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谢雨  毕魏强 《特区经济》2013,(2):100-102
旅游业的低碳发展是我国实现节能减排目标的重要手段。然而地方政府和旅游企业可能出于短期利益等原因拒绝发展低碳旅游。本文通过建立进化博弈模型,对地方政府与旅游企业的行为策略进行分析,并在这些基础上探讨优势策略组合所需要的条件,寻求政企双方如何实现长期共赢的方法,最后提出促进低碳旅游发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

外商投资零售企业的竞争优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国行政编制下的各级地方政府是经济运行中的特殊利益主体。在经济转型过程中,受不同的经济体制运行要求的影响,地方政府间竞争的内涵与方式动态地演变。地方政府间竞争对我国在改革中实现经济较快增长、保持社会稳定发挥了巨大的作用,担当了市场化渐进的中间过渡角色,也  相似文献   

This paper outlines the contribution made by metropolitan authorities to the establishment of credit unions. It reviews the reasons for establishing credit unions, the assistance provided to them, the problems faced in setting them up and the changes required to make credit unions more effective instruments of community regeneration.  相似文献   

论长江三峡旅游竞合博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹华盛 《特区经济》2008,(9):150-152
本文从博弈的视角分析了多元竞争对三峡旅游发展的制约,探视了政府主导的区域合作与企业自发合作,认为竞合博弈战略是现阶段三峡旅游发展的最佳选择。基于竞合博弈战略,笔者探讨了在三峡区域旅游中实施竞合博弈的"创新"策略。  相似文献   

Rules versus authorities revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In this paper, we explore the effect of fragmentation of production processes on social welfare in the imperfectly competitive market. We consider a situation in which firms located in a country strategically decide whether they produce at home or move their production overseas. We show that, in such a situation, there exists a Nash equilibrium in which all of the firms move production overseas although domestic production is socially desirable. This implies that “reverse imports” do not necessarily benefit the country. We also discuss the effectiveness of a subsidy for domestic production in improving the social welfare of the country. J. Japanese Int. Economies 21 (3) (2007) 365–378.  相似文献   

Summary As the pace of globalization quickens, firms are up against a proliferation of actual and potential competitors. Meanwhile, competition between nations and regional groupings is heating up, and there is a whole strand of thought that looks at the struggle between different types of capitalism and socio-economic systems. Such a rivalry may lead to beneficial effects, but in many cases interdependence does not automatically produce order. In the search for the public iinterest, there is a need for cooperation to generate a degree of trust and consensus that is superior to what can be expected from the various forms of capitalism.Inaugural Francqui Lecture, 8/2/1994. Université Libre de Bruxelles  相似文献   

Transfrontier cross-border nature conservation has become a fashionable target in many parts of the world, including Southern Africa. Transfrontier conservation initiatives are considered to have great capacity for biodiversity conservation and sustainable tourism development by providing employment and revenue opportunities for poor people and communities. However, many previous studies have indicated that in spite of expectations and rhetoric there is often rather minimal community awareness and participation in conservation management, tourism economy and related opportunities. This study aims to discuss local people’s perceptions of community participation, opportunities and constraints in sustainable transfrontier tourism in south-eastern Lowveld, Zimbabwe. The results based on community interviews show that the people are aware of the potential role of tourism in improving livelihoods. The major challenge, however, is to address how this can be turned into concrete benefits for households and communities.  相似文献   

易能全 《特区经济》2006,210(7):14-16
深圳特区建立20多年来,旅游业发展从无到有,从小到大,现已成为深圳国民经济中的重要支柱产业和新的经济增长点。2002年,深圳接待国内外游客5062.11万人次,实现旅游总收入355.48亿元。深圳入境游全年共接待海外游客2309.5万人次,其中,过夜海外游客449.35万人次,在全国大中型旅游城市中列第2位,旅游创汇17.23亿美元,在全国大中型旅游城市中列第4位。深圳已崛起为一座现代化的中国优秀旅游城市和中国重要的旅游创汇基地。  相似文献   

Building on the model of Meyer [(2007). Pro-Poor tourism: from leakages to linkages. A conceptual framework for creating linkages between the accommodation sector and ‘poor’ neighbouring communities. Current Issues in Tourism 10(6), 558–83], this paper focuses on the regional development potential of local linkages with the supply chain and community partnerships of established tourism businesses in western Uganda. Results show that supply-related inconsistencies of local produce undermine the existence of supply chain linkages with local farmers, and favour business linkages with local intermediary suppliers, dominantly shaping the regional development potential of supply chain linkages in western Uganda. Yet, this research found several ‘windows of opportunity’ for local suppliers to connect to the tourism value chain. Results on community partnerships suggest that most businesses do not move beyond the absolute minimum partnership intensity that is required to be able to strategically use for marketing purposes and obtain a unique selling proposition. Finally, our research exposes the complexity of locating responsibility among different stakeholders of the value chain in suggested paths for (regional) development.  相似文献   

罗丽丽 《新财经》2006,(8):90-91
作为目前基金最大的持有人,保险资金直接入市比例的放宽无疑将引起基金业的震荡。保险与基金的蜜月期将自此而终,保险资金会否独立操作,彻底抛弃基金公司已成为基金业界最大的一个疑问  相似文献   

