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When your company is sluggish and information or products aren't moving like they should, do you know how to figure out why? This article will show you how measuring performance can identify the problems, and "root cause analysis" can help identify the solutions. In addition, the article will show you how to use performance measurements to constantly monitor the health of your company to prevent it from becoming sluggish in the first place.  相似文献   

关鉴 《中国企业家》2012,(14):95-98,17
许多中国企业还在不懈寻找一剑封喉的技术秘笈,但今天这个时代,能帮你登上创新高地的,很可能是你的供应商、合作伙伴、甚至是你的竞争对手  相似文献   

If a company can reengineer its business processes into modules that can be linked, unlinked, and relinked inexpensively, seamlessly, and instantly, it will be able to provide unique value to each and every customer. A modular approach presents a unique opportunity to create significant value and offer customers a proposition that is impossible or at least extremely difficult for your competition to duplicate. This article explains how to reengineer individual processes in light of the overall business strategy chosen by a company.  相似文献   

The skill sets and attitudes required for materiel management professional survival continue to change. Just as the industry has evolved for calculators and three-part forms, so too must today's managers evolve into facilitators and information-oriented management. While these new skills are being perfected, three focused strategies initiated right now can enhance your chance for survival. First, get to know your customers intimately. Go to their meetings. Tour their departments. Second, assume responsibility and report materiel cost data that has meaning to senior management and customers. Fill rates and inventory turns offer little value to other managers, but supply cost per discharge can be of value. Third, be proactive in competing with outsourcing competitors. Do not wait until they are on your doorstep before developing a strategy to compete.  相似文献   

王瀛  王远凌 《中国企业家》2012,(17):98-102,19
三个月来,吴长江被贴上了"民粹掩盖错误"的标签,阎焱成了借助"伪契约精神"泄私愤的代表。一家好端端的行业龙头公司因"内讧"而陷入绝境雷士照明创始人吴长江,两手空空,回到了曾经的工厂和总部。"我会回来的。我相信伟大的人性治理,而不是虚伪的契约精神……"掌声、拥抱、泪水、口号、标语……公司中层、普通一线工人、经销商、供应商们的群体表情映射出一个中国式创业家的真实气场。  相似文献   

孙俊敏 《物流科技》2012,(5):103-107
首先明确具有竞争优势的船舶报价的特点,然后从该特点出发以逻辑流程的形式详细指出在接到船东询价后,前期如何充分准备、中期怎样灵活反应以及后期如何精心总结,以帮助船厂提高自身报价水平,在众多竞争者中争得订单,扩大市场份额,改变被淘汰的命运。  相似文献   

The tools and methodologies being developed in the emerging field of human resource analytics can be used both to measure the impact of your organization's investment in leadership development and, perhaps more importantly, to improve the return on that investment. In particular, analytics can be used to move your organization beyond one‐size‐fits‐all competencies by identifying the unique leadership competencies that drive your organization's business results (sales, profits, and employee turnover). Your employee “engagement survey” is a powerful, but typically underutilized, tool for doing so. By linking it with other, disparate pieces of data (180/360 assessments, Learning Management System (LMS) records, turnover, and financial data), you create the foundation for understanding where leadership competencies explain variation (positive and negative) in your organization's business results. This, in turn, creates a strong evidence base for optimizing your leadership development strategy—and is done so using metrics and analysis, which is the language of CEOs and CFOs.  相似文献   

When you set out to write a fund-raising letter, make sure you know precisely to whom you're writing and why--and be certain your letter makes that point just as clear to them as it is to you.  相似文献   

袁菌 《中国企业家》2012,(10):75-79,9,74
高速增长让京东商城过早成为"公敌"。电商浪潮渐退,京东还未上市,它真是裸泳者吗?如果没有口水站和将死的传闻,那还是京东商城吗?京东商城集团创始人兼CEO刘强东肯定要说"Yes",但没准儿偷偷在心里说声"No"!2012年,有关"京东将死"的传闻如期而来。宣称不再发微博的刘强东没按捺住性子,在愚人节发了一张照片后,又开始和当当网CEO李国庆在做博上隔空对攻。  相似文献   

Managements, unions, and arbitrators have been plagued by a very simple but long-standing problem involving what might be termed a routine human resource action. The problem stated simply is: When is a quit a quit? Where employees are represented by a bargaining agent, the company cannot always be sure that a “quit is a quit.” It is clear that employers who do not understand the “I quit” syndrome are in an uncertain position with respect to handling such problems. The authors have also discovered that unions do not understand the “I quit” syndrome either and at times go to arbitration with all of its attendant costs when the employee has actually “quit.” The purposes of this article are to study how arbitrators have ruled, to establish the principles involved in this little-known area of union/management relations and to provide parties to such cases with information to guide them. Arbitrators have upheld grievances and reversed company actions often enough that there is a need to clarify what is a “quit” as well as a need to clarify what the rights are of both parties under the collective bargaining agreement. The authors found that many managements use the “I quit” syndrome as a substitute for disciplinary action. It is clear from arbitral decisions that it is best from the company point of view to allow the disciplinary system to handle problem employees. The authors also found that reasonable resignations by employees were upheld by arbitrators. If employers carefully handle and document employee resignations, the resignations will stand. Further, it is clear that employers must issue clear policy statements concerning resignations; this includes avoiding resignations under duress. Finally, parties to collective bargaining agreements need contract language defining a quit.  相似文献   

