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This paper discusses the determinants of China’s outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) with a special focus on the role of government policy. In particular, we investigate the types of policies that are most influential in promoting OFDI. Our main contribution is to analyse, for the first time, China’s OFDI policies by means of quantitative indicators. We refine policies definitions and distinguish between Regulation Policies, Service Policies, Promotion Policies and Supervision Policies, and we develop a methodology for collecting, screening and coding policies; then we create new indices to capture different types of policies. We find that Regulation Policies, Service Policies and the general attitude of the government have significant effects on China’s OFDI at the national level.  相似文献   

Trade and foreign direct investment in China: a political economy approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We view the political process in China as trading off the social benefits of increased trade and foreign direct investment against the losses incurred by state-owned enterprises due to such liberalization. A model drawing on Grossman and Helpman [Am. Econ. Rev. 84 (1994) 833; The Political Economy of Trade Policy: Papers in Honor of Jagdish Bhagwati, MIT Press, Cambridge (1996) 199] is used to derive an empirically estimable government objective function. The key structural parameters of this model are estimated using province-level data on foreign direct investment and trade flows in China, over the years 1984-1995. We find that the weight applied to consumer welfare is between one-seventh and one-quarter of the weight applied to the output of state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

This study illustrates the factors that affect a firm's intention to engage in foreign direct investment (FDI) in China, using Taiwanese firms in the Information Technology (IT) sector as an example. By building upon the literature, we investigate a firm's decision to engage in FDI by taking industry and firm factors into consideration. This study applies an event history technique to perform an empirical analysis, taking into account the conditional probability of the element of time. These factors are analyzed in a dynamic context using a sample of 667 Taiwanese firms in 10 industries between 1996 and 2005. We find that network linkages, the expansion of markets, and China's incentive policies positively affect the intention to engage in FDI. A firm with a higher degree of export orientation and larger firm size also has a strong effect on motivating FDI.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that countries with a poor governance environment (e.g., weak laws and rampant corruption) do not attract foreign direct investment (FDI); however, our study suggests otherwise. Using China as a case study, this article argues that the prevailing theory that a good governance environment begets FDI is incomplete. When faced with a poor governance environment, investors choose direct investment over indirect (portfolio) investment because the former can be better protected by private means. In fact, China attracts a large amount of FDI because of, rather than despite, its lack of a good governance environment. In conclusion, this article offers strategies to better protect investments and to chart through the pitfalls resulting from rapid changes in the governance environment.  相似文献   

本文以美国1972-2002年的统计数据为例,在建立VAR模型的基础上通过脉冲响应曲线和方差分解表对流入美国的外国直接投资(FDI)、外国证券投资(FPI)和经济增长之间的关系进行了实证研究,结果表明流入美国的FDI和FPI均有助于美国经济的增长。但相对而言,美国经济增长更加依赖于外国证券投资,研究还发现流入美国的FDI与FPI之间关系紧密,两者之间存在积极的良性互动关系,且FPI对FDI的影响明显大于FDI对FPI的影响。  相似文献   

我国环渤海地区外国直接投资与对外贸易效应的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用面板数据方法对环渤海地区的对外贸易效应进行了分析,结果表明外国直接投资对整个环渤海地区的对外贸易起到了正向推动作用,环渤海地区的外国直接投资与对外贸易之间存在互补关系。同时分别对该地区7个省市区外国直接投资与对外贸易的关系进行了研究。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the causal relationship between environmental quality, Foreign Direct Investment and economic growth using simultaneous-equation panel data VAR model a panel of 17 MENA countries over the period 1990–2012. Our empirical results pointed out that there is a unidirectional causality running from both FDI stocks and CO2 emissions to economic growth. They also indicate the existence of unidirectional causality running from economic growth to CO2 emissions. However, the results support the occurrence of unidirectional causality from FDI stocks to CO2 emissions. Our empirical result confirms the hypothesis of neutrality for the Environment-GDP link. There is bidirectional causality from CO2emissions and economic growth, and a bidirectional causal relationship between FDI stocks and CO2 emissions. For the global panel, we show that the existence of a unidirectional causality running from FDI stocks to economic growth; a bidirectional causality between economic growth and CO2 emissions; as well as a bidirectional causality between FDI stocks and CO2emissions.  相似文献   

The behavior of many multinational enterprises is not well described by existing models of foreign direct investment (FDI). Firms often follow strategies that involve vertical integration in some countries and horizontal integration in others, a strategy known as complex integration. This paper presents a three-country model that is used to analyze why firms might follow a strategy of complex integration. My analysis reveals that complex integration strategies create complementarities between potential host countries that have important implications for the structure of FDI. The analysis also shows that falling transport cost between countries may increase the importance of complex integration strategies.  相似文献   

The paper develops a model of foreign direct investments (FDI) and foreign portfolio investments (FPI). FDI enables the owner to obtain refined information about the firm. This superiority, relative to FPI, comes with a cost: a firm owned by the FDI investor has a low resale price because of asymmetric information between the owner and potential buyers. The model can explain several stylized facts regarding foreign equity flows, such as the larger ratio of FDI to FPI inflows in developing countries relative to developed countries, and the greater volatility of FDI net inflows relative to FPI net inflows.  相似文献   

We study the impact of deal announcement and entry-timing within a cross-border acquisition (CBA) wave on the likelihood of acquisition completion. Drawing upon the frictional lens perspective, we identify two types of frictional forces- wave-friction and partner-friction within merger waves. We follow a simulation-based methodology and identify three CBA waves for Indian acquirers between 1995 and 2015. Our findings suggest that acquisition announcement within a merger wave as compared to outside of a wave is negatively related to the likelihood of deal completion. Further, within a merger wave, we find an inverted U-shaped relationship between entry-timing and the likelihood of deal completion.  相似文献   

