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<正>近年来我国双创发展非常快,取得了很大成效。今年上半年国务院办公厅印发了《关于建设大众创业万众创新示范基地的实施意见》,明确了28个单位为首批双创示范基地。几个月来双创示范基地发展很快,取得了一定进展。随着创新驱动发展战略的深入实施,大众创业万众创新在全国各地蓬勃兴起、蔚然成风。党中央、国务院一直高度重视创业创新工作。今年以来,习近平总书记、李克强总理等中央领导同志多次就这项工作做出重要指示  相似文献   

日前,国务院办公厅印发《关于建设第三批大众创业万众创新示范基地的通知》.国家发展改革委负责同志就第三批大众创业万众创新示范基地建设相关问题回答记者提问. 问:请问,为什么要在这个时间节点启动第三批双创示范基地建设? 答:党的十九届五中全会强调,坚持创新在我国现代化建设全局中的核心地位,把科技自立自强作为国家发展的战略支...  相似文献   

《国务院办公厅关于建设第三批大众创业万众创新示范基地的通知》(国办发〔2020〕51号)明确了双创示范基地创业就业、精益创业、融通创新、全球化创业四大功能化定位,浙江省双创示范基地逐步转向特色化、功能化和专业化发展.作为浙江省唯一一家聚焦全球化创业方向的国家双创示范基地,嘉善县持续深入贯彻落实创新驱动发展战略,在创新国...  相似文献   

<正>2016年5月,国务院办公厅印发《关于推进大众创业万众创新的实施意见》,明确了首批28个双创示范基地。按照国务院部署和要求,全国28个示范基地加快推进资本、人才、技术等资源集聚,完善双创政策环境,推动双创政策落地,扶持双创支撑平台,打造双创发展生态,形成了各具特色的双创模式和典型经验。为更好地向社会展示和介绍双创示范基地的探索  相似文献   

<正>9月12日上午,"创响中国"巡回接力活动湘潭站启动仪式暨智能智造主题高端论坛在湘潭高新区举行。"创响中国"是全国大众创业万众创新活动周重要预热活动,由全国首批17个"双创"区域示范基地所在省、市或地方政府主办。湖南省湘潭市委书记、市人大常委会主任曹炯芳,国家发展改革委东北振兴司副巡视员唐华,中国科协企业创新服务中心副主任冯师斌,湖南省发展改革委副主  相似文献   

<正>提案人:全国政协委员钱颖一承办司局:国家发展改革委高技术司全国政协委员钱颖一提案:在大众创业万众创新中更好地发挥政府作用进入新常态后发展需要更多地依靠创新驱动,这已形成共识。创新除了依靠政府主导,发挥举国体制优势这种方式外,目前更需要发挥来自民间的、草根的推动,更需要通过创业方式推动创新。这就需要"大众创业、万众创新"这一经济发展的新动力。大众创业、万众创新本质上是草根活动,应该依靠民间力量,依靠市场机制。但是,政府的作用非常重要。如何更好地发挥政府作用,并在其中实现政府职能转化,形成  相似文献   

<正>2014年1月,陕西省西咸新区被国务院批复为国内首个以创新城市发展方式为主题的国家级新区,2016年5月,国务院批准西咸新区成为全国首批、西北唯一的"大众创业、万众创新"示范基地,西咸新区的发展迎来的新的契机和挑战。西咸新区积极探索创新、先试先行,全力推进双创工作,加  相似文献   

<正>双创是构成"三大战略"和"三大任务"中重要的战略支点,对发展新经济、培育新动能起着重要作用。2014年,李克强总理在夏季达沃斯论坛首次提出"大众创业、万众创新",故2014年为"双创概念提出年"。2015年,以《国务院关于大力推进大众创业万众创新若干政策措施的意见》(国发[2015]32号)为核心,政府陆续出台了大量相关政策文件,故2015年为"政策密集出台年"。2016年以来,双创工作取得了一定成  相似文献   

