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Correlated random coefficient (CRC) models provide a useful framework for estimating average treatment effects (ATE) with panel data by accommodating heterogeneous treatment effects and flexible patterns of selection. In their simplest form, they lead to the well-known difference-in-differences estimator. CRC models yield estimates of ATE for “movers” (i.e., cross-sectional units whose treatment status changed over time) while ATE for “stayers” (i.e., cross-sectional units who retained the same treatment status over time) are not identified. We study additional restrictions on selection into treatment that lead to the identification of ATE for stayers by an extrapolation from quantities identified by the CRC model. We discuss estimation and testing of the extrapolation's validity, then use our results to estimate the returns to agricultural technology adoption among maize farmers in Kenya.  相似文献   

We provide a set of conditions sufficient for consistency of a general class of fixed effects instrumental variables (FE-IV) estimators in the context of a correlated random coefficient panel data model, where one ignores the presence of individual-specific slopes. We discuss cases where the assumptions are met and violated. Monte Carlo simulations verify that the FE-IV estimator of the population averaged effect performs notably better than other standard estimators, provided a full set of period dummies is included. We also propose a simple test of selection bias in unbalanced panels when we suspect the slopes may vary by individual.  相似文献   

This paper presents two tests for strict exogeneity of the covariates in a correlated random effects panel data Tobit model. The tests are applied in an analysis of hours of work of US women. Estimation procedures when a model does not pass a test for strict exogeneity are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper considers a panel data regression model with heteroskedastic as well as serially correlated disturbances, and derives a joint LM test for homoskedasticity and no first order serial correlation. The restricted model is the standard random individual error component model. It also derives a conditional LM test for homoskedasticity given serial correlation, as well as, a conditional LM test for no first order serial correlation given heteroskedasticity, all in the context of a random effects panel data model. Monte Carlo results show that these tests along with their likelihood ratio alternatives have good size and power under various forms of heteroskedasticity including exponential and quadratic functional forms.  相似文献   

Panel data models with spatially correlated error components   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we consider a panel data model with error components that are both spatially and time-wise correlated. The model blends specifications typically considered in the spatial literature with those considered in the error components literature. We introduce generalizations of the generalized moments estimators suggested in Kelejian and Prucha (1999. A generalized moments estimator for the autoregressive parameter in a spatial model. International Economic Review 40, 509–533) for estimating the spatial autoregressive parameter and the variance components of the disturbance process. We then use those estimators to define a feasible generalized least squares procedure for the regression parameters. We give formal large sample results for the proposed estimators. We emphasize that our estimators remain computationally feasible even in large samples.  相似文献   

This paper considers a spatial panel data regression model with serial correlation on each spatial unit over time as well as spatial dependence between the spatial units at each point in time. In addition, the model allows for heterogeneity across the spatial units using random effects. The paper then derives several Lagrange multiplier tests for this panel data regression model including a joint test for serial correlation, spatial autocorrelation and random effects. These tests draw upon two strands of earlier work. The first is the LM tests for the spatial error correlation model discussed in Anselin and Bera [1998. Spatial dependence in linear regression models with an introduction to spatial econometrics. In: Ullah, A., Giles, D.E.A. (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics. Marcel Dekker, New York] and in the panel data context by Baltagi et al. [2003. Testing panel data regression models with spatial error correlation. Journal of Econometrics 117, 123–150]. The second is the LM tests for the error component panel data model with serial correlation derived by Baltagi and Li [1995. Testing AR(1) against MA(1) disturbances in an error component model. Journal of Econometrics 68, 133–151]. Hence, the joint LM test derived in this paper encompasses those derived in both strands of earlier works. In fact, in the context of our general model, the earlier LM tests become marginal LM tests that ignore either serial correlation over time or spatial error correlation. The paper then derives conditional LM and LR tests that do not ignore these correlations and contrast them with their marginal LM and LR counterparts. The small sample performance of these tests is investigated using Monte Carlo experiments. As expected, ignoring any correlation when it is significant can lead to misleading inference.  相似文献   

