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Grounded in knowledge-based theories of the multinational corporation (MNC) and building on organizational learning literature, this paper develops and tests a model of MNC subsidiaries’ knowledge creation capability as a joint function of knowledge inflows to subsidiaries and their knowledge stocks (i.e., subsidiaries’ internal human, social, and organizational capital). Survey-based data from 106 subsidiaries located in the U.S. suggests that local (i.e., host country) knowledge inflows to a subsidiary are more effective in enhancing a subsidiary's knowledge creation capability compared to global knowledge inflows from other units of the same MNC. Furthermore, results point to a not-invented-here syndrome in the exploitation of knowledge sourced from the parent company; such that when a subsidiary's internal social capital is high, the relationship between global knowledge inflows and knowledge creation capability is negative and when it is low, the relationship becomes positive.  相似文献   

Multinational corporations (MNCs) and other foreign firms can be conduits for technology and knowledge (T&K) transfer to host countries in the developing world. Most of the existing research focuses on T&K transfers through FDI and are drawn from Asia not Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), although SSA is increasingly receiving foreign investment. There is a paucity of research that gives insights into project-level T&K transfer issues in SSA countries. Using the Ghanaian construction industry as an empirical focus, this article explores T&K transfer potential. The findings reveal significant weaknesses in T&K transfer across industry subsectors and between foreign and local firms. This arises from the potentially complementary but dissimilar resource and knowledge bases. The weaknesses are compounded by the absence of coherent government T&K development policies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the roles of the two important components of intellectual capital, including social relationships and the critical network position in knowledge creation. Two regression models were used to test the hypotheses in a sample of 77 knowledge creation samples. The findings of this study contribute to the theoretical development of a conceptual model for explaining the inter-relationships among the aspects of intellectual capital and knowledge creation performance. The empirical evidence of the Sobel test, in line with Baron and Kenny's procedure, supports the process-oriented view and indicates that the network position would mediate the effects of social relationships on knowledge creation performance.  相似文献   

Based on the key assumptions that firms are opportunity seeking and that they gain critical knowledge operating in a network of relationships, this paper focuses on early expansion in foreign market networks. In particular, the paper examines the relation between experience and business-relationship value in a foreign market. While experience and experiential knowledge are central concepts in international business, little has been written about their effects on the value of business relationships. The paper formulates a set of interrelated hypotheses on the effects of international experience, experiential network knowledge and importance of customer and competitor knowledge on the value of business relationships in a foreign market. They are combined in a structural model, which is tested on a sample through LISREL. The main conclusion drawn from the study is that experiential network knowledge and knowledge about the importance of customers and competitors in the network influence the value of business relationships in a foreign market in different ways.  相似文献   

Are multinational corporations able to enhance the development of absorptive capacity in foreign subsidiaries through language-oriented human resource management (HRM) practices? Taking into account that a shared language enhances absorptive capacity and that many multinational corporations are multilingual entities, this question is relevant but given little focused attention in international business research. In this paper, we hypothesize that two language-oriented HRM practices – language-sensitive recruitment and language training – enhance absorptive capacity in foreign subsidiaries. In addition, we hypothesize that interunit knowledge transfer partially mediates the positive relationship between these language-oriented HRM practices and absorptive capacity. Analyses of survey data derived at three points in time from 574 foreign subsidiary units in Japan provide support for these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Little research examines the mechanisms for the relationship between expatriate utilization and subsidiary performance. Building on the knowledge-based view of the firm, we propose a multi-stage mediation model to explain how expatriate staffing promotes subsidiary financial performance. Our results underscore that expatriate utilization has an indirect, mediated effect on subsidiary financial performance through its links with subsidiaries’ knowledge creation and product performance. Adopting a moderated mediation approach, we also find that the indirect relationship between expatriate utilization and subsidiary product performance via subsidiary knowledge creation is strengthened by the context of transnational strategy as a moderating contingency.  相似文献   

Foreign subsidiaries of multinational enterprises (MNEs) have been conducting outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) into new overseas destinations. Drawing upon the behavioural theory of the firm, we explain that such OFDI can occur in response to performance shortfalls relative to aspirations. When performance shortfalls in subsidiaries are attributed to the institutional distance between them and the home country of the parent firm, these subsidiaries select institutionally closer destinations for their own OFDI. Our study goes beyond the direct investment of MNE headquarters and advances the internationalisation process model by investigating the underexplored, secondary and springboard-based internationalisation, and by underscoring the value of a subsidiary’s OFDI behaviour.  相似文献   

