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国债即期收益率曲线的拟合估计   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
即期收益率曲线的拟合估计思路.即应用曲线拟合技术找出一条平滑的、关于剩余期限的函数来有效地拟合债券的市场价格。  相似文献   

本文基于发达经济体央行常用的Sevnsson模型,采用银行间市场国债交易数据估计出国债收益率曲线,并由此推导获得利率期限结构,结果显示,该模型的拟合度较好。但我国国债发行期限长期端较少、交易场所不统一、国债流动性差等问题,在很大程度上限制了该利率期限结构的适用性。因此,文章提出从源头上改进国债数据的质量,从提高国债的发行频率、完善发行期限、增强各品种的流动性上着手。  相似文献   

利率是经济金融领域的核心变量,市场化的利率是完善的社会主义市场经济体制的必要条件,是加强我国金融间接调控的关键,更是金融机构提高竞争力,加强自主经营机制的重要条件之一。本文应用主成分分析方法对我国银行间债券市场的即期收益率数据进行实证分析,建立了我国债券市场的收益率曲线模型并估计了参数。得到结论:我国银行间国债利率期限结构可以由水平、斜率和曲率这三个主成分进行很好的解释。  相似文献   

通过二级市场的流动性所形成的国债收益率.反映市场利率的期限结构,揭示了市场利率的总体水平,但其能够准确反映债券复利收益水平是建立在一条重要假设基础上,即各期支付利息能够以内部收益率水平进行再投资。这在实际市场状况中往往难以满足。如果利息再投资利率无法与内部收益率保持一致,债券的实际收益率水平就会偏离按公式计算的内部收益率,使内部收益率失真。  相似文献   

近年来我国的债券市场发展迅猛,伴随着利率的市场化改革,我国国债发行规模和品种数量也在不断地扩大。因而对于我国国债利率期限结构的研究也日渐重要。本文主要基于NS模型的我国国债利率期限结构的研究,选取2013年1月份至5月份在国债市场上的19种国债的每日交易数据对NS模型进行拟合分析。  相似文献   

目前,国债是我国债券市场的主体和核心,对国债及其收益率问题的研究,已成为众多人关注的热点问题.发展我国国债市场可从以下方面来考虑:增加国债上市品种,一定程度时还可推出国债的衍生产品,逐步实现国债品种结构的多样化;调整国债的利率期限结构,合理分配短期和长期国债的比重,逐步实现利率市场化,使国债利率水平基本反映国债市场的供求关系;建立与国债市场相适应的机构支持与制度安排,调整国债持有者的结构.  相似文献   

国债即期利率期限结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文用三次多项式函数对债券贴现因子进行拟合,得出我国国债即期收益率曲线。将此曲线与成熟市场的国债即期收益率曲线作比较分析发现,我国国债收益率曲线具有扁平化的特征,原因在于国债期限结构单一、商业银行等经济实体的投资行业短期化和利率管制的影响。  相似文献   

我国国债利率期限结构分析王利华一、国债利率期限结构的概念国债利率的期限结构是指各种不同期限国债的利率或收益率与期限之间的数量关系。用座标来表示,剩余期限作为横坐标,利率或收益率作为纵坐标,把不同的剩余期限对应的利率或收益率水平连成一条曲线,即为国债利...  相似文献   

国债收益率曲线即描述各种到期时间的国债收益率的图形,其研究思路为:首先设计一个能够在形式上符合我国利率期限结构特征的研究模型,然后根据商业银行存款利率,得出商业银行存款利率期限结构模型,之后研究回购利率的期限结构特征,并恰当地建模,最后利用商业银行存款利率模型和回购利率模型,结合国债定价,得到交易所国债的利率期限结构.  相似文献   

We empirically compare Libor and Swap Market Models for thepricing of interest rate derivatives, using panel data on pricesof US caplets and swaptions. A Libor Market Model can directlybe calibrated to observed prices of caplets, whereas a SwapMarket Model is calibrated to a certain set of swaption prices.For both models we analyze how well they price caplets and swaptionsthat were not used for calibration. We show that the Libor MarketModel in general leads to better prediction of derivative pricesthat were not used for calibration than the Swap Market Model.Also, we find that Market Models with a declining volatilityfunction give much better pricing results than a specificationwith a constant volatility function. Finally, we find that modelsthat arechosen to exactly match certain derivative prices areoverfitted; more parsimonious models lead to better predictionsfor derivative prices that were not used for calibration. JELClassification: G12, G13, E43.  相似文献   

