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This article analyzes whether the Latin American Integrated Market (MILA) has been beneficial for its participants. Using a dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model proposed by Engle (2002), we found evidence that creating MILA increased the correlation levels in stock returns of member countries. Evidence indicates that this increase occurs mainly due to the increase in traded volume in the country with the least developed stock market—Peru.

In short, findings suggest that in an integration process such as MILA, as stock market members differ, in terms of stock market development, the markets will benefit from the integration. However, in the long term these benefits dissipate over time.  相似文献   

We examine the capital structure policies of Korean firms using survey data for business group (chaebol) firms and independent firms. Our results are compared with findings in earlier studies for developed economies: Graham and Harvey (2001) for the United States and Brounen et al. (2004, 2006) for Europe. Korean chief financial officers are concerned about financial flexibility and volatility of earnings when issuing debt; they are concerned about target debt ratio maintenance and recent stock price increases when issuing equity. In contrast to independent firms, chaebol firms are more concerned about differences in corporate tax rates between foreign and domestic markets and the risk of refinancing in bad times. Chaebol firms are less likely to issue debt when faced with insufficient internal funds, which indicates that active internal capital markets are at work among the firms in a business group. Our results suggest that, compared to U. S. and European firms, Korean firms are under more pressure from their peers in formulating capital structure policies, consider equity a cheap source of financing, are less concerned with the dilution of earnings per share, and less frequently provide shares to employees as compensation.  相似文献   

This article analyses the determinants of European venture capital activity. The main novelty of our work is in accounting for the idiosyncrasies of the European venture capital market. In particular, we investigate whether the size of the merger and acquisition market (M&A) is important in explaining venture capital. Moreover, our work is the first that analyses the impact of the degree of information asymmetry at the macro level, the direct impact of the level of entrepreneurial activity and the impact of the unemployment rate on venture capital activity. We use aggregate data from 23 European countries for the period 1998–2003 to estimate panel data models with fixed and random effects. Our results reveal that the size of the M&A market and the market-to-book ratio have a positive impact on venture capital activity whereas the unemployment rate influences the venture capital market negatively. These results highlight the importance of the exit environment and of the degree of asymmetric information for the venture capital market.  相似文献   

Based on a new daily data set for 20 emerging markets over the period 1992–2006, we examine the reactions of foreign exchange markets, domestic stock markets, and sovereign bond spreads to central bank governor changes. We find that the replacement of a central bank governor negatively affects financial markets on the announcement day, which is in line with the hypothesis that newly appointed central bank governors suffer from a systematic credibility problem at the beginning of their tenure. We also find some evidence that changes in perceived central bank independence affect markets.  相似文献   

Using sorting procedures and cross-sectional tests, we investigate the long-run post-IPO performance and its sources in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) markets. We examine over 1100 stocks from 11 CEE countries for the period 2002–2014. We find that “old stocks” perform significantly better than “young stocks”, but only when the market beta is the sole risk factor considered. After accounting for the size and value effects, the IPO firms perform neither better nor worse than non-issuing companies. The sources of the initial low B/M ratios of debuting companies may lie in time-varying financial quality. The market newcomers are financially healthier than their older counterparts. However, over 2–5 years the fundamentals deteriorate and the financial standing regresses to the mean.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of revenue diversification on bank performance and risk. Using a panel dataset of 226 listed banks across 11 emerging economies and a new methodological approach, System Generalized Method of Moments estimators (System GMM), the results in this paper provide empirical evidence of the impact of the observed shift towards non-interest income generating activities on insolvency risk and bank performance. The core finding is that diversification across and within both interest and non-interest income generating activities decrease insolvency risk and enhance profitability. The results also show that these benefits are largest for banks with moderate risk exposures. By extension, these results have significant strategic implications for bank managers, regulators and supervisors who share a common interest in boosting bank performance and stability.  相似文献   

We propose a quantile‐based measure of conditional skewness, particularly suitable for handling recalcitrant emerging market (EM) returns. The skewness of international stock market returns varies significantly across countries over time, and persists at long horizons. In EMs, skewness is mostly positive and idiosyncratic, and significantly relates to a country's financial and trade openness and balance of payments. In an international portfolio setting, return asymmetry leads to sizeable certainty‐equivalent gains and increases the weight on emerging countries to about 30%. Investing in EMs seems to be about expectations of a higher upside than downside, consistent with recent theories.  相似文献   

Globalization of the financial markets may have undermined co-movement between stock and housing markets, at least in small open economies. This paper provides an empirical study on the long-term dynamic interrelation between stock and housing markets in a small open economy with special attention to the effect of foreign investors on the dynamics. The empirical findings, based on a quarterly dataset from Finland over 1970-2006, do not support the hypothesis of diminished co-movement between Finnish stock and housing markets after the abolishment of the foreign ownership restrictions of stocks in 1993. The markets still appear to be tightly interdependent in the long run. Nevertheless, the results suggest that the substantial growth in the foreign ownership of Finnish stocks induced a large and long-lasting deviation from the cointegrating long-run relation between stock and housing prices. The results also imply that diversification between stock and housing markets works the worse the longer the investment horizon is.  相似文献   

We study the extent to which credit index (CDX) options are priced consistent with S&P 500 (SPX) equity index options. We derive analytical expressions for CDX and SPX options within a structural credit-risk model with stochastic volatility and jumps using new results for pricing compound options via multivariate affine transform analysis. The model captures many aspects of the joint dynamics of CDX and SPX options. However, it cannot reconcile the relative levels of option prices, suggesting that credit and equity markets are not fully integrated. A strategy of selling CDX volatility yields significantly higher excess returns than selling SPX volatility.  相似文献   

