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在我国外贸已突破1.4万亿美元的喜悦和“Happy New Year”的祝福声中,我们送走了璀璨繁华的2005年,迎来了充满憧憬和希望的2006年。承载中国机电产品进出口贸易十几载厚重和历练的《世界机电经贸信息》杂志,经国家新闻出版总署批准,从2006年1月开始正式更名为《进出口经理人》。从此,《进出口经理人》将与您风雨同行,做您忠实的商务伴侣,一同跨越时空的隧道,喜迎中国外贸新的辉煌。2005年中国进出口总额历史性地突破1.4万亿美元,稳坐世界贸易大国的前三甲。其中,机电产品进出口居功至伟,占据了中国外贸的半壁江山。兴奋喜悦之余,我们以贸易强国的指标审视中国外贸时,感触最深的却不仅仅是喜  相似文献   

近年来,中国的自主品牌汽车取得了长足的发展。不管是技术研发还是市场营销,都有了很大的突破,更加吻合中国市场,与国际接轨。无论是对市场状况的深入分析,还是对销售渠道的改观拓展,目的都只有一个让民族汽车驰骋中国,驶向世界。[编者按]  相似文献   

在2003年4月于上海召开的第十届上海国际汽车工业展览会上通用汽车中国公司统领其在合资企业;上海通用汽车公司,金杯通过汽车有限公司,泛亚汽车技术中心以及新成立不久的上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司,携众多全新产品出席车展。  相似文献   

Until recently, Switzerland had an unmatched reputation for the quality of its banking services. Based on a secular tradition of security and a strict banking secrecy enforced by law, Swiss banks have established themselves as leaders in discretionary asset management. Recent studies estimate that about 35 percent of the private off-shore wealth is managed in Switzerland. At the end of 1996, asset management in Switzerland represented about 2.5 trillion Swiss francs (about $2 trillion), provided 3.5 percent of the total added value in the country, and contributed 4.44 billion Swiss francs in taxes, making it one of Switzerland's major sector of activity. But the traditional paradigm on which asset management is based in Switzerland–confidentiality, conservatism, and safety–is undergoing rapid change. Have the profound changes which transformed the banking industry and its production structures over the past several years ended? This is the subject of a large study we carried out with the Institute of Banking and Financial Management at HEC-University of Lausanne. This survey provides an unbiased global reference and a neutral benchmark describing the current state of the Swiss asset management industry. It should help the assessment of specific strategies before considering implementations issues. This interview article contains part of the survey results and identifies a few factors that could prolong the industrial revolution underway. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

从地缘经济学看东盟经济一体化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东盟宪幸的签订确定了东盟共同体的具体安排,其中包括了2015年建成东盟经济共同体的目标.本文通过主要介绍地缘经济学的产生、内涵,并通过其对东盟经济一体化进行分析.了解东盟经济一体化建设面临的障碍,并从提出相关对策.  相似文献   

The paper firstly describes how, using the two laws of ‘increasing firm size’ and ‘uneven development’, Hymer characterises the multinational corporation (MNC) as a geographically segmented hierarchy. In this structure HQs in a limited number of core countries exercise authoritarian control over global operations through the centralised generation of competitive advantages and determination of strategy. Poor hinterland countries then execute static and dependent low-value roles. The paper then discusses a number of changes to the practical configuration of MNCs since Hymer wrote. Notably the use of integrated supply networks, decentralisation of innovation and R&D and even of strategic decision making. The new organisation is seen in terms of Hedlund's heterarchy. But it is also noted that Hymer foresaw the potential of supply networks and showed the technological feasibility of heterarchical ‘grids’. The predicted persistence of hierarchy, for Hymer, was therefore a choice taken by MNCs to secure the continuation of core-country control and the ability to appropriate surplus from the periphery.  相似文献   

一、中国船舶工业发展成就新中国成立以来的半个世纪里,中国船舶工业在极其薄弱的基础上起步,艰苦创业,历经两代人的辛勤劳动和不懈努力,逐步成长、壮大,无论在规模、实力还是在生产和科学技术水平方面都发生了历史性的巨大变化,目前已发展成为国际船舶市场中一支不容忽视的重要造船力量和我国机电领域中的重要出口支柱产业。五十年来,我国船舶工业不仅为祖国海军装备建设、水路交通运输事业、海洋开发事业和其它国民经济发展作出了重大贡  相似文献   

