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This study measures cost inefficiency for government school in New South Wales, Australia using a two‐stage data envelopment analysis (TSDEA) model and the inefficiency‐effects model (Battese & Coelli, 1995). The study found overall primary schools are 75 per cent and secondary schools are 89 per cent cost efficient. However, cost efficiency for primary schools has decreased and for secondary schools has increased marginally over the study period. The study found that social disadvantage in primary schools exerts a strong negative impact on students’ achievement scores causing inefficient use of available resources. For secondary schools no such conclusive relationship is observed.  相似文献   

现阶段我国仍属于新兴市场经济国家,市场机制并不完善,中小企业的生存环境不容乐观.为提升中小企业市场竞争力,各级政府加大对其创新研发的资金和政策扶持力度对帮助其持续稳定发展有着十分重要的意义.本文从深市中小板上市企业中筛选出了471家企业在2014—2018年间的面板数据,利用回归模型进行实证检验,以探究政府资助政策对中小企业创新研发的影响.结果显示:政府的资助政策在整体上对科技研发投入产生了积极的作用,但对创新研发的产出没有直接影响;只有对科技研发人员进行投入才能给创新产出带来积极影响.因而,政府资助应该着重加强对科技人员的投入.  相似文献   

绿色技术创新是突破“经济-环境”压力的关键所在。政府行为能够有效弥补绿色技术创新在市场经济体制下存在的天然不足。为进一步探究政府政策对绿色技术创新的影响,基于绿色技术创新的“双重外部性”特征,以我国内地31个省(市、区)2009-2017年面板数据为样本,探究环境规制、政府研发资助对绿色技术创新的直接影响效应及交互效应。结果发现,环境规制与政府研发资助均对绿色技术创新有显著正向影响,政府研发资助影响效应更大;两者互补耦合更有利于促进绿色技术创新。  相似文献   

A stochastic cost frontier with inefficiency effects is estimated to investigate the impacts of decreases in state funding support on the operating efficiency of public colleges and universities in the U.S. Panel data for 378 institutions spanning 10 academic years, 2004 through 2013, captures the efficiency effects of declines in state funding from 32 % to 23 %. There are several improvements over early work of like kind that was, however, confined to four academic years, 2005 through 2008, and could not account for the accelerated effects of state funding decreases that followed the financial crisis. Inefficiency effects are extended to include both private giving as a substitute revenue source and federally funded Pell Grants. Empirical results are robust and support the notion that government does matter. Decreases in state funding create inefficiency in producing public higher education. Results also suggest the same for private giving and Pell Grant support, although the former was statistically weak at best. On the cost side, the results, not surprisingly, indicate that university administrators held costs down with hiring increases in non-tenure track faculty and staff relative to tenure track and tenured faculty.  相似文献   

更好地发挥政府在区域创新中的作用,是“十四五”规划与2035年远景目标纲要提出的坚持创新驱动发展的重要内容。基于2010-2019年我国内地30个省级区域面板数据,实证分析政府资助与创新人力资源错配对区域创新绩效的影响,以及创新人力资源错配的门槛效应。研究发现:(1)创新人力资源错配对区域创新绩效存在显著负向影响;(2)政府资助在创新人力资源配置不足和轻度配置过度时能够显著提升区域创新绩效,但在创新人力资源配置严重过度时具有消极作用;(3)政府资助在约2/3的省级区域表现为积极作用,其余表现为强弱不同的消极影响。因此,必须形成创新人力资源错配动态检测机制、构建政府资助创新活动的分级分类工具体系、强化区域协同创新力度,以实现创新人力资源高效自主配置。  相似文献   

We explain why wealthy people often favor estate taxation, while wealthless people oppose it. Wealthy people devote part of their estate to charities. Estate taxation with tax breaks for charities increases contributions to an otherwise underprovided public good.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,科技型中小企业日益成为经济的主体。在科技型中小企业的发展过程中,创新基金也正在发挥着日益重要的作用。以上海市264家接受政府创新基金资助的科技型中小企业为研究对象,运用多个财务指标,从偿债能力、营运能力、盈利能力、发展能力、成长能力等方面对创新基金处于不同生命周期的科技型中小企业的资助效用进行测量。研究发现,受资助后处于不同周期的企业其综合能力都得到了提高,但提高幅度大小不一,种子期提高幅度较大,而成长期和成熟期提高幅度相对较小。造成政府资助效用差异的原因和科技型中小企业不同生命周期阶段的经营特征、融资需求的差异有关。  相似文献   

慈善事业,是扶贫济困的事业,发展慈善事业,对于提高构建社会主义和谐社会的能力,具有重要的意义和作用.慈善事业作为社会保障的一个重要组成部分,它的创新发展必须从政府倡导、社会参与、上下联动、舆论造势、法制保障等多方面着力,才能得到发展壮大.  相似文献   

