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《Telecommunications Policy》1998,22(10):817-838
As an archetype of convergence, Internet telephony has been questioning the continuing appropriateness of the current telecommunications policy and regulation. This article examines how policy makers and regulators in the US, the EU, Japan and Singapore have responded to the challenges brought about by Internet telephony. Their common approach seems to apply the existing regulatory framework to this new service. The authors argue that those responses will not be aligned with the dynamically changing communications environment and explain two key shifts taking place in the communications industry that should be taken into account to form more appropriate regulatory frameworks.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, the awareness that the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI) could be attained only through the establishment of a trustworthy and human-centric framework has expanded, thereby prompting demand for regulatory frameworks as well as engendering a flourish of initiatives that set ethical codes and good governance principles for AI development. This study investigates whether the convergence of many of the proposed ethical frameworks around a narrow set of values and principles may be interpreted as a case of transnational norms emergence, a pre-condition for a more structured global regulatory framework or policy regime. Moreover, it explores how this emerging normative framework is reframed in its concrete implementation. Findings suggest that AI governance poses a complex dilemma: while its hybrid governance ecosystem entrusts developers and deployers, mainly from the private sector and technical communities, with the task of translating principles into workable tools, their institutional logics substantially narrow the scope and purposes of the ethical approach.  相似文献   

The rise of platforms in ICT markets invites a reappraisal of regulatory frameworks and practices. As platforms originating in entirely different sectors increasingly compete directly against each other, regulators ought to address platform competition issues regardless of their sector of origin, and taking into account the specificities of two-sided or multi-sided market business models. This paper identifies different types of such business models in ICT markets. It offers an exploration of a number of specific concerns that may arise related to specific platform types, and points at a number of instruments available to regulators to address these concerns.  相似文献   

Zero-rating is the practice of providers of radio-based Internet access for moving telecommunication devices of excluding traffic generated by specific online applications from usage counted towards capped allowances or strictly metered tariffs of their end customers. Worldwide and particularly in the European Union (EU), current regulatory frameworks for zero-rating arrangements (ZRA) imply that regulators have to examine on a case-by-case basis whether they prohibit a concrete ZRA or impose restrictions. Such conditions are set because regulators believe that a ZRA runs counter to the interests of end customers or application providers or impedes effective competition between application and Internet service providers. Thus, it is necessary to clarify which case features ought to be inspected in such zero-rating assessments and which feature levels speak against or in favor of regulatory measures linked to ZRA. The present article identifies nine design features of ZRA, three characteristics of customer groups targeted by such offers and three background characteristics of the markets for Internet access services and applications which are of special importance in decisions concerning the need to regulate (to abstain from regulating) zero-rating practices of mobile network operators. The analysis shows that in many instances interests of end customers, application providers as well as of politicians seeking to promote the competitive dynamics on mobile Internet access service and application markets are best served if regulatory authorities tolerate ZRA and control for potential harmful effects after their market launch. Moreover, the study reveals that empirical research on customer reactions to ZRA is urgently required.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the problems faced by developing countries in extending telecommunications to remote and rural areas. It identifies some possible technical solutions using mobile satellite services, especially in specialized niche markets, but also ways in which telecommunications can be made more widely available to populations in rural and remote areas. Although means must be found to finance such development, the paper highlights the necessity of implementing policy and regulatory frameworks conducive to the availability of mobile satellite services.  相似文献   

This article examines the roles and consequences of different approaches to 5G market design for innovation. The analysis is grounded in a conceptual framework that explicitly considers the complementarities among networks, applications, and services. Good policy arrangements align the legal and regulatory framework with the technical and economic characteristics of the sector and the broader, social visions for new technologies. Because the future development of 5G technology and markets is open-ended, policy has to be developed with incomplete knowledge and under conditions of uncertainty. These circumstances call for adaptive forms of policy and a focus on the creation of guardrails for market players, backed up by regulatory powers to intervene more directly if necessary. In the technologically dynamic 5G system, multiple stable policy constellations are feasible, but they likely will result in divergent outcomes and performance characteristics. Monitoring of the experience with different national and international developments will facilitate global learning and the incremental improvement of policy frameworks.  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigates how cold chain logistics service providers (LSPs) in emerging markets gain competitive advantage through service innovation, and how state ownership and regulatory pressure influence their innovation practices. By applying a multiple-case study research design, this study examines service innovation in four leading cold chain LSPs in China. For each case, specific service innovation practices are documented and coded according to the service innovation framework adapted from previous research. The results show that service innovation is indeed important impetus for cold chain LSPs' superior competitiveness, even though previous research suggested that firms in this industry are not as innovative as others. Cold chain LSPs in emerging markets tend to innovate in providing new value-added and differential service offerings to specific customers, industries or regions. Cross-case analysis also reveals that high state-owned share and regulatory pressure may limit LSPs' capability for investing service innovation and developing novel business models.  相似文献   

