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用户满意度CSD(Customer Satisfaction Degree)是目前国内外质量领域和经济领域中的一项前沿研究课题。近20年来,西方发达国家普遍意识到顾客工的作用,地位和意义,从定性和定量两个方面对CSD进行了系统研究,阐述了CSD对企业产品和服务质量定位的重要性,综述了国外在实施CSD战略的发展情况,重点介绍了瑞典用户满意度指数SCSB,美国用户满意度指数ACSI和韩国用户满意度指数KCSI等研究成果,并以ACSI为依据给出了用户满意度指数理论模型。我国自20世纪90年代中后期以来,对CSD也进行了积极的探索,取得了可喜的成绩。针对石油行业的特殊性,阐述了石油企业用户满意度研究的重要性,提出了石油企业开展用户满意度研究的目的,内容和研究策略。  相似文献   

石油企业用户满意度测评体系的构建   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
用户满意度CSD(Customer Satisfaction Degree)是目前国内外质量领域和经济领域中的一项前沿研究课题。近20年来,西方发达国家普遍意识到了顾客满意度的作用、地位和意义,从定性和定量两个方面对CSD进行了系统研究。针对石油行业的特殊性,阐述了CSD对石油企业产品和服务质量定位的重要性,以ACSI为依据给出了石油企业用户满意度指数理论模型,并由此提出了石油企业用户满意度测评体系和方法。  相似文献   

顾客满意程度(CSD)是反映顾客满意水平的量化指标。在市场经济条件下,随着产品竞争的加剧,CSD的高低,不仅关系企业的形象和声誉,而且关系企业的生存和发展。目前,许多供电企业未雨绸缪,结合ISO9000—2000版贯标认证,积极探索建立CSD监测控制体系,提出以CSD为中心,全面加强和改进企业管理。本结合金华  相似文献   

金帮琳 《水利技术监督》2011,19(5):10-11,50
如何准确地进行顾客满意度调查、测量和分析是质量管理工作者一直研究探讨的课题,是一项极为棘手的质量管理工作,是2008版ISO9000标准的一个重点和难点。本文对顾客满意、顾客满意率和顾客满意度概念内涵进行了比对分析,阐明顾客满意率和顾客满意度的实质区别,并对顾客满意度测量的调查和顾客满意审核要点等问题进行了研究探讨。目的在于澄清概念,准确理解标准、应用标准,进一步推动ISO9000族标准的贯彻和实施。  相似文献   

努力创作石油职工欢迎的精神食粮吴伯民近年来,我们面向职工群众调查图书市场的情况时发现,目前图书市场有“四多四少”的现象:即长篇巨著的多,短小通俗的少;消遣娱乐的多,铸魂育人的少;上层阅看的多,班组工人的少;普遍通用的多,石油行业的少。如何克服“四多四...  相似文献   

近日,盖洛普咨询公司发布了《南宁供电局2012年度第三方客户满意度研究报告》,南供对报告和盖洛普咨询公司提出的建议进行了认真研究,2013年将通过强机制,补短板,建体系,进一步提升第三方客户满意度. 2012年:涨多跌少 在盖洛普咨询公司发布的《南宁供电局2012年度第三方客户满意度研究报告》中,南供2012年第三方客户满意度得分79分,比2011年提高8分,位居广西第二位,得分优于南网平均水平,为广西电网公司"打赢第三方客户满意度翻身仗"作出了贡献.  相似文献   

企业“多兼并少破产”的十大好处吴廷荣要加大企业兼并力度,“多兼并少破产”这是国家有关部门和领导最近特别强调的问题,也是企业面临最难办的“优难胜、劣不汰”的事。究竟如何理解和正确把握“多兼并少破产”,这已成为当前经济运行和深化改革中的一个热点。所谓兼并...  相似文献   

开好民主生活会邢连超目前,有的单位领导干部民主生活会存在着谈工作多,谈思想少;谈成绩多,谈问题少;相互表扬多,相互指出缺点少的现象。究其原因,主要是没有认真开展批评与自我批评。领导干部要拿起批评与自我批评的锐利武器,除了提高思想认识、坚持原则以外,还...  相似文献   

推行清洁生产防治化工污染毛悌和化工行业是环境污染的重灾区,主要原因是化工牛产工艺技术、设备落后,投入的原材料、能源多,产出的产品少。产生了大量的"三废",又不能充分利用,废弃的多,利用的少。加上生产管理水平低,设备材质差,跑冒滴漏严重,大量的物料被白...  相似文献   

煤炭是我国经济可持续发展的重要能源保障,在我国能源供给结构中处于重要战略地位。顾客满意度作为一个综合指标,是评价企业质量管理体系业绩的重要手段。因此,对煤炭企业顾客满意度进行测量、监控和分析,具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