Previous empirical studies on determinants of interfirm knowledge transfer have been largely focused on knowledge transfer between symmetrical partners, where there are relatively similar levels of knowledge sophistication and complementary knowledge‐transfer motives. Determinants of knowledge transfer between partners in asymmetric “market‐exploitation” alliances, where there are large differences in capabilities, and in motives, of the collaborating partners, have been understudied. This article presents a qualitative case study‐research of knowledge transfer in such collaborations in the Nigerian oil industry. Four cases of interfirm collaborative arrangements between foreign and local indigenous firms in the industry were studied and analyzed. Based on the results of the case study research, this article highlights the dominant role of partners' motivational characteristics, as against, their cognitive characteristics in the knowledge‐transfer process of asymmetric market‐exploitation alliances. It develops a set of theoretical propositions to expand the understanding of the key determinants of learning and knowledge transfer.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed substantial outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) from many emerging economies. Should the governments of these economies encourage OFDI in order to promote domestic innovation? Much OFDI by emerging economy multinational enterprises (EMNEs) has been undertaken to acquire strategic assets overseas, but do these acquisitions bring innovation benefits at home? The empirical analysis presented in this paper considers the effects of OFDI on regional innovation performance, using a panel of Chinese provinces, and finds that OFDI has a very significant impact on domestic innovation. Furthermore, we also identify three contingent factors – absorptive capacity, foreign presence, and the competition intensity of the local market – that moderate the impact of OFDI on innovation performance.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical models have suggested that the relationship between competition and innovation may best be characterised as an inverted‐U shape: firms in industries with low levels of competition are more likely to innovate in the wake of increased competition as they attempt to escape competition, while those in highly competitive industries will decrease innovation in the wake of increased competition as the profit incentive to innovate dissipates. Results from other studies have found positive as well as negative relationships between innovation and competition. In a parallel literature, trade economists have produced conflicting results regarding the impact of trade liberalisation on innovation. One stream of research has shown that increased access to imported intermediate goods increases productivity, suggesting a positive relationship between imports and innovation. Others have hypothesised that firms may use the technology embodied in intermediate inputs as a substitute for domestic innovation. In this paper, we merge these divergent literatures and investigate whether innovation, as measured by the production of patents by US manufacturers, has been impacted by market competition and tariff reductions. Our empirical findings indicate that insulation from imports in the form of higher tariffs on final goods was associated with innovation until the late 1980s, while falling tariffs on intermediate goods appear to have facilitated innovation during the 1990s. We also find evidence of the inverted U‐shaped relationship between market competition and innovation.  相似文献   

There exists a need to further examine capabilities that enable emerging market international new ventures (INVs) to create innovation offerings that drive performance. Although conceptual studies highlight the importance of reconfiguration capability towards innovation and performance, such relationships in the emerging market INV context require further empirical analysis. Moreover, there is a conflict in the literature as to whether reconfiguration capability supports innovation and performance directly or indirectly. As the pursuit of opportunities beyond domestic borders is central to INV research, opportunity creation is a key inquiry to advance our understanding of how reconfiguration capability facilitates innovation and performance in the emerging market INV context. Drawing on dynamic capabilities theory and creation theory, we empirically examine the interplay between reconfiguration capability, opportunity creation, innovation, and international performance. In addition, we study opportunity creation as a mediator between reconfiguration capability towards innovation and performance, respectively. The findings reveal reconfiguration capability does not directly support innovation but does shape innovation through opportunity creation. Reconfiguration capability directly supports performance objectives of emerging market INVs, and indirectly through opportunity creation.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of government policies and institutions on foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in sub‐Saharan African context using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. On the quantitative approach, we analyzed the effects of institutions on FDI using two statistical techniques—canonical cointegration regression (CCR) and fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS)—over the period of 1984–2012. We find that political instability, democratic accountability, and investment risk have significant impact on inward FDI in Nigeria. Using a trend analysis, our results provide evidence to suggest that liberal government investment policies have positive influence on FDI inflows. Our qualitative analysis over the 1962–2012 period supports the results of the quantitative analysis.  相似文献   

This study applies the knowledge-based view of the firm to examine the relationships between exploration, characteristics of knowledge stock, and innovative performance. The article argues that the effectiveness of exploration on innovation is contingent upon two dimensions of knowledge stock: knowledge depth and knowledge breadth. Empirical findings from the US electromedical device industry between 1990 and 2000 provide support for this contingency argument.  相似文献   

This study examines how the Swedish insurance company Ansvar established and expended an international business from the 1930s to the 1990s with the motives to insure total abstainers while battling against alcohol abuse in society. Anvar represented a for-profit business that aimed at addressing social issues. The case provides a historical example of how shared value was created between the company and the temperance movement for the joint goal of improving society through temperance. The article argues that the company’s decline was due to changing values, where alcohol was no longer seen as a threat to society.  相似文献   

