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This article considers the development of two features of central Italian society in the post-Roman period (approximately the mid-fifth to the mid-ninth centuries) that have been thought to have affected significantly the condition of life of the peasantry there: rural settlement and the taxation system. It argues that we should be wary of attempting to reconstruct the settlement landscape from the surviving documents: too often, references to agrarian structures are misconstrued as references to settlements. The shape of the latter is rarely visible in the textual evidence, but can be appreciated far more certainly from archaeological surveys and excavations, which present a picture of the evolution of the human landscape that is far more varied than a simple transition 'from villa to village'. Documentary sources are more helpful in tracing the fate of the Roman taxation system. They point to structural continuities in the way that the peasantry was exploited that did not significantly vary between neighbouring political territories, and that reveal how the powerful continued to affect both the location and the condition of peasant life.  相似文献   

以循环发展理念引领农业转型,加快构筑农业循环经济发展模式,对于推进生态文明建设,促进农业供给侧结构性改革,调整优化农业产业结构,增加高品质农产品供应,保障食品安全,促进资源节约使用和废弃物资源化利用,具有重大而紧迫的现实意义。构筑农业循环经济发展模式的主要任务在于构建循环型农业产业体系,包括构建农业内部循环经济产业体系、培育发展工农复合循环经济产业链、完善循环型农业发展的基础设施和基本保障。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of bandits and state intervention in the Ottoman Balkans and Southern Italy in the 19th century by using archival documents. I argue that the states may react similarly and radically when their authority is challenged in the periphery. The Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Italy developed the same forms of state intervention to fight against the bandits, even though these two states had fundamentally different political, cultural, and socio‐legal structures. I present three different forms of state intervention: (i) victim‐centred state intervention; (ii) security‐centred state intervention; and (iii) authority‐centred state intervention. These three forms consolidated the state's authority while making the two states both fragile and dependent on other social agencies in the long term. I further claim that consolidation of the state's authority manifests the paradox of state intervention and creates more vulnerabilities in traumatic geographies.  相似文献   

城居地主与近代江南农村经济   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄敏  慈鸿飞 《中国农史》2006,25(3):76-85
城居地主问题是目前近代经济史领域的前沿性课题,本文以近代江南地区城居地主为研究对象,力求客观地探讨了城居地主对农村经济所作出的投资和积极影响。  相似文献   

分析了陕西南部地区山区自然灾害造成巨大危害的原因,针对这些原因提出了山区城镇与环境协调发展的建议和措施:加快生态经济建设,推进社会、经济、生态协调发展;加强防灾减灾意识和措施、防治灾害;加强城镇建设规划与管理;改善山区交通条件,促进山区经济发展。  相似文献   

利用因子分析法和系统聚类的方法对2009年安徽62个县(市)的经济增长能力进行实证分析,结果表明,安徽县域经济增长能力低下,并且存在严重的区域不平衡性,在此基础上,提出了扩大县乡两级政府权力,优化县域经济增长环境,加强县域基础设施建设等建议,以期为壮大安徽县域经济提供理论支持。  相似文献   

气候变化与黄河中下游地区的早期稻作农业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国全新世大暖期的到来,黄河中下游地区迎来了温暖湿润的气候环境,这为农业生产提供了前所未有的优越条件。虽然黄河中下游地区是以旱作农业为主体的,但在粟作农业发展的同时,稻作农业也在孕育发生。从距今七八千年的裴李岗文化时期直到夏商时代,尽管其间气候状况发生过冷暖波动,稻作的发展也存在有起伏变化,但在整个全新世大暖期,稻作农业基本上都在逶迤发展着。实际上在全新世大暖期存在着一个粟稻混作区,其范围随着气候变化虽在不断波动,但大体位置在黄淮之间。这与黄河中下游地区所处的南北生态过渡带的地理环境密不可分,也是南北文化交流的重要体现。从裴李岗文化时期到夏商时代的早期稻作农业,也经历了一个发生、发展的演变过程,它对黄河流域的古代农业及社会发展产生了深远的影响,也充分显示了气候变化对农业和社会发展的重要影响及作用。  相似文献   

高兵 《中国林业经济》2006,(4):17-20,41
运用主成分分析法,借助于统计软件SAS,对1998年和2004年东北、内蒙古等八个省、区和地区的林业经济发展状况进行了综合分析,并对各地区林业经济发展进行排名,进而针对各地区林业经济的发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