文章利用2009-2017年期间中国30个省、市、自治区的平衡面板数据,采用多种计量回归模型实证检验政府直接R&D资助与企业R&D投入之间的关系.研究结果表明:采用多种计量模型均证实在样本考察期间政府直接R&D资助对企业R&D投入产生"杠杆效应",即这二者之间具有显著的正向线性关系而不存在倒"U"型关系.进一步地发现无论是在非沿海地区还是在沿海地区的样本中政府直接R&D资助对企业研发投入均产生显著的促进作用,但在非沿海地区的样本中这种促进作用更大.此外,市场竞争程度、居民消费和外商直接投资可以显著的激励企业R&D投入,政府消费对企业R&D投入产生了抑制作用.  相似文献   

This article sets out the principles that should govern university funding, outlines the extent to which current funding arrangements meet these principles, and examines alternative funding models that would encourage flexibility and diversity in universities.  相似文献   

This article compares the long-run effects of changes in health conditions, population growth, price of medical care, and Medicare indemnity rate on capital formation and medical expenditures under fully funded and pay-as-you-go Medicare. Surprisingly, it is found that population growth, rising medical prices, and increasingly adverse health conditions may or may not raise medical expenditures in the long run. Moreover, the directions of some of these effects under the pay-as-you-go Medicare system are reversed under the fully funded system. Finally, it is shown that fully funded Medicare results in higher steady-state capital than pay-as-you-go Medicare; however, the welfare effect of the former may or may not be higher than that of the latter in general. (JEL H550 , E620 )  相似文献   

债券融资期待突破   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
种种迹象表明,日渐低落的企业债券市场很可能将出现重大转机。  相似文献   

本文采用实验方法研究宗教信仰对个人信任行为的影响.本文首次以佛教徒、基督教徒、穆斯林和非宗教信仰者四类群体为研究对象进行信任实验,并通过虔诚度问卷调查,全面分析宗教影响个体信任行为的内在机制.研究结果表明:(1)当把三类宗教被试合并为一个整体时,其与非宗教信仰者在信任行为上没有显著差异,也不存在明显的组间效应;(2)但...  相似文献   

This paper studies the typical European system for public funding of parties, where parties receive public funds depending on their vote share. These funds finance electoral campaigns. It is shown that such a funding system increases policy convergence. The effect is larger, the more funding depends on vote shares. If the parties have access to other means of campaign finance given in a lump‐sum way, the effect is moderated.  相似文献   

Abstract: Theory suggests that a united charity helps to economize on fundraising costs by reducing competition for donations among member charities. However, donors often cannot control the allocation of their donations, and charities may dislike the monitoring of their activities. This paper examines these and other issues relating to the Community Chest of Singapore. The results, based on analysis of financial positions and fundraising costs of a large number of charities, suggest that the Community Chest does possess important fundraising advantages. Thus charities in financial difficulties or in need of funds for additional programs tend to seek membership. However, organizations that value their autonomy and independence, and that are able to achieve low fundraising costs tend to remain as non‐members. Thus a monopoly agency raising funds for all charities in the future is unlikely in the case of Singapore.  相似文献   

在国家推动互联网与实体经济深度融合的关键时期,以政府研发资助为切入点,剖析政府应如何更好地支持企业践行“互联网+”创新战略。在阐释政府研发资助影响“互联网+”企业创新内在机制的基础上,基于2006-2018年中国省级面板数据及门槛回归模型进行实证检验。研究发现:“互联网+”显著推动企业创新效率改善,而政府研发资助有助于强化这种积极影响;企业层面的“互联网+”创新溢出存在明显的政府研发资助三重门槛效应,只有当政府研发资助强度超越一定门槛条件时,才能最大限度地释放“互联网+”的创新溢出;政府研发资助调节下的“互联网+”创新溢出效应具有显著空间异质性特征,在不同空间层面上显现出差异化和动态化调节影响;现阶段政府研发资助对“互联网+”企业创新的正向调节溢出还相对有限,且实际调节效果具有差异化特征,表现为中部地区最为显著、东部地区次之、西部地区最弱的阶梯状分布。研究结论可为新时代下构建时空分异的政府研发资助策略,进一步加快释放“互联网+”企业创新的溢出红利提供一定启示。  相似文献   

我国的基金业目前正处于起步阶段,还没有一套完善的基金税制;与基金发达国家相比,中国现行税制存在着明显的重复课税和税负过重现象。借鉴国外经验,结合我国基金业的现状和发展趋势,我国证券投资基金市场税制设计应简化对基金交易环节的课税,以避免对基金市场造成扭曲;通过税收政策的差异化设计,增加基金市场的产品创新能力,以增强税收对基金市场的调控功能。  相似文献   

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