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绿色消费与农产品消费市场的开拓   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘军 《消费经济》2001,17(6):25-27
农村和农业发展问题一直是我国社会主义市场经济建设的重大问题,而解决这一问题的核心则是农产品的完全市场实现.当前农产品市场实现难固然与市场整体疲软、消费需求不旺、内需拉动乏力等有关,但从根本上看还是农产品质量问题,是农产品不能适应市场需求.  相似文献   

本文根据消费心理过程,分析了绿色消费群体在认知过程、情绪过程和意志过程中的消费心理特征,并针对此特征论述了企业应采取的相应绿色营销方法。  相似文献   

绿色消费的心理分析及对绿色营销沟通的启示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
王向阳 《商业研究》1998,(10):204-204

唐鹏 《市场周刊》2004,(36):17-17
政府绿色采购活动属于绿色消费活动的一部分。由于政府采购的金额庞大,在全球各国都属于该国最大的采购团体,因此。政府采购是否符合绿色消费的精神,备受各界瞩目。  相似文献   

如何发展我国的绿色消费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁心基 《北方经贸》2007,(12):30-32
发展我国绿色消费应进行全民经常性教育;降低绿色产品价格;大力进行绿色产品的研发;畅通绿色产品的销售渠道;建立规范的绿色市场秩序,以促进我国绿色消费的发展。  相似文献   

城市居民绿色消费现状及影响因素调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白光林  万晨阳 《消费经济》2012,(2):92-94,57
绿色消费是一种全新的消费方式和生活理念,由绿色消费认知、绿色消费态度和绿色消费行为三部分构成。本文以364名城市居民为调查对象进行研究,结果发现:城市居民对绿色消费了解程度一般,不过大多数市民还是支持绿色消费的,在绿色消费行为上,一般来说在涉及到健康、经济利益的时候,城市居民更加倾向做出绿色消费行为。性别、年龄、学历层次、在家庭中的身份、婚姻状况会对绿色消费行为产生一定的影响,而且绿色消费认知、绿色消费态度与绿色消费行为三者互相影响,紧密联系。  相似文献   

随着人类生产方式和生活方式的不断更新.社会经济获得了巨大发展.人类生活水平不断提高.但同时也出现了严重的环境污染和生态危机。传统的生产模式与消费模式已经对环境和消费者的健康造成了严重的损害。现在.人们的环境意识不断增强.全球环保趋势日益高涨.使得绿色消费这种新型的消费模式越来越成为中国乃至世界消费的大趋势。  相似文献   

我国绿色消费影响因素的剖析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国大众化的绿色消费正在快速形成和壮大,实现向可持续消费模式转变.而绿色消费与经济发展、收入水平、生活方式、消费观念、政策导向以及宣传推动等都有一定关系.本文旨在通过绿色消费发展一般规律的经济学考察,剖析绿色消费的各种影响因素,以客观分析我国绿色消费发展的趋势.  相似文献   

绿色消费驱动下的绿色营销策略及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绿色消费是绿色营销产生和发展的时代基础和思想基础,绿色营销能有效引导和促进绿色消费。文章基于绿色消费和绿色营销的互动发展机制,从消费者感知效力、利他主义、自由主义和环境保护意识四个细分变量分析了绿色消费行为,揭示了其间隐含的营销策略启示。  相似文献   

周宏敏 《中国市场》2013,(25):44-47
通过对当前我国消费市场的分析,本文梳理了当前大众消费的特点、表现形式以及形成因素。当前大众消费行为的主要特点是,理性消费是大众消费的主流,以奢侈消费为代表的炫耀性消费已经成为潮流,而由年青一代主导的未来消费市场则表现出个性化消费的倾向。这些特点的形成受到中国重节俭、爱面子等传统文化的深刻影响,是改革开放经济发展到特定阶段的必然产物,与网络等新技术的发展分不开,同时也是后现代主义等文化思潮影响的结果。这表明,中国消费市场已经进入新的发展阶段,中国企业面临着新的挑战。  相似文献   

绿色消费的经济学分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
杨彤  王能民 《消费经济》2001,17(4):11-13
当人类进入21世纪之际,人口、环境、资源之间的矛盾已经成为约束和威胁人类生存与发展的主要因素,其主要原因在于传统工业与消费模式造成的严重的污染,加速了资源的稀缺速度,加剧了资源的稀缺程度;传统消费模式也对消费者健康造成了十分明显与直接的损害,因环境问题日益严重的情况下,各国相应地提出了绿色消费、清洁生产以及绿色制造等新的消费模式与生产模式,中国消费者协会,二届十次理事会也确定,2001年在全国范围内开展“绿色消费”年主题活动,绿色消费已经成为现代消费的主导模式,本文拟从经济学的角度分析绿色消费的有关问题。  相似文献   

强化生态教育 倡导绿色消费   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
何昀 《消费经济》2002,18(1):31-33
生态环境的保护问题,不仅仅是关乎人类发展的问题,更是关乎人的生存的问题,这一问题的凸现,不仅仅源于我们今天对生活水平与消费质量的日益重视,更是人类有史以业无限度地向自然攫取和过度消费的必然结果,总之与我们的消费生活休叔相关,不可分割,有没有现代意义上的生态意识,有没有进行绿色消费的责任感,紧迫感,将是人与自然的关系能否得以回归和谐、良性发展的前提条件。  相似文献   

