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A primal production analysis is conducted of 182 farm households producing multiple outputs in the Sri Lankan dry zone. The approach involves systems estimation of the production functions with first-order equations for variable inputs and permits recovery of the production technology for each crop. Land and family labour are regarded as constraining inputs. Shadow prices are computed for the constraining inputs and yield important implications for increasing household profits. Evidence of global homotheticity in a subset of three inputs is found for three of the crops. Weak separability is rejected in all tested subsets except for fertiliser and chemicals used in the production of vegetables. Input demand elasticities are computed for allocations satisfying necessary and sufficient conditions for profit maximisation. Highly elastic conditional input demands and output supplies are implied.  相似文献   

该文从植物外部生长参数的测量、植物营养胁迫诊断、病虫害监测及杂草识别、果蔬采摘机器人、农产品品质监测与分级等几个方面,对计算机视觉技术在农业生产中的应用进行综述,并展望了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

Neoclassical production theory assumes that outputs and inputs can be separated into two distinct commodity groups. However, this fails to take account of the presence of produced means of production in agriculture which undermine the ceteris paribus assumption on which partial equilibrium analysis is based-a criticism identified as part of the broader Sraffian critique of neoclassical economics. A simulation exercise designed to investigate the importance of produced inputs in UK agriculture found evidence of perverse aggregate supply response resulting from the use of feedgrain, an output from the cereal sector, as a produced input in the livestock sectors. This empirical result lends some support to the Sraffian analysis; however, it is suggested that the perversity arises from failure to take account of the produced input, and that computing ‘net output’  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of farm management in ensuring compatibility of extension content with the motives and constraints of individual peasant farmers. It emphasises the need for a modicum of farm management expertise in the communication of innovation from extension agent to farmer but questions the suitability of advanced farm management techniques for this purpose. It is argued that, if the potential contribution of farm management is to be realised, there is a need for an intermediate and appropriate farm management technology.  相似文献   

骚动的路营村(之二)“乡里会买我们账吗?”有人感到这事太难。“自古就有‘官逼民反’一说,”一个部队退伍回来的村民,忍不住吼了一嗓子,“何况咱这里按中央的规定向上边反映问题,乡里不买账就上县!”渐渐地,农舍里的气氛开始变热闹了。有人控告,村支部书记董应福,将村民们集资建成的粮仓,私自出租给别村使用,从中捞取租金九千多元;以后,又将粮仓捣鼓掉,吞了三四万元的售出款。特别是,大灾之年,中央曾有专门指令,贪污救灾物资是要判刑甚至杀头的,董应福竟敢把救济给路营的衣物和食品占为已有。而且,对计划生育的罚款,以及各种“提留”的钱物…  相似文献   

Human capital comprising various components, such as different types of training, experience and skills, influences the capacity of economic agents to adjust to changing environments. We distinguish between formal education, general experience and various types of specific experience as determinants of adjustment to disequilibria in agriculture and demonstrate that their relative importance varies according to the nature of the changes facing the farmers. The results provide strong support for the importance of land-specific experience even in 'modernising' situations.  相似文献   

Taking the price situation as given in product and factor markets, a non-linear differential equation model of gross output, employment, capital accumulation, and gross input for united Kingdom agriculture is derived by incorporating internal adjustment cost functions into the representative decision-maker's objective function, and estimated using a discrete approximation. The results are consistent with efficient use of resources, but further incentives for capital investment and a greater exodus of labour could upset this. Adjustment costs as estimated account for 2.6 per cent of the value of output; those associated with net investment for 1.8 per cent, and those associated with employment and gross input for 0.57 and 0.23 per cent respectively.  相似文献   

我国农业生产中粮食质量安全问题分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,我国农业和农村经济、社会事业取得了长足的发展。随着粮食的持续增产,粮食生产总量已基本满足消费需求,但是由于过分依赖施用化肥、农药来增加产量,以及重金属污染等,存在一定的质量安全隐患的问题。所以,在重金属污染和农药残留相当严重的情况下,粮食质量安全成为我国农业发展的迫切需求,特别是伴随着城镇化、工业化的迅速推进,粮食安全不容忽视。笔者提出国家的顶层设计应把“粮食质量安全”作为 “关注民生”的重要内容;大力培育农业生产者 “健康农业”意识,提高操作技能把;加强农业生产要素的质量监测,并通过立法手段确保农业生产资料的质量安全等。  相似文献   

In this paper the impact of cotton on a traditional food crop system in a semi-arid area of Kenya is analysed using a linear programming model and sensitivity analysis. Alternative criteria, maximax, maximin, and a standard average return maximand, are used in turn. The solutions are all evaluated as ‘best year’, ‘worst year’, and average values. This gives a range of results that cakes account of the uncertainty in the farming situation. Several policy conclusions follow from the analysis. It is argued that the approach used is more realistic than an approach in which a single maximand is used, and that the simplicity of the approach brings it within reach of many involved in farm production analysis.  相似文献   