在经济全球化背景下,我国经济获得了长足的发展,与此同时,城市贫困问题也日趋严重。本文以我国中部6省为研究对象,从收入和消费两个维度,估计了一个包含贸易和外国直接投资(FDI)变量的贫困决定函数,实证分析了贸易和FDI对城市贫困的影响,着重检验了其中的非线性关系和“门槛效应”。研究表明,贸易和FDI对于贫困人口有着不同的影响;FDI流入与贫困变化之间存在着非线性关系,表明全球化只有达到一定水平后才会使穷人受益。  相似文献   

Using an in-depth qualitative longitudinal case study approach, we examine strategic asset and knowledge augmentation strategies of an advanced economy multinational enterprise (MNE). Our study is unique as it is contextualized in the knowledge-intensive pharmaceutical industry within the changing institutional landscape in India. And, in contrast to previous studies, it focuses on RKT from a newly acquired subsidiary where the protocol for knowledge transfer and relationship between MNE headquarters (HQ) and subsidiary does not exist. We contribute to the evolving literature on reverse knowledge transfer (RKT) which assumes that MNEs extract knowledge from their existing subsidiaries to strengthen their competitive advantages. We also reveal that MNEs design an architecture, that is reflected in the mechanism, governance structure, and timing, for efficient transfer and effective absorption of the knowledge and assets acquired. We introduce a novel concept of ‘reverse asset augmentation’ (RAA) to capture the MNE’s behavior of strategic asset seeking from emerging economies. RAA is parallel to and entwined with RKT conceptualization as knowledge is embedded within certain physical assets, other assets, such as brand name/image, may not embody knowledge. Thematic and processual analysis of interview data, collected in three phases, suggests that RAA complements RKT and that both concepts together capture the unconventional strategies of advanced economy MNEs acquiring emerging economy MNEs in search of strategic assets and knowledge.  相似文献   

The effective utilization of knowledge has become an important part of how firms gain competitive advantage in the marketplace. However, the recruitment, search, and selection processes used to obtain workers who would develop and deploy that knowledge have not materially changed for many years, with human resources (HR) frequently automating legacy procedures. We believe that the hiring processes for exceptional knowledge workers, whom we call knowledge stars, must adapt to the current business environment. Using the framework of architectural innovation, we propose that HR’s recruitment of knowledge stars should begin before specific jobs are announced, should be done in partnership with line managers, and should be done in coordination with implementation of other workplace innovations such as the development of communities of practice and participative management. We conclude by discussing how changes in the search processes for knowledge stars fit in context with some other ongoing challenges for HR personnel.  相似文献   

认为技术的本质是知识甚至将二者等同起来的技术知识本质论是当前的主流观点,这种观点虽然有所进步但仍有其局限。演化经济学的发展为研究技术与知识关系提供了新视角,通过隐喻生物基因型和表型理论,技术可被理解为是以技术知识作为基因型的表型,是知识和外部环境耦合的结果,是类似于生物技能的人类关于如何做事的指令。这种技术与知识演化关系论不仅具有深刻的理论内涵和现实解释力,也契合现代自然科学和哲学的发展方向,是技术理论发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

This paper is related to the literature on the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the labour market of host countries. Labour market literature has focused on the demand side of FDI; that is, increasing wage inequality by demanding more skilled workers or just increasing the overall average wages. On the supply side, FDI can enrich the skilled labour force of the host country by the provision of on-the-job training or learning or through indirect technological spillover effects. This paper takes into account both these effects and tests for human capital formation effect of FDI in India for core manufacturing sector firms for the period 2001–2015 using the Prowess database of the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. It also takes into account the endogeneity of decision-making on the part of foreign firms in locating FDI. Different dynamic panel data methods are used with static and dynamic generalized method of moments techniques. This study does not find any positive supply-side human capital formation effects of FDI but finds a positive demand-side effect of FDI of raising wage inequality and average wages. The results remain robust while taking into account heterogeneities at region, industry, size, and age of the firms.  相似文献   

Minniti [Minniti, M., 2004. Entrepreneurial alertness and asymmetric information in a spin-glass model. Journal of Business Venturing 19 (5), 637-658; Minniti, M., 2005. Entrepreneurship and network externalities. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 57 (1), 1-27] argues that new venture creation decisions are interdependent and that the non-pecuniary network externalities and path dependencies of such decisions influence the geographic concentration of venturing activities. We apply her framework at the county level to study the association between prior and subsequent new venture creation in the U.S. Our findings indicate that there is a non-linear relationship between prior new venture creation and subsequent new venture creation, with venturing activities increasing at an increasing rate based on the amount of prior new venture creation.  相似文献   

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