This study investigates the inflation hedging ability of Commercial Real Estate (CRE) in South Africa. The Vector Error Correction (VEC) model for cointegrated time series was used to investigate the long run relationship between property returns and inflation and to determine whether inflation drives property returns, and if so, to what degree it drives returns. This study finds that in the short run, CRE investments are generally a pervasive hedge against inflation. In the long run, retail and industrial property hedge against inflation, with retail property being the better inflation hedge of the two property types.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the relationship between output and inflation for India, South Africa and Brazil, using the EGARCH model. For India and South Africa, we find evidence of: (1) the Cukierman and Meltzer hypothesis that inflation volatility raises inflation; (2) the Friedman hypothesis that inflation raises inflation volatility; and (3) the Black hypothesis that output volatility raises output growth, and that output volatility reduces inflation. For Brazil, we do not find any evidence of a systematic relationship between inflation and output growth.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the value relevance of board gender and ethnic diversity have produced mixed results. This paper re‐examines this relationship using hand‐collected data of 245 South African listed firms over the period 2008–2013. We document a positive and significant effect of both board gender and ethnic diversity on firm value. We also find that the increase in firm value is greater when boards have three or more women directors. In contrast, ethnic minority directors contribute less to firm value when there are three or more on the board. Furthermore, we document that ethnicity has a concave relationship with firm value, but gender does not. We demonstrate that in better‐governed firms, ethnic diversity is more value relevant than gender diversity. Our results also suggest that financial crisis is associated with the propensity to restructure boards along gender and ethnicity. This paper sheds new light on the effect of board diversity in South African firms as the government increasingly pursues policies aimed at eradicating the effects of apartheid. Our results are robust after controlling for self‐selection and various forms of endogeneity.  相似文献   


Law 4308/2014 is the main regulation that transposed Accounting Directive 2013/34 of the EU into national law in Greece. This short paper summarises the underlying background and the process followed up to the issuance of this Law. It also outlines the key accounting principles introduced with this Law and how they compare with IFRS. This brief analysis indicates that, to a large extent, Greek accounting standards have now been aligned with IFRS. Given the preceding substantial differences between Greek accounting Laws and IFRS, this Law introduced significant changes to the accounting environment for non-listed companies in Greece, aiming at improving accounting quality and enhancing accounting comparability between listed and non-listed companies.  相似文献   

We study how entrepreneurs evaluate the ability of different US venture capitalists (VCs) to add value to start-up companies. Analyzing a large data set of entrepreneurs’ stated preferences regarding VCs, we demonstrate that entrepreneurs view independent partnership VCs more favorably than other VC types (e.g., corporate, financial, and government sponsored VCs). Although entrepreneurs are able to correctly identify VCs with better track records, they do not believe them to be more desirable investors. We also find that an entrepreneur's rankings are affected by their overall exposure to VCs, emphasizing the role of experiential learning in the venture capital market.  相似文献   

Using the quarterly data of non-financial companies listed on China's A-share market from 2007 to 2019, this paper examines the relationship between the idiosyncratic risk formed based on the secondary market exchanges and the corporate financialization from the perspective of a market feedback effect. The empirical results show that idiosyncratic risk has a significant impact on the allocation of financial assets of non-financial enterprises, which is one of the motivating factors for the financialization of non-financial enterprises. Compared with SOEs, large enterprises and non-manufacturing enterprises; private enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, and manufacturing enterprises will allocate more financial assets when idiosyncratic risk increases. Mechanism analysis shows that managers risk aversion and financing constraints increase the impact of idiosyncratic risk on financial asset allocation while strengthening the external monitoring mechanism of institutional investors has the opposite effect. The research findings of this paper help to understand whether secondary financial markets affect the financial investment decisions of real firms in transition economies, and also have implications for how to govern the “transition from real to virtual” of real enterprises in China.  相似文献   

Formalizing land rights has been promoted as a way to encourageagricultural investment and stimulate land markets, yet littleis known about the benefits of such policies in Sub-SaharanAfrica, where the preconditions for success are less favorable.The analysis uses a large sample of plots from an intensivelytitled rice-growing area of Madagascar and compares land-specificinvestments, land productivity, and land values for titled anduntitled plots cultivated by the same household. Having a titlehas no significant effect on plot-specific investment and correspondinglylittle effect on land productivity and land values. These resultsare broadly consistent with a simulation of a theoretical modelof investment under expropriation risk calibrated to the samedata. A cost–benefit analysis suggests that the currentsystem of formal titling should not be extended in rural Madagascarand that any new system of land registration would have to bequite inexpensive to be worthwhile.  相似文献   


Austria and Germany share similar accounting traditions. International harmonization in both countries has mainly focused on group accounting. In contrast, single financial statements give rise to legal and tax consequences and, thus, are still tied to the traditional principles of orderly accounting. Recent regulatory changes confirmed this dual role of accounting in both countries, while moving local accounting rules closer to IFRS, although to different extents. We illustrate how recent regulations in the two countries made reference to IFRS, how IFRS was considered during the law-making process and outline major differences that remain between domestic and international accounting standards.  相似文献   

This study integrates general measurements of the information electronics industry based on the concepts of the balanced scorecard, intellectual capital, and intangible assets. The reasons for the difference between the corporate market value and book value are also analyzed, and the impacts of both financial and nonfinancial perspectives on the corporate value are explored. The component items of net income are found to be more effective in explaining the value of a company than merely looking at the bottom line. It is concluded that RI and EVA have significant and similar explanatory power in terms of evaluating the performance of the information electronics industry. Moreover, a review of the nonfinancial performance of information electronics companies on the basis of segmented samples reveals significant results in terms of explaining the value of the upstream, midstream, and downstream companies.  相似文献   

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