When some of the regressors in a panel data model are correlated with the random individual effects, the random effect (RE) estimator becomes inconsistent while the fixed effect (FE) estimator is consistent. Depending on the various degree of such correlation, we can combine the RE estimator and FE estimator to form a combined estimator which can be better than each of the FE and RE estimators. In this paper, we are interested in whether the combined estimator may be used to form a combined forecast to improve upon the RE forecast (forecast made using the RE estimator) and the FE forecast (forecast using the FE estimator) in out-of-sample forecasting. Our simulation experiment shows that the combined forecast does dominate the FE forecast for all degrees of endogeneity in terms of mean squared forecast errors (MSFE), demonstrating that the theoretical results of the risk dominance for the in-sample estimation carry over to the out-of-sample forecasting. It also shows that the combined forecast can reduce MSFE relative to the RE forecast for moderate to large degrees of endogeneity and for large degrees of heterogeneity in individual effects.  相似文献   

Asymptotics for panel quantile regression models with individual effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies panel quantile regression models with individual fixed effects. We formally establish sufficient conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality of the quantile regression estimator when the number of individuals, nn, and the number of time periods, TT, jointly go to infinity. The estimator is shown to be consistent under similar conditions to those found in the nonlinear panel data literature. Nevertheless, due to the non-smoothness of the objective function, we had to impose a more restrictive condition on TT to prove asymptotic normality than that usually found in the literature. The finite sample performance of the estimator is evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes new unit root tests in the context of a random autoregressive coefficient panel data model, in which the null of a unit root corresponds to the joint restriction that the autoregressive coefficient has unit mean and zero variance. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are derived and simulation results are provided to suggest that they perform very well in small samples.  相似文献   

Recent literature on panel data emphasizes the importance of accounting for time-varying unobservable individual effects, which may stem from either omitted individual characteristics or macro-level shocks that affect each individual unit differently. In this paper, we propose a simple specification test of the null hypothesis that the individual effects are time-invariant against the alternative that they are time-varying. Our test is an application of Hausman (1978) testing procedure and can be used for any generalized linear model for panel data that admits a sufficient statistic for the individual effect. This is a wide class of models which includes the Gaussian linear model and a variety of nonlinear models typically employed for discrete or categorical outcomes. The basic idea of the test is to compare two alternative estimators of the model parameters based on two different formulations of the conditional maximum likelihood method. Our approach does not require assumptions on the distribution of unobserved heterogeneity, nor it requires the latter to be independent of the regressors in the model. We investigate the finite sample properties of the test through a set of Monte Carlo experiments. Our results show that the test performs well, with small size distortions and good power properties. We use a health economics example based on data from the Health and Retirement Study to illustrate the proposed test.  相似文献   

In economic research, it is often important to express the marginal value of a variable in monetary terms. In random coefficient models, this marginal monetary value is the ratio of two random coefficients and is thus random itself. In this paper, we study the distribution of this ratio and particularly the consequences of different distributional assumptions about the coefficients. It is shown that important characteristics of the distribution of the marginal monetary value may be sensitive to the distributional assumptions about the random coefficients. The median, however, is much less sensitive than the mean. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Testing for unit roots in time series models with non-stationary volatility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many of the key macro-economic and financial variables in developed economies are characterized by permanent volatility shifts. It is known that conventional unit root tests are potentially unreliable in the presence of such behaviour, depending on a particular function (the variance profile) of the underlying volatility process. Somewhat surprisingly then, very little work has been undertaken to develop unit root tests which are robust to the presence of permanent volatility shifts. In this paper we fill this gap in the literature by proposing tests which are valid in the presence of a quite general class of permanent variance changes which includes single and multiple (abrupt and smooth-transition) volatility change processes as special cases. Our solution uses numerical methods to simulate the asymptotic null distribution of the statistics based on a consistent estimate of the variance profile which we also develop. The practitioner is not required to specify a parametric model for volatility. An empirical illustration using producer price inflation series from the Stock–Watson database is reported.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new instrumental variables estimator for a dynamic panel model with fixed effects with good bias and mean squared error properties even when identification of the model becomes weak near the unit circle. We adopt a weak instrument asymptotic approximation to study the behavior of various estimators near the unit circle. We show that an estimator based on long differencing the model is much less biased than conventional implementations of the GMM estimator for the dynamic panel model. We also show that under the weak instrument approximation conventional GMM estimators are dominated in terms of mean squared error by an estimator with far less moment conditions. The long difference (LD) estimator mimics the infeasible optimal procedure through its reliance on a small set of moment conditions.  相似文献   

