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We compare the relative magnitudes of the components of the bid-ask spread for New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)/American Stock Exchange (AMEX) stocks to those of National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)/National Market System (NMS) stocks. We find that the order-processing cost component is smaller, and the adverse selection component is greater on the NYSE/AMEX trading systems than on the NASDAQ/NMS system. The inventory holding component is also greater for exchange-traded stocks than for NASDAQ/NMS stocks, but this may be attributable to differences in the characteristics of the firms whose stocks trade on the respective systems.  相似文献   

This study investigates the behavior of the components of the bid-ask spread around earnings announcements. We find that the adverse selection cost component significantly increases surrounding the announcements, while the inventory holding and order processing components significantly decline during the same periods. Our results suggest that the directional change in the total bid-ask spread depends on the relative magnitudes of the changes in these three components. Specifically, the decreases in inventory holding costs and order processing costs imply that earnings announcements may have an insignificant impact on the total bid-ask spread, even when they result in increased information asymmetry.  相似文献   

A substantial number of last reported transactions for stocks trading on the New York Stock Exchange occur inside the quoted closing bid-ask spread. The tendency to close inside the spread results in price change magnitudes much smaller than those predicted from binomial models. Moreover, although the change magnitude is biased by the underlying trend of the market, the distribution of next day price change relatives is largely unaffected. The result is a systematic regularity between the location of today's close and tomorrow's close relative to the bid-ask spread.  相似文献   

The relation between the square of the quoted bid-ask spread and two serial covariances—the serial covariance of transaction returns and the serial covariance of quoted returns—is modeled as a function of the probability of a price reversal, π, and the magnitude of a price change, ?, where ? is stated as a fraction of the quoted spread. Different models of the spread are contrasted in terms of the parameters, π and ?. Using data on the transaction prices and price quotations for NASDAQ/NMS stocks, π and ? are estimated and the relative importance of the components of the quoted spread—adverse information costs, order processing costs, and inventory holding costs—is determined.  相似文献   

This paper, utilizing dealer's “trading book” information, presents some empirical evidence supporting the validity of a dealer pricing model. It shows that much of the transaction prices variation may be explained by the specialist's optimal determination of his bid and ask quotes. Furthermore, it demonstrates that the dealer's bid-ask spread is an important explanatory variable in the observed transaction return. Finally, it indicates that the dealer's inventory level may affect his quotes and thus the transaction prices and order arrivals. The paper provides insights into the relationship between transaction prices and equilibrium prices, which will permit more extensive use of transaction data in empirical investigations. It also provides a better understanding of optimal dealer pricing strategies, suggesting that the proposed empirical model may be used to evaluate a dealer's trading performance.  相似文献   

Insider Trading and the Bid-Ask Spread   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the intertemporal and cross-sectional association between the bid-ask spread and insider trading. Empirical results from the cross-sectional regression analysis reveal that market makers establish larger spreads for stocks with a greater extent of insider trading. The time-series regression analysis, however, finds no evidence of spread changes on insider trading days. These results suggest that although market makers may not be able to detect insider trading when it occurs, they protect themselves by maintaining larger spreads for stocks with a greater tendency of insider trading. The results also reveal that market makers establish larger spreads when there are unusually large transactions. In addition, this study finds that spreads are positively associated with risk and negatively with trading volume, the number of exchange listings, share price, and firm size.  相似文献   

An individual who chooses to serve as a market-maker is assumed to optimize his position by setting a bid-ask spread which maximizes the difference between expected revenues received from liquidity-motivated traders and expected losses to information-motivated traders. By characterizing the cost of supplying quotes, as writing a put and a call option to an information-motivated trader, it is shown that the bid-ask spread is a positive function of the price level and return variance, a negative function of measures of market activity, depth, and continuity, and negatively correlated with the degree of competition. Thus, the theory of information effects on the bid-ask spread proposed in this paper is consistent with the empirical literature.  相似文献   

A substantial body of literature on security market anomalies has evolved since the articulation of the efficient markets hypothesis. These anomalies include the size, January, and weekend effects. The evidence of such anomalies has been based upon returns computed from closing prices. Although readily available, analysis of closing prices may not reflect returns obtainable by public traders utilizing market orders to execute trades. We have demonstrated elsewhere that returns computed from closing prices are biased upward compared with returns that would have resulted from using market orders. This study reexamines the evidence on two market anomalies using returns generated in a manner more consistent with the actual returns available to actual market participants.  相似文献   

We report further evidence of the difference in execution costs between Nasdaq and the NYSE before and after the 1997 market reforms. We find that informed trading costs are consistently higher on Nasdaq both before and after the reforms. In the pre‐reform period the Nasdaq‐NYSE disparity in bid‐ask spreads cannot be completely attributed to the difference in informed trading costs. However, in the post‐reform period the spread difference between these two markets becomes insignificant with the effect of informed trading costs controlled. Our findings are consistent with the contention that the reforms have largely reduced noninformation trading costs and dealers' rents.  相似文献   

This study examines empirical issues associated with the use of bid-ask spreads in event studies. The simulation results indicate that the distribution of average standardized abnormal spread shows little deviation from normality. Simulation results also indicate that the widely used percent spread metric results in test statistics with low power. In contrast, use of a standardized raw spread metric and a simple mean-adjusted expectation model results in well specified and reasonably powerful Patell and Brown-Warner type test statistics. As the abnormal spread series is characterized by high first order serial correlation, it is important to adjust for this serial correlation when using multi-day event windows.  相似文献   

