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This paper examines the effect of shopper mood and salesperson credibility in a retailing context. It predicts that shoppers in good moods will respond positively to a high-credibility salesperson but not a low-credibility one. Using a three-way full-factorial experimental design, this notion is supported. Credible salespeople are found to have a positive effect on shoppers in good moods, but not bad moods, with respect to salesperson evaluations, to purchase intentions and to intentions to seek out the salesperson in subsequent shopping.  相似文献   

This article investigated how moods influence reactions to a persuasive communication. Subjects read a magazine article designed to induce a positive, neutral, or negative state, then read and evaluated a communication for which argument quality varied. As in previous research (Worth & Mackie, 1987), argument quality failed to differentially influence attitudes for positive subjects. In contrast, attitudes were more favorable following stronger arguments for neutral and negative subjects. These findings suggest that systematic processing is reduced by positive, but not by negative moods. Discussion focuses on the processes underlying observed relationships, and on selective processing of communications as a means of mood management.  相似文献   

The presence of motion is increasingly common in online advertising. Despite the increase in spending on digital advertisements and decades of academic research on dynamic imagery in advertising, our understanding of this phenomenon remains limited. The dynamic default hypothesis posits that animated imagery should generate more arousal than comparable static imagery. However, research on advertisements containing dynamic imagery reveal inconsistencies in their ability to stimulate arousal. A potential explanation for these inconsistent findings lies in the behavioral urgency hypothesis, which postulates that not all motion is weighted equally in terms of its ability to generate arousal. We conduct three experiments to test this proposition. Interestingly, our findings show that imagery appearing to loom closer to consumers stimulates greater levels of arousal than either static or imagery appearing to recede away from consumers. Additionally, our work identifies moderating effects of lay rationalism which can work to strengthen or attenuate these effects. Together, this work provides a more comprehensive explanation for the varied findings in the literature.  相似文献   


This study applies a systematic categorization of general interior variables (GIV) to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the shopping sensory environment. A survey-based study focusing on the impact of the shopping mall GIV on shopper behavior while considering the mediating role of shoppers’ emotional states is reported. Results indicate a direct impact of positive attitudes towards color schemes, mall lighting, scent and temperature on shopper satisfaction and/or the desire to stay at the mall. Regarding the effect of emotional states, pleasure and arousal mediate the relation between several variables and the studied outcomes. Implications for theory and retailers are discussed.  相似文献   

The present research builds upon the touch literature to show that the salience of haptic product attributes related to product surface texture (smooth, rough) and weight (light weight, heavy weight) influence consumer product impressions. We propose that haptic cue congruity across texture and weight drive consumer product impressions depending on a consumer's need for touch (NFT). We show that high autotelic‐NFT consumers who touch for sensory pleasure enjoyed the incongruity between smooth texture and heavy weight haptic cues, and consequently showed favorable evaluations towards exciting brands. In contrast, low autotelic‐NFT consumers prefer the anticipated match between smooth texture and light weight haptic cues, which conformed to their expectation about the nature of a sophisticated brand personality. Further, we show how the interactive effect of haptic attributes and a consumer's autotelic‐NFT on willingness to purchase is mediated by product personality. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Some observations and thoughts about domestic and international interactions between marketing and economic, sociopolitical, and cultural factors are presented using Turkish examples. These interactions are discussed in terms of satisfaction of the needs (having, actualization, and social) of the three parties that seem to be differentially influenced by marketing: over- and underprivileged individuals, the society, and the businesses. In particular, the attention is drown to the fact that whereas marketing has had mainly positive effects on the country's privileged consumers, the poor consumers have seldom benefitted. The author suggests a number of actions, to be taken by business and non-business organizations, that could increase the need satisfaction of each of the parties.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of related and unrelated industry diversity on retail firm failure with a focus on Swedish retailers. The paper develops competing hypotheses from organizational theory and the economics of agglomeration concerning the survival chances of retail firms located in geographic proximity. Hypotheses are tested using a hazard model and a sample of 48,953 retail firms observed during 2002–2010. Key findings show that increases in the local share of similar retail firms is positively related to the risk of failure while there is a negative relation between increases in local industry diversity and the risk of failure. These results indicate that knowledge transfer from a diverse set of industries are important in lowering the failure risk. Differentiating among small and specialized retail firms indicate that there is significant intra-industry heterogeneity in the influence of local industrial composition on the likelihood of failure.  相似文献   

