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Consumer outshopping research has shown there are significant, but weak, relationships between consumers' attitudes toward local retailers and the degree to which they shop in local versus outlying areas. An alternative attitude measurement, retail patronage loyalty, is proposed and empirically evaluated. The loyalty scale was shown to be a stronger and more generalizable predictor of consumer outshopping behavior.  相似文献   

Perceived risk and the selection of a retail patronage mode   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consumers can select products from a wide variety of retail patronage alternatives. This article examines the amount of perceived risk that is associated with shopping at six different patronage modes. Department and specialty stores are generally considered low risk modes, while media advertisements represent the highest risk alternative. This research also examines the importance of various risk-handling tactics that may help the consumer deal with the perceived risk involved with the selection of a particular retail patronage mode.  相似文献   

Shopping is generally a socially visible behavior, frequently done while accompanied by friends or family. The importance of the social interaction achieved through shopping would suggest that social referents may affect the patronage behavior of consumers. However, the ability of social referents to influence patronage may depend on how important the role of shopper is to the individual. Historically, females were expected to assume the role of shopper. But there is evidence that currently the role of shopper has increased in importance for males while decreasing for females who do not occupy the role of housewives. This study used a behavioral intentions modeling approach to investigate the strength and significance of social referent influence on three shopper segments with differing types of role expectations. The shopping orientations and retail feature preferences of the three segments were also measured. The findings suggest there are important differences among the three groups. His primary research interests are in the areas of sales, sales management, and marketing management. His work has appeared in a variety of publications such as theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and a number of conference proceedings. In addition to his research interests, he has worked in a consulting capacity addressing sales and sales management issues in the insurance and banking industries. in the consumer science and retailing department. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from Arizona State University. His primary research interests are in the areas of retail management and marketing strategy. He has coauthored articles in theJournal of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior andJournal of Customer Service in Marketing and Management and has presented a number of papers at various conferences. James D. Gill is vice president of Intersearch Corporation, where he is responsible for the design, implementation, and management of customer satisfaction measurement programs. Prior to joining Intersearch, he was vice president of client services for Walker: Customer Satisfaction Measurements for 5 years. He was also a marketing professor at Arizona State University for 7 years. He has published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Public Opinion Quarterly, andCurrent Issues and Research in Advertising, among others. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, where he received a Ph.D. in business, an M.A. in marketing, and a B.S. in business administration.  相似文献   

This article describes a three year longitudinal study of the impact of the opening of a specialty retail center on shopping, dining-out, and entertainment behavior of a random sample of residents of a major metropolitan area. The results show a dramatic increase in the percentage of residents who visited the specialty center for dining-out and entertainment with a residual effect of increased visits to surrounding cultural and entertainment facilities. Federal Trade Commission  相似文献   

哲学的功用在于认识自我并寻求生活的智慧,这种生活的智慧可以概括为:通达生死,放下自我,活在当下。以此为指导,会让我们过一种有价值的生活,从而一步步去追求并实现更高的人生境界。  相似文献   

本选取了我国1994年至2000年的统计数据,通过统计学的方法来分析货币政策在分流我国居民的巨额储蓄时是否有效,并进一步分析了对货币政策效果产生干扰的制度因素。  相似文献   

Given that the impact of retail shelf facings and price on a product’s market share is of substantial interest to marketing managers in the retail supply chain, we examine whether these relationships may be interdependent with the firm’s supply chain activities. We offer predictions regarding the interdependence of the marketing and supply chain variables using monthly in-store observations from 62 different retail stores from five different chains, taken over a 24-month period. The in-store observations included price and number of facings, which is combined with data obtained from the manufacturer on case pack quantity and market share data from the ACNielsen HomeScan consumer scanner panel. Results indicate that shelf facings impact the effects of price and case pack quantity on market share. In addition, we explore the strength of relationships across retailers employing everyday low price versus HiLo pricing strategies. Generally, our findings suggest that retailers and suppliers must work to integrate marketing activities and supply chain processes both within and across firms to most effectively serve the consumer at the retail shelf and increase market share.  相似文献   

长期以来,新疆对外出口的商品中,大量出口商品都来自于内地.我们利用投入产出模型计算新疆各行业产品出口对GDP形成及增长的贡献时发现,新疆本地产品出口对新疆经济的增长也起到了重要作用.因此,继续发挥本地产品出口和内地产品出口两个积极性并突出本地商品出口是新疆外贸必须坚持的方向.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,农产品市场化的进程在逐渐加快,政府对农业的直接干预与改革前相比明显降低,但在所有影响农业发展、农民收入提高的诸因素中,作为政府行为主要体现的各类相关政策仍然居于核心位置.因此,要解决我国农民增收难题,应首先从政府行为的选择和演变中寻求有效对策.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between distance and the number of retail stores in SMSA's and states by using land area as a proxy for distance between stores and consumers. Correlation analysis showed no statistically significant relationship between land area and the number of stores. This lack of relationship is attributed to the inadequacy of the land area variable as a proxy for distance. Consequently, actual measures of distance are needed to appraise the relationship between distance and numbers of retail stores.  相似文献   

旅游交通是旅游业发展的充要条件,交通条件的优劣在很大程度上决定了旅游经济发展的快慢。笔通过分析重庆市旅游交通条件的现状,认为必须依托城市交通网进行旅游线路布局,并提出了改善重庆旅游交通条件的对策措施。  相似文献   

