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This paper develops a pricing model and empirically tests the pricing efficiency of options on the U.S. Dollar Index (USDX) futures contract. Empirical tests of the model indicate that the market consistently overprices these options relative to the derived model. This overpricing is more pronounced for out‐of‐the‐money options than for in‐the‐money options and more pronounced for put options than for call options. To validate the above results, delta neutral portfolios are created for one‐ and two‐day holding periods and consistently generate positive arbitrage profits, indicating that on average the market overprices the options on the USDX futures contracts.  相似文献   

We analyze the empirical properties of the volatilityimplied in options on the 13-week US Treasury bill rate. These options havenot been studied previously. It is shown that a European style put optionon the interest rate is equivalent to a call option on a zero-coupon bond.We apply the LIBOR market model and conduct a battery of validity tests tocompare three different volatility specifications: contact, affine, and exponentialvolatility. It appears that the additional parameter in the affine and theexponential volatility function is not justified. Overall, the LIBOR marketmodel fares well in describing these options.  相似文献   

This study empirically tests rational pricing conditions applicable to American gold spot and futures options. A number of ancillary pricing relations also are tested. Transactions data supplied by the Montreal Stock Exchange and the New York Commodity Exchange are used in these tests. Arbitrage trading strategies designed to exploit violations of these conditions also are provided. The results indicate potential intermarket inefficiency: a substantial number of violations of a condition applicable to call options are found, and most of these violations are sufficient in magnitude to cover the relevant transaction costs of arbitrage.  相似文献   

文章通过建立误差修正模型( Error Correction ModeL,ECM)和基于持有成本理论的误差修正模型( Error Correction ModeL Cost of Carry,ECM-CoC),对美国黄金市场的期货与现货市场在金融危机前后的互动关系进行了实证分析。结果表明:在2007年金融危机前美国黄金期货市场引导黄金现货市场,期货市场的价格发现功能得以实现;在金融风暴后美国黄金现货和期货市场存在双向引导关系;美国黄金期货市场和现货市场之间存在长期均衡关系,期货市场和现货市场均存在误差修正机制,美国现货市场价格恢复均衡的调整速度高于黄金期货市场。  相似文献   

碳排放权市场价格发现功能的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
碳期货市场在碳市场扮演着极为重要的角色,通常具有价格发现的功能。本文分析了国际碳排放权交易市场两种主要商品EUA、CER的期货价格关系.通过向量误差修正模型和公共因子模型对欧盟碳期货EUA与CER期货进行了实证研究。结果显示:EUA、CER这两种主要碳排价格指标之间具有很高的相关性,存在长期均衡的协整关系,均扮演着重要的价格发现角色,同时EUA期货价格引导CER期货价格变化。  相似文献   

Commodity futures contracts are shown to be characterized by indivisibility problems and tax disadvantages. An empirical test demonstrates that long futures investors were compensated for these drawbacks prior to the mid-1970s. However, compensation for the investment disadvantages of commodity futures ceased to exist after 1974. The year 1974 is significant because barriers to institutional investment in the futures market were removed in that year.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the theory of futures option pricing and tests the valuation principles on transaction prices from the S&P 500 equity futures option market. The American futures option valuation equations are shown to generate mispricing errors which are systematically related to the degree the option is in-the-money and to the option's time to expiration. The models are also shown to generate abnormal risk-adjusted rates of return after transaction costs. The joint hypothesis that the American futures option pricing models are correctly specified and that the S&P 500 futures option market is efficient is refuted, at least for the sample period January 28, 1983 through December 30, 1983.  相似文献   

Assuming nonstochastic interest rates, European futures options are shown to be European options written on a particular asset referred to as a futures bond. Consequently, standard option pricing results may be invoked and standard option pricing techniques may be employed in the case of European futures options. Additional arbitrage restrictions on American futures options are derived. The efficiency of a number of futures option markets is examined. Assuming that at-the-money American futures options are priced accurately by Black's European futures option pricing model, the relationship between market participants' ex ante assessment of futures price volatility and the term to maturity of the underlying futures contract is also investigated empirically.  相似文献   

郑州白糖期货市场功能实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对郑州商品交易所白糖品种,提出取每日所有交易价格的成交量加权平均数代表当日期货价格,构成期货价格序列,利用平稳性检验、协整检验、误差修正模型以及格兰杰因果检验等方法进行实证分析,结果表明:白糖期货价格与现货价格之间存在长期均衡关系,期货价格具有良好的价格发现功能,期货价格和现货价格之间存在双向格兰杰因果关系.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes and compares the valuation of two types of options that relate to the same asset: options on the asset itself and options on the futures on the asset. The early exercise privilege plays a central role in explaining the differences between the values of the two options. It is shown that in the case of a cash instrument that does not make interim payments, such as gold, the value of a call option on the spot is smaller than the call option on the futures contract; the opposite is true for put options. The early exercise boundaries, which characterize when it pays to exercise, are also compared and analyzed.  相似文献   

