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Brand relationships through brand reputation and brand tribalism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The academic research on branding of consumer products and services is increasingly considering the degree of connectedness between consumers and brands as a key issue of investigation. The literature in this area investigates the nature and the strength of the relationship that consumers develop with brands, as well as the trend of joining brand tribes or brand communities in order to demonstrate and share with others their feelings towards and preference to brands. However, the impact of the overall perceptions of the brands in the form of its reputation and brand tribalism on brand relationships is so far unexplored in the existing literature. Using data collected from 912 respondents, this paper explores the importance of the long term brand reputation and brand tribalism on the strength of brand relationships. The findings suggest that brand tribalism is a better predictor of the strength of brand relationships than the long term brand reputation itself.  相似文献   

Drawing on Clark and Marshall's [Clark Herbert H., Marshall Catherine R. Definite Reference and Mutual Knowledge. In: Joshi Aravind K., Webber Bonnie L., Sag Ivan A., editors. Elements Of Discourse Understanding. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1981.] theory of mutual knowledge, this article presents a framework for understanding and managing brand meaning. Specifically, we provide an overarching theory of branding, with associated testable propositions. While traditional brand management theory focuses primarily on brand-related marketing communications, the role that the knowledge base of the recipient plays in interpreting these communications is generally overlooked. This may explain the multiple and sometimes dissonant brand meanings that arise despite consistent, simple and memorable brand communications. The theory of mutual knowledge stresses that assonance of meaning will only arise between the sender and recipient of a set of communications when both parties share a mutual knowledge base. Thus, to co-create brand meaning, organizations must understand the knowledge base of different stakeholder groups. Effective brand co-creation combines the management of both communications and stakeholders' mutual knowledge.  相似文献   

The current research is concerned with identifying and testing the role of three main predictors: consumer involvement, consumer participation, and self-expressive brand on the customer brand engagement (CBE). The customer brand engagement is treated in the current study as multidimensional constructs comprising three main aspects: cognitive processing (CP), affection (AF), and activation (AC). It was also proposed a direct influence for these three aspects of CBE on consumer-based brand equity (CBBE). Using online surveys, we gathered data from fans/followers of mobile phone service providers, via Facebook fan pages in Jordan. The data were analysed using structural equation modelling. Based on structural equation modelling analyses (SEM), it was supported that CBE aspects were largely predicted by the role of consumer involvement (INV), consumer participation (COP), and self-expressive brand (SEB). However, we find that activation impact one dimension of the CBBE dimensions, namely, brand loyalty. Further, we find that brand awareness/associations affect perceived quality but not brand loyalty. To validate the CBE scale, future studies could investigate the impact of the scale using other social media platforms for different brands. The limited amount of empirical research on CBE was the motivation behind this research. In particular, there is no study that has investigated the main predictors of CBE and its consequences over developing context by proposing and testing the association between the antecedents of CBE with the dimensions of CBE, which in turn affect the dimensions of CBBE.  相似文献   

Private labels have become ever-more important and are slowly turning into brands of their own. Retailers increasingly offer three-level ‘good, better, best’ private-label programs that include economy, standard, and premium private-label tier goods. For each of these tiers, retailers must decide under what name to brand their private label. They can either assign their store banner name to a private-label tier or go for a unique brand name that is separate from the retailer banner. The purpose of this article is to outline the advantages and limitations of these two branding strategies: store-banner branding versus stand-alone branding. Herein, we also provide a series of recommendations regarding when to use each brand strategy, based on characteristics of the retailer and the environment in which it operates.  相似文献   