发展中国家绿色消费的经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色消费是温饱问题解决以后,人们更加重视自己的生存质量的结果,绿色消费是一种大众消费,而不是精英消费,如果绿色消费仅限于社会中的少数有钱阶层,那么绿色消费充其量只是一种贵族生活,而不能成为一种社会潮流,目前存在着绿色消费的贵族化现象,是发展中国家消费演化的特征,或者说绿色消费在发展中国家的具体体现,本文既以发展中国家的绿色消费为研究对象,探讨发展中国家绿色消费的一些规律性。  相似文献   

The extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) incorporates environmental concern, a critical variable in green marketing literature, intending to achieve triple bottom line (TBL). In this context, this study aims to validate TPB and its extended form (mediating role of TPB variables), as well as the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), to predict Indian consumers’ green product purchase intention. We collected primary data from 521 respondents as input, establishing validity through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Our empirical results of structural equation modeling (SEM) show that extended TPB has higher predictability than TPB and TRA in green marketing settings. Consumer attitude and perceived behavioral control significantly predicts purchase intention whereas subjective norm does not. Our findings also suggest that TPB mediates the relationship between environmental concern and green products purchase intention. An additional construct in the new model considerably contributes to improving the understanding of green products purchase intention formation and could become a sustainable mainstream variable.  相似文献   

从最终消费支出组成部分透析提高我国消费率的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李丽莎 《商业时代》2011,(14):22-23
我国消费率一直偏低并且持续下降,阻碍了经济增长方式的转变。因此,提高消费率的途径是我国一个重要的经济问题。消费率是指最终消费支出占GDP的比重。本文从最终消费支出组成部分出发,从总量数据与人均数据两个层次分析消费率的影响因素,探寻提高消费率的有效途径。实证结果表明:提高农村居民消费率与加快城乡二元结构的转变是提高消费率的最重要的途径。  相似文献   

Green-certified vegetables are nutritious, attractive to the senses, and in line with the principles of sustainable development. The objectives of this study are to reveal the mechanism of green-certified vegetable consumption; that is, to explore the key influencing factors behind consumers' purchase intentions, purchase behavior, and willingness to pay for green-certified vegetables. Based on the Theory of Multi-attribute Attitudes and the Theory of Planned Behavior, a research framework of the consumption mechanism oriented to consumers' preferences regarding green-certified vegetable quality was established. By collecting 520 questionnaires from Beijing, China, the model was confirmed by the ordered logistic regression and interval linear regression method. The results showed that consumers have heterogeneous quality preferences, and their purchase intentions and purchase behavior levels are relatively high, with an average willingness to pay (WTP) of 138.58%. The key influencing factors driving consumers' purchase intentions, purchase behavior, and WTP include protein content belief, mineral content belief, vitamin content belief, organic vegetable safety belief, freshness belief, and taste belief. In addition, color belief and packaging quality belief significantly influenced consumers' WTP, while origin reputation belief and brand reputation belief significantly influenced consumers' purchase intention and purchase behavior. The findings of this study can guide the supply side of green-certified vegetables to improve product quality according to consumer demand, so as to promote the sustainable development of green-certified vegetables.  相似文献   


Within the green marketing literature, there has been a tendency to focus on the individual when explaining green consumption behaviours (GCBs) rather than looking at the wider social factors that may influence green practices. The main objective of this article is to gain a greater understanding of how consumers’ GCBs are influenced by the social environment, within a social cognitive framework. A total of 20 individual interviews and 10 joint interviews took place with consumers who did not always behave in accordance with their pro-environmental values, and thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Our analysis shows how consumers’ GCBs are influenced by other individuals; however, if we want to see a greater commitment to green consumption practices, government bodies need to take a more active role.  相似文献   

This research aims to fill the gap in green consumption literature from the perspective of values as types of intentions and identity‐based motivation. In two studies, we examine how the salience of personal and social identities can change the relationship between types of intentions and green consumption. The results demonstrate that when personal identity is salient, self‐transcendence intentions influence green consumption more than self‐enhancement intentions. This is because personal identity (compared with social identity) increases the positive effect of congruent intentions (self‐transcendence) on green consumption. However, when social identity is salient, self‐transcendence and self‐enhancement intentions have a similar impact on green consumption. This is because social identity (compared with personal identity) reduces the negative effect of self‐enhancement intentions on green consumption. Finally, we discuss theoretical and managerial implications for values as types of intentions, identity‐based motivation and green consumption.  相似文献   

The motivations and barriers of the actual green purchase behavior are as real as the product itself, which makes it a systematic process to examine the inconsistency between consumers' motivations and their actual behavior (motivation-behavior gap). The study aimed to clarify the direct and indirect effects of motivations on the purchase behavior of green food. The proposed conceptual model was adopted from the Motivation-Opportunity-Ability (MOA) framework and was extended by adding the serial mediation of consumer perceived knowledge and trust as major constructs. Data were collected from 1788 consumers in China. Results provided support for the model and showed that perceived knowledge about the food supply chain could be both barrier and a positive factor of consumers’ purchase behavior, which mainly depends on the trade-off between certification and planting knowledge. Differences in trust exist and consumers hold authorities and certification bodies more accountable than farmers and retailers. For the direct effects, food safety concern is positively associated with behavior, whereas environmental concern is not. Policymakers shall use the results to narrow the motivation-behavior gap, especially for emerging economies.  相似文献   

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