<正>广州高新技术产业开发区科学城园区依托并辐射带动广州开发区,于2016年5月获评成为全国首批双创示范基地。一年多来,积极对接国家战略,把先进制造业和战略性新兴产业作为立区之本,不断转变发展动力,创新发展模式,提升发展水平,努力建设广州国际科技创新枢纽核心区,在更大范围、更高层次、更深程度上推进大众创业、万众创新。一、强化制度供给,为创新创业加油广州开发区抢抓机  相似文献   

<正>国务院办公厅关于建设大众创业万众创新示范基地的实施意见,明确了全国首批28个双创示范基地。包括17个区域型示范基地,7个企业示范基地和4个高校和科研院所示范基地。为更好宣传示范基地取得成效,提炼可复制的经验,国家发改委多次组织实地调研,本刊也作为双创示范基地调研组新闻小分队参与了调研采访。为集中展示双创示范基地取得的成效,9月2日,国家发展改革委举行新闻发布会,邀请来自北京市海  相似文献   

本文在联盟相关研究和创新创业理论的框架下,基于近三年对国家双创示范基地联盟的持续走访、调研和跟踪研究,总结了双创示范基地联盟的功能定位,认为双创示范基地联盟需要推动双创示范基地之间的联动融通、促进双创示范基地之间的融合协同、指引双创示范基地高质量发展。双创示范基地联盟实现其功能定位需要理事长单位满足“牵头者”“搭建者”“组织者”和“服务者”的四重定位,同时,激发联盟的规模效用、平台效用、网络效用和生态效用。明确联盟的功能定位及实现机制,不但能够进一步丰富我国双创的理论研究,还能够为双创示范基地联盟完善顶层设计、推动联盟健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,“试点-推广”已成为我国政策创新和扩散的典型范式。创新驱动发展战略实施以来,这一范式被广为应用,往往同一个地区同处不同政策的试点和推广区域,这为政策扩散理论研究提供新的实践案例。本研究基于政策扩散理论,初步构建了“既有试点推广其他政策”可行性分析模型,并以双创示范基地推广全面创新改革试验政策为例展开分析。研究发现:双创政策和全面创新改革政策同属创新驱动发展战略框架,两者的政策内容高度匹配;双创政策的实施为全面创新改革实验政策的推广提供了基本动力和创新基础;两者在政策目标、主体和工具上存在一定差异,可能产生执行主体权不配责和既往目标的路径依赖等问题;总体上,双创示范基地有着良好的基础推广全面创新改革试验政策。  相似文献   

李潇伊 《中国商论》2021,(8):190-192
我国现阶段正处于创新驱动的环境中,从生态层面对大学生创新创业环境进行系统性研究,将大学生作为生态化的主要驱动力量,实施多种创新要素同时驱动,以推动创新服务环境的优化升级,进而在教育中逐渐塑造和培养学生创新创业的能力。在大众创业创新的环境下,高校积极培养创新型人才,引入开放式的教育思维,借助于产学研多种资源的合理利用,构建了有机生态链,实现动态化发展,形成多元化的教育环境。本文讨论了大学生创新创业的发展环境,然后进一步提出了开展创新创业环境建设的有效策略,对于大学生今后的创新创业活动发挥了积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

This article critically analyses how the entrepreneurial ecosystem and institutional environment influences the development of frugal innovation and informal entrepreneurship. There is a dearth of empirical research on African entrepreneurship ecosystems and complementors that produce innovations in the informal sector. We address this gap, by examining why and how informal businesses operate and evolve. Based on a qualitative approach, interviewing 20 business owners in Nigeria, two focus groups meeting with 5 and 7 business associations leaders, respectively, we examine the role of institutional environments, how entrepreneurs operate and overcome the barriers to entrepreneurship. The results reveal a model of determinants of frugal innovation and informal entrepreneurship ecosystem comprising formal/informal rules, access to market, and family as important elements that act as a means to effective knowledge flows, networking, capital, and resources sharing.  相似文献   