Brand misdeeds abound in the marketplace, but prior research indicates that having a strong connection with a brand buffers consumers from adverse effects of brand transgressions. However, the present research questions the scope of this buffering effect. The studies in this research demonstrate that strongly connected consumers are not so forgiving of a brand transgression if the brand's actions are personally relevant to them or if the negative actions are of an ethical nature rather than related to product performance. In particular, this research finds that the well-documented buffering effect emerges only when negative brand actions are not self-relevant for the individual consumer and the negative actions lie in the product, not ethical, domain. Therefore, contrary to the findings of prior research, connected consumers' brand attitudes are far from immune to brand misdeeds. Implications for managing brand crises conclude the article.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(3):375-384
Brand pages in social media are a great way to foster consumer gathering around a brand, but it can be challenging to keep fans engaged and coming back to see updated content. Brands with millions of fans on Facebook have seen organic reach fall below 2% of their base. In this article, we describe how the creation of virtual brand communities can help brand managers increase fan engagement. We suggest the steps, conditions, advantages, and limitations involved in nurturing a brand page as an online social gathering that assumes some of the characteristics of a virtual brand community. The results of our study show that a brand page can have some of the characteristics of a virtual brand community—topical information exchange, identity communication, and establishment and internalization of cultural norms. We also show the importance of having celebrities among fans in order to foster social interactions and legitimate social practices on brand pages.  相似文献   

In the quest for building long-term successful brands, many marketers have become increasingly interested in how to create and foster successful communities of brand users. The appeal of such an approach to relationship marketing lies in the recognition that members of brand communities tend to exhibit favorable brand-related behaviors and intentions. Research examining the social influence and creation of such social relationships among admirers of a brand has revealed substantial insights about the social processes that underlie customers' involvement in brand communities. Curiously, the psychological underpinnings of a customer's perception of community with other users of the brand remain unexplored. We offer the perspective that the observable, core components of brand community outlined in previous research may represent markers of social brand communities, while psychological brand communities may be characterized by an unobservable, psychological sense of community that could precede, or even work in lieu of, social interaction.  相似文献   

Genericide refers to situations where brands lose their legal protections due to the fact that their original name has become the generic term for a new category of products in the market that the brand first helped to create. Despite notorious instances of brands falling prey to this curse, marketing specialists—unlike lawyers—generally do not consider that the widespread use of a brand name represents any real danger and instead view it as a sign of brand strength. Herein, we take a new look at this debate, using a case study of Google to re-investigate the phenomenon of genericide. The article also offers managerial guidance on the most effective ways of developing genericization and avoiding genericide. It concludes by pointing out the need for brand managers to precisely differentiate between different types of brands and markets when deciding whether they should protect themselves from the risk of genericide or else encourage the genericization of their brand.  相似文献   

Value co-creation has emerged as a critical challenge for fashion brands in the age of social media. Despite its importance, scholars have not adequately explored the role of social media marketing (SMM) in enhancing value co-creation (VCC) intentions among fashion brand consumers in mainland China. SMM encompasses five hierarchical elements: entertainment, customization, interaction, electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM), and trendiness. This study developed a theoretical framework based on attribution theory and employed the partial least squares–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method to analyze the value co-creation process. The results indicate that SMM positively impacts brand loyalty (BL), brand trust (BT), and VCC. Furthermore, BT positively affects BL and VCC, while also serving as a positive mediator between SMM and BL and VCC. Finally, BL positively enhances the VCC intentions of fashion brand consumers. Our study's unique insights, derived from the attribution theory's advantage point, enrich the marketing literature. These findings also offer practical guidelines and tips for marketing managers seeking to optimize their SMM mix for VCC.  相似文献   