通过调研、理论分析、试验、实验等方法主要对边测边调井下流量计校准装置模拟井筒的井身结构进行分析和探讨:目前的井身结构不能同时进行吊测和坐测校准,如同时进行吊测和坐测校准,则以30倍管道直径计算(不考虑层流)模拟井筒深度至少为7.7m;在坐测位置上提0.3m进行吊测校准,结论是否定的,所以目前所见模拟井筒不能同时进行吊测和坐测校准;在存储流量计模拟井筒(光油杆)中进行吊测校准,在边测边调模拟井筒中进行坐测、坐测支路和水嘴功能测试。  相似文献   

Recall food expenditure data, which is the basis of a great deal of empirical work, is believed to suffer from considerable measurement error. Diary records are believed to be more accurate. We study an unusual data set that collects recall and diary data from the same households and so allows a direct comparison of the two methods of data collection. The diary data imply measurement errors in recall food expenditure data that are substantial, and which do not have the properties of classical measurement error. However, we also present evidence that the diary measures are themselves imperfect.  相似文献   

A good business performance measurement system is a very effective tool to motivate and monitor employees of a company. Although interest in creating performance measurement models is widespread, a well-designed system is rare. To be successful in today's competitive environment, a good performance measurement systems should incorporate strategic success factors. The model proposed in this study uses a three-level hierarchical schema to combine financial and nonfinancial performance measures and emphasizes external as well as internal business performance measures. In comparison with previous methods, such a method is more likely to cover a broader set of measures that include operational as well as strategic control. A prototype based on the analytic hierarchical model can be applied to other business situations.  相似文献   

根据井口防喷器的具体特点,建立了井口防喷器用户满意指数模型及求解模型的一系列统计方法,构造出避免人为地确定用户满意各指标的权重统计量,提出了对这个权重统计量和满意度指数进行标准化的方法。通过统计分析系统的含隐变量线性结构方程的协方差分析过程进行分析,井口防喷器用户满意指数模型具有良好的拟合性,揭示出模型中各个隐变量之间的相互关系。为井口防喷器设计、制造、销售、技术服务等提供了积极有用的信息。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine whether classical customer surveys that are used to predict group buying decisions can be replaced by the method of interviewing the salesforce. We set up a two-step research approach. In the first step, we examined the predictive performance of different measurement processes in a salesforce survey (self-explicated approach and limit conjoint analysis for the preferences and constant sum scale and for the influence measurement limit conjoint analysis). In the second step, we conducted a classical customer survey using limit conjoint analysis and compared it with the predictions derived from the salesforce survey. Our results show that when surveying the salesforce (1) limit conjoint analysis is superior to the self-explicated approach in measuring preferences. With regard to the measurement of influence, we did not find any significant differences between the two procedures. (2) Our major findings are that the predictions derived from the salesforce survey are not only more practical because of the relatively low costs but that they also outperform those from the customer survey.  相似文献   

介绍了电费欠费主要原因和应采取的措施,对内应加强基础工作,责任到位,严格考核;对外应对欠费用户建立经济制约和有力的追缴措施。  相似文献   

本文综合国内外印刷过程控制技术的发展,对当前采用的印刷过程控制技术进行了综合论述。由于颜色测量技术的发展以及图像采集和处理技术不断成熟,这些技术可以应用在印刷机上进行印刷过程控制。通过图像采集技术实现印刷过程中印刷状态信息的实时采集和处理,并将信息反馈给印刷机控制机构实现印刷过程的闭环控制,有望代替目前印刷机已经沿用几十年的CPC墨色控制系统。  相似文献   

Survey characteristics affect the quality of the measurement of food consumption within households; thus, it is important to identify best practices for designing surveys that collect food data. This paper analyses the impact of survey characteristics on the measurement of food consumption from a sample of 81 national surveys. Results highlight regularities that can inform best practices in designing surveys and promoting the use of the data for multiple purposes. Surveys focused on food acquisition collect higher food quantities compared to those that target food consumption. Surveys based on recall interviews collect higher food quantities compared to those based on diaries, but the difference decreases with long reference periods. The use of standard units of measurement as well as the consideration of partakers in meals and of seasonality generates significant differences in the survey results. The impact of the different survey characteristics carries substantive implications when food consumption data are employed for assessing food security conditions. The results are part of a wider work program aimed at improving the quality of household survey data. More evidence is needed, ideally through coordinated sets of analyses and experiments in different contexts. Additionally, survey characteristics must be complemented by effective field work in order to generate high quality data. Towards this end, statistical capacity development is crucial to promote better data and more evidence-based decision making.  相似文献   

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