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日本、韩国对华直接投资规模、产业和影响的实证比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本、韩国作为我国的重要经济伙伴和外资主要来源国,对我国投资具有许多共同点,但是由于两国经济发展水平、产业结构和经济景气的差异,对我国产业转移的特点和影响也存在差异。本文在研究日韩两国对我国投资规模和产业分布状况的基础上,实证比较了其对华投资对投资国和东道国经济的关系和影响的异同点,结论表明影响均具有正向性,是双赢而不是威胁性。  相似文献   

中日韩3国农产品在美国市场的竞争关系分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用产品相似度指数和显示性竞争优势指数,对中日韩3国农产品在美国市场的总体竞争关系、竞争强度和竞争力进行了测算。得出的结论是:中日韩3国农产品在美国市场存在较为明显的竞争关系,某些农产品的竞争强度有上升趋势,但竞争力相差还是较为明显。研究结论可为日后中国农产品贸易的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

从零部件贸易看中日韩分工差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以中国为研究对象,对中国在日韩市场上零部件生产和组装的比较优势的分布、结构和变迁情况进行了细致梳理。通过分析扩展的RCA指标,得出结论,针对日韩两国市场而言,中国在零部件生产上的比较优势总体上呈增强趋势;在组装业务上,中等技术零部件逐渐呈现萎缩态势,而高技术零部件组装的比较优势正在扩大。随着时间的推移,中国同日韩两国之间的生产共享加强,而生产和组装结构也在一定程度上呈现出升级态势。  相似文献   

朱丽献 《中国市场》2007,(41):78-79
作为区域经济系统的子系统——东北亚区域物流网络,其内容应该包括物流基础设施网络、物流信息网络、物流组织管理网络三大部分,并在此基础上形成综合物流服务体系。  相似文献   

The world is eyeing emerging markets where increasing numbers of consumers are entering into a new segment called the middle class. In emerging markets, this new segment of the population, as it moves up the economic ladder and seeks a better life, is considered the backbone of the economy. In this study, India is chosen because its economic progress, and changing cultural and demographics shifts, have set the stage for fundamental change of the country's middle class consumers, who are exhibiting new life-aspirations and entrepreneurial pursuits. While India's middle class continues to grow in size and importance, the existing research fails to fully address questions regarding their aspirations or life goals, entrepreneurial motivations, and demographic characteristics.This study attempts to fill the void by focusing on life goals, attitudes, and behaviors of the middle class consumers. Specifically, this study focuses on their aspirations and entrepreneurial motivations. The data collected from India reveals interesting insights about this important segment of India's people. Their demographic profiles suggest that they are well-educated, employed full-time and own assets. Furthermore, these middle class consumers express their confidence in attaining life aspirations such as financial success and personal growth. They tend to seek more opportunities for accomplishing life goals and display entrepreneurial motivations.  相似文献   

In the economics and strategy fields, researchers seek to understand the antecedents of firm profitability. How and why do certain private enterprise firms develop competitive advantages in environments of rapid technological change while other firms do not? This study extends recent variance decomposition research in three ways. First, this work compares IT sectors in Taiwan and South Korea by using the Standard & Poor's Compustat® Global Vantage database. Second, this investigation tests industry and firm effects using both the multilevel approach of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) and the conventional variance components approach (VCA). Third, this study explores the question of why there are significant profitability differences among technological firms even with similar industrial structural characteristics and leveraged resources and capabilities in the same IT industry. This study uses data from the U.S. Patent Office to estimate technological diversification at the level of firm resources for knowledge-based relatedness for the IT firms of Taiwan and South Korea. The empirical results find that firm effects have great impact on performance of the IT sectors of Taiwan and South Korea when estimated by either HLM or VCA. However, industry effects dominate firm effects on South Korea's IT sectors when the variance is estimated by HLM. From the perspective of conducting patents innovation, both of the specialized and diversified corporate strategies are matter to the development of these IT sectors, and South Korea's IT firms are more technologically diversified than those firms in Taiwan.  相似文献   


