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邵峥嵘 《征信》2016,(10):27-30
企业征信机构与信贷市场评级机构作为征信市场的主体,在业务拓展与机构管理方面,存在较多相似之处。在信贷领域,征信机构和评级机构功能及定位趋同,但评级机构未能与市场需求紧密结合,且在政策理解上存在偏差,制约着征信市场健康发展。因此,征信市场化改革制度设计,应明确征信市场的布局和定位,加强业务监管法律规范建设,进一步完善市场准入退出机制,建立征信行业执业规范。  相似文献   

谷岩洁  耿涛 《征信》2016,(9):51-54
结合征信领域金融消费权益保护现状,以征信领域典型侵权案件为例,进行公益诉讼用于征信维权领域的可行性研究,提出公益诉讼适用于征信维权领域的观点,以期解决征信领域维权存在的金融消费者劣势地位、维权意识和动力缺乏、维权主体缺失等问题.  相似文献   

对于注册会计师行业而言,在高度关注执业风险的前提下,提高执业素质和加强职业道德是不可或缺的两个重要环节。而培养专业判断能力无疑是提高执业能力的根本保证。从注册会计师执行审计业务的全过程来看,利用会计要素或会计报表相关项目之间内在的逻辑或勾稽关系进行专业分析,是培养专业判断能力的重要途径。本文拟通过案例分析的方式,向读者介绍一些具体的分析问题的方法。 案例A:对公司利润操纵行为的识别一、公司相关财务数据为了便于阐述与分析问题,根据公司2000年度和2001年度会计报表及报表附注所披露的信息,将相关财务数据整理如表…  相似文献   

This commentary analyzes the relationship of fraud risk assessments to other risk assessments by auditors. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board notes that this is a problem area of current practice. Effective detection of fraudulent financial reporting requires an integrative accounting/auditing conceptual framework. As a result, this paper is as much about accounting theory as it is about auditing. To simplify the development of such an integrated framework, this paper uses an expanded risk model. This effectively results in a risk perspective on fraudulent financial reporting. There are many potential implications but the major findings are as follows. First, the study identifies the crucial role of benchmarks based on acceptable levels of risk to help differentiate between intentional and unintentional misstatements. Such differentiation is critical to successfully implementing the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 99 and international standards ISA Nos. 240, 540, and 700. Second, the paper shows the importance of not allowing the major categories of risks identified here from getting too high. This paper explains the need to set acceptable levels of these risks, either by standard‐setters as a matter of broad policy, or by individual practitioners as part of the terms of specific engagements. I propose that a major factor in the concept of “present fairly” be the acceptable levels of accounting risks that are defined here, especially the risks due to intentional forecast errors. Third, this paper clarifies how the fraud risk of SAS No. 99, and similar international standards, relates to the current audit risk model framework.  相似文献   

孙兆东 《银行家》2003,(4):98-100
2003年2月20日,中国人民银行在其发布的<2002年中国货币政策执行报告>中公布了我国利率市场化改革的总体思路.即:先外币、后本币;先贷款、后存款;先长期、大额,后短期、小额.与此同时,央行近日又提出了利率市场化将作为2003年中国金融改革的一项重点内容,经过试点,利率市场化改革有望全面铺开.  相似文献   

基层营业网点工作,点多面广,是我们工商银行工作的基础。“万丈高楼平地起”。只有打牢基础,转变发展方式才能顺利进行。工行北京海淀支行多年来坚持贴近基层,贴近一线营业网点、贴近员工,尊重人、关心人、理解人,以人为本,努力为员工办好事、办实事,营造出快乐工作、幸福生活的和谐氛围。  相似文献   

陈琍 《涉外税务》2003,(6):47-49
1969年,由美国税务法院做出最终判决的赫伯特 G.哈特案,是美国税收历史上有关在何种情况下,雇主提供给雇员的住房的价值(指雇员在市场上租用同样的住房所需支付的租金)可以不计入雇员毛所得的著名案例.  相似文献   

