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平芜尽处是春山,行人更在春山外。——宋·欧阳修[踏莎行]《六一词》一、关于另一种历史在又一次长征展中,周铁海展出了作品《军号》。从这件作品中,我们可以感受到上世纪60年代出生的人们那种与生俱来的理想  相似文献   

新历史小组在二十世纪末九十年代在中国出现,你愿意谈谈对我的看法吗?很高兴你的出现,新历史这个词本身对我就充满了魅力.不论从文化上还是从视觉艺术本身来说,新历史小组是对当代主流文化艺术的一个态度,工作或设计。特别是对中国问题,新历史小组的工作更为确切,从我来理解的话,它是对二十世纪末,也许是人类整个世纪末的纷乱破碎,垃圾尘埃现象的集中整合治理。用我的话说"收拾残局""归类存档""个个就位",从中找出新生的机制或新文化艺术的机制。我想,新历史小组产生于中国,这点不能不归为中国传统文化的作用。  相似文献   

埃比尼泽·霍华德是19世纪末英国社会活动家,其提出的田园城市理论对近现代世界各国城市规划产生重大影响,被规划界称为现代城市规划的开端。一、田园城市的基本概念和定位18世纪以来,城市化继工业化之后席卷全球,城市化带来了巨大的物质文明,使人们的生活空前富足,同时,城市化也带来了严重的交通拥堵、工业污染、气候变化、能源短缺和环境恶化等城市病。1898年英国城市规划师霍华德针对英国快速城市化所出现的交通拥堵、环境恶化以及农民大量涌入大城市的城市病提出了以宽阔的农田林地环抱美丽的人居环境,把城市生活的一切优点同乡村的美丽和一切福利结合在一起的生态城市模式。  相似文献   

中国道路的发展奇迹引起了国内外专家学者热议,有赞誉,有指责;有肯定,也有否定,呈现出多种思考与议论。针对这些热议,需要坚持历史与逻辑相统一的辩证唯物主义立场来认识中国道路演化的系统性和必然性,进而领会中国道路的时代价值。中国道路创新和丰富了世界现代化发展模式。将中国道路的历史起点和逻辑起点放在宏观时空环境中来观察分析,以期深刻揭示选择走中国道路的必然性;同时秉持历史唯物主义基本立场和观点,坚决批判历史虚无主义,树立道路自信。  相似文献   

<正>在各个复杂社会的历史中,人类对超验的渴求:超越苦难,不平等的境况并在人类世界中实现一种未知境况的渴求一直存在。众所周知,这种境况是一切世界宗教的基础。今天,世界需要被拯救,也许比以往更不那么隐喻性地,同时又更物理  相似文献   

从正式制度、非正式制度以及实施机制三方面总结了硅谷的制度体系,得出对"世界水谷"建设的四点启示:注重高等院校的创新能力、重视竞争的市场机制、构建完善的资金保障体系与营造和谐的文化氛围。在硅谷制度体系对"世界水谷"建设启示的基础上,结合"世界水谷"的自身特点,提出从正式制度、非正式制度以及实施机制三方面构建"世界水谷"制度体系的设想。  相似文献   

作为思想风气的背景正如我们已经在陈独秀激进的文章中读到的那样,在涉及西方的政治、经济、哲学、科学、伦理以及其他学科的引进与学习中,作为赛先生的科学构成了改变中国的两个重要力量——另一个是作为德先生的民主——中的一个,关于科学的思想成为新青年树立自信心的一个重要来源。这个时候,尽管没有出现专业的艺术批评家和理论家,但是,我们可以将20世纪20年代知识界关于东西方文化之间的关系的认识,和以科学为中心展开的争论以及持续的影响看成是20世纪  相似文献   

1992年,中国消费时代的元年。这一年,中国人刚刚走出轰轰烈烈的启蒙时代后的短暂迷茫期,突然发现自己已经来到一个完全陌生的时代:一个以物为中心的时代。正是这一年李邦耀创作了他的成名作《产品托拉斯》,并参加了同年举行的广州双年展。现在看来,这件作品完  相似文献   

2010年,国土资源部提出要对“征转分离”试点进行研究,2011年又将探索征转分离方式列入征地制度改革试点内容之一.2012年,国土资源部再次要求就征转分离的一些重大问题开展调查研究,并强调对征转分离要全面评估.  相似文献   