本文将研究视角聚焦于电视媒体的背书效应,以中央电视台为例,力图通过分析消费者品牌偏好与媒介偏好之间的关系,探讨新营销传播图景之下传统大众媒体在广告主品牌传播活动中的角色与价值,以期为广告主更好地控制品牌信息、提高传播效率提供借鉴。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(5):621-633
Brand post popularity positively relates to consumers’ purchase intentions, actual sales, and stock prices. Research suggests that social media posts should be vivid, practical, interesting, personalized, and interactive. However, cross-cultural research also suggests that practices might not be equally effective across different regional markets. While vividness and practicality could be consistently important across cultures, characteristics of interest, personalization, and interactivity might need to be adapted to the cultural conditions of specific target markets. We consider how individualism/collectivism, long-term orientation, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, and high-context/low-context cultures could influence brand post effectiveness. We provide suggestions for how to manage social media brand post popularity from a cross-cultural perspective to inform both domestic and global social media marketing campaigns. Suggested practices include: (1) making brand posts engaging; (2) targeting the ‘I’ in individualistic cultures and the ‘we’ in collectivist cultures; (3) focusing on consumers’ identity in less long-term oriented cultures and on functional information in more long-term oriented cultures; (4) ensuring that posts help reduce uncertainty; (5) planning for one-way communication in higher power distance countries and two-way communication in lower power distance countries; and (6) making messages less direct in higher-context cultures and more direct in lower-context cultures.  相似文献   

The present paper uses a modified version of the Service Brand Verdict (SBV) model. The objective of the study is to incorporate service brand loyalty as an ultimate dependent measure seen as the outcome of consumers' evaluation of various service brand dimensions and communication, and test the generalizability of the modified SBV model in two different service sectors and cultural settings. Two studies using on-line survey data were conducted in Denmark and Norway in two different service industries (airlines and banks respectively). Previous findings suggesting that brand evidence significantly influences consumer satisfaction, attitude and behavioural loyalty towards service brands were confirmed. Moreover, contrary to previous findings, controlled communication elements (i.e. advertising and promotions) did not have any influence on customer satisfaction with service brands. However, the same communication elements directly and significantly shaped customers' perceptions of the various brand dimensions and their overall attitude towards the brand.  相似文献   

While retailers are committed to promoting product brands to increase sales quantity and brand visibility, retailers are exposed to supply uncertainty. Therefore, we explore the brand promotion strategies of retailers in a competitive model. We then investigate the decision model under three different brand strategies and explore the equilibrium outcomes of stakeholders under supply uncertainty. In addition, we analyze and discuss social welfare under different scenarios. The results show that when the promotion cost is high (i.e., the cost effect dominates the market expansion effect), neither retailer promotes the product brand. When the promotion cost is low (i.e., the market expansion effect dominates the cost effect), both retailers tend to promote the product brands. When the promotion cost and market expansion match each other, only one retailer promotes the product brand becomes the equilibrium strategy. It is worth noting that when both retailers promote the product brand, the retailer falls into a prisoner's dilemma. In addition, we find that the supply uncertainty level diminishes the cost affordability and the motivation of retailers to promote the product brands. Interestingly, the supply uncertainty level reduces the possibility of retailers being in a prisoner's dilemma. Besides, market expansion (supply uncertainty) contributes to improving (diminishing) social welfare.  相似文献   

While the customer-to-manufacturer (C2M) business model has received increasing attention as a new business model for e-commerce and retail industry, little is still known about it and the effect of its approach. This study aims to understand how brand-related stimuli in C2M environments affect customer responses as the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The outcomes reveal that the Sensory, affective, and intellectual aspects of brand experience positively influence brand authenticity. Brand authenticity has a positive effect on behavioral intention, such as reuse intention and word-of-mouth. Additionally, this research finds that social presence moderates the association between the sensory aspect of brand experience. Thus, this study can suggest a C2M business model as a means of sustainable operation of the retail industry to both researchers and practitioners in relation to the retail industry.  相似文献   

This special issue of the Journal of Business Research contains 13 articles presented at the Spring 2007 Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management. Following a blind reviewing process 69 papers were presented at the conference then authors were invited to revise their papers for inclusion consideration for this special issue. A further round of blind reviewing resulted in the selection of those 13 articles. This introduction presents a review of the research into brand management.  相似文献   