The present study adds to the CMO literature the perspective of firms’ imitative behavior on why firms have CMOs in their TMT. We propose that a firm’s decision to have a CMO on its TMT is driven not only by contingency-reated considerations but also by social ones, as the decision is significantly influenced by industry peers. Empirical findings based on 505 large US firms from 2000 to 2012 indicate that firms’ imitative behavior is a significant driver of CMO presence, especially when firm uncertainty is strong and inference uncertainty is low. Post hoc analyses indicate that this imitation behavior tends to be performance neutral at best.  相似文献   

Innovation serves as a foundation for sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, it is no surprise that firms seek to build an innovation base—a reservoir of inventions, ideas, and discoveries that serve as a platform for their innovation efforts. One approach for building an innovation base is acquisitions, though extant research reveals an equivocal verdict on whether acquisitions influence post-acquisition inventions. In this research, the authors focus on type of acquisition, acquisition behavior over time, and invention characteristics to investigate how acquisition behavior influences post-acquisition inventions. Analysis of 352 firms across five industries and 17 years reveals that firms who make acquisitions produce a stronger innovation base than those who make no acquisitions. Moreover, comparing effects across vertical and horizontal acquisitions, results indicate that the acquiring firm’s knowledge breadth plays an important role in determining which type of acquisition behavior generates the strongest influence on a firm’s innovation base.  相似文献   

基于2011-2018年的数据,探讨长三角城市经济协调会发布的政策对长三角旅游业收敛的影响机制.β收敛结果显示,长三角旅游业趋于均衡发展,且呈现出"自我强化效应",江苏省旅游业发展差距的缩小是长三角旅游业收敛的主要动因.非线性时变因子logt检验揭示了长三角旅游业俱乐部收敛的特征,沪苏浙旅游强市位于较高层级的收敛俱乐部,而安徽省大部分城市位于收敛俱乐部底层.空间计量检验结果说明,长三角旅游业具有显著的正向空间关联,一体化政策对长三角旅游业差距的缩小产生了持续的推动作用.基于中介效应的影响机制检验表明,一体化政策能够通过提升政府行政效率、优化公共资源再配置、提高市场潜力等途径促进长三角旅游业收敛,且政策效果伴随城市规模的扩大而增强.而现阶段安徽省旅游业发展落入了"政策陷阱",旅游业发展的省际差距阻碍了长三角旅游业收敛进程.  相似文献   

劳动力流动对经济增长的贡献:基于北京市的测算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对北京市流动人口规模庞大的现实,建立基于新经济增长理论指导下的具有C-D函数形式的北京市有效劳动模型,并强调基于人力资本水平调整的有效劳动要素对经济增长的影响,测算结论是2001~2007年外来劳动力资源对北京市经济增长的贡献率在11%以上,期间年均贡献率达11.3%.论文中使用的有效劳动投入量数据采用"从业人员数量×平均受教育年限"公式估计具有一定理论意义,测算结果对辅助北京市流动人口管理政策的优化调整具有指导意义.  相似文献   

社区矫正制度是西方国家一种新型的刑罚执行措施,它体现了刑罚执行制度由严趋宽的国际趋势.在促进罪犯重返社会、避免罪犯交叉感染和合理配置行刑资源等方面有着重要意义.我国自2003年开展社区矫正试点后,2005年1月河北省作为第二批试点省份,开展了社区矫正试点工作.以石家庄市为例,通过对社区矫正工作开展现状进行调查和研究,发现还存在以下几方面的问题:社区矫正工作法律制度和经费保障制度的缺失、执法主体不明确、各部门工作衔接不畅等.针对所存的问题,提出了以下几点建议:完善制度体系,提供法律保障;改革机构建制,明确执法主体;健全矫正工作队伍,提高矫正工作人员综合素质;加大社区矫正宣传力度,提高社区群众认同度.  相似文献   

以典型的民族地区居民为例,通过对假设关系的验证性分析,研究居民地方感、社区参与对旅游影响感知各个维度、态度及资源保护行为的影响及其机理,并就研究结果做出形影行为分析,可在保护民族传统文化和社会风情的基础上,为促进居民持有积极的旅游发展态度并支持当地旅游事业的可持续发展提供科学基础。  相似文献   

采用2010年、2016年中国家庭追踪调查数据,从定距和定类两个维度研究生育对已婚女性社会流动的影响。结果发现,幼年子女数量的增加对在业已婚女性职业国际社会经济地位指数(ISEI)得分、职业埃里克森-戈德索普-波特卡雷罗(Erikson-Goldthorpe-Portocarero,EGP)分类、职业流动存在显著的负向影响,幼年子女数量的增加导致在业已婚女性职业地位显著下降。分样本回归结果显示,幼年子女数量增加对祖辈未照料孙子女、幼教机构未照料子女、未参加职业培训、未使用互联网在业已婚女性群体的职业ISEI得分、职业EGP分类、职业流动存在显著的负向影响,幼年子女数量增加对幼教机构照料子女、参加职业培训、使用互联网的在业已婚女性群体职业ISEI得分、职业EGP分类、职业流动的影响不显著。  相似文献   

职业代际流动研究路径与最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业代际流动研究作为社会分层与流动研究的一个重要分支领域,近年来随着社会流动理论与研究方法的不断发展,许多新的数理统计方法被引入到研究当中。从社会流动的三种研究路径出发,对各理论学派进行了分类与比较,对职业代际流动实证研究的历史发展脉络进行了梳理,总结了中国职业代际流动研究的最新成果。进一步的研究要在借鉴西方研究成果的基础上,充分考虑中国独特的社会性因素,积极探索职业代际流动的作用机制,增加理论解释力以及模型的适用性。  相似文献   

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