Recognizing that high-speed broadband connectivity emerges as a key element for growth, city authorities engage in fiber access deployments to empower their local communities in the digital economy. Currently, a growing number of municipal fiber projects are underway or planned while the international community and the telecommunications industry are yet undecided about the role and type of municipal intervention. This paper takes a holistic view of municipal broadband in Europe, aiming to understand the factors that determine municipal strategies in fixed Next-Generation Access (NGA) networks and the implications of municipal broadband to regulation and markets. The data suggests that the determining factors are (a) the engagement of public utilities; (b) the involvement of the private sector in joint infrastructure projects; (c) the local demand for retail and wholesale services; and (d) the institutional and regulatory framework at the European and national scale. The findings of the study indicate that (a) municipal initiatives are highly dependent on national factors, thus the resulting interventions fare strong resemblance within a single country, while they can be substantially different across national contexts; (b) current EU provisions for public involvement in broadband development stimulate municipal plans for large scale arrangements; and (c) national regulatory frameworks, that primarily address vertical integrated incumbents and nationwide markets, may need adjustments to handle emerging access monopolies of regional and city broadband infrastructures.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2001,25(8-9):543-564
By and large academics and professional analysts disagree over the efficacy of US Congressional fora to facilitate policy transfer in terms of influencing foreign countries to privatize their local and national markets. This study addresses the issue of policy transfer within the context of the Indian (direct broadcast satellite) DBS television regulatory framework. Specifically, a link is drawn between two particular US Congressional hearings of the early 1980s and a landmark Indian Bill enacted in 1997. The approach to demonstrating the link involves three distinct components. The first offers a brief background on India's DBS policy dynamics. The second presents a number of policy documents and fora which substantiate the strength of the relationship between the two mentioned US Congressional forums and the 1997 Indian Bill. The third offers a discussion of how policy transfer and convergence serve as useful analytical tools to assess why the two US policy fora may have been so effective in the Indian case. Policy transfer and convergence also have strong explanatory value in drawing insights into negotiating dynamics between US and Indian official representatives at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) during the last fifteen years over DBS trade issues.  相似文献   

Technological development together with liberalization policy has led to competition in the telecommunications market. Broadband has been recognized as a driving force in the social and economic development of nations, and many countries have introduced policies and/or regulatory frameworks to improve competition in broadband markets. An evolution can be seen from the 1980s until the present day through open access to local loop unbundling to several degrees of separation including functional separation. There are several countries implementing functional separation such as the UK, Italy, Sweden and, recently the EU. It has been suggested that functional separation can be an effective policy for increasing competition in broadband markets under certain circumstances. Sweden has implemented functional separation by amending the Swedish Telecommunications Act in 2008 to include mandatory functional separation as one of the powers of the PTS, the Swedish telecommunications regulator. Although TeliaSonera, the incumbent fixed line operator decided to voluntarily separate part of their business, the amendments to the law were debated with arguments similar to the debates in the EU following the new regulatory framework implemented in 2009. Against this background, this paper provides an overview of the development of functional separation in the EU and European countries such as Sweden and the UK. The paper also provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the implementation of functional separation. The evolution of functional separation in Sweden is explained and ends with a discussion of the implementation of functional separation in the Swedish broadband market.  相似文献   

Industry convergence, defined as a 'blurring' of boundaries between industries, induced by converging value propositions, technologies and markets, appears to be a pervasive phenomenon leading to the emergence of inter-industry segments. A current example of convergence can be witnessed in the nutraceuticals and functional foods sector, emerging at the boundary between the food and pharmaceutical industries. Not only technologies blur, but there is also a convergence of demand structures: consumers try to satisfy different needs in one transaction. In this context, this paper explores how actors from different industry-specific resource backgrounds can engage in an innovative activity requiring new technological and marketing competences. Given that absorptive capacity is limited by existing competences, this paper asks how organizations with different R&D competences are able to seize opportunities for innovation emerging from convergence. Empirical findings based on primary data collected from 54 R&D projects of a nutraceutical cluster show that there are different approaches of front end decision making: while some firms follow existing processes for front end decision making, others leave existing paths and need partners to fill in gaps already identified at the front end of innovation.  相似文献   

