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王瑜 《价值工程》2015,(4):104-105
班组安全管理是建筑施工企业安全生产管理的基础和根本。人的不安全行为是造成安全事故的直接原因,本文从培养安全意识、安全行为、安全习惯等方面入手,通过教育、制度等途径及时进行引导和约束,规避不安全行为,实现班组安全生产。  相似文献   

文章阐述了学习型班组在班组建设中的内涵和作用,介绍了通过建设学习型班组活动,建立以学习为基础,以人为关键,以提高创新能力为目标的班组建设理念,由此提升班组管理水平,提高班组员工的综合素质和创新能力,为班组及企业安全生产保驾护航。  相似文献   

论学习型班组建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了学习型班组在班组建设中的内涵和作用,介绍了通过建设学习型班组活动,建立以学习为基础,以人为关键,以提高创新能力为目标的班组建设理念,由此提升班组管理水平,提高班组员工的综合素质和创新能力,为班组及企业安全生产保驾护航。  相似文献   

The dichotomies which have been proposed to distinguish between what can be labelled 'sociotechnical' and 'Japanese' teams oversimplify the 'team discussion'. They combine team characteristics and contextual factors which should be separated, contain biases, and have an infirm basis. As an alternative we propose an analytical framework to improve our theoretical understanding of how relevant contextual factors impact the design of jobs and organizations  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines learning in interdisciplinary action teams. Research on team effectiveness has focused primarily on single-discipline teams engaged in routine production tasks and, less often, on interdisciplinary teams engaged in discussion and management rather than action. The resulting models do not explain differences in learning in interdisciplinary action teams. Members of these teams must coordinate action in uncertain, fast-paced situations, and the extent to which they are comfortable speaking up with observations, questions, and concerns may critically influence team outcomes. To explore what leaders of action teams do to promote speaking up and other proactive coordination behaviours – as well as how organizational context may affect these team processes and outcomes – I analysed qualitative and quantitative data from 16 operating room teams learning to use a new technology for cardiac surgery. Team leader coaching, ease of speaking up, and boundary spanning were associated with successful technology implementation. The most effective leaders helped teams learn by communicating a motivating rationale for change and by minimizing concerns about power and status differences to promote speaking up in the service of learning.  相似文献   

进一步提高对班组建设重要性的认识,研究班组建设的途径与方法对企业的兴衰成败具有现实和长远的意义。文章从班组建设的重要作用及意义着手,探讨电力企业班组建设和管理的现状及存在的问题,并就如何进一步提升班组建设的整体水平提出建议。  相似文献   

进一步提高对班组建设重要性的认识,研究班组建设的途径与方法对企业的兴表成败具有现实和长远的意义。文章从班组建设的重要作用及意义着手,探讨电力企业班组建设和管理的现状及存在的问题,并就如何进一步提升班组建设的整体水平提出建议。  相似文献   

精细化管理是电力生产企业保障安全高效生产的一项基础工程,而班组是企业各项工作的落脚点,是精细化管理的实施者。文章从电力生产企业的实际出发,通过论述人性化管理与制度化管理的辩证统一关系,阐明了人性化管理在班组实施精细化管理过程中的重要意义,进而从人文视角探讨提高精细化管理执行力的主要途径.为提升电力生产企业精细化管理水平提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Diversity research assumes that social interaction is influenced by a social categorization that arises from visible and readily detectable differences. How does this process work when the differences are not readily detectable? We explore the legal protections that shape the employment environment for people with invisible identities and how invisibility influences the common social dimensions of stigma these individuals experience. These social dimensions are resistant to change and therefore change occurs slowly: stigma cannot simply be legislated away. On the basis of our comparisons of social identity groups with invisible characteristics we discuss four dimensions that are especially relevant for understanding the social dynamics of invisible diversities.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed in the popular management literature that the TQM (total quality management) and BPR (business process re-engineering) movements are the two latest expressions of an increasing sophistication in management techniques and principles. Following this logic it only is a matter of time before they will be superseded by yet another management innovation. This paper aims to explode this ‘beyond’ myth by exposing the underlying logic of TQM and BPR implementation patterns in two case companies. Empirical findings will be related back to critical approaches to the study of TQM and BPR. Concrete suggestions as to how to move beyond the quick fix managerial mode will be proposed. Our approach is intended to provide a counterweight to the unreflective discourse surrounding TQM and BPR by breaking open the naturalness of this discourse. It supplies a few landmarks for managers and researchers to take a step back, hesitate, and reflect on the phenomenon of planned organizational change.  相似文献   

文章阐述了变电站管理存在的问题和原因,指出通过班组培训可改善变电站管理,讨论了目前班组培训存在的问题及原因,结合目前变电站的实际情况,针对存在的问题提出提高变电站班组培训质量的建议.  相似文献   

文章阐述了变电站管理存在的问题和原因,指出通过班组培训可改善变电站管理,讨论了目前班组培训存在的问题及原因,结合目前变电站的实际情况,针对存在的问题提出提高变电站班组培训质量的建议。  相似文献   

