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公共品是属于具有正外部性的商品 ,不分担或少分担其生产成本、多从其消费中得益的搭便车者的个体理性最终导致人人都无“车”可搭的集体非理性是长期困扰经济学家的一个难题。从纯理论的角度研究 ,公共品政府供给与市场供给的帕累托效率解都是存在的 ,但又都因难以满足各自的效率条件而存在所谓的政府失灵与市场失灵问题。在居民消费的“一揽子”公共品中 ,按受益范围大小与排他成本高低 ,建立“公”“私”混合供给制度是解决公共品供给效率的现实、理性选择。  相似文献   

区域合作是长三角区域经济一体化的基础和普遍形式,区域合作的逻辑起点在于有别于“经济人”理性的“合作理性”.在市场层面,长三角区域合作动力源主要来自市场利益主体的理性选择,合作博弈所达成的“共同利益最大化”成为区域合作的基点;在政府层面,区域合作的动力来自地方政府的理性选择,地方政府推动区域合作的动机,既有来自自身利益(包括地方利益)的追求,也有来自其承担的政治和社会责任,政府的推动和干预会导致区域合作的双重后果.通过区域善治式政府合作推动区域经济合作,是长三角区域合作的理想状态,建立平等对话、多元参与和矛盾仲裁等机制对完善区域政府合作至关重要.能否将市场动力和政府推力有机整合,形成目标一致的驱动合力成为长三角区域合作成败的关键.  相似文献   

政府介入与融资市场效率提高的博弈分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
融资企业在融资的过程中,易于借助其信息优势发生逆向选择和道德风险,损害投资者的利益,致使投资者发生维护自身利益的行为,形成个体理性与集体理性矛盾的纳什均衡,导致融资市场的低效率。政府借助法律机制和监管机制介入融资市场,建立可置信威胁,能够规范融资企业的行为、消除非对称信息、维护投资者利益、改变纳什均衡,提高融资市场效率,但要防止政府介入过度。对上述结论,笔者进行了实证分析,并证明了其正确性。  相似文献   

对经济学基本假设的反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王鹏举 《经济与管理》2003,(7):61-61,63
以往经济学依靠的是“理性经济人”假设,认为人生来就是追求个人利益最大化,而且总是理性思考。但现实中既没有单纯追求经济利益的“经济人”,也不存在纯理性思维的“理性人”。由于基本假设的偏颇,导致当代经济学的发展与现实距离越来越远。因而,我们不得不回过头来对经济学的发展历程重新反思,并对其基本假设和研究思路重新定位。  相似文献   

“经济人”具有经济理性,“道德人”具有道德理性。“道德经济人”实质是“经济人”与“道德人”的统一和融合,因此,“道德经济人”的行为选择状态是经济理性和道德理性并存的双重理性。因此,在讨论“道德经济人”的行为选择状态时,认为人的正常行为是从一定的理性出发,反映了人对于个人与他人、与社会、与自然的相互关系的思考,解决了人的行为的形式与内容,“道德经济人”个体的外部性经济行为带来的经济利益的增加,其结果具有互利性。  相似文献   

除了传统意义的二元结构,在垄断行业与市场竞争行业、计划经济改制的国有企业与完全市场竞争企业及由教育资源分享不公引起的劳动力异质问题上,均有以隐性形式存在的二元结构问题.二元性外延的拓展根源于经济活动中公有资源占有的不公平,并且一经占有,个体理性的本位效率偏好与集体行动的公平目标必然出现一定的背离.二元性的存在不仅影响和谐社会的构建,而且使效率原则出现一定程度的扭曲.  相似文献   

近年来,国内医药市场逐步扩大,但居高不下的医药营销人才流失率给企业造成了巨大压力。如何留住人才,激励他们更好地为企业服务成为医药企业关注的重要内容。理性选择理论以“理性人”假设为基础,以效益最大化为根本要求,强调社会中的个体作为“经济人”,在追求利益最大化的同时又受到客观社会关系的制约,以此理性说明行动者有目的的个人行为。以贵阳市为例,探究理性选择理论视域下导致医药营销人才流失的社会原因,从而针对性地提出解决医药企业中医药代表严重流失问题的对策。  相似文献   

刘友平 《经济师》2005,(5):271-272
文章分别从经济学、心理学和哲学层面分析了行为主体的理性和非理性,指出非理性行为是人类正常的行为,但个体的理性可能导致集体的非理性,非理性行为有积极的一面,同时也有局限性和破坏性。杭州房地产市场是理性与非理性交织的市场,其中集体的非理性行为非常突出,政策制定时应密切注意。  相似文献   