This paper extends the familiar notion of fixed effects to nonlinear structures with infinite-dimensional unobservables, like preferences. The main result is that a generalized version of differencing identifies local average responses (LARs) in nonseparable structures. In contrast to existing results, this does not require either substantial restrictions on functional form or independence between the persistent unobservables and the explanatory variables of interest, and it requires only two time periods. On the other hand, the results are confined to the subpopulation of “stayers” (Chamberlain, 1982), i.e., the population for which the explanatory variables do not change over time. We extend the basic framework to include time trends and dynamics in the explanatory variables, and we show how distributional effects as well as average partial effects are identified. Our approach also allows endogeneity in the transitory unobservables. Furthermore, we show that this new identification principle can be applied to well-known objects like the slope coefficient in the semiparametric panel data binary choice model with fixed effects. Finally, we suggest estimators for the local average response and average partial effect, and we analyze their large- and finite-sample behavior.  相似文献   

Estimating dynamic panel data discrete choice models with fixed effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the estimation of dynamic binary choice panel data models with fixed effects. It is shown that the modified maximum likelihood estimator (MMLE) used in this paper reduces the order of the bias in the maximum likelihood estimator from O(T-1) to O(T-2), without increasing the asymptotic variance. No orthogonal reparametrization is needed. Monte Carlo simulations are used to evaluate its performance in finite samples where T is not large. In probit and logit models containing lags of the endogenous variable and exogenous variables, the estimator is found to have a small bias in a panel with eight periods. A distinctive advantage of the MMLE is its general applicability. Estimation and relevance of different policy parameters of interest in this kind of models are also addressed.  相似文献   

Estimation of spatial autoregressive panel data models with fixed effects   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper establishes asymptotic properties of quasi-maximum likelihood estimators for SAR panel data models with fixed effects and SAR disturbances. A direct approach is to estimate all the parameters including the fixed effects. Because of the incidental parameter problem, some parameter estimators may be inconsistent or their distributions are not properly centered. We propose an alternative estimation method based on transformation which yields consistent estimators with properly centered distributions. For the model with individual effects only, the direct approach does not yield a consistent estimator of the variance parameter unless T is large, but the estimators for other common parameters are the same as those of the transformation approach. We also consider the estimation of the model with both individual and time effects.  相似文献   

We propose a consistent test for a linear functional form against a nonparametric alternative in a fixed effects panel data model. We show that the test has a limiting standard normal distribution under the null hypothesis, and show that the test is a consistent test. We also establish the asymptotic validity of a bootstrap procedure which is used to better approximate the finite sample null distribution of the test statistic. Simulation results show that the proposed test performs well for panel data with a large number of cross-sectional units and a finite number of observations across time.  相似文献   

This paper studies robust inference for linear panel models with fixed effects in the presence of heteroskedasticity and spatiotemporal dependence of unknown forms. We propose a bivariate kernel covariance estimator that nests existing estimators as special cases. Our estimator improves upon existing estimators in terms of robustness, efficiency, and adaptiveness. For distributional approximations, we considered two types of asymptotics: the increasing-smoothing asymptotics and the fixed-smoothing asymptotics. Under the former asymptotics, the Wald statistic based on our covariance estimator converges to a chi-square distribution. Under the latter asymptotics, the Wald statistic is asymptotically equivalent to a distribution that can be well approximated by an F distribution. Simulation results show that our proposed testing procedure works well in finite samples.  相似文献   

The standard model for the analysis of variance with random effects implies, for the case of two independent variables, that single effects must be tested not against the error, but against the interaction mean squares. This causes, in comparison with the fixed effects AV, a considerable loss of test power, particularly for the 2 × 2 table. An alternative modelling of the interaction effect is proposed which completely avoids the loss of power.  相似文献   

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