林小森 《上海商业》2007,(11):27-29
香港旅游发展局精心策划主题"魅力香港,万象之都"全新的推广计划,通过融入文化创意的特色,采用新奇刺激的动画手法,将香港的万千姿彩如万花筒般同时呈现,让世界各地的旅客都可以透过亮丽缤纷的影象,体会香港"亚洲国际大都会"的过人魅力。旅游业成为香港经济新的  相似文献   

新闻发言人从出现到壮大,如今延伸到品牌化,新闻发言人的品牌建构不但是新闻界,而且是高等教育界面临的一个重要课题.本文试从产品品牌角度出发对当下新闻发言人品牌的建构及维护等问题进行浅析探讨.  相似文献   

The present study examines the role of self-construal in the preference for analogous versus complementary color combinations. The majority of previous research on color has been limited to exploration of single colors. However, designers and marketers often use a mix of colors whose harmony must be taken into consideration, which includes choosing whether to use colors placed next to each other on the color wheel (analogous combination) or to combine colors that are opposite each other (complementary combination). The current study proposes that self-construal influences the perception of and preference for color combinations. Individuals with interdependent self-construals tend to focus on relational similarity and value harmony, whereas individuals with independent self-construals tend to view objects as discrete and disconnected. Accordingly, the authors posited that individuals with interdependent self-construals would be more sensitive to the relationship between two colors and perceive analogous colors as more harmonious, thus preferring brands and products featuring analogous colors to those featuring complementary colors. Contrariwise, individuals with independent self-construals would display indifference in this regard. The hypotheses were confirmed in four studies employing various colors to form analogous and complementary color combinations.  相似文献   

近年来,中国的汽车市场发展迅速,相对而言中国的汽车消费者对汽车的知识了解掌握的较少。由于知识的缺乏,带来事故隐患,甚至酿成了灾难的后果也不鲜见。作为汽车媒体,有必要把这些知识介绍给读者,以求减少这方面的事故隐患。此文就介绍一下有关备用胎方面的情况。  相似文献   

July 1st, 1997–the date on which Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty, an event with a world-wide audience: Did the date symbolize the long-awaited end of Western imperialism in Asia? Or a retreat from freedom? Or, now that it's in the past, was the whole thing just a case of journalistic overkill? It all depends on your point of view. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(5):549-561
Who owns an individual's electronic communications data, who should have access to it, and what can be done with it? The battle of privacy versus security is currently raging between U.S. technology companies and national security forces. U.S. technology companies are adopting corporate foreign policies to respond to sovereign states’ efforts to access customer data, which could change and possibly even destroy their business models. This article discusses the struggles faced by these companies and the policies influencing the possible outcome, as will be determined in the European Union within the next few years.  相似文献   

贾丽军 《广告大观》2007,(11S):146-146
今秋应邀担任第十四届中国广告节评委,和众多知名广告人相会在美丽的青岛。纵观今年创意含金量较高的获奖精品,让我心生一份敬意,同时也更多了一份欣喜。为何而喜?这些作品让我不再单纯地看到了视觉的影响,更看到了文字的力量。文案在视觉泛滥的时代,能够显现出其独有的语言魅力,实属不易。我是工业设计出身,对图形视觉的好感不必多言;[第一段]  相似文献   

黄平刚 《广告大观》2008,(10):70-70
2009年对中央电视台的技术发展来说将是一次质的飞跃。这一年涉及到两大内容:一是新大楼的启用,二是新中国成立60周年庆祝活动转播。  相似文献   

唐怀岗 《广告大观》2009,(7):130-131
共鸣是一种难得的和谐境界,是高山流水、酒逢知己,即使是素味平生也会怦然心动。同样,如果你的营销行为能让消费者产生大致相同或相近的情绪激动和审美趣味,那么你营销效果势必事半功倍。  相似文献   

孙先红 《广告大观》2006,(11S):34-35
之所以用“电视”这个字样切入主题,是因为我们提到媒体仅仅是电视的一部分,是电视形式的附加值部分,只要看电视的人存在,电视媒体的价值就存在。我们用人们的日常基本需要看电视可能就是生活的一道风景,而如果用传播的有效性看待电视媒体,创新才能有前景。  相似文献   

天天 《国际市场》2001,(10):12-13
现代化物流中心 走进海尔国际物流中心,令人眼前一亮.在7200平方米,高22米的货区内,18000多个货位井然耸立.机器人、巷道堆垛机、激光导引、运输车在微机自动控制下有序来回穿梭、高效运转,使我们仿佛置身无人之境.据中心负责人告知,这座今年三月建成的物流中心,是目前国内自行研制开发、规模最大、功能最齐全、科技水平最高的自动化物流系统.  相似文献   

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