“经济人”具有经济理性,“道德人”具有道德理性。“道德经济人”实质是“经济人”与“道德人”的统一和融合,因此,“道德经济人”的行为选择状态是经济理性和道德理性并存的双重理性。现实中,“道德经济人”能够很好地实现个人利益与社会利益的统一,在经济理性和道德理性共同支配下的“道德经济人”占主导的社会必将是一个和谐、有序的社会。  相似文献   

一、监管的本质与监管国家的兴起经济学自产生以来就一直关注这样一个主题:政府应不应该干预经济?更深层的意义在于:自由市场的功能是完美无缺的吗,通过经济人的理性活动就能实现资源的优化配置和利用、就能实现国民财富的不断积累与社会进步吗?经过几百年的论争,更多的人倾向于认为:整体而言,市场经济是富于效率的,但在某些方面,市场也会出现“失灵”的情况。在这种情况下需要通过政府  相似文献   

郭蓉  王平 《经济学家》2007,(3):22-28
作为价值观念、行为标准的经济理性,是在突破了作为方法论的经济理性的心理学假设层面的基础上,将应用范围不断扩大,而成为一种实践理性.本文分析了实践理性语境下的经济理性的确立历程,即经济理性是随资本主义的诞生而确立的,是在自然经济、商品经济走向现代市场经济的发展过程中而确立的,是资本主义科学理性在经济领域的展开与呈现.实践语境下的经济理性具有计算主义和统计化倾向、个人物质利益至上主义、工具化倾向三大主要特征.经济理性的内在特征将不可避免地使社会陷入现代性的困境,为突破经济理性的思维界限,摆脱经济理性的困境,经济和谐为当下社会的发展提供了一种很好的发展理路.  相似文献   

Information is a scarce resource. It is inherently available only in a limited form to decision-makers. Limited or imperfect information is caused by uncertainty — both ontologic and epistemic, limitations in cognitive capabilities or bounded rationality, hidden information, and information asymmetries. This has fundamental implications for the manner in which the self-interested behavior of agents will manifest itself. The article argues that in the context of imperfect information, self-interest can function in a manner quite different from what standard approaches assume. This has been demonstrated by the recent financial crisis. However, there has been limited consideration in mainstream models, both of the neoclassical and institutional type, as to what the exact nature of self-interestedness is, and how this affects the market behavior of agents. The nature of self-interest, therefore, needs to be modeled explicitly to improve the explanatory power of economic theories.  相似文献   

Hayek’s Constitution of Liberty is justly regarded as making a comprehensive case for the protection of individual liberty against excessive government intrusion. But even as its ends are correct, its analysis of key conceptions of equality, coercion and monopoly is incomplete because of Hayek’s refusal to adopt a consistent theoretical framework that accounts for the difference between formal and substantive forms of regulation, on the one hand, and why the refusal to deal is critical in competitive markets but subject to regulation in monopolistic ones. His deep skepticism about central planning rests upon an overbroad account of collective ignorance that unwisely understates the dangers of self-interest in collective deliberations. That weakness then leads him to exhibit an excessive skepticism toward written constitutions on both matters of structure and individual rights, which in turn leads him toward undue deference to economic regulation of the economy.  相似文献   

在已有的经济学文献中,国家产业政策是作为市场竞争的替代手段被广泛讨论的。本文进一步引入国家特征与社会结构两个概念,分析了转型国家产业政策效率的决定机制。一个在意识形态、地缘政治影响上有着鲜明特征的转型国家,在确立产业发展模式、甚至是国家发展道路时,通过政府投资和政府主导来实现追赶目标具有现实合理性;但同时亦有可能使国家被迫承受产业政策带来的诸如抑制市场竞争、政府被利益集团俘获等负效应,本文将之概括为转型过程中的国家产业政策悖论。本文的分析表明,在拥有一个强大的、致力于国家现代化的(相对集权)政府的前提下,产业政策效率最大化与维持社会结构不变两个目标不可能同时实现。只有通过坚定不移的推进社会主义市场经济体制的建设,才能保证中国政府的产业政策实践具有帕累托改进的性质。  相似文献   