李连芝  马强 《价值工程》2012,31(34):289-291
中国的体育健儿在北京奥运会上取得了空前绝后的成绩。奥运会不仅仅能够使世界更加了解中国,同时也能够促进了中国文化以及经济的发展。中国在进入了"后奥运时代"后,我国的体育经济时代已经开始了大步发展,目前已经步入了一个新的台阶,为今后的体育经济时代提供了一个千载难逢的机会。而对于目前我国如何应对"后奥运时代"的中国体育经济的发展和其中可能发生的问题,作者对此尝试着进行讨论和总结。本文主要讨论的内容是后奥运时代的中国体育经济的发展方向。  相似文献   

The Modification of Final Judgement (MJF) is now 10 years old. The MFJ was a historic change in US antitrust policy and in telecommunications policy. Pre-divestiture AT&T was divided into a single company, AT&T, which was allowed to compete in long-distance markets, telecommunications equipment markets and (with some delay) information service markets. Seven regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs) were permitted to provide local service and nearby long-distance service. However, the BOCs were not permitted to enter the three markets reserved for AT&T. In 1991 the Information Services restriction was eliminated for the BOCs. However, the ban on provision of (interLATA) long distance and equipment remains. The policy experiment was quite interesting since no other nation has followed the USA, despite numerous other countries ending the formerly monopoly status of their telecommunications provider. In this paper I evaluate how competitive the remaining markets reserved for AT&T, and from which the BOCS are banned, have become. I conclude that (interLATA) long-distance market for residential and small business users, by far the largest fraction of users of long distance is currently uncompetitive. AT&Ts prices are constrained by FCC regulation, not by competition. AT&T has market power and is exercising market power. For equipment markets, I find a good deal more competition. However, I conclude that the BOCs could not impede competition in long distance and that removal of the MFJ restrictions would be pro-competitive. Thus, I conclude that removal of the MFJ estrictions on the BOCs would be pro-competitive, would increase economic efficiency, and would improve consumer welfare.  相似文献   

沈素文  谢晶 《物流科技》2007,30(4):78-79
本文重点分析了我国农药企业物流管理的现状及存在的问题,这些问题突出表现在以下几个方面:农药生产企业运输半径过大;农药运输成本居高不下;运输方式单调;铁路运输困难重重和公路运榆成本大幅上扬等.据此,提出了有效解决这些问题的基本策略或措施.  相似文献   

For most benefits administrators, this program probably does not automate a function they are now doing manually, but it does bring a consultant/broker function in-house (although this is only one of many such functions). In some organizations, particularly smaller ones that might skimp on analysis of their health plans before negotiating carrier rate changes each year, it might mean that such analysis actually does take place. But it you are a benefits administrator who has been performing yearly, manual evaluations of your plans, be very careful about trying and demonstrating this software. If you think you might not be granted approval by management to purchase it, you may wish you didn't know how well it works.  相似文献   

唐磊 《价值工程》2006,25(6):117-119
随着跨国公司不断发展,其内部化贸易作用日显重要。本文从内部化贸易的理论依据开始,着重分析了内部化贸易在跨国公司资本运作中的作用以及其相应的负面影响,为我国在处理有关跨国公司内部化问题时提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

美国保险会计公报60号(FASNO.60)将保险契约分为短期性契约与长期性契约,这两种契约在保费认列、负债认列、未来保险给付(或赔款)与理赔成本等项目的会计处理上都各有所区分,各有其特点。但因美国保险公司多遵循一般公认会计原则(GAAP)编制财务报表,所以在会计处理方式上虽有差异,仍有迹可循。  相似文献   

一手打造出中国最成功的零售银行的马蔚华,花甲之年欲以强化"危机意识"的方式推动招行"二次转型"。他能跑赢时间吗?晨雾刚散,维多利亚港的轮廓渐渐清晰。这时,电话响起,80多岁的老母亲打来了电话:"我没什么事儿,只是想听听你的声音。"闻听此言,马蔚华百感交集,一时语塞。  相似文献   

当前,南宁化工集团(股份)有限公司面临整体搬迁前2000多职工的人员分流、分厂整合、产品结构调整等问题。企业要圆满完成这个艰巨而复杂的搬迁任务,必须在做好思想工作的基础上,依靠广大职工的理解、责任心和共同努力。  相似文献   

针对中国大陆企业在美国上市企业执行404条款所面临的问题,指出企业应对404条款强制性规定的关键是确定适合的执行强度;根据收益成本理论,提出了404条款执行强度确定模型,并对中国企业在执行404条款过程中的收益成本进行了分析。  相似文献   

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