The transformation of China into an innovation-oriented nation is now topping the agenda of Chinese government. Technological innovation is seen at the heart of this transformation, and enterprises have been called the key driving force of the innovation process. However, what are the key ingredients for such a transformation to occur? And are Chinese enterprises ready to fulfil this new responsibility? Drawing on the concept of technological entrepreneurship, this paper intends to explain technological innovation in Chinese enterprises, and attempts to develop an integrative view for research in this field, especially as related to the questions asked above.  相似文献   

This article studies the process of business services provision by business incubators. It considers this provision as an innovative and dynamic process, carried out in an open innovation context, where many elements from the entrepreneurship ecosystem (EE) interact. Thus, the article creates new knowledge because conceptually, it defines and relates all the key elements that are the source of innovation and value added: business services themselves, the EE, the context of open innovation and the features of that interaction. This conceptualization is tested empirically in two different scopes, a broad one with 255 business incubators around the world, and a Spanish case with two university incubators with some references to a foreign two-country study. Results detect some patterns of service provision according to ownership, size and partnership of the business incubators and show the efficacy of the cooperation of the private and public sectors and the universities.  相似文献   

The current socio‐economic scenarios have generated several challenges for any organization. Regional authorities have designed policies that combine supply–demand needs and innovative entrepreneurship programs. The alignment between regional and business strategies has become critical to ensure the necessary resources, skills and capabilities in the region. This article analyses the alignment of regional strategies (entrepreneurial innovation ecosystems) and business strategies (development of new entrepreneurial innovations). By adopting mixed theoretical approaches, we proposed a conceptual model to understand the role of institutional strategies on the definition of business strategies. Given the nature of this study, our methodological design combines a case study approach and an action research approach. Our results provide insights into the positive outcomes generated when regional strategies and business strategies are aligned.  相似文献   

Since franchise business can be an alternative to independent business, it seems interesting to look at those factors that encourage individuals to choose franchise rather than independent business. It is also relevant to consider the role of innovation because it is generally accepted that independent business facilitates innovations to a greater degree than does franchise. The main goal of this paper is to determine the factors that encourage individuals to choose franchise activity and what role plays innovation in their decision.  相似文献   

The purpose of this special issue is to examine small businesses, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and show that, although these three concepts have their own specific literature and can be dealt with independently, they are closely related. From Schumpeter to the present, a stream of literature unites the concept of entrepreneurship with its ability to make new combinations of factors and corresponding innovations in processes and products; similarly, in a broad stream of literature, the most characteristic dimension of entrepreneurship is closely linked to small businesses. Small and large companies have different advantages and drawbacks with innovation, but small businesses provide the most conducive environment for entrepreneurship and innovation that are not necessarily sustained by the know-how and resources characteristic of large-scale production, but require commitment and close cooperation between company members. In this introduction, we show how the three topics converge in four articles dealing with micro-start-ups and innovation, institutional determinants of entrepreneurship, and determining factors in entrepreneurs’ individual characteristics.  相似文献   

Yan Chen 《Business Horizons》2018,61(4):567-575
Over the past few years, Bitcoin has emerged as the first decentralized, global currency. The rise of Bitcoin has brought attention not only to digital currencies but also to the underlying technology empowering digital currencies: blockchain technology. A blockchain is a distributed ledger that records and secures transactions in a peer-to-peer network. Besides empowering digital currencies, blockchain technology has given innovators the capability of creating digital tokens to represent scarce assets, potentially reshaping the landscape of entrepreneurship and innovation. Blockchain tokens may democratize (1) entrepreneurship by giving entrepreneurs new ways to raise funds and engage stakeholders, and (2) innovation by giving innovators a new way to develop, deploy, and diffuse decentralized applications. Blockchain technology and tokens have sparked a new wave of innovation, which may start to revolutionize entrepreneurship and innovation.  相似文献   

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