As a value and lifestyle of acquiring more things to attain happiness, materialism has been long condemned by religious leaders, philosophers, and psychologists, among others. This criticism comes also from American citizens who readily affix moral‐shamefulness judgments to their country's standing as a leading materialistic culture, while they continue, nonetheless, purchasing discretionary, and self‐presentational goods at breath‐taking levels. We integrate dispersed literature on materialism, moral psychology, American history, and retailing to propose that observers judge higher materialistic buyer behavior as being more morally shameful; however, we also propose that observers will reduce the harshness of their judgments when the buyer secures a favorable price promotion that has been shown in prior research to evoke the smart‐shopper attribution. Three studies provide supportive evidence, including the moderating role of different levels or types of price promotions on shamefulness judgments and the mediating role of the smart‐shopper attribution. Together these new insights reveal the substantive and theoretical knowledge value of considering materialism more intently from a moral psychology perspective and considering how retail promotions can influence materialism judgments and buying behavior. Discussion focuses on extensions of our findings in future research and for consumer education.  相似文献   

对于公共服务,政府同样面临自身生产抑或市场采购的选择.随着公共财政改革的推进,公共服务采购的份额将不断提升.当前我国公共服务的采购份额过低,覆盖范围狭窄,种类单一,相关研究滞后.通过鼓励民间组织参与服务采购和"跨部门"服务采购预算体系的构建,将会改变公共服务的垄断供给结构,实现民间组织发展与预算效率提升的"双赢"目标.  相似文献   

Two studies explore the conditions under which redundant reference price information (ARP) is likely to influence consumers’ perceptions of an advertised sale price. Study 1 suggests that an ARP enhances offer-value, but only for consumers who are not involved with the product. Study 2 incorporates a wider array of price presentation tactics (SP Only, SP+ARP, SP+%Saving and SP+ARP+%Saving) and investigates a range of responses (transaction value, acquisition value and subsequent purchase intentions). Again, results suggest that ARP only influences perceived transaction value, and saving information only impacts purchase intentions. Most importantly, these effects are seen only when involvement is low.  相似文献   

Product inventory exerts two countervailing forces on the probability of purchase: More inventory on hand reduces the need to purchase; however, theory suggests higher levels of inventory can drive up consumption, thereby increasing the chance of purchase. Moreover, consumers have biased estimations of their own inventory—especially at high levels of inventory (Chandon and Wansink, 2006), which again suggests a positive relationship between inventory and purchase probability. We model the negative (standard) and positive effects of inventory on the probability of purchase. The model is calibrated on ten product categories and fits better than the standard nested logit and an alternative developed by Ailawadi and Neslin (1998). The elasticity of purchase incidence with respect to inventory represents these opposing forces in an intuitive way, implying an inventory threshold below (above) which the net effect is positive (negative). Estimated thresholds are plausible across categories, with the food categories of hot dogs, ice cream and soft drinks showing the largest effects.  相似文献   

This article concerns the ability of smell to assist the development and communication of retail brand image. It presents a number of propositions regarding ambient smell and the retail environment derived from the literature—including the potential for novel ambient aromas to act as a distinctive element in a retailer’s marketing mix. Empirical testing is achieved through a ‘natural experiment’ in a large electrical store using fragranced and unfragranced conditions. An environmental psychology base was used to develop an in-store questionnaire, supported by direct measurement of customer dwell times and subsequent interviews. In total, 329 questionnaires were returned and 429 customer groups were timed in the two departments where the experiment occurred. Significant differences in consumer perceptions of the store’s environmental attributes were identified, despite the fact that less than 10% of respondents questioned were aware of the use of in-store fragrances. The qualitative interviews provided some initial confirmation for the more complex propositions concerning the memory of scents.  相似文献   

What happens when customers have to deal with switching costs after a service failure and a poor recovery? This study seeks to address this question by proposing and testing an integrative model that incorporates customers' negative emotions as mediators between switching costs and behavioral outcomes (i.e., loyalty and revenge). The model distinguishes positive from negative switching costs, and inward from outward negative emotions. Analysis of survey data from 280 real customers who actually experienced a service failure and poor recovery with a major telecommunications firm reveals that customers react to switching costs strongly, emotionally, and sub-optimally. In contrast to most findings in the service literature, the results indicate that negative switching costs generate both exit and desire for revenge. Paradoxically, positive switching costs generate both loyalty and an even higher level of desire for revenge. These findings have important implications for the service industry.  相似文献   

This study examines, for the first time, the influence of national culture and industry structure on customer loyalty in grocery retailing. Grocery retailers have a long and continued history of international expansion and it is vital to understand how loyalty can be nurtured in different contexts. Thematic analysis of focus groups conducted in the culturally and structurally disparate countries of the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka provide unique insights. Key differences have been identified around consumer preferences and perceptions of loyalty programmes and the key drivers of different loyalty types. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