We empirically compare Libor and Swap Market Models for the pricing of interest rate derivatives, using panel data on prices of US caplets and swaptions. A Libor Market Model can directly be calibrated to observed prices of caplets, whereas a Swap Market Model is calibrated to a certain set of swaption prices. For both models we analyze how well they price caplets and swaptions that were not used for calibration. We show that the Libor Market Model in general leads to better prediction of derivative prices that were not used for calibration than the Swap Market Model. Also, we find that Market Models with a declining volatility function give much better pricing results than a specification with a constant volatility function. Finally, we find that models that are chosen to exactly match certain derivative prices are overfitted; more parsimonious models lead to better predictions for derivative prices that were not used for calibration.  相似文献   

Following the approach of interpolation, this paper proposes the multiple exponential decay model to fit yield curves for both the U.S. TIPS market and the conventional Treasury security market. Several estimation methods, including the unconstrained/constrained nonlinear minimization, quadratic programming, and the iterative linear least squares, are applied to estimate the unknown parameters according to different curve‐fitting purposes. Comparisons between the proposed model and the alternatives show that the multiple exponential decay successfully (1) adapts to a variety of shapes associated with yield curves, (2) (partially) keeps in line with the economic interpretations of Nelson–Siegel summarized by Diebold and Li ( 2006 ), and (3) dominates the competing models in curve‐fitting performance measured by mean fitted‐price errors over the sample period. In addition, the exact specification of a nonparametric interpolation model is pinned down by applying three statistical tools, which enable us to jointly take into account validity, optimality, and parsimoniousness of the proposed model.  相似文献   

This paper derives analytical solutions for arbitrage-free bond yields when the short-term interest rate follows an autoregressive process with the intercept switching endogenously. This process from the SETAR family is especially suited to capture the near-unit-root behaviour typically observed in the evolution of short-term interest rates. The derived yield functions, mapping the one-month rate into n-period yields, exhibit a convex/concave shape to the left and right of the threshold value, respectively, a pattern which is also found in US bond yield data. The longer the time to maturity, the more distinct the nonlinearity of the yield function becomes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a simple version of the Duffie and Kan model (1996). Our model can perfectly fit the yield curve and the volatility curve and further provide true closed form solutions to the pure discount bond price and its European contingent claims. Due to the specific factor structure in our model, the calibration exercise is easy to implement. This advantage will improve the computational efficiency in pricing American style claims.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a continuous-time term-structure model under stochastic differential utility with non-unitary elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS, henceforth) in a representative-agent endowment economy with mean-reverting expectations on real output growth and inflation. Using this model, we make clear structural relationships among a term structure of real and nominal interest rates, utility form and underlying economic factors (in particular, inflation expectation). Notably, we show that, if (1) the EIS is less than one, (2) the agent is comparatively more risk-averse relative to time-separable utility, (3) short-term interest rates are pro-cyclical, and (4) the rate of expected inflation is negatively correlated with the rate of real output growth and its expected rate, then a nominal yield curve can have a low instantaneous riskless rate and an upward slope.  相似文献   

国债收益率曲线预测未来通胀变化的信息价值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利率期限结构具有预测未来通货膨胀率变化的信息价值,这在国外的大量研究中已得到肯定。本文采用NSS模型估计了我国上海证券交易所的国债收益率曲线,并采用Mishkin模型和扩展的Mishkin模型,实证分析了上交所国债收益率曲线对未来通货膨胀率变化的预测能力,并研究了不同期限的国债收益率与通货膨胀率的关系。结果表明,上交所国债收益率曲线不具有预测未来通货膨胀率变化的信息价值,而且不同期限的国债收益率与当前的通货膨胀率存在很强的正相关,而与未来通货膨胀率的正相关很弱,甚至存在负相关。  相似文献   

国债市场规模的扩大可以满足机构投资者的收益性和流动性偏好,机构投资者投资组合的调整使得国债具有影响信贷市场均衡的功效:国债收益率变化影响信贷市场利率和信贷市场均衡规模。实证研究表明,在协整关系上国债收益率和信贷资金增长率具有负相关关系,表明国债收益率上升对信贷资金增长率具有降低作用,不过效果不明显,不足以成为影响信贷市场资金规模的原因。国债收益率和信贷资金增长率不互为因果关系,这与中国国债规模偏小、持有者结构不合理和交易所国债市场逐渐边缘化的趋向有关。  相似文献   

Monetary policy is conducted in an environment of uncertainty. This paper presents a model where the central bank uses real time data from the bond market together with standard macroeconomic indicators to infer the current state of the economy more efficiently, while taking into account that its own actions influence the bond market and therefore what it observes. That the central bank uses the information in the term structure to set policy creates a link between the bond market and the macroeconomy that is novel to the literature. The estimated model suggests that there is some information in US yields of maturities of less than 1 year that can help the Federal Reserve to identify shocks to the economy on a timely basis.  相似文献   

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