高管团队社会集成的质量明显地影响团队决策,然而已有的文献未能有效地解释影响社会集成的深层次原因。本文选用了高度群体决策的极端环境企业,采用扎根理论的分析方法和理论构建方法,对H公司的四个高管团队进行了追踪式观察等多种证据材料的收集、分析,发现高管团队的认知和价值观分别制约着社会集成的有效形成,并发现团队领袖和一般高管成员在团队集成中发挥不同作用。本文归纳出团队认知渴求、领袖的开放性、团队合作意识、团队成员责任感、领袖对才能的尊重五个影响社会集成的要素;并进一步结合相关文献构建出基于认知和价值观视角的理解社会集成的理论模型。本研究丰富了高管团队理论及社会集成理论,且对企业实践具有启发意义。  相似文献   

E-Leadership and Virtual Teams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we have identified some key challenges for E-leaders of virtual teams. Among the most salient of these are the following:
• The difficulty of keeping tight and loose controls on intermediate progress toward goals
• Promoting close cooperation among teams and team members in order to integrate deliverables
• Encouraging and recognizing emergent leaders in virtual teams
• Establishing explicit processes for archiving important written documentation
• Establishing and maintaining norms and procedures early in a team’s formation and development
• Establishing proper boundaries between home and work
Virtual team environments magnify the differences between good and bad projects, organizations, teams, and leaders. The nature of such projects is that there is little tolerance for ineffective leadership. There are some specific issues and techniques for mitigating the negative effects of more dispersed employees, but these are merely extensions of good leadership—they cannot make up for the lack of it.


An excellent reference for research on teams is M. E. Shaw, R. M. McIntyre, and E. Salas, “Measuring and Managing for Team Performance: Emerging Principles from Complex Environments,” in R. A. Guzzo and E. Salas, eds., Team Effectiveness and Decision Making in Organizations (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995). For a fuller discussion of teleworking and performance-management issues in virtual teams, see W. F. Cascio, “Managing a Virtual Workplace,” Academy of Management Executive, 2000, 14(3), 81–90, and also C. Joinson, “Managing Virtual Teams,” HRMagazine, June 2002, 69–73. Several sources discuss the issue of trust in virtual teams: D. Coutu, “Trust in Virtual Teams,” Harvard Business Review, May–June 1998, 20–21; S. L. Jarvenpaa, K. Knoll, and D. E. Leidner, “Is Anybody Out There? Antecedents of Trust in Global Virtual Teams,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 1998, 14(4), 29–64. See also Knoll and Jarvenpaa, “Working Together in Global Virtual Teams,” in M. Igbaria and M. Tan, eds., The Virtual Workplace (Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, 1998).Estimates of the number of teleworkers vary. For examples, see Gartner Group, Report R-06-6639, November 18, 1998, and also Telework America survey, news release, October 23, 2001. We learned about CPP’s approach to managing virtual work arrangements through David Krantz, personal communication, August 20, 2002, Palo Alto, CA.There are several excellent references on emergent leaders. For example, see G. Lumsden and D. Lumsden, Communicating in Groups and Teams: Sharing Leadership (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1993); Lumsden and Lumsden, Groups: Theory and Experience, 4th ed. (Boston: Houghton, 1993); R. W. Napier and M. K. Gershenfeld, Groups: Theory and Experience, 4th ed. (Boston: Houghton, 1989); and M. E. Shaw, Group Dynamics: The Psychology of Small Group Behavior, 3rd ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981).An excellent source for e-mail style is D. Angell and B. Heslop, The Elements of E-mail Style: Communicate Effectively via Electronic Mail (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994). To read more on the growing demand for flexible work arrangements, see “The New World of Work: Flexibility is the Watchword,” Business Week, 10 January 2000, 36.For more on individualism and collectivism, see H. C. Triandis, “Cross-cultural Industrial and Organizational Psychology,” in H. C. Triandis, M. D. Dunnette, and L. M. Hough, eds., Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd ed., vol. 4 (Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1994, 103–172).Executive SummaryAs the wired world brings us all closer together, at the same time as we are separated by time and distance, leadership in virtual teams becomes ever more important. Information technology makes it possible to build far-flung networks of organizational contributors, although unique leadership challenges accompany their formation and operation. This paper describes the growth of virtual teams, the various forms they assume, the kinds of information and support they need to function effectively, and the leadership challenges inherent in each form. We then provide workable, practical solutions to each of the leadership challenges identified.  相似文献   

An interaction between two factors in their effects on a dependent variable is here modelled as (first) summation of quantities derived from the two factors individually, and (second) a nonlinear relation between that sum and the dependent variable. There are only a few possible nonlinear functions that need to be considered. The dataset used as an example is a 3 × 3 table showing crossover interaction. The proposed explanation uses a quadratic curve (which has a descending limb and an ascending limb) to achieve reversal of the effect of one factor for some categories of the other factor.  相似文献   

Australia's automotive industry has throughout the 1990s embarked on a sustained programme to improve product quality, productivity and quality of work life through the development of a more flexible and team-based work-force. This paper examines the results of these efforts through a study of Australia's four car makers and their largest component suppliers. The paper examines the role of union-management cooperation in implementing work teams, identifies the forms of work teams that have been developed as well as evidence for the alignment of organization capabilities to support team-based work. The effects of work teams on organizational performance and quality of work life are also examined. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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