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在全球化发展的过程中,推动经济发展的要素如资金、技术、人才大都为发达国家所占有或支配,发展中国家是以所谓的"比较优势"加入全球经济的分工体系的.这种"比较优势"说到底就是发展中国家的廉价资源,包括低廉的劳动力资源和自然资源.利用这些资源开展生产和获取硬通货就只能处在国际分工体系的最底层,而长期生产低附加值的产品虽然能使发展中国家经济有所增长,但由于产业发展空间趋于狭窄,过份依赖海外市场,使发展中国家内部产业严重失衡,对发达国家的依附程度也日渐加深,加上内部政策的失误,一些发展中国家的贫困化现象日渐突出.因此,经济全球化并非"一损俱损,一荣俱荣".  相似文献   

在全球化发展的过程中,推动经济发展的要素如资金、技术、人才大都为发达国家所占有或支配,发展中国家是以所谓的“比较优势”加入全球经济的分工体系的。这种“比较优势”说到底就是发展中国家的廉价资源,包括低廉的劳动力资源和自然资源。利用这些资源开展生产和获取硬通货就只能处在国际分工体系的最底层,而长期生产低附加值的产品虽然能使发展中国家经济有所增长,但由于产业发展空间趋于狭窄,过份依赖海外市场,使发展中国家内部产业严重失衡,对发达国家的依附程度也日渐加深,加上内部政策的失误,一些发展中国家的贫困化现象日…  相似文献   

全球经常项目失衡是影响当前世界经济健康发展的一个不确定性因素,经过多年累积,它已经发展成为威胁全球经济活力的重要隐患.借助于全球范围内56个国家或地区1980-2005年的经济数据,针对影响经常项目失衡的多种因素进行实证检验,结果表明,当前全球经常项目失衡与各国政府的财政收支状况密切相关.政府财政收支对经常项目收支具有显著的正效应;相对劳动生产率对于发达国家经常项目收支影响作用相对突出;金融开放度对经常项目收支具有显著的负效应,但金融深化对经常项目收支的影响作用却没有得到明显的经验证据.因此,在世界经济增速放缓以及全球经济正在进入新的不稳定地带的情况下,只有通过有效的国际经济政策协调,才能促进当前全球经常项目失衡问题的有序解决.  相似文献   

垂直专业化分工是国际分工的深化,是同一产业或行业内同一产品的不同生产阶段之间的国际分工,基于比较优势的垂直专业化分工,其袭现形式是中间产品的产业内贸易.本文分析了垂直专业化分工的髟响,以及我国目前垂直专业化程度,并提出相应对策.  相似文献   

全球价值链的利益分配机制及政策启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国际分工的日益深化,各国分工由原来的产业间分工向现在的产业内和产品内部转移.全球价值链将某产品的生产过程分解成不同环节,并将每个创造价值的环节安排给具有相对优势的一组国家的企业从事创造价值活动.每个环节的国家是基于要素禀赋的差异嵌入其中,由于各环节所处的地位不同,最终所获得的利益是不对等的.发达国家凭借其产业资本和商业资本及技术研发的优势,在全球价值链中掌握着利益分配的话语权,控制着所创价值的大部分,而发展中国家只能通过劳动密集加工组装活动获取极少的利益.  相似文献   

(1)产业结构调整的核心问题已经凸显。战后世界产业结构发展有三个基本特征:一个是垂直分工与水平分工并存。垂直分工就是发达国家生产和出口工业制成品,发展中国家主要生产和出口农产品及矿产品。随着经济国际化进程的加快,世界产业分工由垂直向垂直与水平分工并存的方向发展。水平分工是指发展中国家与发达国家之间、发展中国家之间和发达国家之间,在生产和出口方面,都存在原材料、初级产品和制成品的分工。虽然出现这种对发展中国家有利的分工现象,但总体上看,垂直分工仍占主导地位,因为发达国家通过高科技产业的发展将刚刚出现的水平分工导入更加差别化和层次化的垂直分工体系中。一个是产业结构调整和产业转移并举。为了在国际分工和国际竞争中获利,世界各国特别是发达国家,都在根据国际和国内市场的导向,极为灵活地调整产业结构。发达国家将资金投向高技术产业,而将劳动密集型和资本密集型产业逐步转向发展中国家。一个是与WTO原则相悖的不等价交换依然存在。这在垂直分工和产业转移中不可避免地存在,即“两个国家可以根据利润规律进行交换,两国都获利,但一国总是吃亏”。这就是目前WTO体系为我们展示的产业结构图景。我们可以根据垂直分工理论将世界分为五个分工层次:第...  相似文献   