<正>走,去慢城!记者刚到南京,南京市农委工作人员就拉着大家向郊区迈进。何为慢城?记者带着一脸疑惑,寻思良久不解,只好张口问询。后得知,慢城的全名是高淳桠溪国际慢城,位于南京市高淳区桠溪镇西北部,区域面积50平方公里,人口约2万,6个行政村分布其中,由于景色自然天成,质朴秀美,民间传说、文化古迹与自然风光有机结合,素有人间仙境、天然氧吧之称,2010年被世界慢城联盟正式授予国际慢城称号,成为中国第一个国际慢城。中国首个国际慢城的由来高淳一直重视生态环境保护和发展,并在2005年将生态立县写入了全县发展战略(2011年撤县  相似文献   

作者:[英]以赛亚·柏林著,亨利·哈代编,吕梁等译出版社:凤凰出版传媒集团,译林出版社出版日期:2008年1月以赛亚·柏林是20世纪最杰出的知识分子之一,这里我并不想在"杰出的"后面再加上"自由主义"一词来特别对他的身份加以限定。因为从柏林本人对"积极自由"和"消极自由"的不同定义来看,自  相似文献   

为探究烤箱风扇转速及发热管功率对烤鸡翅的影响,本文以肉鸡中翅为主要原料,通过改变风扇转速和发热管功率,研究不同组合条件对烤鸡翅表皮强度的影响,最后以感官评价的方式对测试结果进行验证.结果表明,相对于原样机的参数条件,改变为60%初始转速、130%初始发热功率与或130%初始转速、70%初始发热功率条件,均对鸡翅的表皮强...  相似文献   

The world’s largest area of tropical peatland ecosystems is found in South-East Asia. These peatlands have globally significant carbon stocks and play an important role in regional and global climate systems. Despite the valuable social and economic services and ecosystem biodiversity these tropical peatlands provide, misguided land use policies have resulted in widespread peatland degradation in the region during the past 20 years. This paper reviews the drivers of peatland degradation in South-East Asia and confirms that logging, conversion to industrial plantations, drainage, and recurrent fires are the principal direct drivers of peatland degradation in South-East Asia, and that these drivers are compounded by a complex mix of indirect socioeconomic, policy- and climate change-related factors. The review concludes by noting that in order to address the problem of peatland degradation, we first need to know more about how to design and assess “successful” peatland restoration initiatives, and what regulatory and policy interventions are likely to improve peatland conservation and restoration outcomes in the South-East Asian region.  相似文献   

This article extends the recent literature on the Prebisch–Singer hypothesis of a long-run decline in the relative prices of primary commodities. Our main innovation is testing for and estimating nonlinear alternatives to a secular deterioration. Specifically, we use bootstrap procedures to test the linear unit root model against models belonging to the family of smooth transition autoregressions (STARs) for twenty-four commodities, 1900–2003. In nineteen cases we reject the linear null at usual significance levels. In sixteen cases we are able to successfully fit STAR-type models. Simulation results show there is little support for the Prebisch–Singer hypothesis.  相似文献   

In the course of my academic research labour bondage after the abolition of slavery has been a recurrent theme in my writings on the colonial past and the postcolonial present. In the context of the globalizing economy, the role of capitalism as a dominant mode of production has been of pivotal importance in the perpetuation of confined labour relations. This argument does not concur with the conventional wisdom that the transition to capitalism was the start of an emancipatory trend for labour. Expressed in the liberation from extra-economic coercion, the trope of a double freedom contends that the working poor although dispossessed from means of production were at least free now to sell their labour power. The gradual reversal taking place is addressed in what became known as the social question, which led to an improvement in the terms of employment and social security. This article is concerned with aspects of sourcing coolies wide and far and confined labour relations in Asia from colonialism until today. It traces the radically different trajectories of labour and welfare in the Global North and South and argues that cooliehood is directly linked to capitalism and its globalization.  相似文献   