Towards an identity-based brand equity model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the context of increasingly interchangeable product and service offerings, brands are crucial drivers for product purchasing and usage decisions. Thus, they constitute a substantial intangible asset for most companies. In order to maximize this asset, current research has developed various brand equity models. However, the majority of these base their approach on an outside-in perspective by focusing on buyer perceptions of the brand and their related buying behavior. An integrated approach including for example employees as an important internal source of brand equity, has so far received little attention. The following paper aims to close this gap by developing a new integrated brand equity model. This research explores the sources of brand equity from both internal and external perspectives at the behavioral and financial level in order to achieve a more accurate and sustainable brand equity measurement approach.  相似文献   

品牌作为一种资产,最重要的本质在于它与消费者的关系,而其也是品牌代言价值评价的基础。因此,要进行有说服力的代言人价值因素的评价探讨,需要考虑其中的消费者属性。总体来说,品牌代言的功能和影响可以分为经济和社会功能,并且这两种属性都是由消费者赋予的,即消费者决定了品牌代言人价值构成中的经济性因素和社会性因素。另外需要指出的是,代言人的经济性和社会性影响是否可以如企业所想的那样部分转移到产品或服务品牌上,关键是看二者是否具有良好的结合点,即代言人和品牌的气质匹配度。只有气质匹配度良好,才能实现二者的平衡,达到互补。综上,我们总结了影响代言人价构成的三大要素性指标,即经济性因素指标、社会性因素指标和气质匹配度指标。  相似文献   

South Korea was first introduced to luxury brands in the 1990s. Since then, a great interest in luxury products, or myungpoom, and foreign products, called waejae, has developed. Despite the strong preference for fashion products from the United States and Europe, Sang A, a brand founded by a woman born and raised in Korea, is recognized as a myungpoom in Korea. This new luxury brand is also known for its designer handbags in the United States and is quite successful in both countries. In a comparative study of Sang A and the internationally well-known luxury brand Jimmy Choo using literary research, Internet research, field research, and interviews with Sang A bag consumers, I identified several key elements of success for the two brands: niche market targeting, storytelling, a ‘hungry attitude,’ high prices but accessible discounts, thorough management of distribution channels, and image-making through star power. This article implicates that Korean consumers have complex desires that go beyond simply wanting foreign goods.  相似文献   

Customer engagement (CE) is critical for firms to cultivate and improve customer brand experience in the customer journey. However, few studies are available on the effects of customer-based driving forces on CE in a defined brand experience context. Given the multidimensional nature of CE, the interrelationships among CE dimensions and various dimensional effects on the customer–brand relationship, represented by brand intimacy, have not been thoroughly explored. To address these research gaps, this study explores three customer- and context-based forces that drive CE in social media contexts from a consumer’s perspective. CE is operationalized as a second-order construct consisting of three dimensions (i.e., consumption, contribution, and creation) to reflect its multifaceted nature. An online survey was used to collect data. The results suggest that customer-based forces, advice seeking, and self-image expression exert positive influences on behavioral CE dimensions. The effect of a context-based factor, that is, fashion involvement, is salient only when gender difference is integrated. Moreover, the three facets of behavioral CE affect brand intimacy to different extents. Brand intimacy is the most affected by creation followed by consumption. The research findings contribute to the literature on CE and brand intimacy and also offer practical insights on marketing communications and segmentation.  相似文献   

With growing numbers of digital users, social media advertising becomes a vital marketing channel for attracting and sustaining consumers. Drawing on the heuristic-systematic model, this research investigates the effects of advertisement systematic cues including ad informativeness and ad persuasiveness, and ad heuristic cue which is ad poster category on the consumer brand awareness, and the sequential effect on consumer purchase intention. An experimental design featuring two categories of ad poster, namely, firm and influencer, is created for empirical evidence collection. Results show that ad informativeness and ad persuasiveness contribute to greater consumer brand awareness and purchase intention. The poster category can positively bias the influence of ad informativeness, and firm poster outperforms the influencer poster when controlling the advertisement content the same. The findings demonstrate the co-occurrence of heuristic and systematic information processing in the social media advertising context. This research deepens current understanding of social media advertising and provides practical implications for marketers to capitalize on different ad posters according to advertisement informativeness and persuasiveness feature.  相似文献   

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