在提出了知识经济时代油气藏管理工程概念的同时,介绍了实施知识经济时代油气藏管理工程的作用及其重要性。  相似文献   

办好职业教育一要有特色 ,二要有质量。高等职业院校主要是为相关行业培养、输送专门人才 ,兼有行业特色和普通高校的双重特点。本文对职业院校的办学特色和质量教育作了较为全面的论述 ,并在此基础上 ,结合地勘行业经济发展的实际 ,并对地勘高职院校在促进地勘经济发展方面提出了若干建议  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to catalogue and analyse the changes over two decades in the world of agricultural labourers in a backward region in India. It is primarily based on a series of field visits to two villages in Purnia district, located in the north-eastern part of Bihar. Changes in the living conditions of labourers are obviously connected to developments in the rural economy of the region and there are important linkages with developments elsewhere, including changes in the overall macro-economic policy regime. An attempt is made to trace these. Agricultural wage workers in the surveyed region are extremely poor by any reckoning, although a few of them have made some progress through state-sponsored programmes and migration. These developments have also contributed significantly to altering the relations of dominance and subordination, thus creating greater elbow-room for labourers. However, it is important not to overstate these small gains and there are serious doubts as to whether they can be sustained. It appears that some of the material correlates of labourers' well-being in the surveyed region are being affected adversely by the currently ascendant neoliberal policy regime. There are no signs of the emergence of mechanisms that might imply sustained significant improvements in the very fragile life and work conditions of these labourers.  相似文献   

文章总结了工业化国家经济增长和能源需求关系的一般规律,在分析我国工业化以来经济增长和能源需求关系与之相比的共同性和特殊性的基础上,提出了我国能源强度的变动要依次经历“倒U”曲线、“U”曲线和再次“倒U”曲线三个阶段的假设,并进行了经济计量检验,最后对我国“十一五”时期的能源需求进行了预测。  相似文献   

近年来,绿色经济的发展理念受到了世界的广泛关注。伴随着海洋经济的发展,生态环境污染等诸多问题不断出现,如何实现海洋经济的绿色转型成了政府部门和学术界研究的热点。文章以联合国《蓝色世界里的绿色经济》报告为背景,梳理了一些国家海洋经济绿色转型的发展进程和实践情况,探讨了供我国海洋经济健康可持续发展借鉴的有益启示。建议从明确海洋经济绿色转型重点领域、依靠"政府引导,市场运作"双轮驱动、建立有效的投融资机制、深化产学研合作四个方面借鉴国外经验。  相似文献   

民国以来,镇江城乡经济衰落,究其因,港口腹地的缩小以及腹地农村经济的衰退,是其城乡经济缺乏推动力的重要因素.这一变动中,铁路交通运输对镇江枢纽地位的改变是导致镇江腹地缩小及城乡经济衰退更深层次的原因,镇江城市在长江三角洲区域中的重要地位因此逐渐消弱.  相似文献   

解放后,由于对农民私人财产权缺乏有效的法律保护、解放前遗留下来的债务未能很好地处理,在借贷中违反自由借贷政策等原因,农村私人借贷关系处于停滞状态。为了活跃自由借贷,各级人民政策采取了一系列的措施,从而使得这种停滞状况有所缓解。  相似文献   

杨松水 《中国农史》2006,25(1):66-72
清代皖中地区曾经是江南乃至全国商品粮的贸易地之一,尤其是在雍正以后更加兴盛,其原因是多方面的。本文从江南农业经济转型以及皖中粮食的丰殷的角度,说明当时贸易的可能性与必然性。而且,这种贸易与交流还给皖中地区带来了巨大影响,同时,皖中在地域上也是安徽与江南及长三角进行交流与联系的前沿,因此,这方面的探求,无论是理论上还是实践上都具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

陈积敏  吕柳 《林业经济》2012,(5):114-116,119
生态环境用水是维系生态系统稳定和健康发展的重要因素。建立生态环境用水和区域经济系统之间的关联模型并进行联动分析,是对生态环境用水价值量进行量化测算的重要途径之一。文章以Cobb-Dauglas生产函数为基础,以江苏省为例,构建符合环境库兹涅茨曲线(Kuznets Curve)的生态环境用水——社会经济关联模型,并推算得出江苏省生态环境用水的拐点为298.8726亿m3。关键词:生态环境用水;区域经济;模型  相似文献   

品牌价值评价是企业进行品牌策略决策的基础,也是消费者判定企业实力,决定是否成为企业忠诚顾客的依据。分析了当今品牌价值评价方法的不足,依据价值构成理论,在顺应低碳、环保和可持续发展的时代要求的基础上,构建了品牌资产价值的评价体系和评价模型。  相似文献   

陈岗 《中国农史》2007,26(1):50-57
近代前后,广东商业移民是推动广西等西南边疆地区社会经济发展变迁的重要力量。本文依据方志、年鉴等方面的资料,以苍梧戎圩为个案,追踪考察近代广东商人的商贸活动对地处西南边陲的广西农家经济变迁之深刘影响。  相似文献   

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