钟艳 《特区经济》2008,(10):276-278
随着近年来茶叶品牌意识的觉醒,实施品牌战略成为国内各级政府和众多茶叶企业的首要选择。品牌定位是地方茶叶实施品牌战略的关键步骤,尤其面临激励的市场竞争,品牌定位更为重要。本文运用波特“五力模型”理论对影响地方茶叶品牌竞争的五种力量进行了分析,而后从品牌市场细分、品牌价格、品牌形象三方面提出地方茶叶品牌竞争定位的策略。  相似文献   

In a formerly monopolized industry now subject to competition,there is likely to be considerable interaction between businessstrategy and regulation. The paper illustrates the developmentof this process in UK telecommunications. It sets out a frameworkin which competition between incumbent and entrants takes theform of a race on the part of the former to bridge the innovationgap and on the part of the latter to accumulate the necessarystrategic assets, including regulatory assets. The strategiesof major UK fixed-link telecommunications firms are analysedin this light, and regulatory policy towards vertical separationin mobile telephony is also described. The article draws attentionto the crucial role which the regulator plays in assisting entrantsto gain access to strategic assets, including information.  相似文献   

This paper explores how fiscal incentives offered to local governments in China affect investment rates in their jurisdictions. Theoretically, we build a simple fiscal competition model to establish the linkage between local fiscal incentives and expenditure policy and consequently, capital movement. The key prediction of the model, borne out by data from Chinese provinces spanning 2004–2013, is that an increase in the local corporate income tax-sharing ratio, which proxies fiscal incentives offered to local governments, motivates local governments to compete for capital investment through increased public expenditure. Our results contribute to the literature on both fiscal federalism and state capacity by showing that local fiscal incentives significantly shape policy choices and local economic performance. In addition, by exploring fiscal incentives offered to local governments, we offer a novel explanation for the unusually high investment rate in China that has been sustained over a prolonged period.  相似文献   

Summary This paper analyses the effects of trade policies in a general equilibrium two-conutry model with imperfect competition. This model generalizes the models of monopolistic and Cournot competition. Trade is shown to be welfare-increasing in the monopolistic completition model. The same holds true in the case of endogenous growth. In the model of Coumot competition, the welfare effects of trade policies depend upon the type of entry and exit. Indeed, it is possible for two countries to increase their welfare by pursuing a coordinated policy of protection. In an endogenous growth setting, the validity of the latter finding depends upon the consumer rate of time preference.At the time of writing, the author was affiliated with the Ministry of Economic Affairs. An earlier version of this paper was presetned at the ECOZOEK-day, June 11, 1993, Tilburg and was awarded theKVS-prize 1993 of the Royal Netherlands Economic Association. The author would like to thank an anonymous referre, P.A.G. van Bergeijk, R.A.de Mooij, A. Nieuwenhuis, F. van der Ploeg, J. van Sinderen, S. Smulders, and P.M. Waasdorp for useful comments. The views expressed in this paper are strictly presonal.  相似文献   

Regulation, competition, and the structure of prices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many competition policy issues in regulated industries concernthe structure of prices charged by multi-product firms - forexample price discrimination, non-linear pricing, cross-subsidies,and network access pricing. This article first sets out the(Ramsey) principles of optimal pricing to recover fixed costs.The sometimes conflicting aims of promoting competition andpursuing social objectives are brought into the analysis. Questionsof whether to allow pricing structure discretion to the firm,and how much, are considered next. With asymmetric information,some discretion is often desirable, but its optimal form ishard to characterize. The article then turns to the controversialnetwork access pricing problem - on what terms should an integrateddominant firm be required to supply inputs required by its rivals?Finally, there is discussion of pricing structure regulationin the transition from more to less regulation, which, it isto be hoped, is in prospect in parts of the regulated industriesas effective competition develops.  相似文献   

The economic development activities of local authorities have expanded considerably over the last decade. This paper considers the range of such activities and presents an overview of the results of a survey of local authorities, taking Scotland as a case study. It discusses the differences between the institutional environment for supporting economic development, contrasting it with the rest of the UK. It then considers the reasons for involvement by the local authorities in economic development and their priorities. The results of the survey, with over 90 per cent of local authorities responding, show the range and level of economic development activities directly carried out by them to be considerable. Generally, the role of partnership with other public, private and third-sector bodies in the development and implementation of policies and initiatives was found to be significant. Finally, the level of resources devoted to economic development was substantial with expenditure of over £90 million per year.  相似文献   

杨晓娟 《特区经济》2012,(6):119-121
国际旅游岛建设以来,海南省旅游业在发展方式、发展速度等方面都有了很大的改进和提高。本文通过对海南省旅游业近几年发展态势的阐述,指出海南省旅游业在文化内涵和旅游核算方面仍存在不足,由此提出解决问题的建议,以期能对海南国际旅游岛建设贡献绵薄之力。  相似文献   

贺剑武 《特区经济》2007,(7):169-170
近两年来"红色旅游热"掀起了旅游业新一轮的发展高潮,广西的民族地区旅游必须利用这一发展机遇,充分研究论证红色旅游的性质特点,正确把握其在民族地区旅游业发展中所起的作用,加以科学合理的规划与开发,推动民族地区旅游业新的发展。  相似文献   

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