北方跨国企业如何调整垂直分工生产布局对于借助南北分工优化产业结构的南方发展中国家来说至关重要.笔者从产品生命周期视角修改Antras企业边界模型,分析南北国家知识产权保护差异对跨国企业南北生产布局的影响.研究发现:产品更新周期短的北方跨国企业受南方知识产权环境影响小,有利于其借助垂直专业化分工发掘南方成本优势;产品更新周期长的企业鉴于其技术遭模仿风险性高,更倾向于在北方垂直一体化生产.基于以上分析,南方国家应视产品生命周期异质性特征实施差别化的知识产权保护策略,以利于技术引进和产业升级.  相似文献   

在深度嵌入全球价值链过程中,需要重新思考国际分工格局,对全球价值链的技术进步效果进行重新审视。研究发现,初步嵌入全球价值链的发展中国家努力与跨国公司的要求相匹配,在此条件下实现的技术进步只是一种"幻像"。一旦代工企业有可能更进一步攀升到价值链高端时,就会触及发达国家跨国公司的利益,形成"技术进步悖论"。在非对称的贸易模式下,全球价值链实质上仍然是一个有中心和外围、主导和依附关系的国际劳动分工体系,技术创新的"锁定效应"和分工固化风险更加突出。运用投入产出分析法,利用2007—2016年我国23个工业行业面板数据进行实证分析后发现,多个行业的全球价值链嵌入程度与技术进步呈倒U型关系。因此,需要彻底转变经济增长模式,构建国家创新链。  相似文献   

吴璟昊 《生产力研究》2004,(12):89-90,92
本文针对马克思在《资本论》中提到的分工带来的弊端,提出了分工不会阻碍人的全面发展的观点。进而联想到国际分工与国家发展的矛盾,指出根据比较优势原则进行分工的发展中国家要顺应国际分工发展的要求,保持原有优势、创造新优势,才能避免掉进“比较利益陷阱”。  相似文献   

在我国急需提高自主创新能力的背景下,区域内不同城市在研发活动上进行垂直分工的问题有待探讨。以京、津两市为例,在研发成果生成和研发成果转化两个环节按照比较优势原理进行分工,并分析研发活动分工的模式和利益。北京市应利用其在研发资源禀赋上的比较优势,专门负责研发成果生成环节,而天津市则应利用其雄厚的工业基础,专门从事研发成果转化活动,这将有利于区域经济的整体利益。结合京、津两市研发活动分工的现状,为促进两市研发活动分工的开展和分工利益的实现应提供政策性见解。  相似文献   

国际垂直专业化对发展中国家的影响与启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
二战以后,在国际垂直专业化迅速发展的过程中,发展中国家越来越多地被卷入全球化生产的链条。作者应用相关理论模型,分析了国际垂直专业化对发展中国家国际分工、收入分配以及技术进步等方面的影响,并在此基础上就包括中国在内的发展中国家如何应对国际垂直专业化的发展趋势提出政策建议。  相似文献   

Following the dynamics of globalization, international migration has increased dramatically since the 1990s. Since migration patterns affect a country’s demographic structure—which is known to have an impact on the current account—migration is likely to explain a significant part of world imbalances. This paper tackles this issue by investigating the role played by international migration in the dynamics of global imbalances. To this end, we rely on an overlapping generations model to derive the theoretical link between international migration and the current account position. Through a series of robust estimates, we empirically investigate this relationship by relying on a large panel of developed and developing countries. Our results point to substantial effects of international migration. Specifically, we show that an increase in migration augments national savings and tends to restore the current account balance in the destination country, while it has opposite impacts in the origin country. These effects are particularly pronounced in developing economies and are attenuated by migrants’ remittances.  相似文献   

丘兆逸 《财经科学》2012,(2):111-118
理论上,发达国家跨国公司主导下的国际垂直专业化通过工序配置和价值分配对发展中国家的环境技术进步及其技术效率产生负面影响,从而导致后者环境效率的恶化。本文基于我国省级和行业面板数据模型的检验表明,国际垂直专业化对中国环境技术进步和环境效率变化具有显著负作用。为提高环境效率,中国应改变在国际垂直专业化中被支配的地位,同时发达国家和国际组织应加强自身在环境技术扩散中的作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a dynamic Ricardian model of international trade in which relative differences in technology are endogenously determined by investments in innovation by competitive firms. It considers the impact of these investments on trade patterns and the effect of trade patterns on rates of innovation and growth. The main result is that the dynamic effects of trade need not be positive when both countries specialize investments in the goods in which they have a comparitive advantage. In addition, trade can lead to an inefficient pattern of specialization in innovation and have negative welfare effects.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical analysis of the effect of infrastructure provision on industry‐level productivity and international specialization, as suggested by Clarida and Findlay’s (1992 ) model. We calculate total factor productivity (TFP) for 18 developed and developing countries and 10 manufacturing industries, and study the effects of supplies of roads, telecommunications and electric power on international variations in sectoral TFP, i.e. comparative advantage. We also examine the effects of infrastructure on the sectoral composition of output across countries. Using a three‐stage least‐squares estimation strategy to control for endogeneity of infrastructure provision, we find that infrastructure, especially roads, helps to explain patterns of comparative advantage and international specialization.  相似文献   