本文在揭示长三角两省一市经济增长方式的基础上,剖析了外商直接投资对长三角经济增长方式的影响。本文研究表明:近二十年来,长三角地区全要素生产率有显著提高,但在投资高速增长的背景下,该区域粗放型经济增长的特征并没有根本改变。外商直接投资尽管也会通过技术外溢等途径促进技术进步,但由于其对国内投资的挤入效应推动了资本的扩张,因而尚未对经济增长方式转变形成显著的效果。实现长三角经济增长方式转变应进一步提升本土创新能力和开放水平。  相似文献   

There is general agreement that acquisition integration is decisive for acquisition performance. Despite this consensus, there are heterogeneous results on integration measures, such as integration speed with empirical research supporting the benefits of either fast or slow integration. We argue that the business environment surrounding acquisitions has the potential to reconcile conflicting findings. We develop how institutional factors (i.e., labor market flexibility and efficiency) influence the relationships between speed of human and functional integration on acquisition performance. With a sample of 203 transactions from acquirers from central Europe and Scandinavia, we find human and functional integration speed have divergent effects on acquisition performance. Further, both relationships are moderated by labor market flexibility and efficiency, but in different ways. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

FDI、国际贸易及我国经济增长的协整分析与VECM模型   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文利用我国1983-2004年的经济数据进行实证检验,根据协整理论建立向量误差修正模型(VECM)。实证结果说明外国直接投资、国际贸易与经济增长间具有长期均衡关系,且我国国内生产总值的增长与外国直接投资有双向因果关系,但相互影响的程度不同;我国为出口导向型经济增长国家且外国直接投资对国际贸易具有促进作用.  相似文献   

Empirical asymmetries in foreign direct investment and taxation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper assesses the sensitivity of the operations of multinational corporations (MNCs) to host country taxation. The empirical analysis is based on two different measures of MNC activity by U.S. majority-owned foreign affiliates: panel data for aggregate real gross product in manufacturing that originates in a given host country and micro data for a single year regarding the likelihood of a firm locating in a given host country. The empirical estimates indicate that investment geared toward export markets, rather than the domestic market, is particularly sensitive to host country taxation, that this sensitivity appears to be greater in developing countries than developed countries, and that it is becoming greater over time.  相似文献   

Integrating the literature on language-MNEs (multinational enterprises) in international business and economic theory of human capital (HC), we establish an analytical framework to systematically examine how HC and language capital (LC) jointly determine foreign direct investment (FDI). We contend that the extent to which MNEs can leverage HC in a host country for FDI depends on LC. Based on an extensive bilateral dataset covering 3315 country pairs during 1995–2008, we reveal clear evidence on the moderating role played by LC in HC-FDI relationship and such evidence is robust to different measures used for different variables, the inclusion of more control variables and different samples.  相似文献   

《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(1-2):111-127

China has attracted the second largest amount of foreign direct investment in the world each year since 1993. Hundreds of thousands of foreign-invested enterprises are in operation in China. However, what drive the success or cause the failure of foreign investments is still not well understood. This paper critically examines one success factor, i.e., the importance of timing of marketing entry into China. It begins with a brief review of the literature on first-mover advantages and the recent empirical research. It then attempts to theorize on why timing of market entry matters in the context of foreign direct investment. Apart from drawing upon the four recent studies in this area, this paper focuses on the auto industry in China and the case of Volkswagen to illustrate the importance of early entry into an overseas market. It calls for foreign investors to seize the first-wave opportunities when the door is opened a certain sector. It pays in the long run both in terms of the market share position and profitability.  相似文献   

The determinants of China's outward foreign direct investment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Globalisation has led to a rapid increase in the growth of foreign direct investment (FDI) globally. Over the last decade China has become the largest recipient of FDI whilst simultaneously increasing its outward FDI dramatically. The growth in China's outward FDI has attracted little attention from scholars in mainstream research publications. The motivation behind this paper is to investigate the factors driving this growth from both economic and strategic backgrounds. The paper employs panel data analysis covering the period 2003–2009 where we quantify the main drivers of China's outward FDI across a range of variables including bi lateral and multi lateral trade, market size, GDP growth, openness and resource endowment.  相似文献   

Longitude matters: Time zones and the location of foreign direct investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using bilateral foreign direct investment (FDI) data, we find that differences in time zones have a negative and significant effect on the location of FDI. We show that this finding is robust across different specifications, estimation methods and proxies for time zone differences. Time zones also have a negative effect on trade, but this effect is smaller than that on FDI. Finally, the impact of the time zone effect has increased over time, suggesting that it is not likely to vanish with the introduction of new information technologies.  相似文献   

When social enterprises, being defined by their social mission and profitability, internationalize, they need to respond to institutional logics in the host country. By juxtaposing institutional logic and entry mode choice literature, this paper shows how social enterprises accommodate different institutional logics when they enter foreign markets. We collected data on Chinese healthcare reform, governmental policies and their changes, and conducted 36 in-depth interviews and three expert group meetings. By analyzing five non-Chinese hospitals entering China, we show how social enterprises, as hybrid organizations, respond to governmental, commercial, and social institutional logics, when entering a foreign market.  相似文献   

In response to the unparalleled growth in foreign direct investment (FDI) from China in recent years, we present a multilevel, in‐depth analysis of Chinese investment in Ireland using semi‐structured interviews and case studies. Our findings suggest that while Chinese FDI can be explained to an extent through classical theories of FDI, such investment is unconventional in many regards and thus requires the extension of established theories. We also find that factors above and beyond those that apply to traditional sources of investment are at play in the case of China, including the presence of host‐country clusters, the strength of intergovernmental relations, and the degree of alignment between China's development priorities and the host. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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