While artificial intelligence products are widely used in the market, their anthropomorphic appearance design is becoming a frontier issue in product strategy and consumer behavior research. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of anthropomorphic appearance on consumer behavior and brand evaluation under different AI product types. It was conducted in China, a new but rapidly-growing country in the field of Internet, AI technology and AI product consumption. This study conducted four situational experiments with a 2 (anthropomorphic design: anthropomorphic vs. non-anthropomorphic) × 2 (product type: hedonic vs. utilitarian) between subjects’ experimental design. Data was collected from 1172 Chinese “Digital Natives” by using a structured questionnaire. The findings revealed that for hedonic AI products, anthropomorphic appearance improves consumers' purchase intention and brand evaluation through perceived entertainment, and intelligence level significantly moderates the mediating effect of perceived entertainment; while for practical AI products, anthropomorphic appearance improves consumers' purchase intention and brand evaluation through perceived usefulness, and intelligence level does not significantly moderate the mediating effect of perceived usefulness. There is no significant moderating effect of intelligence level on perceived usefulness. The study contributes to development and validation of a more comprehensive understanding and theoretical foundation of anthropomorphism, and furthermore explores the impact of anthropomorphic appearance on consumer behavior and brand evaluation under different AI product types. This study also provides insights for companies to apply anthropomorphic strategies.  相似文献   

The present study was an effort to explore the direct and indirect impacts (mediated through retailer loyalty) of retailer awareness, retailer association and retailer perceived quality on purchase intention. Seven hypotheses were developed with relevant literature support. The hypotheses were tested with primary data (n=355) collected through structured questionnaire using systematic sampling from food retail shoppers of age 18 years and above in Kolkata, a metropolitan city of India. Structural equation modeling statistical technique was used to test the hypotheses. Results revealed that retailer awareness, retailer association, retailer perceived quality and retailer loyalty have positive impacts on purchase intention. Results also found that the indirect impacts (mediated though retailer loyalty) of retailer awareness, retailer association and retailer perceived quality on purchase intention are stronger than the direct ones. Academic and managerial implications are further discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores how the age and gender of service workers influence customers' perceptions of the retail service encounter in a health and beauty retailer. An analysis of qualitative interviews with 40 customers and 20 service workers suggests that customers seek reassurance in the service encounter by ‘matching’ and ‘mirroring’ the age and gender of customer-facing staff with their expectations of who should deliver appropriate service during the retail service encounter. These non-verbal cues, as a way of assessing the credibility of the service provider, are particularly important when customers are involved in high-involvement purchase occasions.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(2):129-136
Traditionally, firms have tried to listen to primary stakeholders (e.g., customers, suppliers, creditors, employees) but have paid little attention to the concerns of secondary stakeholders (e.g., the general public, communities, activist groups). This is because primary stakeholders were perceived to have power, legitimacy, and urgency behind their requests, while secondary stakeholders had little or no leverage. With the coming of the Internet and social media this asymmetry of influence has changed. Today, secondary stakeholders have to be managed as adroitly as primary stakeholders. In this installment of Marketing & Technology, we show managers how social media and the Internet have amplified the influence of secondary stakeholders, and offer guidance on how to manage these groups effectively.  相似文献   

We consider how in issue selling, subsidiaries draw on different forms of legitimacy to attract corporate headquarters’ (CHQ) positive attention and minimise negative CHQ attention. Through case study evidence, we find that directing CHQ attention to subsidiary issues needs to be executed as a balancing act through forms of subsidiary legitimacy, namely; the personal legitimacy of key individuals at the subsidiary; consequential legitimacy vis-à-vis peer subsidiaries; and linkage legitimacy in the local environment. We develop a typology of subsidiary issue-selling roles and illustrate how negative CHQ attention results from a failure to legitimise issue selling.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 300 consumers, this paper develops and tests a hierarchical model that examines the effect of interdependent self-construal on consumers’ susceptibility to salespersons’ influence. Structural equation modeling shows that the relationship between the two constructs is mediated by several situational factors via two prediction paths. Along one path, interdependent self-construal positively affects consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal influence, which is positively connected to consumers’ susceptibility to salespersons’ influence through the mediation of consumers’ susceptibility to store atmosphere influence. Along the other path, interdependent self-construal is positively correlated with public self-consciousness, which is then positively associated with consumers’ susceptibility to salespersons’ influence. Discussions on theoretical, practical and future research implications are provided.  相似文献   

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