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This paper has two main purposes. First to determine if technical innovation has occurred in Egyptian agriculture and whether or not it has been labour-using in nature. Secondly, to determine whether or not the marginal product of labour in Egyptian agriculture has been negative (surplus labour). The time period covered by the study is 1952 to 1972. The above objectives were met by estimating a weak disposability of inputs (WDI) production function. The characteristics of the weak disposability of inputs function were discussed in great detail, since much of the profession is unfamiliar with this functional form. The function was then estimated and the results seemed to indicate that this functional form was appropriate for Egyptian agriculture. The results of the estimation process indicated that labour-using technical innovation had indeed occurred, although at a very slow rate. In addition, for most of the time period covered the marginal product of labour was indeed negative.  相似文献   

川西地区处于中国较偏远的地带,地形十分复杂,有许多地区甚至处于地震带上,相对于我国东部、南部等地区川西人口密集程度低。川西地区以前采用的是粗放型的农业生产方式,盲目照抄照搬其它省份的经济发展模式,并未结合自身的实际情况,最终导致了水土严重流失,生态环境脆弱,经济水平仍旧止步不前,同时还使川西高原的传统产业也受到了影响。川西地区面临着经济发展与生态环境保护这两大难题,因此川西地区急需找到一条新的发展路子来推动该地区持续、健康发展。结合当地特色,因地制宜,发展农业生态旅游是实现这一目标的不二选择。川西高原地区具有旅游资源丰富的优势,发展生态旅游的潜力巨大,有着得天独厚的地势特点,稀有的动植物资源,极具民族特色的文化等条件,并且国家近几年加大对西部地区可持续发展战略的支持,这些都成为开展生态旅游的最宝贵资源。川西地区发展农业生态旅游是一种环境友好型、资源节约型的产业,符合客观现实与可持续发展战略的要求。将农业与生态旅游完美地结合在一起,真正地实现了经济增长、生态保护、社会效益三者之间的同步与协调发展,重新分配了农村资源、整合农村功能,实现了农村产业生态化与产业多功能化,最终将建立以生态农业旅游为主导,带动第三产业,如餐饮业、交通运输业等发展的新型旅游发展模式。  相似文献   

我国北方农牧交错带的土地利用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了我国北方农牧交错带土地利用的新要求。简介了FAO土地 可持续 利用的评价原则及国内外土地可持续利用的研究动态,在总结国外成功模式与国内探索经验的基础上,讨论了21世纪我国北方农牧交错带土地可持续利用用必须面对的问题。  相似文献   

Neoclassical production theory assumes that outputs and inputs can be separated into two distinct commodity groups. However, this fails to take account of the presence of produced means of production in agriculture which undermine the ceteris paribus assumption on which partial equilibrium analysis is based-a criticism identified as part of the broader Sraffian critique of neoclassical economics. A simulation exercise designed to investigate the importance of produced inputs in UK agriculture found evidence of perverse aggregate supply response resulting from the use of feedgrain, an output from the cereal sector, as a produced input in the livestock sectors. This empirical result lends some support to the Sraffian analysis; however, it is suggested that the perversity arises from failure to take account of the produced input, and that computing ‘net output’  相似文献   

Indices of total factor productivity (TFP) measure aggregate output per unit of aggregate input, providing a guide to the efficiency of agricultural production. This paper outlines the relationship between production functions and TFP indices. An index for the period 1967-90, constructed from the UK aggregate agricultural accounts, shows that TFP grew at an average rate of 1.9% per annum and that TFP growth has increased since the UK joined the European Community. At the aggregate level, this change seems to be explained by increased aggregate output and decreased aggregate input, in about equal proportions. Disaggregation shows the intensification effect of the CAP price regime. There has been rapid growth in the output of farm crops, relative to other enterprises, and in the use of agricultural chemicals.  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,土地利用变化频繁,生态问题日益凸显。为了探究土地利用与生态系统的密切联系,为生态建设提供理论依据,以内蒙古赤峰市农牧交错带为研究区,基于1997年、2004年和2011年的三期TM影像数据,运用土地利用动态度分析土地利用类型变化,并参照中国陆地生态系统服务价值的计算方法估算出研究区的生态系统服务价值。结果表明,研究区3期的耕、林、草面积均占土地总面积的90%左右;土地利用类型变化明显,在1997~2011年耕地面积先减少后增加,林地面积一直持续增加,草地面积不断减少;研究区的生态系统服务价值呈增长趋势,草地和林地对生态系统服务价值贡献最大,占总价值的85%左右;各土地利用类型的敏感性指数均小于1,说明研究区生态系统服务价值对所采用的生态服务价值系数缺乏弹性,研究结果具有一定可信度。土地利用变化对生态系统服务价值具有直接影响,科学合理利用土地对生态系统具有重要意义。  相似文献   