This paper considers the consumer implications of the process of convergence across multimedia and telecoms markets. Convergence starts when one firm begins to sell products in hitherto separate horizontal markets competing against rivals active in just one or another of the markets. Convergence creates a strategic link between the markets which alters the price levels, creates the possibility of bundle prices, and creates winners and losers in the population. Partial convergence (e.g., a merged provider of telephony and internet services vs. independent sellers of telephony or internet broadband) lowers prices in the less competitive sector, raises them in the more competitive sector and raises the total prices paid by consumers active in both sectors as compared to the counter‐factual of no convergence. Full convergence (e.g., multiple firms offering TV and internet bundles) leads to deep discounts for bundle purchases but no reductions in stand alone prices paid by consumers in only one of the converging sectors. The bundle on bundle competition is so fierce that profits for all converging firms are reduced compared to the counter‐factual of partial convergence.  相似文献   

How next-generation access (NGA) deployment can be encouraged is a challenge that many countries are facing, and one that has been widely and actively discussed around the globe. This discussion has highlighted a dilemma that ultimately shapes investment—how to encourage the widespread deployment of NGA while enabling operators to achieve reasonable returns. This paper focuses on the tensions that arise as a consequence of this investment challenge in three countries – the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom (UK) – and uses the analysis of extensive data collection with k7ey actors to argue the case for the injection of public or private incentives. The paper finds that markets with competitive infrastructure will not benefit from public investment while markets with geographical constraints are in need of public support. The paper also explains that regulatory intervention is necessary in the early stage of NGA roll-out, even in currently competitive markets. In all the discussions it becomes evident that, among the three cases, the UK is most in need of public intervention.  相似文献   

Value propositions (VPs) can play a major role for the strategy development and implementation process in B2B markets. While being recognized as one of the firm's most important organizing principles, the VP concept is still poorly understood and executed in many B2B firms and scholarly research provides limited guidance on how to develop and implement VPs in B2B markets. This article re-assesses the VP in the context of both strategy and implementation. It undertakes a review of extant conceptual frameworks and identifies key elements that are overlooked and/or not addressed. A new conceptual framework for addressing VP design and development is offered, which incorporates five key interrelated phases of implementation that need to be comprehensively addressed. This research provides a theoretically sound and practically applicable VP development framework, integrating the firm's strategic considerations, ensuring a fit between its business model and customers' needs, and reflecting the nature of B2B markets through its dynamic perspective. In addressing key implementation issues, the article provides firms with a robust approach to addressing the dynamic competitive environment, as well as taking into account changing customer needs.  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework to assess the influences of institutions and markets on the business strategy of firms in transition economies. We argue that regulatory systems and markets in transition economies are interdependent. Their changing conditions will interact and influence the types of partnerships in new market entry. Using a case study approach based on historical data and interviews, we show how China’s telecommunications industry evolved between 1987 and 2007, and led to the development of a 3G (third generation mobile telecommunications) standard and networks. Our analysis based on the framework explains how regulative elements and market conditions shape the strategic choices of partnerships between domestic and foreign firms when entering China’s 3G market.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the link between action and cognition in markets. Increasing reliance on markets to co-ordinate economic activity across diverse contexts underscores the need to better understand how such coordination is achieved and how it can be changed. Our starting point is sense-making in formal organizations and markets. We argue that, whereas focusing on intersubjective agreements supported by frequent communication provides useful insights on coordination in formal organizations, coordination in markets cannot rely on these mechanisms alone. We borrow Thévenot's (1984) notions of form and investments in form to show how cognition and action are interrelated, and coordination achieved, in market settings. A form is characterized by its capacity to generate temporal and spatial equivalencies, allowing us to move from the particular (e.g., one exchange episode) to the generic (e.g., recurrent exchanges with particular types of customers). The development of a form helps construct common contexts of action which become the basis for coordinated actions.Our empirical case describes how the introduction of Frequent Flyer Programs created a new market form following the US Airline Deregulation Act (1978). Under the previous regulatory regime, the US Civil Aeronautics Board controlled routes and prices and airlines were limited to competing on frequency and quality of service. We show how successive rounds of investments by a variety of market actors helped articulate and consolidate the new market form over a 10-year period. Whereas action preceded cognition in the early stages, the gradual consolidation of the new form provided opportunities for market participants to gain reflexive distance and conjure up further ways to engage with the form.  相似文献   