利率管制对农村金融深化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融深化是经济发展与金融发展的必经之路,在金融全球化的背景下,我国的金融深化改革已经逐步进入轨道,未来一段时间将是金融深化稳步推进的阶段。但在我国农村金融改革发展历程中,始终存在金融抑制问题。管制的、非市场化的利率水平,直接导致了其价格信号作用的丧失,加剧了金融二元化和结构性贷款难。这些症结在微观经济领域表现为:资金价格双轨制突出、中小企业和农户融资难、金融二元化困境。要推进农村金融深化,在市场化改革方面,最重要的一步就是放开利率管制,建立以市场资金供求为基础,以中央银行基准利率为调控核心,由市场资金供求决定各种利率水平的市场利率体系,还原利率的资金价格信号作用。  相似文献   

辖内联行利率是商业银行内部资金转移价格体系的重要组成部分。探讨现阶段国有商业银行辖内联行利率在规避利率风险,对以利润为中心的绩效考核目标的支持以及引导业务发展等方面的功效,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In 1994, Mexico underwent a severe peso devaluation. Thereafter, the country’s financial system experienced severe financial stress as loan defaults forced the government to undertake a program to rescue the country’s banks and obtain international financial assistance. One of the measures involved the reformulation of the financial reporting principles used by the country’s banks. The standards, which are contained in the Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission’s Circular 1343 (1997), were designed to provide Mexican banks with a comprehensive set of financial reporting standards and to bring the financial reporting practices of Mexican financial institutions closer to international standards. However, while the standards contain several improvements in the fundamental aspects of financial reporting for Mexican banks, they lack some important measurement and disclosure provisions contained in international standards. Given this tendency, this paper examines the post-devaluation (1998) financial reporting practices of Mexican banks. Emphasis is placed on comparing the reporting practices contained in the banks’ 1998 financial statements with the requirements of Circular 1343, the standards published by the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants (MIPA), International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) standards, and Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) rules.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the voluntary disclosure strategies of a privately informed firm manager when the information is relevant to both a financial market for valuation purposes and a union for wage bargaining purposes. Disclosure of favourable information may adversely affect the terms under which the firm can secure the required flow of labour and may thus lead to a decrease in the firm's market value. The paper shows that both a full-disclosure and a nondisclosure equilibrium may exist, which contradicts an earlier analysis of the issue made by Pope and Peel (1981).  相似文献   


This study explores the challenges of implementing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) at the organisational level. Based on interviews with experts with aggregated experience relating to the transition projects of over 170 reporting entities, this paper highlights the main challenges in delivering a successful implementation of IFRS. The findings show that the problems faced in implementation include lack of education and training, securing executive-level support, identifying and responding to the wider business-related implications of the transition, and issues with capturing the necessary information for reporting under IFRS.This paper complements the existing literature and offers a qualitative alternative to considering the transition to IFRS, offering insight into the organisational context of IFRS implementation. These insights are useful not only from a historic perspective, but also for organisations and regulators in the many jurisdictions where IFRS is permitted but not required, where more reporting entities will voluntarily move to IFRS-based reporting in the future. More broadly, they are also applicable to the challenges faced in implementing new and significantly revised IFRSs.  相似文献   

利率市场化的风险是利率变化引起的风险,金融体系的脆弱引起的风险;国有企业高债率引起的财务风险及进而演化的破产风险;非国有企业由于利率的不规则波动引起成本不确定性增大;金融衍生工具的应用削弱了央行控制货币供应量的能力,使利率调控变得艰难而引起金融风险;市场化的利率使各项风险变得集中起来.风险控制的措施有对商业银行进行改造,使之成为自主经营、自负盈亏的独立实体;理顺银企关系,进行国企改革;央行加强对本国利率水平的调控;加强对商业银行的监管;弱化信息不对称,增加央行的政策透明度;充分地发展金融市场.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study investigates whether a broader range of financial performance measures as required by FRS No.3 ( FRS3 ) provides incremental price information beyond a single earnings-based performance measure. I find that the additional performance components reported in the layered statement of performance and reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds and alternative earnings per share that are voluntarily disclosed by UK firms are generally associated with share returns, and provide incremental price information beyond FRS3 all-inclusive earnings. This finding supports the information set perspective underlying FRS3 , and has important implications for setting a global accounting standard on reporting financial performance.  相似文献   

周程 《国际融资》2004,(11):31-33
记者最近有调查表明民营企业家中官员出身的占到较大比例,这使得公众对于这些转变身份的官员是否造成过国有或集体财产流失产生怀疑.您对此怎么看?  相似文献   

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