Intraday Variation in the Bid-Ask Spread: Evidence after the Market Reform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article we show that intraday variation in spreads for Nasdaq‐listed stocks has converged to intraday variation in spreads for NYSE‐listed stocks after the implementation of the new order‐handling rules. We attribute this convergence to the Limit Order Display Rule, which requires that limit orders be displayed in Nasdaq best bid and offer when they are better than quotes posted by market makers. Our findings suggest that the different patterns of intraday spreads between NYSE and Nasdaq stocks reported in prior studies can largely be attributed to the different treatment of limit orders between the NYSE and Nasdaq before the market reform.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper applies an established bid-ask spread decomposition model to the inter-dealer spot foreign exchange market. In addition, the paper presents and tests a modified decomposition model which is specifically adapted to the features of order-driven markets and which is found to produce more plausible results than the original model. Price clustering is introduced as a new explanatory factor within this framework and is shown to be vitally important in understanding the composition of bid-ask spreads in this market.  相似文献   

Exact small sample population moments of the standard serial covariance and variance estimators are derived under the assumptions of the Roll bid/ask spread model. Noise explains why serial covariance estimates are often positive in annual samples of daily and weekly returns. Small sample estimator bias partially explains why weekly estimates are more negative than daily estimates. Noise causes the Roll spread estimator to be severely biased by Jensen's inequality. The French-Roll adjusted variance estimator is unbiased but noisy. Empirical tests confirm the major implications.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical work on the bid-ask spread asserts that the dealer should widen the bid-ask spread when he or she suspects that the information advantage possessed by informed traders has increased. Thus, the dealer's spread can be employed to test for an increase in information asymmetry prior to an anticipated information event. In this paper, the method is applied to earnings and dividend announcements, which have been documented to be information events. The authors study three groups of announcements: (a) joint announcements—i.e., earnings and dividend announcements that are made on the same day, (b) initial (first) announcements—earnings or dividend announcements that were not preceded by another announcement in the prior thirty days, and (c) following (second) announcements—those announcements that follow the first announcement by at least ten days but by no more than thirty days. The authors find a strong increase in information asymmetry only before the second announcements and virtually no increase before the joint and first announcements. This is consistent with the hypothesis that there is, on average, normal information asymmetry before announcements, but that the dealer will suspect a nonroutine announcement (with an attendant increase in information asymmetry) when the second announcement is separated from the first by more than ten days. Other possible explanations for the results are discussed, and suggestions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper uses a model similar to the Boyle-Vorst and Ritchken-Kuo arbitrage-free models for the valuation of options with transactions costs to determine the maximum price to be charged by the financial intermediary writing an option in a non-auction market. Earlier models are extended by recognizing that, in the presence of transactions costs, the price-taking intermediary devising a hedging portfolio faces a tradeoff: to choose a short trading interval with small hedging errors and high transactions costs, or a long trading interval with large hedging errors and low transactions costs. The model presented here also recognizes that when transactions costs induce less frequent portfolio adjustments, investors are faced with a multinomial distribution of asset returns rather than a binomial one. The price upper bound is determined by selecting the trading frequency that will equalize the marginal gain from decreasing hedging errors and the marginal cost of transactions.  相似文献   

In an efficient market, the fundamental value of a security fluctuates randomly. However, trading costs induce negative serial dependence in successive observed market price changes. In fact, given market efficiency, the effective bid-ask spread can be measured by Spread = 2 ? cov where “cov” is the first-order serial covariance of price changes. This implicit measure of the bid-ask spread is derived formally and is shown empirically to be closely related to firm size.  相似文献   

Statistical Arbitrage and Securities Prices   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article introduces the concept of a statistical arbitrageopportunity (SAO). In a finite-horizon economy, a SAO is a zero-costtrading strategy for which (i) the expected payoff is positive,and (ii) the conditional expected payoff in each final stateof the economy is nonnegative. Unlike a pure arbitrage opportunity,a SAO can have negative payoffs provided that the average payoffin each final state is nonnegative. If the pricing kernel inthe economy is path independent, then no SAOs can exist. Furthermore,ruling out SAOs imposes a novel martingale-type restrictionon the dynamics of securities prices. The important propertiesof the restriction are that it (1) is model-free, in the sensethat it requires no parametric assumptions about the true equilibriummodel, (2) can be tested in samples affected by selection biases,such as the peso problem, and (3) continues to hold when investors'beliefs are mistaken. The article argues that one can use thenew restriction to empirically resolve the joint hypothesisproblem present in the traditional tests of the efficient markethypothesis.  相似文献   

The January effect is primarily a low-share price effect and less so a market value effect. In the recent 1977–1986 period, after-transaction-cost raw and excess January returns are lower on low-price stocks than on high-price stocks. Failure of informed traders to eliminate significantly large before-transaction-cost excess January returns on low-price stocks is potentially explained by higher transaction costs and a bid-ask bias. At the least, the January anomaly found in prior tests is not persistent, and thereby, not likely to be exploitable by typical investors.  相似文献   

Merton's [26] recent extension of the CAPM proposed that asset returns are an increasing function of their beta risk, residual risk, and size and a decreasing function of the public availability of information about them. Associating the latter with asset liquidity and following Amihud and Mendelson's [2] proposition that asset returns increase with their illiquidity (measured by the bid-ask spread), we jointly estimate the effects of these four factors on stock returns.  相似文献   

We apply the spread decomposition model by Huang and Stoll (1997) to a new data set on the Hungarian forint/euro interbank market. In contrast to previous results, we cover a minor market over a long time span. We find a significant inventory effect, and we find that spread size significantly increases with trade size. Overall, this work confirms the predictions from various theoretical models on a small and less-liquid market. In comparison with other studies, the size of the market, institutional differences between markets, and specificities of the data set seem to play an important role.  相似文献   

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