The advent of the Internet has enabled organisations to reconfigure their inter-organisational relationships. This study presents three frameworks to analyse the outcome that the use of Internet based electronic markets has on the nature of inter-organisational relationships: transaction cost economics, social exchange theory and an integrated framework that combines the first two. The integrated framework proposes that the nature of inter-organisational relationships depends on the interaction between the logic of transaction cost economics and the need for trust and interdependencies between exchange parties. A single case study is used to illustrate the way the three frameworks can be applied to analyse the use of electronic markets in inter-organisational exchanges. The study finds that the integrated framework provides a more complete understanding of inter-organisational relationships, and suggests a modular approach to the implementation of electronic marketplaces.  相似文献   

Low‐income markets have attracted the interest of academics, politicians, and business leaders alike. In recent years, numerous companies such as Unilever, Cemex, Tetrapak, and Vodafone have provided evidence that low‐income markets offer commercial business opportunities and that private companies can realize profitable business activities while simultaneously contributing to the alleviation of poverty. However, companies are challenged by constraining conditions such as poor infrastructure, nonexistent distribution channels, illiteracy, corruption, lack of enforceable legal frameworks, and violent conflicts when entering those markets. In order to succeed, companies develop new strategies, introduce innovative business models, and develop novel capabilities. Three innovative practices are commonly named in the literature that should enable companies to operate successfully in low‐income markets: (1) integrating the local population and local entrepreneurs to cocreate products; (2) cooperating with nontraditional or fringe stakeholders; and (3) building local capacity, which means improving the market conditions of low‐income markets. This study applies a resource dependence perspective as it provides valuable explanations on the interaction between companies and their environment, how companies cope with environmental constraints, and how the environment and different strategies affect business outcomes. By integrating a resource dependence perspective, the study theoretically frames the strategic recommendations of the literature and answers the underlying research question of whether environmental conditions of low‐income markets cause the execution of innovative practices and whether such practices influence the outcome of companies operating in low‐income markets. The research hypotheses are tested in a structural equation model against data of 103 firms operating in low‐income markets. The study reveals that companies integrate local actors to cocreate products and cooperate with nontraditional and fringe stakeholders to reduce resource dependency. Local capacity building, which means improving the local environment, is only applied by companies when strong partnerships with nontraditional and fringe stakeholders are established. Finally, the study shows that partnerships with nontraditional and fringe stakeholders as well as local capacity building have a positive effect on organizational performance. Thus, when companies aim to enter low‐income markets, they should not follow the recommendation of the transaction cost theory and internalize resources, but rather cooperate with nontraditional partners and invest in the local environment. Moreover, the study shows that market entries into low‐income markets require long‐term commitments to engage in partnerships with regional authorities, local community groups, and nongovernmental organizations. Without these partnerships, it is not possible to reduce high resource dependencies and to establish successful businesses in low‐income markets. Thus, governments should create general conditions that facilitate the creation of partnerships between nontraditional actors and companies, and assist them to improve environmental conditions in these markets.  相似文献   

Much can be learned from the audiotex experience regarding the future regulation of automated, recorded, live conversation and fax-based information and entertainment telecommunication services. Audiotex has raised a number of ‘carriage v content’ issues with significance for value-added multimedia services more generally. In addition, audiotex has led policy makers and practitioners alike to wrestle with the challenges posed to traditional, industry-focused regulatory regimes by the convergence of the telecommunications, broadcasting, computing and publishing industries which lies at the heart of the development of multimedia services. This paper draws heavily on events in two of the most developed domestic audiotex markets (the UK and the USA) in discussing four lessons which it is suggested both industry players and regulatory bodies take from the audiotex experience in considering the future development and oversight of electronic information and telecommunication services.  相似文献   

With its decision on the determination of balancing services (GABi Gas), the Bundesnetzagentur has set up a new regime for system and balancing energy valid from October 2008. Aims are a simplification of balancing rules for traders, a more efficient use of existing flexibility instruments by network operators, and the creation of a functioning market for system and balancing energy. After half a year, the effects on traders and network operators can be analyzed. This study identifies positive and negative incentive effects of the new rules and proposes possible amendments. Among these are: abolishing the differentiation between internal and external system energy, creating incentives for efficient use of the networks’ buffering capacity, standardizing the rules for procurement of system energy, and introducing a pure hourly balancing system. Regulation creates a framework for functioning markets. Yet, competition cannot be enforced. Therefore, sensibility for the incentive effects of regulatory frameworks is needed.  相似文献   

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