从资源比较优势竞争转向创新要素优势竞争是区域竞争的新态势,以创新人才、创新技术和研发资金为主要内容的创新要素自由流动,给区域经济发展带来新的契机与挑战。随着对创新规律认识的深化,创新要素的内涵不断完善丰富。目前对创新要素的定义,有从要素论和系统论角度进行划分。要素论一般把创新要素分为人才要素、资金要素、平台要素、技术要素、社会资本要素、制度及政策要素;系统论认为创新要素主要由产出科技成果的创新活动投入的资源即直接要素,包括技术、资金、人才,以及提供支撑条件,间接推动创新活动的外部环境即间接要素,包括基础设施、社会环境、宏观政策等。本文分析了创新要素与传统生产要素的区别及特征,分析了创新要素流动的机制并对目前主流的引力模型和推拉模型进行了归纳,对影响创新要素流动的影响因素进行了分析,从国内和国际视角对创新因素流动规律进行了总结。未来需要在创新要素流动形成的流数据空间效应、技术转移测度及效应、创新要素配置效率3个方面开展深入研究。  相似文献   

We explore the impact of vertical specialization—trade in goods across multiple stages of production—on the relationship between trade and business cycle synchronization across countries. We develop an international business cycle model in which the degree of vertical specialization varies with trade barriers. With perfect competition, we show analytically that fluctuations in measured total factor productivity are not linked across countries through trade. In numerical simulations, we find little dependence of business cycle synchronization on trade intensity. An extension of the model to allow for imperfect competition has the potential to resolve these shortcomings.  相似文献   

Both developed and developing worlds today face significant economic crises. For winning their future, all countries will have to boost their capacity to innovate. Since technological innovation has now become the mantra for employment generation through growth of exported goods and to ensure sustained economic growth, current national technological innovation capacity governance policies need to be grounded on four basic pillars: (1) adopting an actionable taxonomy of technological system components utilized by enterprises operating in the fiercely competitive global marketplace; (2) relying on greater public-private partnership for targeted specialization in emerging technology industries; (3) complementing research-university-linked incubators with metropolis-based innovation hotspots; and (4) mandating a prioritized choice criteria function for technological innovation project funding. Why these pillars are important and how to strengthen national technological innovation capacity building-blocks are described in this essay on the basis of lessons learned from studies in many Asian developing countries and some developed countries of the world.  相似文献   

The concept of leveraged innovation to create wealth within regions, countries and economies is not a new concept. Competitiveness of regions in the increasingly global economy now requires not only that innovation be present within a regional economy, but also that mechanisms exist to effectively transfer those developed innovations from the research laboratory to the marketplace. It is surmised that increased innovation, and the transfer of this innovation, can lead to increased prosperity of regions (Porter). As such, many developing countries around the world are looking at investments in innovation as a means to spur regional economic development and wealth creation while preserving national competitiveness. That said, innovation investment is by no means an exact science. Historically, typical “innovation investments” have been focused on “tangible” capital infrastructure projects such as the establishment of incubators and science parks. While many regions point to the existence of such tangible innovation assets as proof of investment in innovation, it has been discovered that in some cases, an investment in the capacity building of human networks to engage in technology transfer and commercialization related activities can act as a stronger facilitator for the transformation of economies and produce a larger return on investment in innovation for the country. Given not only Portugal's, but other regions throughout the EU-Zone, recent financial and economic woes, it bears examination on whether investing in the innovation and technology transfer knowledge and “know how” of key human networks within a struggling economy is a worthwhile investment for financially struggling countries during the current times of fiscal crisis.  相似文献   

Comparative Advantage and the Location of Production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper returns to a familiar topic in international trade, comparative advantage, introducing it into Krugman's classic, core–periphery model of economic geography. This extra force of dispersion radically changes the stability properties of the model. Instead of the familiar result that trade liberalization leads to increased industrial concentration, lowering trade costs leads initially to increased concentration and then to dispersion of production. When a pattern of comparative advantage exists, integration may lead to international specialization of production. This may be good news for peripheral countries, which may be able to retain industry despite the attraction of the core.  相似文献   

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