在系统考察广东省徐闻县农业基础建设制度变迁的实践基础上,文章揭示了其制度变迁的逻辑核心在于追逐灌溉之利,其内在动力在于农民自发逐利、社区精英协同与地方政府助民成利三股力量的契合;进而,文章指出农民经济自由权利和生产赢利空间的扩大是农业基础建设长效机制形成的根本,有助于形成稳定收益预期的制度安排,将激励农民对农业基础设施建设投资的积极性和利用效率,而乡村集体行动制度供给力量则决定着制度变迁的时滞和经济效率。这也正是"徐闻实践"蕴涵的独特理论价值和现实借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Economists approaching the study of science typically assume the applicability of a market analogy, but then base their analysis on the presumption that science constitutes an area of pervasive market failure. Given the interactions that are actually observed to occur between scientists, we suspect that the failure is in the analogy, not in the putative market. In considering how one might better apply the economic way of thinking to the understanding of science as an activity, we suggest that it is necessary to specify exactly how scientific interaction differs from market interaction, and to be clear about how the behavior of interacting scientists might be modeled in terms of the general pursuit of self-interest in a noncatallactic context. Our model of science portrays an institutionalized mode of interaction between scientists involving the publication, use, and citation of scientific papers, and it is in the exploration of the individual incentives thrown up by this arrangement that the interesting empirical implications arise. We give a short exposition of the possible lines of investigation that could be followed based on this approach.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the capabilities of three different governance regimes for adequately handling uncertain and unknown effects of genetically modified (GM) crops. Adequate handling requires the development of sound procedures for identification of uncertainty and ignorance (U&I), reduction of U&I, decisions on how to treat irreducible U&I and monitoring of unexpected effects. The nature of U&I implies, however, that these procedures will be highly incomplete. Governance mechanisms that facilitate cooperative adaptation and communicative rationality are therefore needed. The three governance regimes (GRs) compared are: GM-crops are produced by private firms and these firms are made liable for harm (GR1); GM-crops are produced by private firms and the government decides whether the crops should be marketed (GR2); and GM-crops are produced and the government decides whether the crops should be marketed (GR3). The effect of bringing the civil society into the decision-making process is also analyzed. GR3 will be stronger in cooperative adaptation and communicative rationality than GR2. Public research organizations have fewer conflicts of interest with the government than private firms, and academic norms are important. Difficulties in proving harm and identifying the responsible firm will make GR1 weak in cooperative adaptation and communicative rationality.  相似文献   

在主流经济学的视野中,追求效用最大化是社会个体理性行为的基本准则。文章认为主流经济学理性假设的根本问题在于没有揭示特定人类社会的独特复杂特征。主流经济学家忽略了在现实生活中存在于西方文明之外的实然——中庸理性。文章尝试在以中庸理性为假设的理性经济人模型基础上,探讨中国传统伦理下中庸理性经济人的演化及其存在的可能空间。  相似文献   

关于信任的博弈分析——基于个体的自利理性和社会理性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信任的根本在于不完全信息和有限理性,信任是个体弥补自己理性不足的一种策略.所以,信任分析无法在个体的自利理性下完成,需要扩展个体理性的范畴.将个体理性扩展为自利理性和社会理性,利用理性的这种二元特性,重新解释了两个具有代表性的博弈模型--蜈蚣博弈和信任博弈.这不但对信任问题提出了一种新的分析框架,而且还解决了博弈分析的困境.这说明,对个体理性的扩展是合适的,个体的社会理性是经济学不可忽视的一部分.  相似文献   

The price of the market: pursuit of self-interest as annihilation of self   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The paper criticizes the view that the market provides for the well-being of individuals by offering the widest field for the pursuit of self-interest. It argues, first, that this view is disastrously mistaken because it misunderstands what individuals are, but, second, that proponents of this view??notably Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations and the neoclassical economists??actually show the opposite of what they claim: that is, they show that pursuit of self-interest in the market is the annihilation of self. Thus, the proponents of the view show that it is untenable and at least point toward the terms necessary for a more adequate alternative. The paper then asks whether the market must be like this, first, through considering a line of thought on the possibility of a non-predatory market that runs from Aristotle, through the Italian Civil Happiness school, to modern socialist writers. Second, it offers an alternative view of the individual, according to which individuality is in part constituted through substantial relations with other individuals, a version of which can be found in Smith??s Theory of Moral Sentiments and Lectures on Jurisprudence. On the basis of these two discussions, a market order that sustains rather than destroys individuals can be imagined. However, this order would have lost many central characteristics of the capitalist market order.  相似文献   

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