发挥贵州农业比较优势 大力发展特色农业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了对深化贵州农业比较优势的认识;提出从理清思路、明确目标、立足优势、突出重点等方面做好规划工作;指出部门齐抓共管、提高科技含量、大力发展加工、加强市场建设、努力增加投入等5方面保障措施.  相似文献   

分析了农业发展的阶段性与我国农业发展的历程;阐述了21世纪我国农业的具体目标与任务;论述了持续农业是中国农业的必然选择;最后研究确定了农业可持续发展指标体系设置的原则、指标体系。  相似文献   

[目的]农村劳动力析出直接影响耕地利用,分析劳动力析出对耕地集约利用的影响对协调人地矛盾,提高耕地资源利用效率具有重要意义。根据广东省区域经济差异,将广东省划分为珠三角、粤东、粤西和山区,研究劳动力转移和资源禀赋对广东耕地集约利用的影响。[方法]文章利用面板数据模型,选取2009―2018年4个不同区域农村劳动力析出及禀赋要素对耕地集约利用的影响。[结果]农村劳动力析出与耕地集约利用存在倒"U"型关系。通过进一步交叉乘积检验发现,劳动力析出是否依赖于耕地规模、复种指数、种植结构、农业机械等禀赋要素促进耕地集约利用存在区域差异,当农村劳动力析出到达临界值时,调整影响耕地集约的变量才能有效促进耕地集约。[结论]在无法断言农村劳动力析出及外部条件与耕地集约利用是否存在潜在均衡时,推动耕地集约需要寻找相关辅助变量工具,因时因地制定耕地集约利用政策。  相似文献   

该文在概括青海省农业资源状况和农业生产状况的基础上,分析和评价了青海省主要农产品表现在品质、成本和供求时间上的优势程度,提出了提升青海农产品竞争力及农业结构调整的途径,以及相应的政策和措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines changes which have occurred in agricultural employment in France during the last two decades. It focuses on family employment since nowadays farm families provide more than half of the labour supply of the industry, as in nearly all the developed countries. The reasons behind the variation in the annual rate of decline in agricultural employment are split into two sets of factors: alterations in the age structure of the farm population, and modifications in the tendency to enter and leave farming in each age group. In respect of the later, the varied consequences of the occurrence of the economic crisis are discussed, together with the effects of deep sociological changes, especially in the relationships between members of the farm family.  相似文献   

澳大利亚土地辽阔,全国农牧业用地总面积为4.9亿hm^2,占全国总面积的64%。其中90%以上是天然草场,农业资源利用的主要特点是畜牧业利用占明显优势。农作物主要包括小麦、大麦、高梁和燕麦等,属于雨养农业,灌溉设施较少,作物单产的变幅较大。经过多年的农业生产实践,澳大利亚已大致形成三大农业区域。澳大利亚农业实行高度专业化、社会化生产。以专业化的大型农场为主体,从事谷物种植业、养羊业、养羊牛业或兼营以上两种或三种。  相似文献   

When men are committed to technology they are also committed to continual change in institutions and customs [8, p. 72]. Nowhere does the fervor for this arcadian age reach such a crescendo as it does with the odes that are dedicated to the whooping crane of the American economic scene, the ‘family farm’ [6, p. 171].  相似文献   

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