This article investigates the degree of persistence in several weekly and monthly agricultural prices (corn, soybeans, barrow and gilts, and milk) using long memory (fractional integration) techniques. The results indicate mean reversion (i.e., orders of integration smaller than one) in some of the agricultural prices like corn, milk, and barrow and gilts when the disturbances are autocorrelated. Further, we examine the stability across time in the degree of dependence, and the results indicate that the fractional differencing parameters have not remained constant across time. When we take into account a structural break we find that during the first subsamples, the series are stationary though highly persistent, with orders of integration close to 0 and with large autoregressive coefficients. However, for the periods after the break, the series seem to be nonstationary I(1). Dans le présent article, nous avons étudié le degré de persistance des prix hebdomadaires et mensuels de plusieurs produits agricoles (maïs, soja, castrats et cochettes, lait) à l’aide de tests de mémoire longue (intégration fractionnaire). Nos résultats indiquent une stationnarité (c.‐à.‐d. des ordres d’intégration inférieurs à un) des prix de certains produits agricoles, tels que le maïs, le lait, les castrats et cochettes, lorsque les perturbations sont autocorrélées. Nous avons également étudié la stabilité du degré de dépendance à travers le temps, et nos résultats indiquent que les paramètres de différenciation fractionnaire ne sont pas demeurés constants. Lorsque nous avons tenu compte d’une rupture structurelle, nous avons trouvé que dans les premiers sous‐échantillons, les séries étaient stationnaires quoique très persistantes, avec des ordres d’intégration près de 0 et d’importants coefficients d’autorégression. Dans le cas des périodes suivant la rupture, les séries semblaient non stationnaires I(1).  相似文献   

本文通过对湖北省荆门市三个乡镇畜牧兽医站 5 0位一线技术推广人员的问卷调查分析 ,充分揭示出一线技术推广人员对于乡镇畜牧兽医站业务发展状况的认知情况 ,从而从一线技术推广人员视角全方位反映了乡镇畜牧兽医站业务发展现状与取向。  相似文献   

基层国土资源管理机关是国土资源管理的前沿阵地,但目前基层国土资源管理层普遍存在“一低二少三差”的问题文化素质低,专业人员少、培训少(主要是基层国土所业务培训少),并由此形成的专业技能差、整体水平差、工作质量差。因此,当前要充分认识到提升基层土地管理人员素质的重要性和紧迫性。就目前而言,人员培训是解决此一问题的重要途径,要将干部培训工作作为一个系统性的工程来抓,根据当地实际,采取灵活多样方法开展培训学习。一是参加成人高考或大学函授学习,每年有计划地选一些年轻有为的干部到大学进修,接受全面的培训,以培养业务骨干…  相似文献   

Recent structural changes in dietary patterns in Asia resulting from economic development are placing increasing pressure on the existing production systems in the region-particularly those systems producing ruminant meat, non-ruminant meat and milk. This has significant policy implications for the countries in the region in terms of self-sufficiency goals in these commodities and the associated inter-and intra-regional trade opportunities in the future. Forecasts of ruminant meat, non-ruminant meat and milk production and consumption for selected Asian countries between the years 2000 and 2010 revealed the following: China, Pakistan and Viet Nam are likely to be self-sufficient with respect to ruminant meat; Malaysia is likely to continue to be a net importer of ruminant meat; India and Malaysia will be more than self-sufficient with respect to non-runvinant meat with the converse being true for Pakistan; and India, Laos and Pakistan will be self-sufficient with respect to milk production with the possibility of Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia becoming self-sufficient if the current trends continue. Structural changes in the early 1980s generally resulted in higher average annual growth rates of production-particularly in non-ruminant meat production. Thus forecasts of ruminant meat production and consumption by 2000 using the medium-term average annual growth rates for production present a more favourable outcome in terms of self-sufficiency for countries such as Bangladesh, the Philippines and Viet Nam but a less favourable outcome for countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos and India. Similar forecasts for non-ruminant meat indicated an improvement in the long-term non-ruminant self-sufficiency estimates for most cases-particularly for Bangladesh, China and Cambodia. Intensification and commercialisation of meat production systems have increased meat self-sufficiency in a number of countries but often at the expense of grain self-sufficiency. Given these trends, the impact of trade liberalisation measures on livestock production in the region and inter-and intra-regional trade of livestock commodities and grain is likely to be significant.  相似文献   

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