农业经济是兴安盟经济发展的基础,通过对全盟复建20年来的耕地、林地、草地的数量、质量变化,农业气候因素及农业生态环境的变化分析,阐明农业资源开发利用中存在的问题,并用可持续发展的观点提出了全盟退耕33.3万hm^2的科学依据。农业产业结构是建立在农业资源开发利用的基础之上,农业产业结构的变化也反映了资源开发的变化,20年来农业产业结构发生显著变化,农业生产取得巨大成就,文中根据全盟农业资源分布的时空差异,以实施西部大开发和加入世界贸易组织为机遇,进一步确定了全盟农业资源开发区域划分,提出了粮豆主产区、城镇郊区、生态脆弱区、牧区和林区等5个区域,指出了各个区域的发展方向和重点,为提高农业结构调整的水平和发展持续农业奠定了基础。  相似文献   

试论农牧结合与中国农业的可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对农牧结合在中国农业可持续发展中的作用的分析,认为农牧结合是实现农业可持续发展目标的可靠保证:①有利于保障食物安全;②有利于提高资源利用率;③有利于稳定并提高地力;④有利于增加农民收入,促进农村经验综合发展。提出农牧结合的中心问题就是要围绕饲料供需矛盾,探讨解决饲料问题的途径,主要对策是:①将饲料作物纳入种植制度实行三元种植结构;②利用农业副产品开发饲料资源;③对畜群结构进行适应调整,发展草食  相似文献   

气候变化对农业和粮食生产影响的研究进展与发展方向   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
农业是以作物生长为基础,因此,受气候变化的影响很大。我国幅员辽阔,东西和南北之间气候 差异显著。气候变化将直接导致我国主要农区水资源和热量资源时空分布格局变化。农业生产所依赖的土 壤肥力和作物品种资源及其抗逆性也会在气候变化的作用下发生变化。气候变化直接导致局部地区农业气 候灾害和农业病虫害频度与强度加剧。在气候变化作用下,我国农业作物种植制度、农业生产结构和地区 布局将会发生相应的变化,导致我国粮食产量波动变化,甚至影响到国家粮食安全。因此,迫切需要深入 分析气候变化对我国农业和粮食生产影响的研究进展,提出进一步深入研究的重点发展方向。目前,国内 外围绕气候变化对农业和粮食生产的影响开展了很多研究。综合进来,主要有集中在气候变化对农区水热 土资源要素时空分布变化的影响,对作物品种抗逆性、抗逆基因、品种改良的影响与适应,对作物种植制 度、生产结构与地区布局的影响与适应,对农业生物灾害和非生物灾害尤其是农业旱涝灾害发生的影响, 以及对粮食产量、国家粮食安全和农业发展的影响等方面。从发展趋势看,深入开展气候变化对我国农业 和粮食生产系统的影响机理及适应机制研究,科学地把握气候变化背景下水热资源条件、土壤肥力、品种 资源等变化规律,揭示农业病虫害流行暴发特征和气象灾害发生机理,模拟、分析和预测气候变化对我国 农业、粮食生产和国家粮食安全的影响程度和变化趋势,具有重大的科学价值和现实意义,因而也将是气 候变化对农业和粮食生产影响研究的重点发展方向。  相似文献   

中部六省农业生产结构市域分异探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对中部六省农业生产结构的研究,该文得出如下结论:中部六省农业结构转换能力市域分布渐次交错,较高工业化水平促进转换速度提高;低于中部六省平均水平的市域占主体地位,低转换速度市域呈地理集中趋势;农业结构转换方向由以种植业为主向农、牧渔业综合发展的方向转变,林业与渔业的转换方向系数分布在一些区域呈地理集中趋势。同时发现,农业结构转换能力的提高促进劳动生产率增加,但不同转移方向的影响差异较大,一定程度上增加土地生产率,对机械生产率影响微弱。  相似文献   

印度加入WTO后农业产生的变化及若干启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国与印度的人口和资源状况类似,加入WTO对印度农业产生了一定的影响,印度政府也采取了一些相应的政策措施,中国可以从中得到部分启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

该文以山东桓台为例,运用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,对桓台14年的小麦-玉米轮作模式进行了碳排放评估.结果表明:通过测土施肥和秸秆还田,发展农业清洁生产,2009年每吨小麦碳排放较1996年下降了8.4%;每吨玉米下降了41.5%;华北地区集约化农业生产进一步减少氮肥、电力、燃油消耗,提高土壤固碳能力和防治秸秆碳泄漏,是未来发展低碳农业的重点;清洁农作在低碳经济中起到了重要作用,但必须建立合理的生态补偿机制.  相似文献   

提出计算农业生产率应应用综合生产率、农场规模与单产成反比、美国大型农场不适合中国国情等3个重要结论,并通过对中国大型农业耕作的实地考察,对中国大型农业经营提出5点建议.  相似文献   

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