊期自2011年起由月刊变更为半月刊(京新出报〔2010〕848号)。《中国报业》从2011年1月起在原有月刊(现为《中国报业》上)正常出版发行的基础上,每月正式出版一期《中国报业》(下)。《中国报业》(下)秉承《中国报业》杂志长期以来形成的风格和品位,定位于"报业传媒及相关领域的学术理论研究",以期搭建学术研究的理论平台,为  相似文献   

2009年是中国报业改革发展的攻坚年。金融海啸导致实体经济的下滑影响了报业的广告收入,新闻纸价的波动导致了报业经营成本的不稳定并呈上升势头。此外,多种新型媒体的进一步发展,改变了原有的传媒生态环境,报业体制机制变革也向纵深发展,中国报业面临着前所未有的竞争和挑战。  相似文献   

方园 《商》2014,(26):22-23
在现代中国,报业集团是社会主义市场经济条件下报纸作为一种产业的经营运作方式。作为全国首家报业集团,广州日报报业集团的发展改革是在继承已有资源的基础上进行的,广州日报报业集团目前处于一个行业内企业数目较多,国内外同行业各企业生产者的产品有所差别但程度模糊,企业对不同产品的价格具有一定的控制能力的垄断竞争市场中。文章通过对广州日报报业集团的现状和发展趋势的描述,认为报业集团需要从外部环境到内部机制上对报业产业化发展和经营管理模式进行整合和创新,进而实现报业产品经营策略转向传媒产业化的战略目标。  相似文献   

全球报业市场在新世纪的晨曦中已悄然行进了10年。这期间,互联网的兴起形成了对报业的巨大压力,导致了世界传媒市场内报业各层面的起起落落。报业在全球各地都经历了硝烟弥漫与纵横捭阖的市场整合,格局之变与不变渐趋明朗。为了较为准确地把握全球报业的发展概况。我们采用权威的数据,对经历新世纪10年变迁之后的全球报业发展变局进行分析研究,力图呈现出世界报业发展的整体轮廓。  相似文献   

经新闻出版总署和北京市新闻出版局批准,《中国报业》刊期自2011年起由月刊变更为半月刊(京新出报〔2010〕848号)。《中国报业》从2011年1月起在原有月刊(现为《中国报业》上)正常出版发行的基础上,每月正式出版一期《中国报业》(下)。《中国报业》(下)秉承《中国报业》杂志长期以来形成的风格和品位,定位于"报业传媒及相关领域的学术理论研究",以期搭建学术研究的理论平台,为业界和学界交流互动起到桥梁纽带作用,促进中国传  相似文献   

王珂 《中国报业》2012,(8):30-36
在互联网、手机、IPAD等多媒介终端快速普及的今天,电子媒体迅速向传统报纸媒体领域交替蔓延,中国报业市场既面临着新媒体的冲击,也面临着自身不断加深的竞争和淘汰机制的挑战。2012年上半年,根据世纪华文对全国报业发行的长期监测数据分析,在当前的市场形势下,全国报业整体发行市场趋于稳定,华东、华北、华西、华中、华南地区的报业发行基本上保持着与2011年一致的竞争格局,少数城市出现了新动态;从报纸的种类来看,综合类日报在各类报纸中的发行比重最大,成为分析中闺报业发行发展趋势的“晴雨表”.  相似文献   

经新闻出版总署和北京市新闻出版局批准,《中国报业》刊期自2011年起由月刊变更为半月刊(京新出报[2010]848号)。《中国报业》从2011年1月起在原有月刊(现为《中国报业》上)正常出版发行的基础上,每月正式出版一期《中国报业》(下)。《中国报业》(下)秉承《中国报业》杂志长期以来形成的风格和品位,定位于“报业传媒及相关领域的学术理论研究”,以期搭建学术研究的理论平台,为业界和学界交流互动起到桥梁纽带作用,促进中国传媒业理论研究更好的发展。  相似文献   

This study examined political spending in all nine categories of advertising and marketing communications, broken down by media segment, political race and election year. The advertising sector includes spending on broadcast television, cable television, radio, newspapers, the Internet, outdoor and magazines/ITV. The marketing sector includes spending on direct mail and public relations/promotions.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence that major sectors of the USA are not listening to pertinent online conversations (electronic word-of-mouth [eWOM]) that occur outside of their own social media portals. Data include cross sector as well as longitudinal research on prominent sectors, including business, not for profits, and academia. The Inc. 500 (fastest-growing US companies), top charities, and colleges and universities all neglect, to some extent, the monitoring of eWOM. Findings indicate that monitoring behavior may be related to how involved an organization is in social media, if they have a written policy governing its use within the organization, if they have specific goals that are related to their social media plan, if they use tracking measures such as page views, numbers of fans or followers, and how they staff the social media function. Charities are most likely to engage in monitoring behavior for their causes. The academic sector often employs part-time (student) assistance with its social media initiatives, ultimately resulting in less monitoring behavior.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the integration of the Euro‐ and US‐wide sector equity indices by focusing on the return, volatility, and trend spillover effects of local and global shocks. We explore that unlike volatility spillovers, return spillovers are not significant enough to explain sector equity returns. Moreover, we are able to show that when the trend is incorporated into the volatility spillover analysis, a number of sector equity indices tend to react similarly to local and global shocks. Following this path, we arrive at four major sector groups: production and industry; consumer goods and services; financial; and technology, media, and telecommunication across Euro‐ and US‐wide sector equity indices.  相似文献   