Japan, South Korea and China are the three juggernauts of the East Asian economy. In gross domestic product terms, China is the world’s second largest economy, Japan the third and South Korea the eleventh. Also, Japan and South Korea are the only two of the OECD’s prestigious Development Assistance Committee members from Asia, providing a large combined annual budget to developing countries, and the only two Asian countries of the seven-member 50–20 Club with members with a population of 50 million or more and a per capita GDP of US$20,000 or more. Many studies have offered explanations of this Asian economic and corporate success, although few have attempted to explain the leadership styles in these three countries. Globalization has also changed these economies enormously, leading to the possible convergence with universalism forces and commensurate globalization of their leadership styles. This collection, therefore, presents some of the most recent findings of leadership studies on Japan, South Korea and China in light of this.  相似文献   

Previous empirical studies examining the direct relationship between rational strategic planning and firm performance have produced contradictory results. Therefore, in order to better understand the nature of this relationship, it is important to take into consideration the role of some mediating and moderating variables. We take into account this aspect by testing the mediating role of employee strategic alignment in the rational strategic planning–firm performance relationship. Based on a quantitative empirical study conducted among 372 European firms, we find that employee strategic alignment is a full mediator in this relationship. We then discuss the theoretical contributions and practical implications of our study. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Domestic acquisitions of firms in emerging markets have so far evaded scholarly interest. This article contributes to closing this gap by looking into the drivers of cross-province acquisitions in the People's Republic of China, covering 569 deals in manufacturing industry conducted between 1999 and 2012. Drawing on the resource-based view, this study looks at prior Chief Executive Officer (CEO) experience and organizational slack as two drivers of cross-province acquisitions, and analyses the moderating effects of firm ownership types and the location of an acquiring firm. The results show that private firms having CEOs with experience outside of the home province are the drivers of cross-province acquisitions in China.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(5):455-461
This article reviews the role of a global commercial organization, The Coca-Cola Company, in contributing to national stability in developing markets through a strategic approach to social and economic contribution. The company's initiatives complement the role of policymakers, who are primarily responsible for the safety and prosperity of citizens, often using the Golden Triangle model that aligns government, civil society, and the private sector. Examples are drawn from the empowerment of women and youth; leverage of specialist expertise in water replenishment and in distribution and logistics; the impact of global standards of compliance; and the creation of high-value jobs throughout the expansive value chain. The Coca-Cola system is global in scale but multi-local in its operations, leveraging universal human traits with high relevance in individual markets.  相似文献   


In this article, the authors review talent management practices in information technology (IT) companies from Russia, India, and China, discussing their differences and similarities. Using the emerging market context, the authors debate the factors influencing talent management, specifically in IT companies. The article examines the relevant research on the main talent management issues in Russia, India, and China, and offers one of the first intercountry comparative analyses of talent management practices in IT companies from emerging markets. The authors argue that although talent management practices are influenced by different institutional and cultural factors, there are similarities and differences that can be explained by the emerging market and industry-specific contexts.  相似文献   

We use the Markov-switching model based on Hamilton (1990) among others. The non-explicit intervention of the Central Reserve Bank changes the expectations of economic agents. This change in expectations clearly shows that the public is aware of non-explicit interventions in a dollarized economy and said interventions have been altering the expectations of economic agents in terms of the foreign exchange market. We conclude that market participants assume that the Central Reserve Bank is more efficient in reducing volatility in periods in which the domestic currency appreciates rather than depreciates. The results show that the Markov-switching model behaves more than satisfactorily in the sample period but less so in periods of extreme volatility such as the recent sub-prime crisis. Central Bank's forex interventions are policy instruments that can be followed and interpreted by the public.  相似文献   