魏悦  魏忠 《海南金融》2010,(8):43-47
近代上海标金市场是国际金融市场的重要组成部分,也是上海成为国际金融中心的标志。本文通过实证分析得出,近代上海不仅拥有门类齐全的货币市场和资本市场,重要的是拥有当时世界上最发达、最先进的金融期货市场,这对于当代上海重建国际金融中心具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

Since 1998, large investment banks have become active as issuers of options, generally referred to as call warrants or bank‐issued options. This has led to an interesting situation in the Netherlands, where simultaneously call warrants are traded on the stock exchange, and long‐term call options are traded on the options exchange. Both entitle their holders to buy shares of common stock. We start with a direct comparison between call warrants and call options, written on the same stock and with the same exercise price, but where the call option has a longer time to maturity. In 13 out of 16 cases we find that the call warrants are priced higher, which is a clear violation of basic option pricing rules. In the second part of the analysis we use option pricing models to compare the pricing of call warrants and call options. If implied standard deviations from options are used to price the call warrants, we find that the call warrants are strongly overpriced during the first five trading days. The average overpricing is between 25 and 30%. Only a small part of the overpricing can be explained by rational arguments such as transaction costs. We suggest that the overvaluation can be explained by a combination of an active financial marketing by the banks and the framing effect.  相似文献   

中国期货市场套期保值绩效实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究中国期货市场的套期保值绩效,本文利用确定套期保值比率的OLS、B-VAR、ECHM和EC—GARCH四个模型和套期保值绩效的衡量指标,对中国期货的小麦、大豆、铜和铝的套期保值比率和绩效进行了实证研究,使用1998~2004年中国期货与现货价格的周数据来进行单位根和协整检验等计量分析。研究显示,金属期货品种的套期保值比率和绩效比农产品期货品种的套期保值比率和绩效都要高。考虑了协整关系的ECHM和EC—GARCH模型的套期保值比率和绩效比没有考虑协整关系的OLS和B—VAR模型高,样本区间外的套期保值绩效优于样本区间内的绩效。本文认为采用ECMH和EC—GARCH模型进行套朔保值是最佳的策略。  相似文献   

We provide new evidence regarding the degree of integration among markets for stocks, futures and options prior to and during the October 1987 market crash. Where previous analyses have resulted in recommendations for the implementation of circuit breakers, the coordination of margin requirements across markets, and changes in regulatory jurisdiction, our analysis indicates that delinkage between markets during the crash was primarily caused by an antiquated mechanism for processing stock market orders. The results suggest that market integration may be better served by efficient order execution than by further restricting markets. To a large extent, the problems of mid-October can be traced to the failure of these market segments [stocks, stock index futures, and stock options] to act as one. (Report of the Presidential Task Force [Brady Report] (1988, Executive Summary, p. vi)).  相似文献   

We find that option listings are associated with a decrease in the variance of the pricing error, a decrease in the adverse selection component of the spread, and an increase in the relative weight placed by the specialist on public information in revising prices for the underlying stocks. We also find that there is a decrease in the spread and increases in quoted depth, trading volume, trading frequency, and transaction size after option listings. Overall, our results suggest that option listings improve the market quality of the underlying stocks.  相似文献   

本文以上海黄金市场的期货和现货价格为样本,建立VAR和VECM模型对上海黄金市场进行实证研究。研究结果表明,上海黄金市场的期现货价格之间存在协整关系;期货价格是市场价格的先行指标,是引导现货价格变化的Granger原因;上海黄金期货市场具有价格发现功能,并且具有较强的调整作用。  相似文献   

根据收集整理的2003-2007年全球期货和期权交易数据,统计分析了近5年全球期货和期权市场总体发展态势、各类期货品种发展趋势、合约分布、地理格局,总结了近5年来世界期货发展的潮流和主线,阐明了5年来世界期货和期权市场发展趋势背后存在的规律和原因.同时分析指出中国三家期货交易所的国际地位、增长趋势和发展潜力.  相似文献   

全球股指期货与期权市场的发展动向及启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文通过对近年来全球股指期货及期权场内交易发展态势及动向分析,指出全球股指期货及期权呈现出交易量稳居各类产品之首、交易高度集中于几家交易所的几种产品、中国概念股指备受关注、创新步伐不断加快等四大趋势,启示我们适时推出股指期货,研究股指期权,不但可以拓展期货市场发展空间,推动境内资本市场的健康发展,建立完善的股指市场体系,而且是股票类衍生品创新的基础。  相似文献   

本文以大连期货交易所大豆期货价格的日收盘价为样本,运用重标级差来研究期货市场价格的非线性特征.从统计结果来看,样本序列呈现出尖峰、胖尾等有偏特征,其H值大于0.5.这说明期货价格波动并不遵循有效市场理论,期货价格时间序列具有持久性趋势.同时发现,连豆期货存在着一个大约516天的非周期循环长度,这进一步证明期货市场价格波动的非随机性.  相似文献   

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