Cross-sector competition in the information and communications technology sectors (ICT sectors) constitutes a key strategic challenge for telecommunications companies. Due to increasing convergence, value creation is resulting in a greater degree of interaction. The diversification potential of telecommunications businesses is therefore changing with respect to associated ICT sectors, such as hardware, software and media. The article analyses cross-sector competition in the telecommunications industry on the basis of the diversification activities of ICT companies. A concentration of competitive interdependence in the ICT sectors is demonstrated using a cluster analysis of 34,142 companies. The cross-sector activities of telecommunications companies are investigated using contingency and dependency analyses, and the diversification-related competition in the telecommunications sector is also analysed. With regard to the telecommunications sector, particularly high level cross-sector competition with the media industry is identified, as well as strong diversification activities in the software sector. The results are used to derive the potentials and risks that have a significant bearing on the structure of the cross-sector competitive environment of telecommunications companies.  相似文献   

The ongoing digitalization in the training sector produces new demands on the media‐didactical competence of trainers. We conducted an online survey of 279 trainers in Germany to investigate the relationships among media‐didactical competence, media‐didactical self‐efficacy, attitudes toward the use of digital media and the actual use of digital media in training. Furthermore, we compared trainers who attended a course on digital media with trainers who did not attend such a course. The analysis of the theoretically expected correlations between the variables resulted in not all hypotheses being accepted. The analysis of the group differences showed that the trainers who attended a course on digital media had higher media‐didactical competence and media‐didactical self‐efficacy scores and used digital media more often in training. There was no significant difference in negative attitudes. The implications for the promotion of the media‐didactical competence of trainers are discussed.  相似文献   

The growth of social media presents international businesses and marketers with unprecedented risks and challenges. Marketers are becoming aware of the threat of losing control over their message and are also beginning to realize the potential of social media as a marketing tool. Based on export managers’ beliefs about social media use outcomes, as well as their attitudes, intention to use, and actual use of these applications of Web 2.0, three groups of Spanish exporters are identified according their managerial involvement with social media tools: ‘potential in SM’, ‘initiated in SM’, and ‘expert in SM’. Considering other firm characteristics and type of sector, these three clusters of exporting firms are fully characterized and their relationship with firm performance is determined. From these results, relevant implications emerge for academic researchers, entrepreneur-managers and policy-makers.  相似文献   

This study looks at how the corporate governance of family-owned business groups, the most dominant form of private sector organising in Asia, deals with different forms of corruption during the course of common business transactions. As a part of an ethnographic study conducted in 2007 to look at the impact of corporate governance reforms in the Philippines, one of the emergent themes from the study was the presence of significant corruption in the business environment of the country. A total of 40 semi-structured interviews were conducted with board members from business groups and senior public sector officials supplemented by document analysis of media articles and other text and participant observation. Using Rose-Ackerman’s typology of petty and grand corruption, results show the dilemmas faced when trying to operate within the precepts of corporate governance whilst dealing with the practical reality of corruption in public sector institutions. The results of the study provide empirical evidence into corruption’s impact on Asian business groups and contribute to knowledge on the links between strong institutions and the efficacy of corporate governance.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of some suspected sources of bias on perceptions of public sector corruption. These sources include dependence on two types of media as information sources about corruption: traditional and social media, positive perception of public employees, and social identification with public employees. Data were collected through a face‐to‐face survey of the general public in South Korea. The sample comprised 472 respondents evenly dispersed across the country. Through regression analysis, we found that dependence on traditional media—but not social media—significantly increased the perceived level of corruption. However, positive perceptions of and social identification with public employees were negatively associated with it, showing that these factors may skew respondents' perceptions of corruption. The results have implications for practitioners and researchers who design, implement, or evaluate anti‐corruption policies, suggesting the need for caution when making use of survey results.  相似文献   

This project investigates salient stakeholder forces of socially responsible supply chain orientation (SRSCO) in the apparel and footwear sector focusing on fair labor management issues. SRSCO was conceptualized as a composite of internal organizational direction and external partnership for a creation and continuation of fair labor conditions throughout the supply chain. Primary stakeholders identified were consumers, regulation, industry, and media. A total of 209 mail survey responses from sourcing managers of U.S. apparel and footwear companies were analyzed. Two dimensions of SRSCO were confirmed: internal direction and external partnership. Consumer and industry peer pressures were found significantly related to internal direction, while industry peers and media were significantly related to the external partnership. Regulation was not significantly related to either internal direction or external partnerships. Lack of regulation forces to govern labor issues and roles of consumers, industry peers, and media in promoting fair labor management are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

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