This research was conducted with a sample of 215 Chinese companies from the electronics industry. It shows that the different technological innovation capabilities have a positive impact on product innovation, beginning with the linkage capability, and then moving to the production capability, and ending with the investment capability. The research also shows that product innovation has a mediating effect on the relationship between different technological innovation capabilities and firm performance. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study of business ethics has led to the development of various principles that are the foundation of good and ethical business practices. A corresponding study of Information Technology (IT) professionals’ ethics has led to the conclusion that good ethics in the development and uses of information technology correspond to the basic business principle that good ethics is good business. Ergo, good business ethics practiced by IT professionals is good IT ethics and vice versa. IT professionals are professionals in businesses; a difficulty presented to these professionals, however, is the number and diversity of codes of ethics to which they may be held. Considering the existence of several formalized codes of ethics prepared by various IT professionals’ associations, a more harmonized approach seems more reasonable. This paper attempts to present a review of the purpose of codes of ethics, the persons who should be covered by such codes and to organize codes of ethics for business in general and IT professionals in particular and to make the argument that, once again, good ethics is good business practice, regardless of the profession or occupation concerned  相似文献   

This paper analyzes sixty-five influential collective turnover events that occurred from year 2000 to 2011. The first finding is that collective turnover is most likely to take place at the departmental level because staff in the same department tend to reach collective consensus more easily. The second finding is that collective turnover takes place more frequently in industries such as IT, retailing and banking. The third finding is that collective turnover often begins with the turnover of managers at the departmental or higher levels. With further exploration of collective turnover, we notice that the institutional environment during China’s economic transition is the external constraint on collective turnover, and improper management policies is the internal driving factor. We also find that motivations vary for employees at different levels in the organization. Finally, we conclude that organizational outcomes of collective turnover are not only linked with the absolute level of turnover, but “quality” factors of collective turnover such as relative turnover ratio, occurrence frequency, employee type, rank and work experience should also be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

我国行业协会:功能、特征与发展趋向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄燕  李立华 《商业研究》2002,(14):123-124
在对我国行业协会的功能优势和特征进行深入分析 ,提出了行业协会的发展趋向和相关的政策建议。  相似文献   


This article explores the historical development of Japanese wholesalers in the food and drink industry in modern Japan. Despite many criticisms of Japanese wholesalers as being “multi-layered,” “old-fashioned,” and “outmoded,” there were historical reasons for the existence of wholesalers. While the traditional wholesalers remained even after the Meiji Restoration, the new wholesalers emerged by dealing with new products that appeared for the first time in modern Japan. Utilizing the historical conditions of both producers and retailers, the newcomers such as Kokubu boosted their development by innovative activities and gradually superseded the traditional wholesale market, firmly establishing their position as general wholesalers before the Second World War.  相似文献   

This study aims to link the knowledge-based view and the legitimacy perspective in order to explore the determinants of knowledge transfer and regulatory support. We then examine their consequences within a systematic framework drawing upon the institutional view. Examining a sample of 102 Taiwanese manufacturing firms operating in China, the study finds that both knowledge transfer from local suppliers and regulatory support from local governments help foreign firms to enhance their financial performance. The combination of trusting relationships with local suppliers, a foreign firm's knowledge stock, and agglomeration encourage local suppliers to transfer knowledge. Additionally, foreign firms’ knowledge stock is significantly related to regulatory support.  相似文献   

We examine the formation of forward rates in the dry bulk shipping industry. We illustrate that the bulk of basis volatility can be attributed to expectations about future physical market conditions rather than expectations about future risk premia. However, there exists significant predictability of risk premia by both price-based signals and economic variables. To explain this finding, we develop a dynamic asset pricing framework where, apart from having different objective functions, agents might also differ in the way they form expectations about future market conditions. Accordingly, we argue that the average investor should hold “near-rational” but slightly contrarian beliefs.  相似文献   


This cross-cultural comparison aims to understand whether the influence of consumer ethnocentrism (CE) on consumer preference for domestic versus foreign products is product category and country-of-origin dependent. Three countries with dissimilar cultural orientation and economic status—China, South Korea, and the United States—were examined. American consumers were found to be more ethnocentric than Chinese and South Korean consumers. CE was found to significantly and positively predict American and Korean consumers’ preference for domestic products across product categories, while Chinese consumers’ CE did not translate into their preference for Chinese products. In addition, the relationship between CE and purchase preference varied across product categories as well as countries of origin.  相似文献   

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